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Virtual machine vCPU sizing in Kata Containers 3.0

Preview: Kubernetes(since 1.23) and Containerd(since 1.6.0-beta4) will help calculate Sandbox Size info and pass it to Kata Containers through annotations. In order to adapt to this beneficial change and be compatible with the past, we have implemented the new vCPUs handling way in runtime-rs, which is slightly different from the original runtime-go's design.

When do we need to handle vCPUs size?

vCPUs sizing should be determined by the container workloads. So throughout the life cycle of Kata Containers, there are several points in time when we need to think about how many vCPUs should be at the time. Mainly including the time points of CreateVM, CreateContainer, UpdateContainer, and DeleteContainer.

  • CreateVM: When creating a sandbox, we need to know how many vCPUs to start the VM with.
  • CreateContainer: When creating a new container in the VM, we may need to hot-plug the vCPUs according to the requirements in container's spec.
  • UpdateContainer: When receiving the UpdateContainer request, we may need to update the vCPU resources according to the new requirements of the container.
  • DeleteContainer: When a container is removed from the VM, we may need to hot-unplug the vCPUs to reclaim the vCPU resources introduced by the container.

On what basis do we calculate the number of vCPUs?

When Kata calculate the number of vCPUs, We have three data sources, the default_vcpus and default_maxvcpus specified in the configuration file (named TomlConfig later in the doc), the io.kubernetes.cri.sandbox-cpu-quota and io.kubernetes.cri.sandbox-cpu-period annotations passed by the upper layer runtime, and the corresponding CPU resource part in the container's spec for the container when CreateContainer/UpdateContainer/DeleteContainer is requested.

Our understanding and priority of these resources are as follows, which will affect how we calculate the number of vCPUs later.

  • From TomlConfig:
    • default_vcpus: default number of vCPUs when starting a VM.
    • default_maxvcpus: maximum number of vCPUs.
  • From Annotation:
    • InitialSize: we call the size of the resource passed from the annotations as InitialSize. Kubernetes will calculate the sandbox size according to the Pod's statement, which is the InitialSize here. This size should be the size we want to prioritize.
  • From Container Spec:
    • The amount of CPU resources that the Container wants to use will be declared through the spec. Including the aforementioned annotations, we mainly consider cpu quota and cpuset when calculating the number of vCPUs.
    • cpu quota: cpu quota is the most common way to declare the amount of CPU resources. The number of vCPUs introduced by cpu quota declared in a container's spec is: vCPUs = ceiling( quota / period ).
    • cpuset: cpuset is often used to bind the CPUs that tasks can run on. The number of vCPUs may introduced by cpuset declared in a container's spec is the number of CPUs specified in the set that do not overlap with other containers.

How to calculate and adjust the vCPUs size:

There are two types of vCPUs that we need to consider, one is the number of vCPUs when starting the VM (named Boot Size in the doc). The second is the number of vCPUs when CreateContainer/UpdateContainer/DeleteContainer request is received (Real-time Size in the doc).

Boot Size

The main considerations are InitialSize and default_vcpus. There are the following principles: InitialSize has priority over default_vcpus declared in TomlConfig.

  1. When there is such an annotation statement, the originally default_vcpus will be modified to the number of vCPUs in the InitialSize as the Boot Size. (Because not all runtimes support this annotation for the time being, we still keep the default_cpus in TomlConfig.)
  2. When the specs of all containers are aggregated for sandbox size calculation, the method is consistent with the calculation method of InitialSize here.

Real-time Size

When we receive an OCI request, it may be for a single container. But what we have to consider is the number of vCPUs for the entire VM. So we will maintain a list. Every time there is a demand for adjustment, the entire list will be traversed to calculate a value for the number of vCPUs. In addition, there are the following principles:

  1. Do not cut computing power and try to keep the number of vCPUs specified by InitialSize.
    • So the number of vCPUs after will not be less than the Boot Size.
  2. cpu quota takes precedence over cpuset and the setting history are took into account.
    • We think quota describes the CPU time slice that a cgroup can use, and cpuset describes the actual CPU number that a cgroup can use. Quota can better describe the size of the CPU time slice that a cgroup actually wants to use. The cpuset only describes which CPUs the cgroup can use, but the cgroup can use the specified CPU but consumes a smaller time slice, so the quota takes precedence over the cpuset.
    • On the one hand, when both cpu quota and cpuset are specified, we will calculate the number of vCPUs based on cpu quota and ignore cpuset. On the other hand, if cpu quota was used to control the number of vCPUs in the past, and only cpuset was updated during UpdateContainer, we will not adjust the number of vCPUs at this time.
  3. StaticSandboxResourceMgmt controls hotplug.
    • Some VMMs and kernels of some architectures do not support hotplugging. We can accommodate this situation through StaticSandboxResourceMgmt. When StaticSandboxResourceMgmt = true is set, we don't make any further attempts to update the number of vCPUs after booting.