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Dev. basic info

Stefano Gottardo edited this page Nov 16, 2023 · 31 revisions

This document provides some information to start understanding the operating environment of this project.

Being a large project which also makes use of undocumented technologies, it is not possible to compile a complete documentation of every part of it, so i will add some technical information.

The addon structure

Files and folders

Files Description
/ Entry points for Kodi, run an addon instance (more than one instance could also be initiated)
/ Entry points for Kodi, run the addon service (only one instance of the service)
/lib/ Used by both entry points, initializes global variables
Addon folder structure under 'resources' Description
/language .po files of the languages supported by the addon GUI
/lib/utils Stand-alone helper files
/lib/common Helper files incorporated on the common module
/lib/database SQLite, MySQL database management
/lib/kodi Methods to interact with Kodi mainly for context menus and library management
/lib/kodi/ui Classes and methods to handle standard and custom Kodi window dialogs
/lib/navigation Handle route navigation between menus, context menu actions, settings actions, play titles
/lib/services Contains code used only by the service instance
/lib/services/cache The cache management (sharable with multiple plugin instances)
/lib/services/msl Handle MSL Request/Response, Manifest, License, MPD for InputStream
/lib/services/nfsession Handle the Netflix web session and related features
/lib/services/nfsession/session Handle HTTP Request/Response and Netflix web session
/lib/services/nfsession/directorybuilder Prepare the list of data to build a directory of xbmcgui.ListItem
/lib/services/playback Handle everything that is related to the Kodi player info in real time like Skip button dialog, stream continuity, etc...
/media Images used by addon itself and for directory items
/skins Images and XML used for custom window dialogs

Difference between common and utils folders:
On common folder all modules and related imports are loaded at the same time (excluded, because for convenience they are incorporated on the common module (see common/
On utils folder the modules and related imports are loaded only when required.

The databases

The DBMS used in this add-on are SQLite for the local databases and MySQL for the (optional) shared library database. SQLite imposes many limitations on database management (e.g. multiple read/write, connections, threads), so to better manage these limits and to make it easier to transition to MySQL, has been chosen to create two local databases.

Database nf_local - Used to store any kind of data except those of the library

Table name Description
app_config Contains data for the addon (excluded for library)
menu_data Contains temporary data for the management of the various menus/sub-menus of lists
profiles Contains the parsed Netflix profiles list *1
profiles_config Contains the parsed Netflix settings of the profiles *1
session Contains data for the currently opened Netflix session
settings_monitor Used only by the only way to distinguish which settings are changed by the user
search Contains the list of the search menu (search history)

Database nf_shared - Used to store the data for library only, the MySQL side reflects the same scheme

Table name Description
profiles A copy of profiles table of the local database *1
shared_app_config Contains the settings for the library
stream_continuity Contains data to remember user-selected settings for audio/subtitles of each tv show/movie
video_lib_episodes Contains the data of exported episodes
video_lib_movies Contains the data of exported movies
video_lib_seasons Contains the data of exported seasons
video_lib_tvshows Contains the data of exported tv shows
watched_status_override Contains the watched status manually set by the user (when is enabled the sync with nf)

*1 Tables with frequently updated data from website, save other data may be deleted if the data name have same value of website data.

The data management

All data operations like HTTP requests, data elaboration, making the ListItems, etc... are all processed within the service instance, to exchange data between (one or more) "frontend" python instance and the service python instance, IPC communications are used (IPC over HTTP/IPC over AddonSignals). This choice of manage all data in the service was taken mainly because SQLite databases can be corrupted if more add-on python instances read/write at same time, and because memory sharing of a common cache is not possible except within the same python instance.

Apple iOS tvOS limits Python compatibility

Unlike linux, iOS/tvOS does not implement or allow the use of some features, creating problems in executing of the source code

These are some known limitations (on Python 2.7, later versions are to be tested):

  • There is no "fork", "exec" support for the processes, this breaks the subprocess module
  • Due to missing "fork" there is no full cleanup of process resources (memory, threads, file handles, ...)
  • Due to no cleanup of processes can breaks some functionality of module platform e.g. machine, system, node
  • There is no file access outside of application directory
  • There is no currently support multi-processing

Why is it currently specified that on iOS/tvOS the add-on is not compatible? Currently the add-on is executable on iOS, but due to the lack of Widevine library, the videos can not be played.

How to send / receive Netflix data

This add-on relies on the website API, so it must be adapted to any changes to the website.

To understand how it sends and obtains data, you must first consider how the website works. A simple start is to start studying the network flow with the browser in debug mode, by analyzing the requests/responses on the pathEvaluator endpoint. The data is freely accessible and complies with the JSONGraph standard.

This API is also called Shakti is the basis on how the add-on makes requests and receives responses.

In addition to this, the website also relies on important parts in javascript. (which i cannot mention to avoid legal problems).

The log-in system

The login system is reproduced via code the one performed by the website.

The security is also taken into account by the add-on, therefore on the net credentials travel encrypted according to the SSL standard, while locally user credentials are stored with AES encryption with an UUID key based on hardware information, therefore related to the hardware in use.

On android the add-on login in the same way, but it would not be correct because the login should be through dedicated API for android. In fact because of this there are some side effects (see workaround for media-flag 4K). These APIs have not been implemented because they require further huge separate study and development.

Working with the profiles

Considering that there are no documents on which to base ourselves, i will try to explain in short what i currently understand.

There are currently two separate profile management on the website, the first Shakti API endpoint (used for pathEvaluator) used to get/send data like lists, etc... and the MSL API endpoint used for playback.

To be able to send/receive data with a specified profile, you need to activate it on both sides, so we talk about "profile switch".

Shakti pathEvaluator NFSession API

There are two ways to perform the profile switch the NFSession side, by using one of these endpoints:

  • ../SwitchProfile (better provide profile cookies)
  • ../profiles/switch

(these are partial address they change over the time so you need check the website)

In both cases, after making the switch, you must obtain the updated authURL value, that must be used for all future pathEvaluator requests. The authURL is required to have access rights to make http requests with the specified profile, in this way the data sent or received will be bound to the selected profile.

The /SwitchProfile endpoint provide updated profile cookies, these can be used to switch profile in the MSL API by using NETFLIXID scheme.


There are two ways to switch profile on MSL side, this is needed to receive the manifest and send data with the right profile.

The first way consists of using NETFLIXID MSL user-authentication scheme, where you send the cookies bound to selected profile, they will be used to switch profile.

The second way consists of using a custom MSL user-authentication scheme, (MSL references User Authentication (Configuration), User Authentication) called SWITCH_PROFILE.

This authentication method, in addition to attaching the user authentication data to the MSL request, instructs the service to activate the specified profile.

Ref PR: The MSL switch profile

This user-authentication scheme works only combined with an user-id-token, after use it you will get in the response an user-id-token of the profile specified, that you will need to use for all future MSL requests.

Test Shakti pathEvaluator

The add-on integrates a Shakti website API testing for pathEvaluator endpoint into the service. Therefore, it is possible to do tests to understand what data we get with one type of request, follow an example how to do.

  • Prerequisite: a software to make HTTP POST requests e.g. Postman
  • Enable Kodi debug
  • Enable Netflix add-on debug from expert settings -> MANDATORY OR WILL NOT WORKS!
  • Run Kodi, before continuing -> make sure you are already logged in (after is not needed open the add-on)
  • Open Kodi log file, and find the netflix server port by searching: [NF_SERVER] Picked Port:
  • Now on Postman open a page to make an HTTP POST request, then:

Base server address: (replace xxxxx with the found port number) Append to this URL the function name to be called, usually "path_request" to use pathEvaluator, that become: server address:

the request must be a POST request, the data will be raw set as json format, example:


you can create custom json data requests also by looking at website network flow, and by respecting netflix JSON Graph format rules.

How using: makefile


  • Install "make" If you are on windows you can install MinGW or similars
    If you are on windows and you have installed Git, you can integrate make:
    -Download from
    -Copy the contents to your Git\mingw64\ merging the folders, but do NOT overwrite/replace any existing files
  • Install makefile dependencies (kodi-addon-checker, tox, coverage, xmllint) depends on what functionality you need to run

Functionalities (to be used with the console):

  • Test unit (tox, pylint, check-translations...): make test or make run
  • Check translations issues: make check-translations
  • Modify all translations files to update them with "en_gb" file: make update-translations
  • Run Kodi addon checker: make check-addon
  • Build add-on zip for Leia: make build
  • Build add-on zip for Leia + Matrix: make multizip

The available resolutions and limitations

Netflix has a complicated system of protection and limitations to allow the viewing of high resolution video (720p/1080p/4k).

The main factors currently known to influence the available resolutions are:

  • The type of CPU architecture
  • The type of operative system *
  • The type of browser *

Is taken in account of the type of User Agent used, it influences the shakti metadata, the ESN, the manifest and license requests.
We rely on the website specs:
In some cases it is possible to obtain even higher resolutions than those declared (depends from the MSL profiles used).

  • The model of device in use *
  • The DRM security level and HDCP version in use *

We use only the DRM Widevine. We can handle Sec.Lev. L1 only to certified android devices all others are L3. If the device is L1 and have HDCP >= 2.2, will be available resolutions 1080p and higher in hardware deconding.

  • The ESN

The ESN is a serial that could contains information about the device in use, and can influence the resolutions.

  • Some videos are also influenced by the producers
  • On Android, Netflix has also adopted a blacklist, when a device is blacklisted it will only play videos in SD quality
  • On linux to allow get the 1080P with ARM arch, is needed to provide the DRM challenge key in the video manifest request
  • Others things!? we hope no..
* This parameter affects the ESN

Licensed manifest request

In this last year 2020/2021 netflix has introduced a licensed manifest request, unlike the old type of manifest request this require to initialize the DRM before making the manifest request, in order to attach these two data, DRM session ID and the DRM key request (challenge) to the request. These data are needed in order to get HD resolutions, currently are mandatory only for ARM devices, but given these recent changes in future could be mandatory for all platforms.

Two data are required to InputStream Adaptive to "pre-initialise" the DRM: PSSH and KEY ID. The PSSH can be found by parsing the javascript part of the website, this data also includes the Key ID that needs to be extracted.

In the PR can be found other infos and the source code of a custom PSSH parser to extract the required keys.

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