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File metadata and controls

140 lines (96 loc) · 12.5 KB

Application templates

Application templates provide a way to partition the details of a job into two parts.

All of the details about how the job should be processed are moved into the application template, creating a reusable definition that is independent of a particular account. Application templates are parameterized to allow the processing to be customized without requiring modification of the template itself.

The job itself retains all of the account specific configuration for the job, specifying the appropriate pool, any runtime constraints and so on.

To link the two, the job now references the required application template and supplies any parameters required to customize processing for the needs of the current user.

Example job

This sample Blender job specifies rendering of a Blender scene using application templates.

  "id": "blenderjob",
  "displayName": "Blender Sample using Application Templates",
  "poolInfo": {
      "poolid" : "blender-pool"
  "applicationTemplateInfo" : {
    "filePath" : "render-template.json",
    "parameters" : {
      "jobName": "blender_render",
      "blendFile": "scene.blend",
      "frameStart": 1,
      "frameEnd": 100,
      "outputFileStorageUrl": ""

The applicationTemplateInfo element gives the filePath to the application template and provides all the parameters required to configure the application template for use.


The following samples use application templates:

Job schema changes

The batch job gains the following element, used to specify which application template should be used:

Element name Required Type Description
applicationTemplateInfo Optional Complex Type Identifies an application template and supplies parameter values for expansion when the job is created


This new complex object is used to specify the application template used and to provide any parameters required by the templates.

Element name Required Type Description
filePath Mandatory String Location of an application template in json format on the local client filesystem.
Relative paths are resolved from the directory containing the job.json file; specifying template.json will look for a file in the same folder as the job itself.
parameters Optional Collection A set of parameter values for use by the template, listed in standard JSON syntax.
Must be supplied if the specified template defines any parameters without a defaultValue.

Application template schema

An application template broadly follows the existing schema for a Batch job, but with modifications to reflect that it is parameterized and contains only part of a full job.

New properties

These newly introduced properties are used to define the templating capabilities.

Element name Required Type Description
templateMetadata Optional Complex Type Additional information about the template itself.
Included for documentation purposes only. None of this information is passed through to the generated job.
parameters Optional Dictionary A (potentially empty) dictionary of parameter definitions, indexed by the name of the property.


Though completely optional and not actually used by the Azure CLI, template metadata is supported to allow the templates to be somewhat self documenting. These properties are recommended for each template.

Element name Required Type Description
description Optional String A simple description of the functionality provided by the template.
author Optional String The name or email address of the template author.
dateUpdated Optional String A human readable message (a date or a version number) for when the template was last modified.


These parameter definitions in an ARM style specify the parameters consumed by the template. Every parameter used by the template must be pre-defined in this collection.

Element name Required Type Description
type Required String Specifies the data type of the parameter.
One of int, string or bool only.
Other parameter types not are supported in our initial release.
defaultValue Optional <type> Provides a default value for the parameter.
This value will be used if no value is provided by the end user.
Must be a value compatible with/convertible to type.
metadata Optional Dictionary A list of name-value pairs of additional information.
We recommend supplying a description for every parameter.

Reserved for application template use

When an application template is referenced by a job, these properties are reserved for use by the application template and may not be directly used on the job itself.

Element name Required Type Description
jobManagerTask Optional Complex Type Specifies details of a Job Manager task to be launched when the job is started.
jobPreparationTask Optional Complex Type Specifies the Job Preparation task.
jobReleaseTask Optional Complex Type Specifies the Job Release task.
commonEnvironmentSettings Optional Collection A list of common environment variable settings.
usesTaskDependencies Optional Boolean Specifies whether tasks in the job can define dependencies on each other.
onAllTasksComplete Optional String Specifies an action the Batch service should take when all tasks in the job are in the completed state.
onTaskFailure Optional String Specifies an action the Batch service should take when any task in the job fails.
taskFactory Optional Complex Type Reference to a task factory which creates task(s) for the current job.
*New feature in the Azure CLI.

Reserved for job use

These job properties are used to define the environment in which the job is run. These details are specific to the Batch account and user running the job and may not be specified on the application template. This table details some of the motivations why these properties are not permitted on an application template.

Element name Type Description
id String A string that uniquely identifies the job within the account.
Specifying the unique identifier of a job on a reusable template does not make sense.
displayName String A display name for the job.
priority Int32 The priority of the job.
Prioritization of jobs is the responsibility of the end user, not an application template author.
constraints Complex Type Specifies the execution constraints for the job.
The selection of appropriate constraints requires knowledge of the specific job being processed (e.g. size) and associated pool.
poolInfo Complex Type Specifies the pool on which the Batch service runs the job’s tasks.
Establishing and managing a pool is the responsibility of the end user, not an application template author, not least because a forgotten pool might result in unexpected costs.
applicationTemplateInfo Complex Type A reference to an application template that defines the computation for this job.
Creating a chain of templates will not be supported in the initial release.

Shared properties

Both the application template and the referencing job may specify metadata about the job.

Element name Required Type Description
metadata Optional Collection A list of name-value pairs associated with the job as metadata.

The two lists will be merged, allowing for local management properties defined on the job (such as cost-center or department) to be merged with any properties defined on the template.

Additional metadata will be created by the Azure CLI when processing the template to allow details of the job to be traced back to the original template. All these items will use the reserved prefix az_batch:.

Item Type Description
az_batch:template_filePath String The fully qualified file path to the template used when the job was created.