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Lukas Anthonissen edited this page Sep 4, 2023 · 13 revisions



The Event-Participation-Trends project uses the Wi-Fi signals emitted by cell-phones and strategically placed Wi-Fi sensors, to track participants at an event. This allows the manager of an event to identify hot-spots and bottlenecks in the layout of an event by using generated heatmaps of users at the event, to better plan for future events.

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The Tech Stack


For our frontend, we have opted to use Angular in tandem with the TailwindCSS styling framework.

We chose Angular for its Typescript support, component based architecture that allows us to reuse recurring elements and its two way data bindings, allowing for efficient synchronisation between the UI and application state.


For our backend, we have opted to use NestJs.

We chose NestJs for its Typescript support, CQRS architecture, dependency injection and middleware software. This allows us to implement role-based authentication by adding guards to all of our endpoints.


For our database, we chose MongoDB for its document-based storage, allowing for the efficient storage and retrieval of large amounts of simple data, which is a perfect fit for a large amount of device id's and positions begin saved every second in this poject.

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