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cblite Tool Documentation

cblite is a command-line tool for inspecting and querying LiteCore and Couchbase Lite databases (which are directories with a .cblite2 extension.)

In one-shot usage the first argument is a subcommand name, followed by optional flag arguments and then (usually) a database path. The documentation for each subcommand, below, describes its specific parameters.

Command Purpose
cblite cat Display the body of one or more documents
cblite check Checks the database file for corruption
cblite compact Compacts the database file, freeing up disk space
cblite cp Replicate, import or export a database
cblite help Display help text
cblite info Display information about the database
cblite logcat Converts binary log files to plain text
cblite ls List the documents in the database
cblite put Create or update a document
cblite query Run queries, using the JSON Query Schema
cblite reindex Rebuilds indexes, which may improve performance
cblite revs List the revisions of a document
cblite rm Delete a document
cblite select Run queries, using N1QL syntax
cblite serve Start a (rudimentary) REST API listener

Interactive Mode

The tool has an interactive mode that you start by running cblite /path/to/database, i.e. with no subcommand. It will then prompt you for commands: each command is a command line without the initial cblite or the database-path parameter. Enter quit or press Ctrl-D to exit. For example:

$ cblite travel-sample.cblite2
Opened read-only database travel-sample.cblite2/
(cblite) ls -l --limit 5
Document ID             Rev ID     Flags   Seq     Size
airline_10              1-d70614ae ---       1     0.1K
airline_10123           1-091f80f6 ---       2     0.1K
airline_10226           1-928c43f4 ---       3     0.1K
airline_10642           1-5cb6252c ---       4     0.1K
airline_10748           1-630b0443 ---       5     0.1K
(Stopping after 5 docs)
(cblite) quit

Global Flags

These flags go immediately after cblite.

Flag Effect
--color Enables ANSI color (or else set the environment variable CLICOLOR.)
--create Creates a new database if the path does not exist. Opens database in writeable mode.
--encrypted Opens encrypted database, prompting for password or key
--help Prints help text, then exits
--version Prints the version of LiteCore, then exits
--writeable Opens the database in writeable mode, allowing use of commands like compact and put.

Notes on encryption:

  • The --encrypted flag isn't necessary in interactive mode; the tool will automatically prompt if it finds the database is encrypted. (In non-interactive mode the tool shouldn't block for input unless you meant it to.)
  • If your database is encrypted with an AES256 key instead of a password, enter it as 64 hex digits.


(You can run cblite --help to get a quick summary, or cblite help CMD for help on CMD.)

NOTE: If the first non-flag argument begins with a "-", it will be misinterpreted as a flag. To work around this, put an empty flag argument "--" before it.


Displays the JSON body of a document, or of all documents whose IDs match a pattern.

cblite cat [flags] databasepath DOCID [DOCID ...]

cat [flags] DOCID [DOCID ...]

(DOCID may contain shell-style wildcards *, ?)

Flag Effect
--key KEY Display only a single key/value (may be used multiple times)
--rev Show the revision ID(s)
--raw Raw JSON (not pretty-printed)
--json5 JSON5 syntax (no quotes around dict keys)


Performs an integrity check on the database, reporting any signs of corruption.

cblite check databasepath


cp (aka export, import, push, pull)

Copies a database, imports or exports JSON, or replicates.

cblite cp [flags] source destination

source and destination can be database paths, replication URLs, or JSON file paths. One of them must be a database path ending in *.cblite2. The other can be any of the following:

  • *.cblite2 ⟶ Copies local db file, and assigns new UUID to target *
  • ws://* ⟶ Networked replication
  • *.json ⟶ Imports/exports JSON file (one document per line)
  • */ ⟶ Imports/exports directory of JSON files (one per doc)

* The --replicate flag can be used to force a local-to-local copy to use the replicator. If the command is invoked as push or pull, this flag is implicitly set.

cp [flags] destination

In interactive mode, the database path is already known, so it's used as the source, and cp takes only a destination argument. You can optionally call the command push or export. Or if you use the synonyms pull or import in interactive mode, the parameter you give is treated as the source, while the current database is the destination.

Flag Effect
--bidi Bidirectional (push+pull) replication
-cacert file Use X.509 certificate(s) in file (PEM or DER format) to validate the server TLS certificate. Necessary if the server has a self-signed certificate.
--careful Abort on any error.
-cert file Use X.509 certificate in file (PEM or DER format) for TLS client authentication. Requires --key.
--continuous Continuous replication (never stops!)
--existing or -x Fail if destination doesn't already exist.
--jsonid property JSON property to use for document ID**
--key file Use private key in file for TLS client authentication. Requires --cert.
--limit n Stop after n documents. (Replicator ignores this)
--replicate Forces use of replicator when copying local to local
--user name[:password] Credentials for remote server. (If password is not given, the tool will prompt you to enter it.)
--verbose or -v Log progress information. Repeat flag for more verbosity.

** --jsonid works as follows: When source is JSON, this is a property name/path whose value will be used as the document ID. (If omitted, documents are given UUIDs.) When destination is JSON, this is a property name that will be added to the JSON, whose value is the document's ID. (If this flag is omitted, the value defaults to _id.)


Displays a list of all commands, or details of a given command.

cblite help [subcommand]

help [subcommand]

info (aka file)

Shows information about the database, such as the number of documents and the latest sequence number. With the sub-subcommand indexes, it instead lists all the indexes in the database. With the sub-subcommand index followed by an index name, it instead dumps the entire contents (keys and values) of that index.

cblite info databasepath cblite info databasepath indexes cblite info databasepath index indexname

info info indexes info index indexname


Reads Couchbase Lite binary log files, and writes their plain text equivalent to stdout.

Multiple files are merged together with the lines sorted chronologically.

If given a directory path, all .cbllog files in that directory are read.

cblite logcat [logfile] [logfile ...] cblite logcat [directory]

logcat [logfile] [logfile ...] logcat [directory]

Flag Effect
--csv Output in CSV format, per RFC4180.
--full Output starts at the first time when full logs (all levels) are available. This is often useful since the less-active log levels preserve a longer history, so if everything is logged then the start of the output will be nothing but old errors and warnings.
--out filepath Writes output to a file instead of stdout.


Lists the IDs of documents in the database.

cblite ls [flags] databasepath [PATTERN]

ls [flags] [PATTERN]

Flag Effect
-l Long format (one doc per line, with metadata)
--offset n Skip first n docs
--limit n Stop after n docs
--desc Descending order
--seq Order by sequence, not docID
--del Include deleted documents
--conf Include only conflicted documents
--body Display document bodies
--pretty Pretty-print document bodies (implies --body)
--json5 JSON5 syntax, i.e. unquoted dict keys (implies --body)

(PATTERN is an optional pattern for matching docIDs, with shell-style wildcards *, ?)


Creates or updates a document.

cblite put [flags] databasepath DOCID "JSON"

put [flags] DOCID "JSON"

Flag Effect
--create Only create a document; fails if the document exists.
--update Only update an existing document; fails if the document does not exist.

The document body JSON must be a single argument; put quotes around it to ensure that and to avoid misinterpretation of special characters. JSON5 syntax is allowed.

NOTE: In the interactive mode, this command will fail unless cblite was invoked with the --writeable or --create flag.


Queries the database, using JSON syntax. (See also select, to query with N1QL.)

cblite query [flags] databasepath "query"

query [flags] query

Flag Effect
--offset n Skip first n rows
--limit n Stop after n rows

The query must follow the JSON query schema. (JSON5 syntax is allowed.) It can be a dictionary {{ ... }) containing an entire query specification, or an array ([ ... ]) with just a WHERE clause. There are examples of each up above.

If you're running cblite query ... from a shell, you'll need to quote the JSON.


Rebuilds indexes. This could be time consuming on a large database. Usually not needed, but it could improve query performance somewhat, because an index built all at once may have a more efficient structure than one that's been incrementally modified over time.

This could be worthwhile to run as a final step when preparing a database to be embedded inside an application.

cblite reindex databasepath


NOTE: In the interactive mode, this command will fail unless cblite was invoked with the --writeable or --create flag.


Displays the revision history of a document.

cblite revs databasepath DOCID

revs DOCID


Deletes a document.

cblite rm databasepath DOCID


NOTE: In the interactive mode, this command will fail unless cblite was invoked with the --writeable or --create flag.


Queries the database using N1QL syntax.

cblite select [flags] databasepath "query"

select [flags] query

Flag Effect
--offset n Skip first n rows
--limit n Stop after n rows

query is a N1QL SELECT query, minus the keyword SELECT since that's already been given as the command name. No FROM clause is needed since there's only one key-space (the database).


Runs a mini HTTP server that responds to the {Sync Gateway, Couchbase Lite 1.x, CouchDB, PouchDB, etc.} REST API.

cblite serve [flags] databasepath

serve [flags]

Flag Effect
--port n Set TCP port number (default is 59840)
--readonly Prevent REST calls from altering the database
--verbose or -v Log requests. Repeat flag for more verbosity.

Note: Only a subset of the REST API is implemented so far! See the documentation.


$  cblite file travel-sample.cblite2
Database:   travel-sample.cblite2/
Total size: 34MB
Documents:  31591, last sequence 31591

$  cblite ls -l --limit 10 travel-sample.cblite2
Document ID     Rev ID     Flags   Seq     Size
airline_10      1-d70614ae ---       1     0.1K
airline_10123   1-091f80f6 ---       2     0.1K
airline_10226   1-928c43f4 ---       3     0.1K
airline_10642   1-5cb6252c ---       4     0.1K
airline_10748   1-630b0443 ---       5     0.1K
airline_10765   1-e7999661 ---       6     0.1K
airline_109     1-bd546abb ---       7     0.1K
airline_112     1-ca955c69 ---       8     0.1K
airline_1191    1-28dbba6e ---       9     0.1K
airline_1203    1-045b6947 ---      10     0.1K
(Stopping after 10 docs)

$  cblite travel-sample.cblite2
(cblite) query --limit 10 ["=", [".type"], "airline"]
["_id": "airline_10"]
["_id": "airline_10123"]
["_id": "airline_10226"]
["_id": "airline_10642"]
["_id": "airline_10748"]
["_id": "airline_10765"]
["_id": "airline_109"]
["_id": "airline_112"]
["_id": "airline_1191"]
["_id": "airline_1203"]
(Limit was 10 rows)
(cblite) query --limit 10 '{WHAT: [[".name"]], WHERE:  ["=", [".type"], "airline"], ORDER_BY: [[".name"]]}'
["40-Mile Air"]
["AD Aviation"]
["ATA Airlines"]
["Access Air"]
["Aigle Azur"]
["Air Austral"]
["Air Caledonie International"]
["Air Caraïbes"]
["Air Cargo Carriers"]
["Air Cudlua"]
(Limit was 10 rows)
(cblite) ^D