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This project analyzes sales data to extract meaningful insights regarding profitability, customer behavior, and the impact of discounts across different regions.

Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

Handling Missing Values: Identified and addressed missing data.

Outlier Detection and Removal: Interquartile Range (IQR) was used to detect and remove outliers.

Normalization and Standardization: Ensured data was appropriately scaled for analysis.

Descriptive Statistics

Summary Statistics: Calculated mean, median, standard deviation, and kurtosis for numerical variables.

Data Distribution Analysis: Visualized distributions with histograms, boxplots, and density plots. Checked for skewness and kurtosis.

Correlation Analysis Pearson Correlation: Initially considered for numerical variables but found unsuitable due to non-normal distribution. Spearman Correlation: Used to assess monotonic relationships. Key Insight: Found a strong negative correlation between discount levels and profit margins.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) One-Way ANOVA: Analyzed the difference in profit across regions and random regional groups.

Conducted normality checks (QQ plots, Shapiro-Wilk test) and homogeneity of variance (Levene's test).

Result: Determined whether there were statistically significant differences in mean profits among different regions.

Kruskal-Wallis Test

Non-parametric Test: Used since data did not meet ANOVA assumptions.

Result: Analyzed differences in profit medians across regions.

Profitability and Regional Analysis

Top and Bottom Cities by Profit: Identified cities with the highest and lowest profit margins. Regional Profitability: Compared total profits across different regions. Analyzed monthly profit trends to understand seasonality.

Impact of Discounts on Profit Discount and Profit Relationship: Analyzed the impact of discount levels on profit margins. Key Insight: Found a significant negative correlation between higher discounts and lower profits.

Shipping Cost Analysis Cities with Highest and Lowest Shipping Costs: Identified cities with varying shipping costs. Average Shipping Cost: Compared shipping costs across cities.

Customer Analysis Number of Customers by City: Analyzed customer distribution across cities. Customer Segmentation: Grouped customers based on regions and categories.

Product Analysis Top-Selling Products: Identified products with the highest sales volumes. High vs. Low Margin Products: Differentiated between products with high and low profit margins.