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Azure.Core Event samples

NOTE: Samples in this file only apply to packages following the Azure SDK Design Guidelines. The names of these packages usually start with Azure.

Most Azure client libraries offer both synchronous and asynchronous methods for calling Azure services. You can distinguish the asynchronous methods by their Async suffix. For example, BlobClient.Download and BlobClient.DownloadAsync make the same underlying REST call and only differ in whether they block. We recommend using our async methods for new applications, but there are perfectly valid cases for using sync methods as well. These dual method invocation semantics work great, but require a little extra care when writing event handlers.

The SyncAsyncEventHandler is a delegate used by events in Azure client libraries to represent an event handler that can be invoked from either sync or async code paths. It takes event arguments deriving from SyncAsyncEventArgs that contain important information for writing your event handler.

  • SyncAsyncEventArgs.CancellationToken is a cancellation token related to the original operation that raised the event. It's important for your handler to pass this token along to any asynchronous or long-running synchronous operations that take a token so cancellation (via something like new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).Token, for example) will correctly propagate.

  • There is a SyncAsyncEventArgs.RunSynchronously flag indicating whether your handler was invoked synchronously or asynchronously. In general,

    • If you're calling sync methods on your client, you should use sync methods to implement your event handler. You can return Task.CompletedTask.
    • If you're calling async methods on your client, you should use async methods where possible to implement your event handler.
    • If you're not in control of how the client will be used or want to write safer code, you should check the RunSynchronously property and call either sync or async methods as directed.

    There are code examples of all three situations below to compare. Please also see the note at the very end discussing the dangers of sync-over-async to understand the risks of not using the RunSynchronously flag.

  • Most events will customize the event data by deriving from SyncAsyncEventArgs and including details about what triggered the event or providing options to react. Many times this will include a reference to the client that raised the event in case you need it for additional processing.

When an event using SyncAsyncEventHandler is raised, the handlers will be executed sequentially to avoid introducing any unintended parallelism. The event handlers will finish before returning control to the code path raising the event. This means blocking for events raised synchronously and waiting for the returned Task to complete for events raised asynchronously. Any exceptions thrown from a handler will be wrapped in a single AggregateException. Finally, we wrap a distributed tracing span around your handlers using the event name so you can see how long your handlers took to run, whether they made other calls to Azure services, and details about any exceptions that were thrown.

The rest of the code samples are using a fictitious AlarmClient to demonstrate how to handle SyncAsyncEventHandler events. There are Snooze and SnoozeAsync methods that both raise a Ring event.

Adding a synchronous event handler

If you're using the synchronous, blocking methods of a client (i.e., methods without an Async suffix), they will raise events that require handlers to execute synchronously as well. Even though the signature of your handler returns a Task, you should write regular sync code that blocks and return Task.CompletedTask when finished.

var client = new AlarmClient();
client.Ring += (SyncAsyncEventArgs e) =>
    Console.WriteLine("Wake up!");
    return Task.CompletedTask;


If you need to call an async method from a synchronous event handler, you have two options:

  • You can use Task.Run to queue a task for execution on the ThreadPool without waiting on it to complete. This "fire and forget" approach may not run before your handler finishes executing. Be sure to understand exception handling in the Task Parallel Library to avoid unhandled exceptions tearing down your process.
  • If you absolutely need the async method to execute before returning from your handler, you can call myAsyncTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult(). Please be aware this may cause ThreadPool starvation. See the sync-over-async note below for more details.

Adding an asynchronous event handler

If you're using the asynchronous, non-blocking methods of a client (i.e., methods with an Async suffix), they will raise events that expect handlers to execute asynchronously.

var client = new AlarmClient();
client.Ring += async (SyncAsyncEventArgs e) =>
    await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Wake up!");

await client.SnoozeAsync();

Handlers that can be called sync or async

The same event can be raised from both synchronous and asynchronous code paths depending on whether you're calling sync or async methods on a client. If you write an async handler but raise it from a sync method, the handler will be doing sync-over-async and may cause ThreadPool starvation. See the note at the bottom for more details.

You should use the SyncAsyncEventArgs.RunSynchronously property to check how the event is being raised and implement your handler accordingly. Here's an example handler that's safe to invoke from both sync and async code paths.

var client = new AlarmClient();
client.Ring += async (SyncAsyncEventArgs e) =>
    if (e.RunSynchronously)
        Console.WriteLine("Wake up!");
        await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Wake up!");

client.Snooze(); // sync call that blocks
await client.SnoozeAsync(); // async call that doesn't block

Handling exceptions

Any exceptions thrown by an event handler will be wrapped in a single AggregateException and thrown from the code that raised the event. You can check the AggregateException.InnerExceptions property to see the original exceptions thrown by your event handlers. AggregateException also provides a number of helpful methods like Flatten and Handle to make complex failures easier to work with.

var client = new AlarmClient();
client.Ring += (SyncAsyncEventArgs e) =>
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Alarm unplugged.");

catch (AggregateException ex)
    ex.Handle(e => e is InvalidOperationException);
    Console.WriteLine("Please switch to your backup alarm.");


Executing asynchronous code from a sync code path is commonly referred to as sync-over-async because you're getting sync behavior but still invoking all the async machinery. See Diagnosing .NET Core ThreadPool Starvation with PerfView for a detailed explanation of how that can cause serious performance problems. We recommend you use the SyncAsyncEventArgs.RunSynchronously flag to avoid ThreadPool starvation.

But what about executing synchronous code on an async code path like the "Adding a synchronous event handler" code sample above? This is perfectly okay. Behind the scenes, we're effectively doing something like:

var task = InvokeHandler();
if (!task.IsCompleted)

Writing sync code in your handler will block before returning a completed Task so there's no need to involve the ThreadPool to run your handler.