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Item Spawns

tannerdino edited this page Dec 26, 2023 · 1 revision


ID Name
0 Dwarf remains
16 Magic whistle
19 Holy grail
20 Cog
21 Cog
22 Cog
23 Cog
24 Rat poison
28 Insect repellent
33 Lit candle
39 Bronze arrowtips
41 Steel arrowtips
53 Headless arrow
83 Lever
84 Staff of armadyl
85 Shiny key
88 Boots of lightness
90 Child's blanket
125 Attack potion(1)
179 Antipoison(1)
199 Herb
223 Red spiders' eggs
223 Red spiders' eggs
229 Vial
231 Snape grass
239 White berries
243 Blue dragon scale
245 Wine of zamorak
247 Jangerberries
272 Fish food
273 Poison
276 Rubber tube
277 Oil can
278 Prod
298 A key
301 Lobster pot
303 Small fishing net
305 Big fishing net
307 Fishing rod
311 Harpoon
313 Fishing bait
347 Herring
357 Burnt fish
401 Seaweed
424 Pigeon cage
444 Gold ore
526 Bones
528 Burnt Bones
532 Big Bones
542 Monk's robe
544 Monk's robe
553 Skull
554 Fire rune
555 Water rune
556 Air rune
557 Earth rune
558 Mind rune
559 Body rune
560 Death rune
561 Nature rune
562 Chaos rune
564 Cosmic rune
565 Blood rune
590 Tinderbox
590 Tinderbox
600 Astrology book
602 Lens mould
617 Coins
677 Panning tray
687 Broken arrow
697 Damaged armour
699 Stone tablet
708 Arcenia root
712 Cup of tea
740 Blue hat
753 Cadava berries
767 Phoenix crossbow
837 Crossbow
839 Longbow
841 Shortbow
877 Bolts
882 Bronze arrow
888 Mithril arrow
946 Knife
952 Spade
954 Rope
960 Plank
964 Skull
966 Tile
970 Papyrus
983 Brass key
995 Coins
1005 White apron
1009 Brass necklace
1059 Leather gloves
1061 Leather boots
1069 Steel platelegs
1103 Bronze chainbody
1115 Iron platebody
1119 Steel platebody
1129 Leather body
1137 Iron med helm
1139 Bronze med helm
1153 Iron full helm
1171 Wooden shield
1173 Bronze sq shield
1191 Iron kiteshield
1203 Iron dagger
1203 Iron dagger
1205 Bronze dagger
1207 Steel dagger
1217 Black dagger
1265 Bronze pickaxe
1267 Iron pickaxe
1279 Iron sword
1281 Steel sword
1321 Bronze scimitar
1323 Iron scimitar
1327 Black scimitar
1349 Iron axe
1351 Bronze axe
1385 Staff of earth
1420 Iron mace
1422 Bronze mace
1467 Damp sticks
1469 Broken glass
1480 Rock
1481 Orb of light
1482 Orb of light
1483 Orb of light
1484 Orb of light
1510 Picture
1511 Logs
1523 Lockpick
1573 Doogle leaves
1590 Dusty key
1592 Ring mould
1595 Amulet mould
1597 Necklace mould
1599 Holy mould
1607 Sapphire
1623 uncut sapphire
1635 gold ring
1641 Ruby ring
1654 Gold necklace
1735 Shears
1755 Chisel
1773 Purple dye
1783 Bucket of sand
1785 Glassblowing pipe
1812 Pungent pot
1813 Criminal's dagger
1887 Cake tin
1895 Slice of Cake
1913 Dwarven stout
1917 Beer
1919 Beer glass
1921 Bowl of water
1923 Bowl
1925 Bucket
1925 Bucket
1929 Bucket of water
1931 Pot
1935 Jug
1937 Jug of water
1939 Swamp tar
1944 Egg
1951 Redberries
1955 Cooking apple
1963 Banana
1965 Cabbage
1971 Kebab
1973 Chocolate bar
1978 Cup of tea
1982 Tomato
1984 Rotten apple
1985 Cheese
1987 Grapes
1993 Jug of wine
2026 Cocktail glass
2028 Blurberry special
2126 Dwellberries
2128 Equa leaves
2140 Cooked chicken
2142 Cooked meat
2150 Swamp toad
2162 King worm
2309 Bread
2313 Pie dish
2333 Half a redberry pie
2347 Hammer
2351 Iron bar
2357 Gold bar
2384 Finger nail
2397 Shaman robe
2398 Nightshade
2407 Ball
2408 Diary
2409 Door key

Dwarf remains (0)

Property Value Source
respawnrate 100 OSRS
Coords Source
0_0 OSRS

Magic whistle (16)

Holy grail (19)

Cog (20)

Cog (21)

Cog (22)

Cog (23)

Rat poison (24)

Insect repellent (28)

Lit candle (33)

Bronze arrowtips (39)

Steel arrowtips (41)

Headless arrow (53)

Lever (83)

Staff of armadyl (84)

Shiny key (85)

Boots of lightness (88)

Child's blanket (90)

Attack potion(1) (125)

Antipoison(1) (179)

Herb (199)

Red spiders' eggs (223)

Red spiders' eggs (223)

Vial (229)

Snape grass (231)

White berries (239)

Blue dragon scale (243)

Wine of zamorak (245)

Jangerberries (247)

Fish food (272)

Poison (273)

Rubber tube (276)

Oil can (277)

Prod (278)

A key (298)

Lobster pot (301)

Small fishing net (303)

Big fishing net (305)

Fishing rod (307)

Harpoon (311)

Fishing bait (313)

Herring (347)

Burnt fish (357)

Seaweed (401)

Pigeon cage (424)

Gold ore (444)

Bones (526)

Burnt Bones (528)

Big Bones (532)

Monk's robe (542)

Monk's robe (544)

Skull (553)

Fire rune (554)

Water rune (555)

Air rune (556)

Earth rune (557)

Mind rune (558)

Body rune (559)

Death rune (560)

Nature rune (561)

Chaos rune (562)

Cosmic rune (564)

Blood rune (565)

Tinderbox (590)

Tinderbox (590)

Astrology book (600)

Lens mould (602)

Coins (617)

Panning tray (677)

Broken arrow (687)

Damaged armour (697)

Stone tablet (699)

Arcenia root (708)

Cup of tea (712)

Blue hat (740)

Cadava berries (753)

Phoenix crossbow (767)

Crossbow (837)

Longbow (839)

Shortbow (841)

Bolts (877)

Bronze arrow (882)

Mithril arrow (888)

Knife (946)

Spade (952)

Rope (954)

Plank (960)

Skull (964)

Tile (966)

Papyrus (970)

Brass key (983)

Coins (995)

White apron (1005)

Brass necklace (1009)

Leather gloves (1059)

Leather boots (1061)

Steel platelegs (1069)

Bronze chainbody (1103)

Iron platebody (1115)

Steel platebody (1119)

Leather body (1129)

Iron med helm (1137)

Bronze med helm (1139)

Iron full helm (1153)

Wooden shield (1171)

Bronze sq shield (1173)

Iron kiteshield (1191)

Iron dagger (1203)

Iron dagger (1203)

Bronze dagger (1205)

Steel dagger (1207)

Black dagger (1217)

Bronze pickaxe (1265)

Iron pickaxe (1267)

Iron sword (1279)

Steel sword (1281)

Bronze scimitar (1321)

Iron scimitar (1323)

Black scimitar (1327)

Iron axe (1349)

Bronze axe (1351)

Staff of earth (1385)

Iron mace (1420)

Bronze mace (1422)

Damp sticks (1467)

Broken glass (1469)

Rock (1480)

Orb of light (1481)

Orb of light (1482)

Orb of light (1483)

Orb of light (1484)

Picture (1510)

Logs (1511)

Lockpick (1523)

Doogle leaves (1573)

Dusty key (1590)

Ring mould (1592)

Amulet mould (1595)

Necklace mould (1597)

Holy mould (1599)

Sapphire (1607)

uncut sapphire (1623)

gold ring (1635)

Ruby ring (1641)

Gold necklace (1654)

Shears (1735)

Chisel (1755)

Purple dye (1773)

Bucket of sand (1783)

Glassblowing pipe (1785)

Pungent pot (1812)

Criminal's dagger (1813)

Cake tin (1887)

Slice of Cake (1895)

Dwarven stout (1913)

Beer (1917)

Beer glass (1919)

Bowl of water (1921)

Bowl (1923)

Bucket (1925)

Bucket (1925)

Bucket of water (1929)

Pot (1931)

Jug (1935)

Jug of water (1937)

Swamp tar (1939)

Egg (1944)

Redberries (1951)

Cooking apple (1955)

Banana (1963)

Cabbage (1965)

Kebab (1971)

Chocolate bar (1973)

Cup of tea (1978)

Tomato (1982)

Rotten apple (1984)

Cheese (1985)

Grapes (1987)

Jug of wine (1993)

Cocktail glass (2026)

Blurberry special (2028)

Dwellberries (2126)

Equa leaves (2128)

Cooked chicken (2140)

Cooked meat (2142)

Swamp toad (2150)

King worm (2162)

Bread (2309)

Pie dish (2313)

Half a redberry pie (2333)

Hammer (2347)

Iron bar (2351)

Gold bar (2357)

Finger nail (2384)

Shaman robe (2397)

Nightshade (2398)

Ball (2407)

Diary (2408)

Door key (2409)

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