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Function signature

The power function is defined as:

bigint_t power(const bigint_t& n, size_t p);

This calculates $n^p = \overbrace{n \times n \times n \times \dotsc \times n}^{p\text{ times}}$.

Naive implementation

The naive implementation for power is:

bigint::bigint_t power(const bigint::bigint_t& n, size_t p)
    bigint::bigint_t result = 1ULL;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < p; ++i)
        result *= n;
    return result;

This approach suffers from 2 downsides:

  • It requires p multiplications.
  • The multiplications (result * n) are all done against the same n.
    The multiplication algorithms get increasingly more efficient with the number of limbs of each operand ((a * b) * (c * d) is faster to calculate than ((a * b) * c ) * d). $n$ remaining the same, its number of limbs never grows either and efficient multiplication algorithm can never be leveraged.

The library's approach


This library uses exponentiation by squaring, which addresses the 2 downsides listed above.
Exponentiation by squaring is an important algorithm, which is also used in the calculation of Fibonacci numbers.

Instead of simply multiplying $n$ by itself $\text{O}(p)$ times, we decompose $p$ into its separate digits $p_k, p_{k-1}, \dotsc, p_0$, when written in binary form.

$$ n^p = \prod_{0 \leq i \leq k, p_i = 1} \big( p_i \times n^{(2^i)} \big) $$

The algorithm makes use of the fact that $n^{2^i} = (n^{2^{i-1}})^2$ to get each consecutive $n^{2^i}$ in only 1 multiplication, i.e. by multiplying $n^{2^{i-1}}$ obtained at the previous loop to itself.

Illustration for $3^{19}$:

  1. Decompose the exposant into its binary digits: $19 = 2^0 + 2^1 + 2^4$
  2. We start with $i = 0$, i.e. $3^{2^0} = 3$.
  3. For $i = 1$, we calculate $3^{2^1} = 3 \times 3 = 9$.
  4. For $i = 2$, we calculate $3^{2^2} = 9 \times 9 = 81$.
    $2^2$ does not enter into the decomposition of 19; this is not going to be used in the final product but we need it for the next step of the calculation.
  5. For $i = 3$, we calculate $3^{2^3} = 81 \times 81 = 6{,}561$.
    Same as above, this is only useful to get to the next step of the calculation.
  6. For $i = 4$, we calculate $3^{2^4} = 6{,}561 \times 6{,}561 = 43{,}046{,}721$.
  7. We have now covered all the binary digits of $19$.
    We can calculate $3^{19} = 3 \times 9 \times 43{,}046{,}721 = 1{,}162{,}261{,}467$.

The algorithm uses $\lfloor log_2(p) \rfloor$ squaring operations and at most $\lfloor log_2(p) \rfloor$ multiplications for the final product (it depends how many binary digits of $p$ are $1$).In the above case, the result was obtained with 6 multiplications, instead of 18 for the naive case.
In other words, setting aside the complexity of the multiplication operation, this algorithm has a complexity of $O(log(p))$.


  1. Initialize $\text{result} \leftarrow 1, \text{cache} \leftarrow n$.
  2. If $p = 0$, stop and return $\text{result}$.
  3. If $p \bmod 2 = 1$, do $\text{result} \leftarrow \text{result} \times \text{cache}$.
  4. Do $\text{cache} \leftarrow \text{cache} \times \text{cache}$.
  5. Do $p \leftarrow \lfloor p / 2 \rfloor$.
  6. Go back to step 2.