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212 lines (164 loc) · 9.86 KB

"message-passing": async & non-local

Types could accept "requests"; a "request" is a function where:

  • the parameter and output types are serializable
  • the output is async: it is a "future" that will be populated when the type responds
  • the receiver object:
    • is owned by the runtime (i.e. GC'd or static)
    • runs in its own green-thread
    • cannot be accessed directly (only through a "handle" - see below)

This would enable first-class language support for a message passing system. A "handle" wrapper-type would expose a type's "requests" API, but none of the other methods implemented by the type. "Same thread" handles would simply invoke the request methods as normal method calls; in a multi-threaded or distributed context, handles could use other mechanisms, such as channels or TCP.

Since handles would have identical APIs regardless of how they send and receive requests, this would facilitate dramatic refactorings, such as moving an object from one node to another in a distributed system.

Additionally, request APIs could easily be versioned and published, ensuring modularity.

Types can implement a "receiver" API and a "normal" synchronous-method-call API. If a type is used as a "normal" object, the "requests" can be invoked as synchronous methods. (When used in this way, a "handle" to the object cannot be created, unless it "consumes" the object, transferring ownership to the runtime.)

Auto-generated multi-purpose API files (headers)

"API files" would be like C++ header files, but auto-generated from source code.

They would contain the following information:

  • C++ header information, i.e., everything needed to compile classes that import the class being compiled
    • type definitions
    • total size, including padding, of the object (but not names and explicit types of private data members)
    • Public function signatures
    • ...etc
  • Documentation-comments (copied from source file)
  • Pre- and post- conditions (these should be a first-class language feature, and post-conditions should facilitate autogeneration of tests (?)). Post-conditions would include separate cases for error-handling (a la Rust's Result type).

This would be the first step in compilation; after all API files have been generated, piecewise compilation of the system would be trivial. It would also make partial builds quicker: since API files are auto-generated, they could include a hash at the top generated from the build-relevant aspects of the file (i.e., comments are not used in the hash generation); downstream build targets would only be rebuilt if this hash changes.

This would allow auto-detection and propagation of mut (or const), constexpr, etc. It would also allow developers to have a simple and reliable API to look at, which would be parsable (by autocompletion tools, etc) as well.

Note that circular imports (if that's allowed) would make generation of these APIs fairly complicated; there would, for instance, need to be mut "placeholders" until all source files have been examined.

Polymorphic types

"Variadic" types--like unions, but must include a way to know which member(s) are active

  • Replaces casting! All "casts" are done via implicit function-parameter conversion, or by calling a "transform" method on the polymorphic type.
    • In general, polymorphic types are not required to support "transformation"
  • Replaces inheritance!
    • Instead of inheriting, write an "umbrella" polymorphic type
  • "Tag" is REQUIRED, but it may be any of the following:
    • Compile-time condition (a la constexpr function)
    • Run-time enum
    • Run-time function
  • Tags may be shared among multiple polymorphic types nested within an "umbrella" type
  • Built-in "universal" type a la void* (used, for instance, as return value for Heap.Allocate)
  • Types with run-time specification must have a finite number of distinct specifications (right?) and a fixed size (just like C/C++ unions)
  • (Potentially) useful for marshalling (define marshalled/unmarshalled version of data members)
    • If this is indeed useful, provide std::unmarshaller?

Method qualifiers are primarily useful for polymorphic types; for "requests"/methods/functions not involving polymorphic types, or only polymorphic types with compile-time specification, the compiler should be able to determine all qualifiers (e.g. C++'s const). (Runtime-)polymorphic types, however, represent an interface, and therefore it makes sense to add qualifiers.


A la Ruby--separates the idea of added functionality via inheritance from the "polymorphism" features of inheritance

Can include data members (as in traditional C++)

"Forwarding" is explicit


Class definitions should have "sections" a la Markdown, possibly even using #, ##, etc. So far, this is somewhat similar to C++'s access-modifier sections but with a different syntax. There are two possible ways to develop 'sections'.

Arbitrary attributes

  • Nesting (i.e. subsections) is permissible
  • Attributes (e.g. access-spec, static/virtual, .... ? ):
    • The attributes bestowed by each section are separate from the section's name and can be arbitrary so long as they do not conflict with the attributes bestowed by supersections.
    • Members of classes 'inherit' all attributes listed by all containing sections; all other attributes must be specified manually (or have defaults).

Member-type attributes

This is the idea used in the current IntVector.class example: # indicates a class, while ## indicates a section. Member-variables are in the ##data section, public methods are in the ##requests section, the constructor is in its own ##init section, and private methods are in the ##aux section.


Support something like C++ scoped enums, but:

  • Somehow permit overlapping subsets (e.g. think of error codes--some apply to multiple situations, but not all)
  • Special "alias" subsets--otherwise multiple values w/ same name not permitted
  • If-needed support for iterating over enums or over subsets of enums
    • Implementation: at compile time, if iteration is requested, generate a zipped pair of arrays (or similar) representing where "jumps" happen and how far to jump (either an index or a step-size)

"Unique" values

"Move" semantics, but only on non-shared values; object itself may be owned by the runtime or be a value (stack) type

Unique values can turn into shared values, but not vice-versa

Some methods may require a unique value!

Relationship to mutability? (Rust: mut really means "uniquely referenced", but I think this is separate from the value itself being "unique")

drop/destructor/finalizer: types with destructors can only exist as "unique" values. I.e., these values cannot be turned into shared values.


Concurrency dealing w/ shared mutable data: "tags" for indicating that mutations have occurred, use these "tags" to indicate when operations may be scheduled (i.e. to indicate dependencies between mutations)

Error handling in finalizers/destructors: is this possible? Require destructors to be infallible? Provide special syntax for what to do when a destructor error occurs within some scope? Implicitly capture destructor errors and require a caller at some level on the stack to handle them?

When a method returns a reference to an internal value, mutness should be preserved based on the receiver. I.e., the language itself should somehow obviate the need for things like index[] and index_mut[] being implemented separately. This means that there needs to be a way to denote a "possibly-mut" receiver and "forward" the mutability through the method and onto the return type.

  • Option 1, less general: keyword meaning "mut IFF receiver is mut"
  • Option 2, more general: way of "naming" the CV-qualification (to use a C++ term) of input paramters

Compile-time evaluation (C++ constexpr) should be syntactically/semantically linked with the concept of static data; the idea is that the result of a compile-time evaluation is always data that is embedded in the binary. The static keyword will always be associated with data that is generated (or available as a literal) at compile time. (If static data is not used in the runtime, it will not be embedded. Static data that can be easily shown with static analysis to have no possible use regardless of feature-switches, etc. will trigger an error.)

Assertions will be analyzed to determine whether they can simply be evaluated at compile or link time and, if so, will trigger compile or link errors.

Explicit parameter names at call site (like Python but mandatory), overload on param names rather than types

Generalize Ruby's blocks with Currying: callable parameters are syntactically separate from groups of data-only parameters. E.g. a function signature could be:

fn my_fun(arg1: int, arg2: string){callable_arg1}(arg3: double){callable_arg2}

For short-lived valuable non-memory resources, I prefer Python's with **** as var: and Ruby's acquire(x) do |var| to RAII, i.e., explicit rather than implicit scopes for each resource. But I want to look into D's scope(end), which sounds very interesting. Also, I'm not sure how this can be generalized to longer-lived resources, whereas RAII is very extensible/scalable/generalizable.

Way of passing method names, a la Ruby symbols? (Compile-time only)

Way to support marshalling/unmarshalling of classes (not just objects)? This would make software updates possible without recompiling or relinking, but might cause huge overhead. Additionally, the "text" segment in ELF files is apparently read-only, so the process would have to...restart itself, or something? Would this even be worthwhile?

For (basic) signed integers, 0xFFFF... should always be an invalid value. It's tempting to say that this should also hold for signed integers. This should also be the default initialization value.