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"recursive1_gencircom recursive1_compile recursive1_setup recursive1_buildstarkinfo recursive1_buildchelpers recursive1_buildconstanttree recursive1_verifier_gencircom", + "recursive2_gencircom recursive2_compile recursive2_setup recursive2_buildstarkinfo recursive2_buildchelpers recursive2_buildconstanttree recursive2_verifier_gencircom", + "recursive_pil_check recursive_verifier_check ", + "recursivef_gencircom recursivef_compile recursivef_setup recursivef_buildstarkinfo recursivef_buildchelpers recursivef_buildconstanttree recursivef_verifier_gencircom", + "final_gencircom final_compile", + "g16setup g16contribute g16evk g16solidity" + ], + "steps_proof": [ + "exec pilverify prove verify", + "c12a_exec c12a_pilverify c12a_prove c12a_verify", + "c12b_exec c12b_pilverify c12b_prove c12b_verify", + "g16wc g16prove g16verify" + ] + }, "scripts": { - "buildgenesis": "", - "buildinput": "", - "buildall": "tools/build_all.sh buildrom buildconstants exec pilverify buildstarkinfo 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g16wc g16prove g16verify", + "build:input": "node tools/build-genesis/build_genesis.js", + "build:input-recursive": "node tools/build-genesis-recursive/build_genesis_recursive.js", + "buildall": "tools/build_all.sh ${npm_package_config_steps}", + "buildsetup": "tools/build_all.sh ${npm_package_config_steps_setup}", + "buildproof": "tools/build_all.sh ${npm_package_config_steps_proof}", "buildrom": ". ./pre.sh && (cd node_modules/@0xpolygonhermez/zkevm-rom && npm run build -- -s 23) && cp node_modules/@0xpolygonhermez/zkevm-rom/build/rom.json $BDIR/rom.json", "buildconstants": ". ./pre.sh && node $NODE src/main_buildconstants $PIL -r $BDIR/rom.json -o $BDIR/zkevm.const", - "exec": ". ./pre.sh && INPUT=${npm_config_input:=tools/build-genesis/input_executor.json} && echo \"input: $INPUT\" && node $NODE src/main_executor $INPUT $PIL -r $BDIR/rom.json -o $BDIR/zkevm.commit && cp $INPUT $BDIR/input_executor.json", - "pilverify": ". ./pre.sh && $PILCOM/main_pilverifier.js $BDIR/zkevm.commit -c $BDIR/zkevm.const $PIL", + "exec": ". ./pre.sh && INPUT=${npm_config_input:=tools/build-genesis/input_executor.json} && echo \"input: $INPUT\" && node $NODE src/main_executor $INPUT $PIL -r $BDIR/rom.json -o $BDIR/zkevm$NTH.commit && cp $INPUT $BDIR/input_executor.json", + "pilverify": ". ./pre.sh && $PILCOM/main_pilverifier.js $BDIR/zkevm$NTH.commit -c $BDIR/zkevm.const $PIL", "buildstarkinfo": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_genstarkinfo.js $PIL -s $BDIR/zkevm.starkstruct.json -i $BDIR/zkevm.starkinfo.json", "buildchelpers": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_buildchelpers.js -m $PIL -s $BDIR/zkevm.starkstruct.json -c $BDIR/zkevm.chelpers/zkevm.chelpers.cpp", "buildconstanttree": ". ./pre.sh && $BCTREE -c $BDIR/zkevm.const $PIL -s $BDIR/zkevm.starkstruct.json -t $BDIR/zkevm.consttree -v $BDIR/zkevm.verkey.json", - "prove": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_prover.js -m $BDIR/zkevm.commit -c $BDIR/zkevm.const -t $BDIR/zkevm.consttree $PIL -s $BDIR/zkevm.starkstruct.json -o $BDIR/zkevm.proof.json -z $BDIR/zkevm.zkin.proof.json -b $BDIR/zkevm.public.json", - "verify": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_verifier.js $PIL -s $BDIR/zkevm.starkstruct.json -o $BDIR/zkevm.proof.json -b $BDIR/zkevm.public.json -v $BDIR/zkevm.verkey.json", + "prove": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_prover.js -m $BDIR/zkevm$NTH.commit -c $BDIR/zkevm.const -t $BDIR/zkevm.consttree $PIL -s $BDIR/zkevm.starkstruct.json -o $BDIR/zkevm$NTH.proof.json -z $BDIR/zkevm$NTH.zkin.proof.json -b $BDIR/zkevm$NTH.public.json", + "verify": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_verifier.js $PIL -s $BDIR/zkevm.starkstruct.json -o $BDIR/zkevm$NTH.proof.json -b $BDIR/zkevm$NTH.public.json -v $BDIR/zkevm.verkey.json", "gencircom": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_pil2circom.js $PIL -s $BDIR/zkevm.starkstruct.json -v $BDIR/zkevm.verkey.json -o $BDIR/zkevm.verifier.circom", "compilecircom": ". ./pre.sh && circom --O1 --prime goldilocks --r1cs --sym --wasm --c --verbose $BDIR/zkevm.verifier.circom -o $BDIR -l node_modules/pil-stark/circuits.gl", "c12a_setup": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/compressor12/main_compressor12_setup.js -r $BDIR/zkevm.verifier.r1cs -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.pil -c $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.const -e $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.exec", "c12a_buildstarkinfo": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_genstarkinfo.js -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.starkstruct.json -i $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.starkinfo.json", - "c12a_buildchelpers": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_buildchelpers.js -m -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.starkstruct.json -c $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.chelpers/zkevm.c12a.chelpers.cpp", + "c12a_buildchelpers": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_buildchelpers.js -m -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.starkstruct.json -c $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.chelpers/zkevm.c12a.chelpers.cpp -C StarkC12a", "c12a_exec": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/compressor12/main_compressor12_exec.js -i $BDIR/zkevm.zkin.proof.json -w $BDIR/zkevm.verifier_js/zkevm.verifier.wasm -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.pil -e $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.exec -m $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.commit", "c12a_pilverify": ". ./pre.sh && $PILCOM/main_pilverifier.js $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.commit -c $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.const -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.pil", "c12a_buildconstanttree": ". ./pre.sh && $BCTREE -c $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.const -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.starkstruct.json -t $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.consttree -v $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.verkey.json", "c12a_prove": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_prover.js -m $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.commit -c $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.const -t $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.consttree -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.starkstruct.json -o $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.proof.json -z $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.zkin.proof.json -b $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.public.json", "c12a_verify": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_verifier.js -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.starkstruct.json -o $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.proof.json -b $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.public.json -v $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.verkey.json", - "c12a_gencircom": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_pil2circom.js -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.starkstruct.json -v $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.verkey.json -o $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.verifier.circom", - "c12a_compilecircom": ". ./pre.sh && circom --r1cs --sym --wasm --c --verbose --O1 --prime goldilocks $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.verifier.circom -o $BDIR -l node_modules/pil-stark/circuits.gl", - "c12b_setup": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/compressor12/main_compressor12_setup.js -r $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.verifier.r1cs -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.pil -c $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.const -e $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.exec", - "c12b_buildstarkinfo": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_genstarkinfo.js -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.starkstruct.json -i $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.starkinfo.json", - "c12b_buildchelpers": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_buildchelpers.js -m -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.starkstruct.json -c $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.chelpers/zkevm.c12b.chelpers.cpp", - "c12b_exec": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/compressor12/main_compressor12_exec.js -i $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.zkin.proof.json -w $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.verifier_js/zkevm.c12a.verifier.wasm -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.pil -e $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.exec -m $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.commit", - "c12b_pilverify": ". ./pre.sh && $PILCOM/main_pilverifier.js $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.commit -c $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.const -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.pil", - "c12b_buildconstanttree": ". ./pre.sh && $BCTREE -c $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.const -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.starkstruct.json -t $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.consttree -v $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.verkey.json", - "c12b_prove": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_prover.js -m $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.commit -c $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.const -t $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.consttree -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.starkstruct.json -o $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.proof.json -z $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.zkin.proof.json -b $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.public.json --proverAddr=0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266", - "c12b_verify": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_verifier.js -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.starkstruct.json -o $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.proof.json -b $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.public.json -v $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.verkey.json", - "c12b_gencircom": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_pil2circom.js -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.starkstruct.json -v $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.verkey.json -o $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.verifier.circom", - "c12b_compilecircom": ". ./pre.sh && circom --r1cs --sym --wasm --c --verbose $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.verifier.circom -o $BDIR -l node_modules/pil-stark/circuits.bn128 -l node_modules/circomlib/circuits -l node_modules/pil-stark/circuits.gl", + "c12a_gencircom": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_pil2circom.js --skipMain -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.starkstruct.json -v $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.verkey.json -o $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.verifier.circom", + "sandbox": ". ./pre.sh && echo \"$BDIR\" && diff /tmp/A1 /tmp/A2 || (echo \"FAIL\"; exit 1)", + "recursive1_gencircom": ". ./pre.sh && cp recursive/recursive1.circom $BDIR", + "recursive1_compile": ". ./pre.sh && circom --r1cs --sym --wasm --c --verbose --O1 --prime goldilocks $BDIR/recursive1.circom -o $BDIR -l node_modules/pil-stark/circuits.gl", + "recursive1_setup": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/compressor12/main_compressor12_setup.js --forceNBits=23 -r $BDIR/recursive1.r1cs -p $BDIR/recursive1.pil -c $BDIR/recursive1.const -e $BDIR/recursive1.exec", + "recursive1_buildstarkinfo": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_genstarkinfo.js -p $BDIR/recursive1.pil -s $BDIR/recursive.starkstruct.json -i $BDIR/recursive1.starkinfo.json", + "recursive1_buildchelpers": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_buildchelpers.js -m -p $BDIR/recursive1.pil -s $BDIR/recursive.starkstruct.json -c $BDIR/recursive1.chelpers/recursive1.chelpers.cpp -C StarkRecursive1", + "recursive1_buildconstanttree": ". ./pre.sh && $BCTREE -c $BDIR/recursive1.const -p $BDIR/recursive1.pil -s $BDIR/recursive.starkstruct.json -t $BDIR/recursive1.consttree -v $BDIR/recursive1.verkey.json", + "recursive1_verifier_gencircom": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_pil2circom.js --skipMain --verkeyInput -p $BDIR/recursive1.pil -s $BDIR/recursive.starkstruct.json -v $BDIR/recursive1.verkey.json -o $BDIR/recursive1.verifier.circom", + "recursive2_gencircom": ". ./pre.sh && node $NODE src/main_genrecursive.js -v $BDIR/recursive1.verkey.json -o $BDIR/recursive2.circom", + "recursive2_compile": ". ./pre.sh && circom --inspect --r1cs --sym --wasm --c --verbose --O1 --prime goldilocks $BDIR/recursive2.circom -o $BDIR -l node_modules/pil-stark/circuits.gl", + "recursive2_setup": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/compressor12/main_compressor12_setup.js -r $BDIR/recursive2.r1cs -p $BDIR/recursive2.pil -c $BDIR/recursive2.const -e $BDIR/recursive2.exec", + "recursive2_buildstarkinfo": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_genstarkinfo.js -p $BDIR/recursive2.pil -s $BDIR/recursive.starkstruct.json -i $BDIR/recursive2.starkinfo.json", + "recursive2_buildchelpers": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_buildchelpers.js -m -p $BDIR/recursive2.pil -s $BDIR/recursive.starkstruct.json -c $BDIR/recursive2.chelpers/recursive2.chelpers.cpp -C StarkRecursive2", + "recursive2_buildconstanttree": ". ./pre.sh && $BCTREE -c $BDIR/recursive2.const -p $BDIR/recursive2.pil -s $BDIR/recursive.starkstruct.json -t $BDIR/recursive2.consttree -v $BDIR/recursive2.verkey.json", + "recursive2_verifier_gencircom": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_pil2circom.js --skipMain --verkeyInput -p $BDIR/recursive2.pil -s $BDIR/recursive.starkstruct.json -v $BDIR/recursive2.verkey.json -o $BDIR/recursive2.verifier.circom", + "recursive_pil_check": ". ./pre.sh && F1=$BDIR/recursive1.pil && F2=$BDIR/recursive2.pil && diff $F1 $F2 || (echo \"ERROR: $F1 $F2 are different\"; exit 1)", + "recursive_verifier_check": ". ./pre.sh && F1=$BDIR/recursive1.verifier.circom && F2=$BDIR/recursive2.verifier.circom && diff $F1 $F2 || (echo \"ERROR: $F1 $F2 are different\"; exit 1)", + "recursivef_gencircom": ". ./pre.sh && node $NODE src/main_genrecursivef.js --verkey1 $BDIR/recursive1.verkey.json --verkey2 $BDIR/recursive2.verkey.json -o $BDIR/recursivef.circom", + "recursivef_compile": ". ./pre.sh && circom --r1cs --sym --wasm --c --verbose --O1 --prime goldilocks $BDIR/recursivef.circom -o $BDIR -l node_modules/pil-stark/circuits.gl -l node_modules/circomlib/circuits", + "recursivef_setup": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/compressor12/main_compressor12_setup.js -r $BDIR/recursivef.r1cs -p $BDIR/recursivef.pil -c $BDIR/recursivef.const -e $BDIR/recursivef.exec", + "recursivef_buildstarkinfo": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_genstarkinfo.js -p $BDIR/recursivef.pil -s $BDIR/recursivef.starkstruct.json -i $BDIR/recursivef.starkinfo.json", + "recursivef_buildchelpers": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_buildchelpers.js -m -p $BDIR/recursivef.pil -s $BDIR/recursivef.starkstruct.json -c $BDIR/recursivef.chelpers/recursivef.chelpers.cpp -C StarkRecursiveF", + "recursivef_buildconstanttree": ". ./pre.sh && $BCTREE -c $BDIR/recursivef.const -p $BDIR/recursivef.pil -s $BDIR/recursivef.starkstruct.json -t $BDIR/recursivef.consttree -v $BDIR/recursivef.verkey.json", + "recursivef_verifier_gencircom": ". ./pre.sh && $PILSTARK/main_pil2circom.js --skipMain -p $BDIR/recursivef.pil -s $BDIR/recursivef.starkstruct.json -v $BDIR/recursivef.verkey.json -o $BDIR/recursivef.verifier.circom", + "final_gencircom": ". ./pre.sh && cp recursive/final.circom $BDIR", + "final_compile": ". ./pre.sh && circom --r1cs --sym --wasm --c --verbose $BDIR/final.circom -o $BDIR -l node_modules/pil-stark/circuits.bn128 -l node_modules/circomlib/circuits", "downloadptaw": "wget -P build https://hermez.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/powersOfTau28_hez_final.ptau", - "g16setup": ". ./pre.sh && $SNARKJS g16s $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.verifier.r1cs build/powersOfTau28_hez_final.ptau $BDIR/zkevm.g16.0000.zkey", - "g16contribute": ". ./pre.sh && $SNARKJS zkc $BDIR/zkevm.g16.0000.zkey $BDIR/zkevm.g16.0001.zkey -e=\"$(dd if=/dev/random bs=64 count=1 | base64 -w0)\"", - "g16evk": ". ./pre.sh && $SNARKJS zkev $BDIR/zkevm.g16.0001.zkey $BDIR/zkevm.g16.verkey.json", - "g16wc": ". ./pre.sh && node $NODE 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$BDIR/final.g16.0001.zkey $BDIR/final.g16.verifier.sol", "preg16setup": ". ./pre.sh && [ -f build/powersOfTau28_hez_final.ptau ] || npm run downloadptaw", "prebuildstarkinfo": ". ./pre.sh && if [ \"$npm_config_starkstruct\" = \"debug\" ]; then node tools/gen_debug_starkstruct.js -t GL $PIL -s $BDIR/zkevm.starkstruct.json; else cp src/zkevm.starkstruct.json $BDIR; fi", "prec12a_buildstarkinfo": ". ./pre.sh && if [ \"$npm_config_starkstruct\" = \"debug\" ]; then node tools/gen_debug_starkstruct.js -t GL -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12a.starkstruct.json; else cp src/zkevm.c12a.starkstruct.json $BDIR; fi", - "prec12b_buildstarkinfo": ". ./pre.sh && if [ \"$npm_config_starkstruct\" = \"debug\" ]; then node tools/gen_debug_starkstruct.js -t BN128 -p $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.pil -s $BDIR/zkevm.c12b.starkstruct.json; else cp src/zkevm.c12b.starkstruct.json $BDIR; fi", "buildarith": "node tools/arith/parse tools/arith/arith.ejs.pil -o pil/arith.pil && node tools/arith/arith_eq_gen tools/arith/arith.ejs.pil -o src/sm/sm_arith/sm_arith_##.js", + "prerecursive1_buildconstanttree": ". ./pre.sh && if [ \"$npm_config_starkstruct\" = \"debug\" ]; then node tools/gen_debug_starkstruct.js -t GL -p $BDIR/recursive1.pil -s $BDIR/recursive.starkstruct.json; else cp src/recursive.starkstruct.json $BDIR; fi", + "prerecursivef_buildconstanttree": ". ./pre.sh && if [ \"$npm_config_starkstruct\" = \"debug\" ]; then node tools/gen_debug_starkstruct.js -t BN128 -p $BDIR/recursivef.pil -s $BDIR/recursivef.starkstruct.json; else cp src/recursivef.starkstruct.json $BDIR; fi", "buildsetup:basic": "npm run buildsetup --pil=pil/basic_main.pil --build=build/basic_proof --starkstruct=debug", "buildall:basic": "npm run buildall --pil=pil/basic_main.pil --build=build/basic_proof --starkstruct=debug", "buildproof:basic": "npm run buildproof --pil=pil/basic_main.pil --build=build/basic_proof --starkstruct=debug", + "help": "npm_config_help=true && . ./pre.sh", "test": "mocha", "test:storage": "mocha test/sm_storage_test.js", "test:mem_align": "mocha test/sm_mem_align_test.js", @@ -74,16 +112,17 @@ "license": "UNLICENSED", "dependencies": { "@0xpolygonhermez/zkasmcom": "https://github.com/0xPolygonHermez/zkasmcom.git#v0.4.0.0", - "@0xpolygonhermez/zkevm-commonjs": "https://github.com/0xpolygonhermez/zkevm-commonjs.git#v0.4.0.1", - "@0xpolygonhermez/zkevm-rom": "https://github.com/0xpolygonhermez/zkevm-rom.git#v0.4.0.0", + "@0xpolygonhermez/zkevm-commonjs": "https://github.com/0xpolygonhermez/zkevm-commonjs.git#develop", + "@0xpolygonhermez/zkevm-rom": "https://github.com/0xpolygonhermez/zkevm-rom.git#develop", "chalk": "^3.0.0", "circomlib": "^2.0.3", - "circomlibjs": "0.1.1", + "circomlibjs": "^0.1.1", "ejs": "^3.1.6", "ethers": "^5.4.7", "ffjavascript": "^0.2.55", "fs": "^0.0.1-security", - "pil-stark": "0.0.25", + "json-bigint": "^1.0.0", + "pil-stark": "0.0.34", "pilcom": "0.0.18", "snarkjs": "0.4.27", "yargs": "^17.4.0" diff --git a/pil/basic_main.pil b/pil/basic_main.pil index 379c1760..1ae8d375 100644 --- a/pil/basic_main.pil +++ b/pil/basic_main.pil @@ -275,8 +275,6 @@ namespace Main(%N); zkPC' = doJMP * (addr - (zkPC+1)) + (zkPC+1) ; - - (A0-op0)*assert = 0; (A1-op1)*assert = 0; (A2-op2)*assert = 0; @@ -286,23 +284,99 @@ namespace Main(%N); (A6-op6)*assert = 0; (A7-op7)*assert = 0; - public globalHash0 = FREE0(0); - public globalHash1 = FREE1(0); - public globalHash2 = FREE2(0); - public globalHash3 = FREE3(0); - public globalHash4 = FREE4(0); - public globalHash5 = FREE5(0); - public globalHash6 = FREE6(0); - public globalHash7 = FREE7(0); - - Global.L1 * (FREE0 - :globalHash0) = 0; - Global.L1 * (FREE1 - :globalHash1) = 0; - Global.L1 * (FREE2 - :globalHash2) = 0; - Global.L1 * (FREE3 - :globalHash3) = 0; - Global.L1 * (FREE4 - :globalHash4) = 0; - Global.L1 * (FREE5 - :globalHash5) = 0; - Global.L1 * (FREE6 - :globalHash6) = 0; - Global.L1 * (FREE7 - :globalHash7) = 0; + public oldStateRoot0 = B0(0); + public oldStateRoot1 = B1(0); + public oldStateRoot2 = B2(0); + public oldStateRoot3 = B3(0); + public oldStateRoot4 = B4(0); + public oldStateRoot5 = B5(0); + public oldStateRoot6 = B6(0); + public oldStateRoot7 = B7(0); + Global.L1 * (B0 - :oldStateRoot0) = 0; + Global.L1 * (B1 - :oldStateRoot1) = 0; + Global.L1 * (B2 - :oldStateRoot2) = 0; + Global.L1 * (B3 - :oldStateRoot3) = 0; + Global.L1 * (B4 - :oldStateRoot4) = 0; + Global.L1 * (B5 - :oldStateRoot5) = 0; + Global.L1 * (B6 - :oldStateRoot6) = 0; + Global.L1 * (B7 - :oldStateRoot7) = 0; + + public oldAccInputHash0 = C0(0); + public oldAccInputHash1 = C1(0); + public oldAccInputHash2 = C2(0); + public oldAccInputHash3 = C3(0); + public oldAccInputHash4 = C4(0); + public oldAccInputHash5 = C5(0); + public oldAccInputHash6 = C6(0); + public oldAccInputHash7 = C7(0); + Global.L1 * (C0 - :oldAccInputHash0) = 0; + Global.L1 * (C1 - :oldAccInputHash1) = 0; + Global.L1 * (C2 - :oldAccInputHash2) = 0; + Global.L1 * (C3 - :oldAccInputHash3) = 0; + Global.L1 * (C4 - :oldAccInputHash4) = 0; + Global.L1 * (C5 - :oldAccInputHash5) = 0; + Global.L1 * (C6 - :oldAccInputHash6) = 0; + Global.L1 * (C7 - :oldAccInputHash7) = 0; + + public oldBatchNum = SP(0); + Global.L1 * (SP - :oldBatchNum) = 0; + + public chainId = GAS(0); + Global.L1 * (GAS - :chainId) = 0; + + public newStateRoot0 = SR0(%N-1); + public newStateRoot1 = SR1(%N-1); + public newStateRoot2 = SR2(%N-1); + public newStateRoot3 = SR3(%N-1); + public newStateRoot4 = SR4(%N-1); + public newStateRoot5 = SR5(%N-1); + public newStateRoot6 = SR6(%N-1); + public newStateRoot7 = SR7(%N-1); + Global.LLAST * (SR0 - :newStateRoot0) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (SR1 - :newStateRoot1) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (SR2 - :newStateRoot2) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (SR3 - :newStateRoot3) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (SR4 - :newStateRoot4) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (SR5 - :newStateRoot5) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (SR6 - :newStateRoot6) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (SR7 - :newStateRoot7) = 0; + + public newAccInputHash0 = D0(%N -1); + public newAccInputHash1 = D1(%N -1); + public newAccInputHash2 = D2(%N -1); + public newAccInputHash3 = D3(%N -1); + public newAccInputHash4 = D4(%N -1); + public newAccInputHash5 = D5(%N -1); + public newAccInputHash6 = D6(%N -1); + public newAccInputHash7 = D7(%N -1); + Global.LLAST * (D0 - :newAccInputHash0) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (D1 - :newAccInputHash1) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (D2 - :newAccInputHash2) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (D3 - :newAccInputHash3) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (D4 - :newAccInputHash4) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (D5 - :newAccInputHash5) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (D6 - :newAccInputHash6) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (D7 - :newAccInputHash7) = 0; + + public localExitRoot0 = E0(%N-1); + public localExitRoot1 = E1(%N-1); + public localExitRoot2 = E2(%N-1); + public localExitRoot3 = E3(%N-1); + public localExitRoot4 = E4(%N-1); + public localExitRoot5 = E5(%N-1); + public localExitRoot6 = E6(%N-1); + public localExitRoot7 = E7(%N-1); + Global.LLAST * (E0 - :localExitRoot0) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (E1 - :localExitRoot1) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (E2 - :localExitRoot2) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (E3 - :localExitRoot3) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (E4 - :localExitRoot4) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (E5 - :localExitRoot5) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (E6 - :localExitRoot6) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (E7 - :localExitRoot7) = 0; + + public newBatchNum = PC(%N-1); + Global.LLAST * (PC - :newBatchNum) = 0; pol commit sKeyI[4]; pol commit sKey[4]; diff --git a/pil/global.pil b/pil/global.pil index f3f25da5..963b0d34 100644 --- a/pil/global.pil +++ b/pil/global.pil @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ namespace Global(%N); pol constant L1; // 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, + pol constant LLAST; // 0,0,0,0,0, ...., 0, 1 pol constant BYTE; pol constant BYTE2; diff --git a/pil/main.pil b/pil/main.pil index 53d5c05f..a187735a 100644 --- a/pil/main.pil +++ b/pil/main.pil @@ -308,23 +308,101 @@ namespace Main(%N); (A6-op6)*assert = 0; (A7-op7)*assert = 0; - public globalHash0 = FREE0(0); - public globalHash1 = FREE1(0); - public globalHash2 = FREE2(0); - public globalHash3 = FREE3(0); - public globalHash4 = FREE4(0); - public globalHash5 = FREE5(0); - public globalHash6 = FREE6(0); - public globalHash7 = FREE7(0); - - Global.L1 * (FREE0 - :globalHash0) = 0; - Global.L1 * (FREE1 - :globalHash1) = 0; - Global.L1 * (FREE2 - :globalHash2) = 0; - Global.L1 * (FREE3 - :globalHash3) = 0; - Global.L1 * (FREE4 - :globalHash4) = 0; - Global.L1 * (FREE5 - :globalHash5) = 0; - Global.L1 * (FREE6 - :globalHash6) = 0; - Global.L1 * (FREE7 - :globalHash7) = 0; + public oldStateRoot0 = B0(0); + public oldStateRoot1 = B1(0); + public oldStateRoot2 = B2(0); + public oldStateRoot3 = B3(0); + public oldStateRoot4 = B4(0); + public oldStateRoot5 = B5(0); + public oldStateRoot6 = B6(0); + public oldStateRoot7 = B7(0); + Global.L1 * (B0 - :oldStateRoot0) = 0; + Global.L1 * (B1 - :oldStateRoot1) = 0; + Global.L1 * (B2 - :oldStateRoot2) = 0; + Global.L1 * (B3 - :oldStateRoot3) = 0; + Global.L1 * (B4 - :oldStateRoot4) = 0; + Global.L1 * (B5 - :oldStateRoot5) = 0; + Global.L1 * (B6 - :oldStateRoot6) = 0; + Global.L1 * (B7 - :oldStateRoot7) = 0; + + public oldAccInputHash0 = C0(0); + public oldAccInputHash1 = C1(0); + public oldAccInputHash2 = C2(0); + public oldAccInputHash3 = C3(0); + public oldAccInputHash4 = C4(0); + public oldAccInputHash5 = C5(0); + public oldAccInputHash6 = C6(0); + public oldAccInputHash7 = C7(0); + Global.L1 * (C0 - :oldAccInputHash0) = 0; + Global.L1 * (C1 - :oldAccInputHash1) = 0; + Global.L1 * (C2 - :oldAccInputHash2) = 0; + Global.L1 * (C3 - :oldAccInputHash3) = 0; + Global.L1 * (C4 - :oldAccInputHash4) = 0; + Global.L1 * (C5 - :oldAccInputHash5) = 0; + Global.L1 * (C6 - :oldAccInputHash6) = 0; + Global.L1 * (C7 - :oldAccInputHash7) = 0; + + public oldBatchNum = SP(0); + Global.L1 * (SP - :oldBatchNum) = 0; + + public chainId = GAS(0); + Global.L1 * (GAS - :chainId) = 0; + + public newStateRoot0 = SR0(%N-1); + public newStateRoot1 = SR1(%N-1); + public newStateRoot2 = SR2(%N-1); + public newStateRoot3 = SR3(%N-1); + public newStateRoot4 = SR4(%N-1); + public newStateRoot5 = SR5(%N-1); + public newStateRoot6 = SR6(%N-1); + public newStateRoot7 = SR7(%N-1); + Global.LLAST * (SR0 - :newStateRoot0) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (SR1 - :newStateRoot1) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (SR2 - :newStateRoot2) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (SR3 - :newStateRoot3) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (SR4 - :newStateRoot4) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (SR5 - :newStateRoot5) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (SR6 - :newStateRoot6) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (SR7 - :newStateRoot7) = 0; + + public newAccInputHash0 = D0(%N -1); + public newAccInputHash1 = D1(%N -1); + public newAccInputHash2 = D2(%N -1); + public newAccInputHash3 = D3(%N -1); + public newAccInputHash4 = D4(%N -1); + public newAccInputHash5 = D5(%N -1); + public newAccInputHash6 = D6(%N -1); + public newAccInputHash7 = D7(%N -1); + Global.LLAST * (D0 - :newAccInputHash0) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (D1 - :newAccInputHash1) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (D2 - :newAccInputHash2) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (D3 - :newAccInputHash3) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (D4 - :newAccInputHash4) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (D5 - :newAccInputHash5) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (D6 - :newAccInputHash6) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (D7 - :newAccInputHash7) = 0; + + public localExitRoot0 = E0(%N-1); + public localExitRoot1 = E1(%N-1); + public localExitRoot2 = E2(%N-1); + public localExitRoot3 = E3(%N-1); + public localExitRoot4 = E4(%N-1); + public localExitRoot5 = E5(%N-1); + public localExitRoot6 = E6(%N-1); + public localExitRoot7 = E7(%N-1); + Global.LLAST * (E0 - :localExitRoot0) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (E1 - :localExitRoot1) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (E2 - :localExitRoot2) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (E3 - :localExitRoot3) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (E4 - :localExitRoot4) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (E5 - :localExitRoot5) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (E6 - :localExitRoot6) = 0; + Global.LLAST * (E7 - :localExitRoot7) = 0; + + public newBatchNum = PC(%N-1); + Global.LLAST * (PC - :newBatchNum) = 0; + + // Check that the calculated hash is well formed sWR + hashPDigest { diff --git a/pil/padding_kk.pil b/pil/padding_kk.pil index c67c3bb5..838ec3a7 100644 --- a/pil/padding_kk.pil +++ b/pil/padding_kk.pil @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ namespace PaddingKK(%N); pol constant crValid; /* Read Data output - crLatch * crValid {addr, crOffset - crLen -1, crLen, crV0C, crV1C, crV2C, crV3C, crV4C, crV5C, crV6C, crV7C} + crLatch * crValid {addr, PaddingKK.len - PaddingKK.rem - PaddingKK.crLen + 1, crLen, crV0C, crV1C, crV2C, crV3C, crV4C, crV5C, crV6C, crV7C} */ /* Read Len output diff --git a/pre.sh b/pre.sh index 2087639f..ab7ae596 100644 --- a/pre.sh +++ b/pre.sh @@ -1,3 +1,40 @@ +checkMandatoryOptArg() { + argname=$3 + [ "$2" = "true" ] && echo "ERROR: --$1 without mandatory argument. usage: --$1=<${argname:=value}>" && exit 1 +} + +checkAllMandatoryOptArgs() { + checkMandatoryOptArg build $npm_config_build buildpath + checkMandatoryOptArg pil $npm_config_pil file.pil + checkMandatoryOptArg pilconfig $npm_config_pilconfig pilconfig.json + checkMandatoryOptArg bctree $npm_config_bctree constanttreebuilder + checkMandatoryOptArg nth $npm_config_nth + checkMandatoryOptArg starkstruct $npm_config_starkstruct debug + checkMandatoryOptArg input $npm_config_input input + checkMandatoryOptArg from $npm_config_from step + checkMandatoryOptArg to $npm_config_to step + checkMandatoryOptArg step $npm_config_step step +} + +usage() { + echo "options:" + echo " --build= folder were outputs was stored." + echo " --pil=" + echo " --pilconfig=" + echo " --bctree= alternative binary to generate constanttree (ex: ../zkevm-prover/build/bctree)" + echo " --nth= suffix used on commited files and derivated (ex: _0)" + echo " --starkstruct=debug auto-generate starkstruct, used in non-stardard pil as basic." + echo " --input= input used in execution/proof." + echo " --from= where start the process (ex: buildconstanttree)" + echo " --to= where fiuish the process (ex: pilverify)" + echo " --step= execute only one step of proccess (ex: exec)" + echo " --continue restart process from last step wellprocessed" +} + +checkAllMandatoryOptArgs + +[ ! -z $npm_config_help ] && usage && exit 1 + BDIR="${npm_config_build:=build/proof}" mkdir -p $BDIR # NODE="--trace-gc --trace-gc-ignore-scavenger --max-semi-space-size=1024 --max-old-space-size=524288" @@ -11,4 +48,6 @@ PILSTARK="node $NODE node_modules/pil-stark/src" PILCOM="node $NODE node_modules/pilcom/src" SNARKJS="node $NODE node_modules/snarkjs/cli.js" BCTREE="${npm_config_bctree:=$PILSTARK/main_buildconsttree.js}" +# [ ! -z $npm_config_nth ] && +NTH="${npm_config_nth}" true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/recursive/final.circom b/recursive/final.circom new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5edcd1ed --- /dev/null +++ b/recursive/final.circom @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +pragma circom 2.1.0; + +/* +aggregatorAddr -> 160 -> 160 +oldStateRoot -> 256 -> 416 +oldAccInputHash -> 256 -> 672 +oldBathcNum -> 64 -> 736 +chainId -> 64 -> 800 +newStateRoot -> 256 -> 1056 +newAccInputHash -> 256 -> 1312 +newLocalExitRoot -> 256 -> 1568 +newBatchNum -> 64 -> 1632 + +Total: 1632 +*/ + +include "sha256/sha256.circom"; +include "bitify.circom"; +include "recursivef.verifier.circom"; + +template Main() { + signal output publicsHash; + + signal input aggregatorAddr; + + signal input publics[43]; + signal input root1; + signal input root2; + signal input root3; + signal input root4; + + signal input evals[82][3]; + + signal input s0_vals1[64][12]; + signal input s0_vals3[64][3]; + signal input s0_vals4[64][79]; + signal input s0_valsC[64][23]; + + signal input s0_siblings1[64][6][16]; + signal input s0_siblings3[64][6][16]; + signal input s0_siblings4[64][6][16]; + signal input s0_siblingsC[64][6][16]; + + signal input s1_root; + signal input s2_root; + signal input s3_root; + signal input s4_root; + signal input s5_root; + + signal input s1_vals[64][48]; + signal input s1_siblings[64][5][16]; + signal input s2_vals[64][48]; + signal input s2_siblings[64][4][16]; + signal input s3_vals[64][48]; + signal input s3_siblings[64][3][16]; + signal input s4_vals[64][48]; + signal input s4_siblings[64][2][16]; + signal input s5_vals[64][48]; + signal input s5_siblings[64][1][16]; + + signal input finalPol[16][3]; + + + component sv = StarkVerifier(); + sv.publics <== publics; + sv.root1 <== root1; + sv.root2 <== root2; + sv.root3 <== root3; + sv.root4 <== root4; + + sv.evals <== evals; + + sv.s0_vals1 <== s0_vals1; + sv.s0_vals3 <== s0_vals3; + sv.s0_vals4 <== s0_vals4; + sv.s0_valsC <== s0_valsC; + + sv.s0_siblings1 <== s0_siblings1; + sv.s0_siblings3 <== s0_siblings3; + sv.s0_siblings4 <== s0_siblings4; + sv.s0_siblingsC <== s0_siblingsC; + + sv.s1_root <== s1_root; + sv.s2_root <== s2_root; + sv.s3_root <== s3_root; + sv.s4_root <== s4_root; + sv.s5_root <== s5_root; + + sv.s1_vals <== s1_vals; + sv.s1_siblings <== s1_siblings; + sv.s2_vals <== s2_vals; + sv.s2_siblings <== s2_siblings; + sv.s3_vals <== s3_vals; + sv.s3_siblings <== s3_siblings; + sv.s4_vals <== s4_vals; + sv.s4_siblings <== s4_siblings; + sv.s5_vals <== s5_vals; + sv.s5_siblings <== s5_siblings; + + sv.finalPol <== finalPol; + + component publicsHasher = Sha256(1632); + + component n2bAggregatorAddr = Num2Bits(160); + n2bAggregatorAddr.in <== aggregatorAddr; + for (var i=0; i<160; i++) { + publicsHasher.in[0 + 160 - 1 -i] <== n2bAggregatorAddr.out[i]; + } + + component n2bOldStateRoot[8]; + for (var i=0; i<8; i++) { + n2bOldStateRoot[i] = Num2Bits(32); + n2bOldStateRoot[i].in <== publics[0 + i]; + for (var j=0; j<32; j++) { + publicsHasher.in[160 + 32*(i+1) - 1 -j] <== n2bOldStateRoot[i].out[j]; + } + } + + component n2bOldAccInputHash[8]; + for (var i=0; i<8; i++) { + n2bOldAccInputHash[i] = Num2Bits(32); + n2bOldAccInputHash[i].in <== publics[8 + i]; + for (var j=0; j<32; j++) { + publicsHasher.in[416 + 32*(i+1) - 1 -j] <== n2bOldAccInputHash[i].out[j]; + } + } + + // Do 63 bits to avoid aliasing + component n2bOldBatchNum = Num2Bits(63); + n2bOldBatchNum.in <== publics[16]; + for (var i=0; i<63; i++) { + publicsHasher.in[672 + 64 - 1 -i] <== n2bOldBatchNum.out[i]; + } + publicsHasher.in[672] <== 0; + + component n2bChainId = Num2Bits(63); + n2bChainId.in <== publics[17]; + for (var i=0; i<63; i++) { + publicsHasher.in[736 + 64 - 1 -i] <== n2bChainId.out[i]; + } + publicsHasher.in[736] <== 0; + + component n2bNewStateRoot[8]; + for (var i=0; i<8; i++) { + n2bNewStateRoot[i] = Num2Bits(32); + n2bNewStateRoot[i].in <== publics[18+i]; + for (var j=0; j<32; j++) { + publicsHasher.in[800 + 32*(i+1) - 1 -j] <== n2bNewStateRoot[i].out[j]; + } + } + + component n2bNewAccInputHash[8]; + for (var i=0; i<8; i++) { + n2bNewAccInputHash[i] = Num2Bits(32); + n2bNewAccInputHash[i].in <== publics[26+i]; + for (var j=0; j<32; j++) { + publicsHasher.in[1056 + 32*(i+1) - 1 -j] <== n2bNewAccInputHash[i].out[j]; + } + } + + component n2bNewLocalExitRoot[8]; + for (var i=0; i<8; i++) { + n2bNewLocalExitRoot[i] = Num2Bits(32); + n2bNewLocalExitRoot[i].in <== publics[34+i]; + for (var j=0; j<32; j++) { + publicsHasher.in[1312 + 32*(i+1) - 1 -j] <== n2bNewLocalExitRoot[i].out[j]; + } + } + + component n2bNewBatchNum = Num2Bits(63); + n2bNewBatchNum.in <== publics[42]; + for (var i=0; i<63; i++) { + publicsHasher.in[1568 + 64 - 1 -i] <== n2bNewBatchNum.out[i]; + } + publicsHasher.in[1568] <== 0; + + component b2nPublicsHash = Bits2Num(256); + for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) { + b2nPublicsHash.in[i] <== publicsHasher.out[255-i]; + } + + publicsHash <== b2nPublicsHash.out; +} + +component main = Main(); diff --git a/recursive/recursive1.circom b/recursive/recursive1.circom new file mode 100644 index 00000000..197d7a25 --- /dev/null +++ b/recursive/recursive1.circom @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +pragma circom 2.1.0; +pragma custom_templates; + +include "zkevm.c12a.verifier.circom"; + +template Main() { + + signal input publics[43]; + signal input rootC[4]; + + signal input root1[4]; + signal input root2[4]; + signal input root3[4]; + signal input root4[4]; + signal input evals[82][3]; + + signal input s0_vals1[64][12]; + signal input s0_vals3[64][3]; + signal input s0_vals4[64][79]; + signal input s0_valsC[64][23]; + signal input s0_siblings1[64][26][4]; + signal input s0_siblings3[64][26][4]; + signal input s0_siblings4[64][26][4]; + signal input s0_siblingsC[64][26][4]; + + signal input s1_root[4]; + signal input s2_root[4]; + signal input s3_root[4]; + signal input s4_root[4]; + + signal input s1_vals[64][96]; + signal input s1_siblings[64][21][4]; + signal input s2_vals[64][96]; + signal input s2_siblings[64][16][4]; + signal input s3_vals[64][96]; + signal input s3_siblings[64][11][4]; + signal input s4_vals[64][96]; + signal input s4_siblings[64][6][4]; + + signal input finalPol[64][3]; + + + + component vA = StarkVerifier(); + + vA.publics <== publics; + vA.root1 <== root1; + vA.root2 <== root2; + vA.root3 <== root3; + vA.root4 <== root4; + vA.evals <== evals; + vA.s0_vals1 <== s0_vals1; + vA.s0_vals3 <== s0_vals3; + vA.s0_vals4 <== s0_vals4; + vA.s0_valsC <== s0_valsC; + vA.s0_siblings1 <== s0_siblings1; + vA.s0_siblings3 <== s0_siblings3; + vA.s0_siblings4 <== s0_siblings4; + vA.s0_siblingsC <== s0_siblingsC; + vA.s1_root <== s1_root; + vA.s2_root <== s2_root; + vA.s3_root <== s3_root; + vA.s4_root <== s4_root; + vA.s1_vals <== s1_vals; + vA.s1_siblings <== s1_siblings; + vA.s2_vals <== s2_vals; + vA.s2_siblings <== s2_siblings; + vA.s3_vals <== s3_vals; + vA.s3_siblings <== s3_siblings; + vA.s4_vals <== s4_vals; + vA.s4_siblings <== s4_siblings; + vA.finalPol <== finalPol; + +} + +component main {public [publics, rootC]}= Main(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/recursive/recursive2.circom.ejs b/recursive/recursive2.circom.ejs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..acff3c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/recursive/recursive2.circom.ejs @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +pragma circom 2.1.0; +pragma custom_templates; + +include "recursive1.verifier.circom"; +include "mux1.circom"; +include "iszero.circom"; + +template Main() { + + var rootCSingle[4]; + rootCSingle[0] = <%- constRoot[0] %>; + rootCSingle[1] = <%- constRoot[1] %>; + rootCSingle[2] = <%- constRoot[2] %>; + rootCSingle[3] = <%- constRoot[3] %>; + + signal input publics[43]; + signal input rootC[4]; + + signal input a_publics[43]; + + signal input a_root1[4]; + signal input a_root2[4]; + signal input a_root3[4]; + signal input a_root4[4]; + + signal input a_evals[82][3]; + + signal input a_s0_vals1[64][12]; + signal input a_s0_vals3[64][3]; + signal input a_s0_vals4[64][79]; + signal input a_s0_valsC[64][23]; + signal input a_s0_siblings1[64][25][4]; + signal input a_s0_siblings3[64][25][4]; + signal input a_s0_siblings4[64][25][4]; + signal input a_s0_siblingsC[64][25][4]; + + signal input a_s1_root[4]; + signal input a_s2_root[4]; + signal input a_s3_root[4]; + signal input a_s4_root[4]; + + signal input a_s1_vals[64][48]; + signal input a_s1_siblings[64][21][4]; + signal input a_s2_vals[64][96]; + signal input a_s2_siblings[64][16][4]; + signal input a_s3_vals[64][96]; + signal input a_s3_siblings[64][11][4]; + signal input a_s4_vals[64][96]; + signal input a_s4_siblings[64][6][4]; + + signal input a_finalPol[64][3]; + + + + signal input b_publics[43]; + + signal input b_root1[4]; + signal input b_root2[4]; + signal input b_root3[4]; + signal input b_root4[4]; + signal input b_evals[82][3]; + + signal input b_s0_vals1[64][12]; + signal input b_s0_vals3[64][3]; + signal input b_s0_vals4[64][79]; + signal input b_s0_valsC[64][23]; + signal input b_s0_siblings1[64][25][4]; + signal input b_s0_siblings3[64][25][4]; + signal input b_s0_siblings4[64][25][4]; + signal input b_s0_siblingsC[64][25][4]; + + signal input b_s1_root[4]; + signal input b_s2_root[4]; + signal input b_s3_root[4]; + signal input b_s4_root[4]; + + signal input b_s1_vals[64][48]; + signal input b_s1_siblings[64][21][4]; + signal input b_s2_vals[64][96]; + signal input b_s2_siblings[64][16][4]; + signal input b_s3_vals[64][96]; + signal input b_s3_siblings[64][11][4]; + signal input b_s4_vals[64][96]; + signal input b_s4_siblings[64][6][4]; + + signal input b_finalPol[64][3]; + + component vA = StarkVerifier(); + + for (var i=0; i<43; i++) { + vA.publics[i] <== a_publics[i]; + } + vA.root1 <== a_root1; + vA.root2 <== a_root2; + vA.root3 <== a_root3; + vA.root4 <== a_root4; + vA.evals <== a_evals; + vA.s0_vals1 <== a_s0_vals1; + vA.s0_vals3 <== a_s0_vals3; + vA.s0_vals4 <== a_s0_vals4; + vA.s0_valsC <== a_s0_valsC; + vA.s0_siblings1 <== a_s0_siblings1; + vA.s0_siblings3 <== a_s0_siblings3; + vA.s0_siblings4 <== a_s0_siblings4; + vA.s0_siblingsC <== a_s0_siblingsC; + vA.s1_root <== a_s1_root; + vA.s2_root <== a_s2_root; + vA.s3_root <== a_s3_root; + vA.s4_root <== a_s4_root; + vA.s1_vals <== a_s1_vals; + vA.s1_siblings <== a_s1_siblings; + vA.s2_vals <== a_s2_vals; + vA.s2_siblings <== a_s2_siblings; + vA.s3_vals <== a_s3_vals; + vA.s3_siblings <== a_s3_siblings; + vA.s4_vals <== a_s4_vals; + vA.s4_siblings <== a_s4_siblings; + vA.finalPol <== a_finalPol; + + component isOneBatchA = IsZero(); + isOneBatchA.in <== a_publics[42] - a_publics[16] - 1; + component a_muxRootC = MultiMux1(4); + a_muxRootC.c[0] <== rootC; + a_muxRootC.c[1] <== rootCSingle; + a_muxRootC.s <== isOneBatchA.out; + + for (var i=0; i<4; i++) { + vA.publics[43+i] <== rootC[i]; + } + vA.rootC <== a_muxRootC.out; + + component vB = StarkVerifier(); + + for (var i=0; i<43; i++) { + vB.publics[i] <== b_publics[i]; + } + vB.root1 <== b_root1; + vB.root2 <== b_root2; + vB.root3 <== b_root3; + vB.root4 <== b_root4; + vB.evals <== b_evals; + vB.s0_vals1 <== b_s0_vals1; + vB.s0_vals3 <== b_s0_vals3; + vB.s0_vals4 <== b_s0_vals4; + vB.s0_valsC <== b_s0_valsC; + vB.s0_siblings1 <== b_s0_siblings1; + vB.s0_siblings3 <== b_s0_siblings3; + vB.s0_siblings4 <== b_s0_siblings4; + vB.s0_siblingsC <== b_s0_siblingsC; + vB.s1_root <== b_s1_root; + vB.s2_root <== b_s2_root; + vB.s3_root <== b_s3_root; + vB.s4_root <== b_s4_root; + vB.s1_vals <== b_s1_vals; + vB.s1_siblings <== b_s1_siblings; + vB.s2_vals <== b_s2_vals; + vB.s2_siblings <== b_s2_siblings; + vB.s3_vals <== b_s3_vals; + vB.s3_siblings <== b_s3_siblings; + vB.s4_vals <== b_s4_vals; + vB.s4_siblings <== b_s4_siblings; + vB.finalPol <== b_finalPol; + + + component isOneBatchB = IsZero(); + isOneBatchB.in <== b_publics[42] - b_publics[16] - 1; + component b_muxRootC = MultiMux1(4); + b_muxRootC.c[0] <== rootC; + b_muxRootC.c[1] <== rootCSingle; + b_muxRootC.s <== isOneBatchB.out; + + for (var i=0; i<4; i++) { + vB.publics[43+i] <== rootC[i]; + } + vB.rootC <== b_muxRootC.out; + + // oldStateRoot + for (var i=0; i<8; i++) { + a_publics[i] === publics[i]; + } + + // oldAccInputHash + for (var i=8; i<16; i++) { + a_publics[i] === publics[i]; + } + + // oldBatchNum + a_publics[16] === publics[16]; + + // chainId + a_publics[17] === publics[17]; + + // midStateRoot + for (var i=0; i<8; i++) { + b_publics[i] === a_publics[18+i]; + } + + // midAccInputHash + for (var i=8; i<16; i++) { + b_publics[i] === a_publics[18+i]; + } + + // midBatchNum + b_publics[16] === a_publics[18+24]; + + // chainId + a_publics[17] === publics[17]; + + + // newStateRoot + for (var i=0; i<8; i++) { + publics[18+i] === b_publics[18+i]; + } + + // newAccInputHash + for (var i=8; i<16; i++) { + publics[18+i] === b_publics[18+i]; + } + + // localExitRoot + for (var i=16; i<24; i++) { + publics[18+i] === b_publics[18+i]; + } + + // newBatchNum + publics[18+24] === b_publics[18+24]; + +} + +component main {public [publics, rootC]}= Main(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/recursive/recursivef.circom.ejs b/recursive/recursivef.circom.ejs new file mode 100644 index 00000000..34378ad2 --- /dev/null +++ b/recursive/recursivef.circom.ejs @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +pragma circom 2.1.0; +pragma custom_templates; + +include "recursive2.verifier.circom"; +include "mux1.circom"; +include "iszero.circom"; + +template Main() { + signal input publics[43]; + + signal input root1[4]; + signal input root2[4]; + signal input root3[4]; + signal input root4[4]; + + signal input evals[82][3]; + + signal input s0_vals1[64][12]; + signal input s0_vals3[64][3]; + signal input s0_vals4[64][79]; + signal input s0_valsC[64][23]; + signal input s0_siblings1[64][25][4]; + signal input s0_siblings3[64][25][4]; + signal input s0_siblings4[64][25][4]; + signal input s0_siblingsC[64][25][4]; + + signal input s1_root[4]; + signal input s2_root[4]; + signal input s3_root[4]; + signal input s4_root[4]; + + signal input s1_vals[64][48]; + signal input s1_siblings[64][21][4]; + signal input s2_vals[64][96]; + signal input s2_siblings[64][16][4]; + signal input s3_vals[64][96]; + signal input s3_siblings[64][11][4]; + signal input s4_vals[64][96]; + signal input s4_siblings[64][6][4]; + + signal input finalPol[64][3]; + + component sv = StarkVerifier(); + + for (var i=0; i<43; i++) { + sv.publics[i] <== publics[i]; + } + sv.root1 <== root1; + sv.root2 <== root2; + sv.root3 <== root3; + sv.root4 <== root4; + sv.evals <== evals; + sv.s0_vals1 <== s0_vals1; + sv.s0_vals3 <== s0_vals3; + sv.s0_vals4 <== s0_vals4; + sv.s0_valsC <== s0_valsC; + sv.s0_siblings1 <== s0_siblings1; + sv.s0_siblings3 <== s0_siblings3; + sv.s0_siblings4 <== s0_siblings4; + sv.s0_siblingsC <== s0_siblingsC; + sv.s1_root <== s1_root; + sv.s2_root <== s2_root; + sv.s3_root <== s3_root; + sv.s4_root <== s4_root; + sv.s1_vals <== s1_vals; + sv.s1_siblings <== s1_siblings; + sv.s2_vals <== s2_vals; + sv.s2_siblings <== s2_siblings; + sv.s3_vals <== s3_vals; + sv.s3_siblings <== s3_siblings; + sv.s4_vals <== s4_vals; + sv.s4_siblings <== s4_siblings; + sv.finalPol <== finalPol; + + component isOne = IsZero(); + isOne.in <== publics[42] -publics[16] -1; + component muxKey = MultiMux1(4); + muxKey.s <== isOne.out; + muxKey.c[0][0] <== <%- constRoot2[0] %>; + muxKey.c[0][1] <== <%- constRoot2[1] %>; + muxKey.c[0][2] <== <%- constRoot2[2] %>; + muxKey.c[0][3] <== <%- constRoot2[3] %>; + muxKey.c[1][0] <== <%- constRoot1[0] %>; + muxKey.c[1][1] <== <%- constRoot1[1] %>; + muxKey.c[1][2] <== <%- constRoot1[2] %>; + muxKey.c[1][3] <== <%- constRoot1[3] %>; + + sv.publics[43] <== <%- constRoot2[0] %>; + sv.publics[44] <== <%- constRoot2[1] %>; + sv.publics[45] <== <%- constRoot2[2] %>; + sv.publics[46] <== <%- constRoot2[3] %>; + + sv.rootC[0] <== muxKey.out[0]; + sv.rootC[1] <== muxKey.out[1]; + sv.rootC[2] <== muxKey.out[2]; + sv.rootC[3] <== muxKey.out[3]; + +} + +component main {public [publics]}= Main(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main_genrecursive.js b/src/main_genrecursive.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..166ed087 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main_genrecursive.js @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +const JSONbig = require('json-bigint')({ useNativeBigInt: true, alwaysParseAsBig: true }); +const fs = require("fs"); +const path = require("path"); +const ejs = require("ejs"); +const version = require("../package").version; + +const argv = require("yargs") + .version(version) + .usage("node main_genrecursive.js -v -o ") + .alias("v", "verkey") + .alias("o", "output") + .argv; + +async function run() { + + const verKeyFile = typeof(argv.verkey) === "string" ? argv.verkey.trim() : "mycircuit.verkey.json"; + const outputFile = typeof(argv.output) === "string" ? argv.output.trim() : "mycircuit.verifier.circom"; + + const verKey = JSONbig.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(verKeyFile, "utf8")); + const constRoot = verKey.constRoot; + + const template = await fs.promises.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "..", "recursive", "recursive2.circom.ejs"), "utf8"); + + const obj = { + constRoot: constRoot, + }; + + const verifier = ejs.render(template , obj); + + await fs.promises.writeFile(outputFile, verifier, "utf8"); + + console.log("file Generated Correctly"); + +} + +run().then(()=> { + process.exit(0); +}, (err) => { + console.log(err.message); + console.log(err.stack); + process.exit(1); +}); diff --git a/src/main_genrecursivef.js b/src/main_genrecursivef.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0117b99f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main_genrecursivef.js @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +const JSONbig = require('json-bigint')({ useNativeBigInt: true, alwaysParseAsBig: true }); +const fs = require("fs"); +const path = require("path"); +const ejs = require("ejs"); +const version = require("../package").version; + +const argv = require("yargs") + .version(version) + .usage("node main_genrecursive.js --verkey1 --verkey2 -o ") + .alias("v1", "verkey1") + .alias("v2", "verkey2") + .alias("o", "output") + .argv; + +async function run() { + + const verKey1File = typeof(argv.verkey1) === "string" ? argv.verkey1.trim() : "recursive1.verkey.json"; + const verKey2File = typeof(argv.verkey2) === "string" ? argv.verkey2.trim() : "recursive2.verkey.json"; + const outputFile = typeof(argv.output) === "string" ? argv.output.trim() : "recursivef.circom"; + + const verKey1 = JSONbig.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(verKey1File, "utf8")); + const verKey2 = JSONbig.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(verKey2File, "utf8")); + const constRoot1 = verKey1.constRoot; + const constRoot2 = verKey2.constRoot; + + const template = await fs.promises.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "..", "recursive", "recursivef.circom.ejs"), "utf8"); + + const obj = { + constRoot1: constRoot1, + constRoot2: constRoot2, + }; + + console.log(obj) + + const verifier = ejs.render(template , obj); + + await fs.promises.writeFile(outputFile, verifier, "utf8"); + + console.log("file Generated Correctly"); + +} + +run().then(()=> { + process.exit(0); +}, (err) => { + console.log(err.message); + console.log(err.stack); + process.exit(1); +}); diff --git a/src/main_joinzkin.js b/src/main_joinzkin.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aea150dc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main_joinzkin.js @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +const fs = require("fs"); +const path = require("path"); +const { polMulAxi } = require("pil-stark/src/polutils"); +const version = require("../package").version; +const JSONbig = require("json-bigint"); + +const argv = require("yargs") + .version(version) + .usage("node -v --zkin1 --zkin2 --zkinout ") + .argv; + +async function run() { + + const zkin1File = typeof(argv.zkin1) === "string" ? argv.zkin1.trim() : "zkin1.json"; + const zkin2File = typeof(argv.zkin2) === "string" ? argv.zkin2.trim() : "zkin2.json"; + const zkinOutFile = typeof(argv.zkinout) === "string" ? argv.zkinout : "zkinOut.json"; + const verKeyFile = typeof(argv.verkey) === "string" ? argv.verkey.trim() : "recursive2.verkey.json"; + + + const zkin1 = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(zkin1File, "utf8")); + const zkin2 = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(zkin2File, "utf8")); + const verKey = JSONbig.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(verKeyFile, "utf8")); + const constRoot = verKey.constRoot; + + + const zkinOut = {}; + + zkinOut.publics = []; + + for (let i=0; i<8; i++) zkinOut.publics[0+i] = zkin1.publics[0+i]; // oldStateRoot + + for (let i=0; i<8; i++) zkinOut.publics[8+i] = zkin1.publics[8+i]; // oldAccInputHash0 + + zkinOut.publics[16] = zkin1.publics[16]; // oldBatchNum + + zkinOut.publics[17] = zkin1.publics[17]; // chainId + + + if (zkin1.publics[17] != (zkin2.publics[17])) throw new Error("chainID doesn't match"); + // midStateRoot + for (let i=0; i<8; i++) { + if (zkin1.publics[18 + i] != (zkin2.publics[0 + i])) throw new Error("midStateRoot doesnt't match"); + } + // midAccInputHash0 + for (let i=0; i<8; i++) { + if (zkin1.publics[26 + i] != (zkin2.publics[8 + i])) throw new Error("midAccInputHash0 doesnt't match"); + } + if (zkin1.publics[42] != (zkin2.publics[16])) throw new Error("batchNum doesn't match"); + + for (let i=0; i<8; i++) zkinOut.publics[18+i] = zkin2.publics[18+i]; // newStateRoot + for (let i=0; i<8; i++) zkinOut.publics[26+i] = zkin2.publics[26+i]; // newAccInputHash0 + for (let i=0; i<8; i++) zkinOut.publics[34+i] = zkin2.publics[34+i]; // newLocalExitRoot + + zkinOut.publics[42] = zkin2.publics[42]; // oldBatchNum + + zkinOut.a_publics = zkin1.publics; + zkinOut.a_root1 = zkin1.root1; + zkinOut.a_root2 = zkin1.root2; + zkinOut.a_root3 = zkin1.root3; + zkinOut.a_root4 = zkin1.root4; + zkinOut.a_evals = zkin1.evals; + zkinOut.a_s0_vals1 = zkin1.s0_vals1; + zkinOut.a_s0_vals3 = zkin1.s0_vals3; + zkinOut.a_s0_vals4 = zkin1.s0_vals4; + zkinOut.a_s0_valsC = zkin1.s0_valsC; + zkinOut.a_s0_siblings1 = zkin1.s0_siblings1; + zkinOut.a_s0_siblings3 = zkin1.s0_siblings3; + zkinOut.a_s0_siblings4 = zkin1.s0_siblings4; + zkinOut.a_s0_siblingsC = zkin1.s0_siblingsC; + zkinOut.a_s1_root = zkin1.s1_root; + zkinOut.a_s2_root = zkin1.s2_root; + zkinOut.a_s3_root = zkin1.s3_root; + zkinOut.a_s4_root = zkin1.s4_root; + zkinOut.a_s1_siblings = zkin1.s1_siblings; + zkinOut.a_s2_siblings = zkin1.s2_siblings; + zkinOut.a_s3_siblings = zkin1.s3_siblings; + zkinOut.a_s4_siblings = zkin1.s4_siblings; + zkinOut.a_s1_vals = zkin1.s1_vals; + zkinOut.a_s2_vals = zkin1.s2_vals; + zkinOut.a_s3_vals = zkin1.s3_vals; + zkinOut.a_s4_vals = zkin1.s4_vals; + zkinOut.a_finalPol = zkin1.finalPol; + + zkinOut.b_publics = zkin2.publics; + zkinOut.b_root1 = zkin2.root1; + zkinOut.b_root2 = zkin2.root2; + zkinOut.b_root3 = zkin2.root3; + zkinOut.b_root4 = zkin2.root4; + zkinOut.b_evals = zkin2.evals; + zkinOut.b_s0_vals1 = zkin2.s0_vals1; + zkinOut.b_s0_vals3 = zkin2.s0_vals3; + zkinOut.b_s0_vals4 = zkin2.s0_vals4; + zkinOut.b_s0_valsC = zkin2.s0_valsC; + zkinOut.b_s0_siblings1 = zkin2.s0_siblings1; + zkinOut.b_s0_siblings3 = zkin2.s0_siblings3; + zkinOut.b_s0_siblings4 = zkin2.s0_siblings4; + zkinOut.b_s0_siblingsC = zkin2.s0_siblingsC; + zkinOut.b_s1_root = zkin2.s1_root; + zkinOut.b_s2_root = zkin2.s2_root; + zkinOut.b_s3_root = zkin2.s3_root; + zkinOut.b_s4_root = zkin2.s4_root; + zkinOut.b_s1_siblings = zkin2.s1_siblings; + zkinOut.b_s2_siblings = zkin2.s2_siblings; + zkinOut.b_s3_siblings = zkin2.s3_siblings; + zkinOut.b_s4_siblings = zkin2.s4_siblings; + zkinOut.b_s1_vals = zkin2.s1_vals; + zkinOut.b_s2_vals = zkin2.s2_vals; + zkinOut.b_s3_vals = zkin2.s3_vals; + zkinOut.b_s4_vals = zkin2.s4_vals; + zkinOut.b_finalPol = zkin2.finalPol; + + zkinOut.rootC = []; + for (let i=0; i<4; i++) { + zkinOut.rootC[i] = constRoot[i].toString(); + } + + await fs.promises.writeFile(zkinOutFile, JSON.stringify(zkinOut, null, 1), "utf8"); + + console.log("file Generated Correctly"); + +} + +run().then(()=> { + process.exit(0); +}, (err) => { + console.log(err.message); + console.log(err.stack); + process.exit(1); +}); diff --git a/src/recursive.starkstruct.json b/src/recursive.starkstruct.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..992cc86b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/recursive.starkstruct.json @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "nBits": 23, + "nBitsExt": 25, + "nQueries": 64, + "verificationHashType": "GL", + "steps": [ + {"nBits": 25}, + {"nBits": 21}, + {"nBits": 16}, + {"nBits": 11}, + {"nBits": 6} + ] +} diff --git a/src/zkevm.c12b.starkstruct.json b/src/recursivef.starkstruct.json similarity index 74% rename from src/zkevm.c12b.starkstruct.json rename to src/recursivef.starkstruct.json index f1e58315..8247dc68 100644 --- a/src/zkevm.c12b.starkstruct.json +++ b/src/recursivef.starkstruct.json @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ {"nBits": 24}, {"nBits": 20}, {"nBits": 16}, - {"nBits": 11}, - {"nBits": 6} + {"nBits": 12}, + {"nBits": 8}, + {"nBits": 4} ] } diff --git a/src/sm/sm_global.js b/src/sm/sm_global.js index 7fd2b338..0e1e88cf 100644 --- a/src/sm/sm_global.js +++ b/src/sm/sm_global.js @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module.exports.buildConstants = async function (pols) { buidBYTE(pols.BYTE, F, N); buidBYTE2(pols.BYTE2, F, N); buildL1(pols.L1, F, N); - + buildLLAST(pols.LLAST, F, N); }; function buidBYTE2(pol, F, N) { @@ -50,3 +50,8 @@ function buildL1(pol, F, N) { pol[0] = 1n; for ( let i=1; i ) - // TODO: fix nsr this.finalTrace.new_state_root = ethers.utils.hexlify(fea2scalar(ctx.Fr, ctx.SR)); + this.finalTrace.new_acc_input_hash = ethers.utils.hexlify(getVarFromCtx(ctx, true, "newAccInputHash")); this.finalTrace.new_local_exit_root = ethers.utils.hexlify(getVarFromCtx(ctx, true, "newLocalExitRoot")); + this.finalTrace.new_batch_num = ethers.utils.hexlify(getVarFromCtx(ctx, true, "newNumBatch")); // Create ouput files and dirs this.exportTrace(); } diff --git a/src/sm/sm_main/debug/opcodes.js b/src/sm/sm_main/debug/opcodes.js index 626bffb9..b57cd232 100644 --- a/src/sm/sm_main/debug/opcodes.js +++ b/src/sm/sm_main/debug/opcodes.js @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ module.exports = { 0x45: "opGASLIMIT", 0x46: "opCHAINID", 0x47: "opSELFBALANCE", + 0x48: "opBASEFEE", 0x50: "opPOP", 0x51: "opMLOAD", @@ -152,5 +153,5 @@ module.exports = { 0xfa: "opSTATICCALL", 0xfd: "opREVERT", 0xfe: "opINVALID", - 0xff: "opSELFDESTRUCT" + 0xff: "opSENDALL" }; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/sm/sm_main/sm_main_exec.js b/src/sm/sm_main/sm_main_exec.js index 5ac7849b..552451ee 100644 --- a/src/sm/sm_main/sm_main_exec.js +++ b/src/sm/sm_main/sm_main_exec.js @@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ module.exports = async function execute(pols, input, rom, config = {}) { const db = new MemDB(Fr, input.db); const smt = new SMT(db, poseidon, Fr); - initState(Fr, pols); let op7, op6, op5, op4, op3, op2, op1, op0; @@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ module.exports = async function execute(pols, input, rom, config = {}) { hashK: [], hashP: [], pols: pols, - input: input , + input: input, vars:[], Fr: Fr, Fec: Fec, @@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ module.exports = async function execute(pols, input, rom, config = {}) { stepsN } - preprocessTxs(ctx); + initState(Fr, pols, ctx); if (debug && flagTracer) { fullTracer = new FullTracer(config.debugInfo.inputName) @@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ module.exports = async function execute(pols, input, rom, config = {}) { const iPrint = new Prints(ctx, smt); let fastDebugExit = false; - for (step=0; step < stepsN; step++) { + for (let step = 0; step < stepsN; step++) { const i = step % N; ctx.ln = Fr.toObject(pols.zkPC[i]); ctx.step = step; @@ -123,6 +122,7 @@ module.exports = async function execute(pols, input, rom, config = {}) { ctx.line = l.line; // breaks the loop in debug mode in order to test and debug faster + // assert outputs if (debug && Number(ctx.zkPC) === rom.labels.finalizeExecution) { fastDebugExit = true; break; @@ -131,16 +131,7 @@ module.exports = async function execute(pols, input, rom, config = {}) { let incHashPos = 0; let incCounter = 0; - // if (step % 1000 ==0) { - // console.log(`Step: ${step}`); - // console.log("STEP: ", eval_getReg(ctx, { regName: "STEP" })); - // console.log("CNT_ARITH: ", eval_getReg(ctx, { regName: "CNT_ARITH" })); - // console.log("CNT_BINARY: ", eval_getReg(ctx, { regName: "CNT_BINARY" })); - // console.log("CNT_KECCAK_F: ", eval_getReg(ctx, { regName: "CNT_KECCAK_F" })); - // console.log("CNT_MEM_ALIGN: ", eval_getReg(ctx, { regName: "CNT_MEM_ALIGN" })); - // console.log("CNT_PADDING_PG: ", eval_getReg(ctx, { regName: "CNT_PADDING_PG" })); - // console.log("CNT_POSEIDON_G: ", eval_getReg(ctx, { regName: "CNT_POSEIDON_G" })); - // } + // if (step%100000==0) console.log(`Step: ${step}`); if (step==330) { // console.log("### > "+l.fileName + ':' + l.line); @@ -291,7 +282,7 @@ module.exports = async function execute(pols, input, rom, config = {}) { if (l.inSTEP) { if (skipCounters) { - op0 = Fr.one; + op0 = Fr.zero; pols.inSTEP[i] = Fr.e(l.inSTEP); } else { op0 = Fr.add(op0, Fr.mul( Fr.e(l.inSTEP), Fr.e(i))); @@ -1747,8 +1738,12 @@ module.exports = async function execute(pols, input, rom, config = {}) { } } - if (!debug || !config.stepsN || !fastDebugExit) { - checkFinalState(Fr, pols); + if (fastDebugExit){ + assertOutputs(ctx); + } + + if (!(fastDebugExit || typeof config.stepsN === 'undefined')) { + checkFinalState(Fr, pols, ctx); } for (let i=0; i { - const addressExists = mapTarget.get(addressString) - if (!addressExists) { - mapTarget.set(addressString, new Set()) - } - const storageSet = mapTarget.get(addressString) - slotSet.forEach((value) => { - storageSet.add(value) - }) - }) - } - } - return scalar2fea(ctx.Fr, Scalar.e(0)); -} - -/** - * Revert accessedStorage to last checkpoint - * @param {Object} ctx current rom context object - */ -function eval_revert(ctx) { - ctx.input.accessedStorage.pop() - return [ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero]; -} - -/** - * Checks if the address is warm or cold. In case of cold, the address is added as warm - * @param {Object} ctx current rom context object - * @param {Object} tag tag inputs in rom function - * @returns {FEA} returns 0 if address is warm, 1 if cold - */ -function eval_isWarmedAddress(ctx, tag) { - if (tag.params.length != 1) throw new Error(`Invalid number of parameters function ${tag.funcName}: ${ctx.ln}`) - const address = evalCommand(ctx, tag.params[0]); - const addr = address.toString(16) - // if address is precompiled smart contract considered warm access - if (Scalar.gt(address, 0) && Scalar.lt(address, 10)) { - return [ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero]; - } - - // if address is warm return 0 - for (let i = ctx.input.accessedStorage.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - const currentMap = ctx.input.accessedStorage[i] - if (currentMap.has(addr)) { - return [ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero]; - } - } - //if address is not warm, return 1 and add it as warm. We add an emtpy set because is a warmed address (not warmed slot) - const storageSet = ctx.input.accessedStorage[ctx.input.accessedStorage.length - 1].get(addr) - if (!storageSet) { - const emptyStorage = new Set() - ctx.input.accessedStorage[ctx.input.accessedStorage.length - 1].set(addr, emptyStorage) - } - return [ctx.Fr.e(1), ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero]; -} - -/** - * Checks if the storage slot of the account is warm or cold. In case of cold, the slot is added as warm - * @param {Object} ctx current rom context object - * @param {Object} tag tag inputs in rom function - * @returns {FEA} returns 0 if storage solt is warm, 1 if cold - */ -function eval_isWarmedStorage(ctx, tag) { - if (tag.params.length != 2) throw new Error(`Invalid number of parameters function ${tag.funcName}: ${ctx.ln}`) - let addr = evalCommand(ctx, tag.params[0]).toString(16); - let key = evalCommand(ctx, tag.params[1]) - // if address in acessStorage return 0 - for (let i = ctx.input.accessedStorage.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - const currentMap = ctx.input.accessedStorage[i] - if (currentMap.has(addr) && currentMap.get(addr).has(key)) { - return [ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero]; - } - } - // if address in acessStorage return 1 and add it as warm - let storageSet = ctx.input.accessedStorage[ctx.input.accessedStorage.length - 1].get(addr) - if (!storageSet) { - storageSet = new Set() - ctx.input.accessedStorage[ctx.input.accessedStorage.length - 1].set(addr, storageSet) - } - storageSet.add(key) - return [ctx.Fr.e(1), ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero, ctx.Fr.zero]; -} - -/** - * Clears wamred storage array, ready to process a new tx - */ -function eval_clearWarmedStorage(ctx) { - ctx.input.accessedStorage = [new Map()] - return scalar2fea(ctx.Fr, Scalar.e(0)); -} function eval_exp(ctx, tag) { if (tag.params.length != 2) throw new Error(`Invalid number of parameters function ${tag.funcName}: ${ctx.ln} at ${ctx.fileName}:${ctx.line}`) @@ -2721,40 +2635,6 @@ function eval_AddPointEc(ctx, tag, dbl) return [x3, y3]; } -function preprocessTxs(ctx) { - - const { - numBatch, - sequencerAddr, - oldLocalExitRoot, - newLocalExitRoot, - oldStateRoot, - newStateRoot, - globalExitRoot, - timestamp, - chainID - } = ctx.input; - - ctx.input.batchHashData = calculateBatchHashData( - ctx.input.batchL2Data, - globalExitRoot, - sequencerAddr - ); - - ctx.globalHash = calculateStarkInput( - oldStateRoot, - oldLocalExitRoot, - newStateRoot, - newLocalExitRoot, - ctx.input.batchHashData, - numBatch, - timestamp, - chainID - ); - - ctx.input.accessedStorage = [new Map()] -} - function printRegs(Fr, ctx) { printReg8(Fr, "A", ctx.A); printReg8(Fr, "B", ctx.B); diff --git a/tools/build-genesis-recursive/aggregate-batches.json b/tools/build-genesis-recursive/aggregate-batches.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b19a514a --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/build-genesis-recursive/aggregate-batches.json @@ -0,0 +1,826 @@ +{ + "singleBatchData": [ + { + "oldStateRoot": "0x3ca39a7b5b419d1c50c89a8d15d1234f6cbc8baadb465efb609832bbc19f9026", + "newStateRoot": "0x51c20e019c6540ece73f7e17eeda9edab9040dcda033fdb9bdf692ab4b1ac8eb", + "oldAccInputHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", + "newAccInputHash": "0x070c0c1abe776249fe4011d71b63a0cce202069584af3801d5df2dccf64a2d9a", + "newLocalExitRoot": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", + "oldNumBatch": 0, + "newNumBatch": 1, + "chainID": 1000, + "batchL2Data": "0xef80843b9aca00830186a0944d5cf5032b2a844602278b01199ed191a86c93ff8901314fb37062980000808203e88080f9ea8e90ae323e360a22bd0b1a972d15cb33df6ccbfbada4a0d49792d1164ea56029d84d5093a7186fb5bf2f1b7258d57e9c09ac89c4cb8eb44a3c961c4dd89b1b", + "globalExitRoot": "0x090bcaf734c4f06c93954a827b45a6e8c67b8e0fd1e0a35a1c5982d6961828f9", + "timestamp": 1944498031, + "sequencerAddr": "0x617b3a3528F9cDd6630fd3301B9c8911F7Bf063D", + "batchHashData": "0x0e8a7e57fe270ab7780cb10ca4b4a39792432701268b0d3a64e6870729e506d1", + "contractsBytecode": {}, + "db": { + "0x3ca39a7b5b419d1c50c89a8d15d1234f6cbc8baadb465efb609832bbc19f9026": [ + "cddc57c0d0fdd4ed", + "d24df1950f2d8f15", + "4c2f3e938869b82d", + "649e63bfe1247ba4", + "b69b044f5e694795", + "f57d81efba5d4445", + "339438195426ad0a", + "3efad1dd58c2259d", + "0000000000000001", + "0000000000000000", + "0000000000000000", + "0000000000000000" + ], + "0x3efad1dd58c2259d339438195426ad0af57d81efba5d4445b69b044f5e694795": [ + "00000000dea00000", + "0000000035c9adc5", + "0000000000000036", + "0000000000000000", + "0000000000000000", + "0000000000000000", + "0000000000000000", + "0000000000000000" + ] + } + }, + { + "oldStateRoot": "0x51c20e019c6540ece73f7e17eeda9edab9040dcda033fdb9bdf692ab4b1ac8eb", + "newStateRoot": "0xd3dec90c6ff95f738c1d0ea25b0d4b6d9bca91ab37ef9d32a3a2c7411b0cf8c2", + "oldAccInputHash": "0x070c0c1abe776249fe4011d71b63a0cce202069584af3801d5df2dccf64a2d9a", + "newAccInputHash": "0x389bc63239f455750717b4efb5e9440d7b08751241b546e70ffe6075509d6c32", + "newLocalExitRoot": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", + "oldNumBatch": 1, + "newNumBatch": 2, + "chainID": 1000, + "batchL2Data": 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"67bbfffd0982dfa4", + "93c661c88448b5ed", + "cec2687622ccc942", + "4e709c8e17913749", + "0000000000000001", + "0000000000000000", + "0000000000000000", + "0000000000000000" + ], + "0x4e709c8e17913749cec2687622ccc94293c661c88448b5ed67bbfffd0982dfa4": [ + "0000000019980000", + "000000003bfcd524", + "0000000000000035", + "0000000000000000", + "0000000000000000", + "0000000000000000", + "0000000000000000", + "0000000000000000" + ] + } + } + ], + "oldStateRoot": "0x3ca39a7b5b419d1c50c89a8d15d1234f6cbc8baadb465efb609832bbc19f9026", + "oldAccInputHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", + "oldNumBatch": 0, + "newStateRoot": "0xcce5d565437c33de2cb1154ecf7c2d949f1aee03d144d7eee717157c3ee0149e", + "newAccInputHash": "0xbd71644a8d0eff3d5ae771310c7f15c097dddffe7199e6db738479b01729abfe", + "newLocalExitRoot": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", + "newNumBatch": 4, + "chainID": 1000, + "aggregatorAddress": "0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266", + "inputSnark": "0x1bbcf5c47394a140f4f00d9108785a9c4816f4a6a81ad832d732a214e9c3f57c" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tools/build-genesis-recursive/build_genesis_recursive.js b/tools/build-genesis-recursive/build_genesis_recursive.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e7186378 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/build-genesis-recursive/build_genesis_recursive.js @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +const fs = require("fs"); +const path = require("path"); +const ethers = require("ethers"); +const { + MemDB, ZkEVMDB, processorUtils, smtUtils, getPoseidon, +} = require('@0xpolygonhermez/zkevm-commonjs'); + +// paths files +const pathInput = path.join(__dirname, "./input_gen_recursive.json"); +const pathOutput = path.join(__dirname, "./aggregate-batches.json"); + +async function main(){ + // build poseidon + const poseidon = await getPoseidon(); + const F = poseidon.F; + + // read generate input + const generateData = require(pathInput); + + // mapping wallets + const walletMap = {}; + + for (let i = 0; i < generateData.genesis.length; i++) { + const { + address, pvtKey + } = generateData.genesis[i]; + + const newWallet = new ethers.Wallet(pvtKey); + walletMap[address] = newWallet; + } + + // create a zkEVMDB and build a batch + const db = new MemDB(F); + const zkEVMDB = await ZkEVMDB.newZkEVM( + db, + poseidon, + [F.zero, F.zero, F.zero, F.zero], // empty smt + typeof generateData.oldAccInputHash === 'undefined' ? [F.zero, F.zero, F.zero, F.zero] : smtUtils.stringToH4(generateData.oldAccInputHash), + generateData.genesis, + null, + null, + generateData.chainID + ); + + // Build batches + let updatedAccounts = {}; + + for (let i = 0; i < generateData.batches.length; i++){ + const genBatchData = generateData.batches[i]; + + // start batch + const batch = await zkEVMDB.buildBatch( + genBatchData.timestamp, + genBatchData.sequencerAddr, + smtUtils.stringToH4(genBatchData.globalExitRoot) + ); + + for (let j = 0; j < genBatchData.txs.length; j++){ + const genTx = genBatchData.txs[j]; + + // build tx + const tx = { + to: genTx.to, + nonce: genTx.nonce, + value: ethers.utils.parseUnits(genTx.value, 'wei'), + gasLimit: genTx.gasLimit, + gasPrice: ethers.utils.parseUnits(genTx.gasPrice, 'wei'), + chainId: genTx.chainId, + data: genTx.data || '0x', + }; + + const rawTxEthers = await walletMap[genTx.from].signTransaction(tx); + const customRawTx = processorUtils.rawTxToCustomRawTx(rawTxEthers); + + // add tx to batch + batch.addRawTx(customRawTx); + } + + // build batch + await batch.executeTxs(); + updatedAccounts = { ...updatedAccounts, ...batch.getUpdatedAccountsBatch()}; + // consolidate state + await zkEVMDB.consolidate(batch); + // get stark input for each batch + const starkInput = await batch.getStarkInput(); + // write input executor for each batch + fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, `./input_executor_${i}.json`), JSON.stringify(starkInput, null, 2)); + } + + // print new states + const newLeafs = {}; + for (const item in updatedAccounts) { + const address = item; + const account = updatedAccounts[address]; + newLeafs[address] = {}; + + newLeafs[address].balance = account.balance.toString(); + newLeafs[address].nonce = account.nonce.toString(); + + const storage = await zkEVMDB.dumpStorage(address); + const hashBytecode = await zkEVMDB.getHashBytecode(address); + newLeafs[address].storage = storage; + newLeafs[address].hashBytecode = hashBytecode; + } + generateData.expectedLeafs = newLeafs; + + // write new leafs + fs.writeFileSync(pathInput, JSON.stringify(generateData, null, 2)); + + // write aggregate batches + const initialNumBatch = 1; + const finalNumBatch = zkEVMDB.lastBatch; + const aggregatorAddress = generateData.aggregatorAddress; + + const outVerifyRecursive = await zkEVMDB.verifyMultipleBatches(initialNumBatch, finalNumBatch, aggregatorAddress); + fs.writeFileSync(pathOutput, JSON.stringify(outVerifyRecursive, null, 2)); +} + + +main(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tools/build-genesis-recursive/input_executor_0.json b/tools/build-genesis-recursive/input_executor_0.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2ba38612 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/build-genesis-recursive/input_executor_0.json @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +{ + "oldStateRoot": "0x3ca39a7b5b419d1c50c89a8d15d1234f6cbc8baadb465efb609832bbc19f9026", + "newStateRoot": "0x51c20e019c6540ece73f7e17eeda9edab9040dcda033fdb9bdf692ab4b1ac8eb", + "oldAccInputHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", + "newAccInputHash": "0x070c0c1abe776249fe4011d71b63a0cce202069584af3801d5df2dccf64a2d9a", + "newLocalExitRoot": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", + "oldNumBatch": 0, + "newNumBatch": 1, + "chainID": 1000, + "batchL2Data": "0xef80843b9aca00830186a0944d5cf5032b2a844602278b01199ed191a86c93ff8901314fb37062980000808203e88080f9ea8e90ae323e360a22bd0b1a972d15cb33df6ccbfbada4a0d49792d1164ea56029d84d5093a7186fb5bf2f1b7258d57e9c09ac89c4cb8eb44a3c961c4dd89b1b", + "globalExitRoot": "0x090bcaf734c4f06c93954a827b45a6e8c67b8e0fd1e0a35a1c5982d6961828f9", + "timestamp": 1944498031, + "sequencerAddr": "0x617b3a3528F9cDd6630fd3301B9c8911F7Bf063D", + "batchHashData": "0x0e8a7e57fe270ab7780cb10ca4b4a39792432701268b0d3a64e6870729e506d1", + "contractsBytecode": {}, + "db": { + "0x3ca39a7b5b419d1c50c89a8d15d1234f6cbc8baadb465efb609832bbc19f9026": [ + "cddc57c0d0fdd4ed", + "d24df1950f2d8f15", + 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