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Data Processing Layer in O2 Framework

Status quo and motivation for an O2 Data Processing Layer

FairMQ currently provides a well documented and flexible framework for an actor based computation where each of the actors listens for message-like entities on channels and executes some code as a reaction. The key component which controls this is called a fair::mq::Device (or device from now on) which can use different kind of transports to receive and send messages. In the most generic case, users are allowed to have full control on the state machine governing the message passing and have complete control on how the message handling is done. This of course covers all ALICE usecases in a generic manner, at the cost of extra complexity left to the user to implement. In most cases however a simplified way of creating devices is provided, and the user will simply create its own fair::m::Device-derived class, which registers via the OnData(fair::mq::Parts &parts) method a callback that is invoked whenever a new message arrives. This however still holds the user responsible for:

  • Verifying that the required inputs for the computation are all available, both from the actual data flow (being it for readout, reconstruction or analysis) and from the asynchronous stream (e.g. alignment and calibrations).
  • Create the appropriate message which holds the results and send it.
  • Ensure the ease of testability, the code reuse and the proper documentation OnData callback. In particular there is no way to inspect which data is expected by a device and which data is produced.

This is by design, because the FairMQ transport layer should not know anything about the actual data being transferred, while all the points above require some sort of inner knowledge about the data model and the data being moved around.

The aim is to achieve the following:

  • Explicit data flow: Input and outputs are declared upfront and can be used for documentation or for automatic topology creation (assuming the actual processing environment is known).
  • Transport agnostic data processing: users will not have to know about the details of how the data materialises on their device, they will always be handed the full set of payloads they requested, even if they come at different time.
  • Composability of data processing: different process functions can in principle be chained and scheduled together depending on the desired granularity for devices.

Separating data-processing from transport

For the reasons mentioned above, we propose that the one of the developments which should happen with the O2 Framework work package is the development of a “Data Processing layer” which actually knows about the O2 Data Model (and for this reason cannot be part of FairMQ itself) and exploits it to validate, optimise and correctly schedule a computation on a user specified set of inputs.

The Data Processing Layer in particular requires:

  • That the inputs types of each computation are provided upfront.
  • That the outputs types of each computation are provided upfront.
  • That a time identifier can be associated to inputs

and given these premises it actually guarantees:

  • That whenever a new input arrives a CompletionPolicy is executed to decide wether the associate record is complete. By default such a CompletionPolicy waits for all the specified parts to have arrived.
  • That no message passing happens during the performing of the computation, but uniquely at the end.

Instanciating a workflow

The description of the computation in such the Data Processing Layer is done via instances of the DataProcessorSpec class, grouped in a so called WorkflowSpec instance. In order to provide a description a computation to be run, the user must implement a callback which return an filled WorkflowSpec. E.g.:

#include "Framework/Utils/runDataProcessing.h"

WorkflowSpec defineDataProcessing(ConfigContext &context) {
  return WorkflowSpec {

See next section, for a more detailed description of the DataProcessorSpec class. The code above has to be linked into a single executable together with the Data Processing Layer code to form a so called driver executable which if run will:

  • Map all DataProcessorSpec to a set of fair::mq::Devices (using 1-1 correspondence, in the current implementation).
  • Instanciate and start all the devices resulted from the previous step.
  • (Optionally) start a GUI which allows to monitor the running of the system.

The ConfigContext object being passed to the function contains a set of user provided options to customise the creation of the workflow. For example you might want to change the number of workers for a given task or disable part of the topology if a given detector should not be enabled.

In order to specify which options are to be present in the ConfigContext, the user can define the extension point:

void customize(std::vector<o2::framework::ConfigParamSpec> &workflowOptions)

Describing a computation

The description of the computation in such a layer is done via a DataProcessorSpec class, which describes some sort of processing of a (set of) O2 Data Payloads (payloads from now on), as defined by the O2 Data Model, eventually producing new payloads as outputs. The inputs to the computation, the outputs and the actual code to run on the former to produce the latter, is specified in a DataProcessorSpec instance. Multiple DataProcessorSpec instances can be grouped together in a WorkflowSpecto the driver code which maps them to processing devices accordingly.

The DataProcessorSpec is defined as follows:

struct DataProcessorSpec {
   using InitCallback = std::function<ProcessCallback(InitContext &)>;
   using ProcessCallback = std::function<void(ProcessingContext &)>;
   using ErrorCallback = std::function<void(ErrorContext &)>;
   std::vector<InputSpec> inputs;
   std::vector<OutputSpec> outputs;
   std::vector<ConfigParamSpec> configParams;
   std::vector<std::string> requiredServices;
   AlgorithmSpec algorithm;

the inputs field represents a set of subscriptions to some kind of input data we would like to process. As per O2 Data Model there is 3 major properties O2 attaches to a message: its origin, a description and a generic subspecification.


{InputSpec{"clusters", "TPC", "CLUSTERS", 0}}

really means "subscribe in input to the messages which have origin "TPC", contain objects of kind "CLUSTERS" and have a generic subspecification 0 (e.g. to index the sector). In your code you will be able to retrieve these kind of messages using the "clusters" label (see later the description of the InputRecord API).An InputSpec is effectively a three dimensional selection on space defined by all the possible origins, descriptions and subspecifications.

Notice that the method o2::framework::select can be used to provide the query in a more compact (and flexible way). Using such an helper the above becomes:


Similarly the OutputSpec is a description of what the DataProcessor will produce, again in terms of (origin, description, subspecification) properties.

The configParams vector would be used to specify which configuration options the data processing being described requires:

struct ConfigParamSpec {
  std::string name;
  enum ParamType type;
  variant defaultValue;

command line / configuration options would be automatically generated by it. These are available only at init stage, and can be used to configure services. They are not available to the actual process callback as all the critical parameters for data processing should be part of the data stream itself, eventually coming from CCDB / ParameterManager.

Similarly the requiredServices vector would define which services are required for the data processing. For example this could be used to declare the need for some data cache, a GPU context, a thread pool.

The algorithm property, of AlgorithmSpec is instead used to specify the actual computation. Notice that the same DataProcessorSpec can use different AlgorithmSpec. The rationale for this is that while inputs and outputs might be the same, you might want to compare different versions of your algorithm. The AlgorithmSpec resembles the following:

struct AlgorithmSpec {
  using ProcessCallback = std::function<void(ProcessingContext &)>;
  using InitCallback = std::function<ProcessCallback(InitContext &)>;
  using ErrorCallback = std::function<void(ErrorContext &)>;

  InitCallback onInit = nullptr;
  ProcessCallback onProcess = nullptr;
  ErrorCallback onError = nullptr;

The onProcess function is to be used for stateless computations. It’s a free function and it’s up to the framework to make sure that all the required components are declared upfront. It takes as input the context for the current computation in the form of a ProcessingContext & instance. Such a context consist of:

  • An InputRecord which allows retrieving the current inputs matching the provided specification.
  • A ServiceRegistry referencing the set of services it declared as required the computation.
  • A DataAllocator allocator which can allocate new payloads only for the types which have been declared as outputs.

Stateful processing

onProcess is useful whenever your computation is fully contained in your input. In several cases, however, a computation requires some ancillary state, which needs to be initialised only on (re-)start of the job. For example you might want to initialise the geometry of your detector or open a file for reading. To do so, you can use the onInit callback, create the state in it and pass it to the returned ProcessCallback as captured arguments.


  InitCallBack{[](InitContext &setup){
      auto statefulGeo = std::make_shared<TGeo>();
      return [geo = statefulGeo](ProcessingContext &) {
        // do something with geo

Task based API

The previous API is flexible enough to work for large variety of cases, including creating onProcess callback on the fly depending on the onInit parameters. .

However, very often what the user wants to do is to initialise some state and and invoke a "run" method. For this we provide a Task based API. In order to do so, you need to inherit your task from o2::framework::Task and use the adaptor:

adaptFromTask<TASK>(task constructor arguments) -> AlgorithmSpec

to create the AlgorithmSpec. A full example can be found in Framework/Core/test/test_Task.cpp

Implementing a computation

This chapter describes how to actually implement an AlgorithmSpec.

Using inputs - the InputRecord API

Inputs to your computation will be provided to you via the InputRecord. An instance of such a class is hanging from the ProcessingContext your computation lambda is passed and contains one value for each of the InputSpec you specified. E.g.:

InputRecord &inputs = ctx.inputs();

From the InputRecord instance you can get the arguments either via their positional index:

DataRef ref = inputs.getByPos(0);

or using the mnemonics-label which was used as first argument in the associated InputSpec.

DataRef ref = inputs.get("points");

You can then use the DataRef header and payload raw pointers to access the data in the messages.

If the message is of a known messageable type, you can automatically get the content of the message by passing type T as template argument. The actual operation depends on the properties of the type. Not all types are supported, in order to get an object with pointer-like behavior, T has to be a pointer (T = U*).

auto p = args.get<T>("input");

The return type is

  • T const& if T is a messageable type
  • T if T is a std::container of a ROOT-serializable type
  • smart_pointer<T> if T is a ROOT-serializable type and T* is passed


  • for messageable types there is no additional copy involved, the content is only for reading.
XYZ const& p = args.get<XYZ>("points");
  • ROOT-serialized objects are automatically deserialized and returned as a smart pointer. Note that the requested type has to be pointer.
auto h = args.get<TH1*>("histo");
  • container of ROOT-serialized objects are automatically deserialized and returned as container object.
auto points = args.get<std::vector<TPoint>>("points");
for (auto& point : points) {}

Check next section for known types. The framework will also take care of necessary deserialization.

Creating outputs - the DataAllocator API

In order to prevent algorithms to create data they are not supposed to create, a special DataAllocator object is passed to the process callback, so that only messages for declared outputs can be created. A DataAllocator can create Framework owned resources via the make<T> method. In case you ask the framework to create a collection of objects, the result will be a gsl::span wrapper around the collection. A DataAllocator can adopt externally created resources via the adopt method. A DataAllocator can create a copy of an externally owned resource via the snapshot method.

Currently supported data types for make<T> are:

  • Vanilla char * buffers with associated size: this is the actual contents of the FairMQ message.
  • Messageable types: trivially copyable, non-polymorphic types. These get directly mapped on the message exchanged by FairMQ and are therefore "zerocopy" for what the Data Processing Layer is concerned.
  • Collections of messageable types, exposed to the user as gsl::span.
  • TObject derived classes. These are actually serialised via a TMessage and therefore are only suitable for the cases in which the cost of such a serialization is not an issue.

Currently supported data types for snapshot functionality, state at time of calling snapshot is captured in a copy, and sent when processing is done:

  • Messageable types.
  • ROOT-serializable classes, serialised via a TMessage. Classes implementing ROOT's TClass interface and std containers of those are automatically detected. ROOT-serialization can be forced using type converter ROOTSerialized, e.g. for types which can not be detected automatically
  • std::vector of messageable type, at receiver side the collection is exposed as gsl::span.
  • std::vector of pointers to messageable type, the objects are linearized in th message and exposed as gsl::span on the receiver side.

The DataChunk class resembles a iovec:

struct DataChunk {
  char *data;
  size_t size;

however, no API is provided to explicitly send it. All the created DataChunks are sent (potentially using scatter / gather) when the process function returns. This is to avoid the “modified after send” issues where a message which was sent is still owned and modifiable by the creator.

Error handling

When an error happens during processing of some data, the writer of the process function should simply throw an exception. By default the exception is caught by the DataProcessingDevice and a message is printed (if std::exeception derived what() method is used, otherwise a generic message is given). Users can provide themselves an error handler by specifying via the onError callback specified in DataProcessorSpec. This will allow in the future to reinject data into the flow in case of an error.

When the exception is thrown inside processing function its message and stack trace is printed. However, the application itself is not terminated. If the error encountered is so severe that current workflow cannot continue it is advisable to call LOG(fatal) with proper describing message, which makes the application shutdown with non zero error code.


Services are utility classes which DataProcessors can access to request out-of-bound, deployment dependent, functionalities. For example a service could be used to post metrics to the monitoring system or to get a GPU context. The former would be dependent on whether you are running on your laptop (where monitoring could simply mean print out metrics on the command line) or in a large cluster (where monitoring probably means to send metrics to an aggregator device which then pushes them to the backend.

Services are initialised by the driver code (i.e. the code included via runDataProcessing.h) and passed to the user code via a ServiceRegistry. You can retrieve the service by the type of its interface class. E.g. for Monitoring you can do:

#include <Monitoring/Monitoring.h>
// ...
auto service =<Monitoring>(); // In the DataProcessor lambda...
service.send({ 1, "my/metric" }); ...

Currently available services are described below.


The control service allow DataProcessors to modify their state or the one of their peers in the topology. For example if you want to quit the whole data processing topology, you can use:

#include "Framework/ControlService.h"
auto<ControlService>().readyToQuit(QuitRequest::All) // In the DataProcessor lambda


This service allows you to get an hold of the fair::mq::Device running the DataProcessor computation from with the computation itself. While in general this should not be used, it is handy in case you want to integrate with a pre-existing fair::mq::Device which potentially does not even follow the O2 Data Model.

Monitoring service

Integration with the monitoring subsystem of O2 happens by getting the o2::monitoring::Monitoring interface. A simple example is:

#include <Monitoring/Monitoring.h>
// ...
auto service =<Monitoring>(); // In the DataProcessor lambda...
service.send({ 1, "my/metric" }); ...

for the full API documentation please have a look at:

Some suffix for the metrics are reserved to represent vector and tabular metrics.

  • <some-metric-name>/n contains the size of a vector metric at a given moment.
  • <some-metric-name>/m contains the secondary size of a matrix metric at a given moment.
  • <some-metric-name>/<i> where <i> is an integer contains the values of the i-th element in a vector metric or of the <i>%n column, <i>/m row of a matrix metric.

Generic Logger

Generic logging capabilities of DPL are provided via Framework/Logger which wraps and extents FairLogger.

#include "Framework/Logger.h"

LOG(info) << "some message";      // streamer based API
LOGF(info, "%s", "some message"); // printf based API
LOGP(info, "{}", "some message"); // python / fmt based API
O2INFO("{}", "some message);      // same but with less typing.

InfoLogger service

Integration with the InfoLogger subsystem of O2 happens in two way:

  • Explicitly, by getting the AliceO2::InfoLogger::InfoLogger service from the registry, like done in the monitoring case:
#include <InfoLogger/InfoLogger.hxx>
auto& logger =<InfoLogger>(); // In the DataProcessor processing lambda
  • Implicitly, by using the standard FairLogger LOG macro. In order to enable this the user needs to specify the minimum severity to send to the InfoLogger via the --infologger-severity option, e.g.:
... --infologger-severity WARNING

Finally, one can configure the bahavior of the InfoLogger by using the --infologger-mode option.

Notice also that you can actually customise the InfoLoggerContext which DPL uses to match your needs. This can be done getting it from the InitContext:

auto& context =<InfoLoggerContext>(); // In the DataProcessor init lambda
context.setField(InfoLoggerContext::FieldName::Facility, "my-custom-facility");

Callback service

A service that data processors can register callback functions invoked by the framework at defined steps in the process flow. This allows you to have customisation points for the following event:

  • CallbackService::Id::Start: before entering the running state.
  • CallbackService::Id::Stop: before exiting the running state.
  • CallbackService::Id::Reset: before resetting the device.

Moreover in case you want to process events which are not coming from FairMQ, there is a CallbackService::Id::ClockTick which is called according to the rate specified for the backing FairMQ device.

Similarly the CallbackService::Id::Idle callback is fired whenever there was nothing to process.

One last callback is CallbackService::Id::EndOfStream. This callback will be invoked whenever all the upstream DataProcessingDevice consider that they will not produce any more data, so we can finalize our results and exit.

Expressing parallelism

If we want to retain a message passing semantic and really treat shared memory as yet another transport, we need to be very careful in how to express parallelism on data, so that the “single ownership model” of message passing forces us to either duplicate streams that need to be accessed in parallel, or to serialise workers which need to access the same data. Solutions like reference counting shared memory would not be allowed in such a scenario and in any case would require extra caution and support to make sure that failures do not leave dangling reference around (e.g. when one of the parallel workers abruptly terminates). First of all let’s consider the fact that there are two level of parallelisms which can be achieved:

  • Data flow parallelism: when data can be split in partitions according to some subdivision criteria (e.g. have one stream per TPC sector and have one worker for each).
  • Time flow parallelism: when parallelism can be achieved by having different workers handle different time intervals for the incoming data. (e.g. worker 0 processes even timeframes, worker 1 processes odd timeframes).

In order to express those DPL provides the o2::framework::parallel and o2::framework::timePipeline helpers to avoid expressing those explicitly in the workflow.

Integrating with pre-existing devices

It can actually happen that you need to interface with native FairMQ devices, either for convenience or because they require a custom behavior which does not map well on top of the Data Processing Layer.

This is fully supported and the DPL provides means to ingest foreign, non-DPL fair::mq::Device produced messages into a DPL workflow. This is done via the help of a "proxy" data processor which connects to the foreign device, receives its inputs, optionally converts them to a format understood by the Data Processing Layer, and then pumps them to the right Data Processor Specs.

This is done using the FairMQRawDeviceService which exposes the actual device on which an Algorithm is running, giving the user full control.

Customisation of default behavior

The DPL aims at solving with the default behavior the majority of common usecases. For all the special cases to be handle, we however provide multiple customisation entrypoints, in particular to:

  • Change the policy for when an input record can be processed and what to do with the record afterwards. This is referred as CompletionPolicy.
  • Change the behavior of the FairMQ channels. This is referred to as ChannelConfigurationPolicy.
  • Change the command line options of the workflow driver.

In all cases this is done by providing a:

void customize(...)

free function which takes as argument the group of policies to be applied to customise the behavior.

Managing multiple workflows.

In general a DPL workflow consists of a C++ executable which defines an implicit workflow, as previously discribed. However it is sometimes handy to be able to split workflow in parts, e.g. to be able to run two detectors independently or to have a basic workflow with is then decorated with extra processing like data sampling if / when requested.

DPL allows merging workflows by simply piping one into the other. So if workflow-a and workflow-b are two separate workflows, one can run the union of the two by doing:

workflow-a | workflow-b

Because the merging happens at the level of the implicit representation, this allows having dangling inputs and outputs which are potentially satisfied only when a separate workflow is merged.

Forward looking statements:

Support for analysis

While not part of the initial design goal, we plan to extend DPL in order to support analysis. In particular we are evaluating a mode in which users can natively get a ROOT RDataFrame with an API similar to the InputRecord API.

Provenance dependent matching of inputs and outputs

By default the Input and Outputs are matched solely by the signature of the data they contain. However sometimes it's desirable that this matching happens based on the history that a given message had, e.g. if it went through one path or another of a dataflow bifurcation. While this is not at the moment supported and you would have to use a separate data type for the two different origins, the usecase is acknowledged and will be addressed in a future revision of this document.

Support for non compiled, non C++, based configuration

At the moment the configuration of a topology is done by compiling a declarative description of the computation done in C++, and by running the resulting executable. This is however an implementation detail and the datamodel for the configuration description is meant to be agnostic from the language. We foresee both using interpreted configurations (e.g. via ROOT / cling) or configurations done through another language (e.g. go, javascript).

Folder Organization

DPL related classes are fully contained in the Framework folder of O2.

In particular:

  • Framework/Core contains the main classes associated to DPL and the implementation of the DataProcessingDevice and the Driver.
  • Framework/Core/test contains a few unit test and simple example workflows.
  • Framework/TestWorkflows contains a few example workflows.
  • Framework/GUISupport contains the core GUI functionalities.
  • Framework/AnalysisSupport contains some Analysis Framework specific components.
  • Framework/Foundation contains some header only utility classes, in particular for what concerns cross platform compatibility.
  • Framework/Utils contains utilities and helpers for the creation of workflows and in particular to interface with the rest of non-DPL utilities.


A class ending in Spec represents a Specification, i.e. a description how a given entity behaves. E.g. InputSpec is a specification for one of the Inputs.

A class ending in Info represents runtime Information regarding an entity. E.g. DeviceInfo represent runtime information about a Device.

A class ending in Context holds the state of a given phase. E.g. InitContext holds the state in which the Init callback happens.

Interesting reads

Document history

  • v0.9: proposal for approval at the O2 TB - 19th June 2018