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Workshop Content

Background Settings

In an effort to limit the hardware requirement for this workshop, we are going to be using mocked devices. They behave like "simulated devices", but have limited interactivity.

Note that this workshop does work on actual live devices - as long as you have the same topology and configuration.

In other words, consider all calls to mock_device_cli be what you would've typically done to telnet or ssh to your device's console.

Type help in the device prompt to show the list of supported commands. Note that only full-commands are accepted. Partial commands will be rejected with help output. This is a limitation of the mock implementation.

Step 1 - Without automation - Collect Information Manually

Congratulation, you are in charge of the following network!


The network is performing as expected. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to make sure it remains up and operational. If the network experiences issues, you must react quickly and fix it! (Sounds familiar?)

Getting Ready
cd ~/workspace/devwks-2595
source bin/activate
cd workshop

Manual Investigation

Let's connect to our device and send a few show commands to learn the topology and configuration.

First, connect to your NXOS device with the command below:

mock_device_cli --os nxos --mock_data_dir mocked_devices/initial_yamls/nxos --state execute

You can send a few show commands to better understand the topology and configuration

  • show running-config
  • show interface
  • show ip ospf vrf all

NOTE: use Ctrl+C to disconnect from the device.

Second, use the following command to connect to your IOSXE/CSR device.

mock_device_cli --os iosxe --mock_data_dir mocked_devices/initial_yamls/csr --state execute

Step 2 - Without Automation - Catastrophe

Oh no!

oh No!

All of sudden, the network is not operating as expected! Without any automation, can you figure out what happened without going to the previous step?

# connect to your NX device
mock_device_cli --os nxos --mock_data_dir mocked_devices/disaster_yamls/nxos --state execute

# connect to your XE device
mock_device_cli --os iosxe --mock_data_dir mocked_devices/disaster_yamls/csr --state execute

Remember: use Ctrl+C to disconnect from the device.

This is not an easy task!

Let's see how we handle this in 2019 with Genie!

Let's replay our disaster scenario, but this time using pyATS CLI

Step 3 - Using pyATS ClI - Collect information

Genie offers command line tools that allows the user to manage their network whilst leveraging the power of Genie Python libraries, without any prerequisite understanding in Python or automation.

The first step is to learn the good state of the devices.

# run pyATS CLI
pyats learn ospf interface bgp platform --testbed-file working-tb.yaml --output learnt

Take a moment to look at the output.

Your call to this pyATS CLI stores the device output and the parsed datastructure into a folder called learnt.

Consider this as the sane state snapshot for the testbed you are in charge of.

Internally, Genie uses its Models to decide which commands to issue, and what to store. Genie feature models are agnostic across OS, platforms and management protocols (eg, CLI/NETCONF).

With an editor, you can open the two generated files:

  • learnt/ospf_nxos_nx-osv-1_ops.txt
  • learnt/ospf_nxos_nx-osv-1_console.txt

The _ops file contains the datastructure learnt/parsed from the show commands for the feature OSPF on the nxos device.

The _console file contains all the cli and device output which were sent to the device to learn OSPF on the nxos device.

Each feature's relevant information is parsed into structured data. Having structured data open many new possibilities which we will see.

Thats it! We are now ready for our disaster to happen!

Step 4 - Using pyATS CLI - ...all is good

Oh No

oh No!

When the same disaster occurs, Genie to the rescue!

# call pyATS CLI again
pyats learn ospf interface bgp platform --testbed-file disaster-tb.yaml --output disaster

You now have a new snapshot of how your devices are behaving in its disastrous state, under the disaster folder.

Now, perform a diff of the states before and after disaster occurance.

pyats diff learnt disaster

You can clearly see that the OSPF and interface operational state has changed.

With an editor, open the two files:

  • diff_interface_nxos_nx-osv-1_ops.txt
  • diff_ospf_nxos_nx-osv-1_ops.txt

You should see content like this:

--- learnt/interface_nxos_nx-osv-1_ops.txt
+++ disaster/interface_nxos_nx-osv-1_ops.txt
+  duplex_mode: auto
-  duplex_mode: full
+  enabled: False    <---
-  enabled: True     <---
+  oper_status: down <---
-  oper_status: up   <---

Similar to typical Linux diff output:

  • - means this key is now missing or has been modified and this was the old value.
  • + means this key has been added or been modified and this is the current value.

Right away we see that interface Ethernet2/1 on the nxos device is in shutdown mode and it is affecting our OSPF neighbor. We lost the neighbor

Once the problem is pin-pointed, tackling the problem is now much easier. Investigation will start on why this port is now shutdown and bring it back up.

pyATS CLI is ready for you to use on your own network. Just repeat the same steps on your network, whenever needed.

In the last part of this workshop we will try a few more pyATS CLI commands.

Now,let's replay the disaster scenario again, but this time with some automation

Step 5 - With Genie Robot - Collect information

RobotFramework provides a great intermediate step between no automation and full python. It writes like English text, is keywords driven and can be extended with external libraries.

Genie RobotFramework Libs exists to allow you to control your network in RobotFramework using the full power of Genie models.

Our Workshop Robot script tackles the same challenge as earlier:

  • Learn the good state of the network
  • Rerun periodically or when a disaster occurs to figure out what happened

With an editor, open the script below and examine its content:

  • robot_initial_snapshot.robot

The Robot language is keyword based, which makes reading this script quite easy. Without much effort, you should see that this script does the following:

  • Load Genie Library
  • Connect to the two devices
  • Learn BGP, interface, platform, OSF and the device configuration and save it to file

Let's run the script:

# run robot script
robot --outputdir robot_initial robot_initial_snapshot.robot

RobotFramework generates its own log files. You can open the robot_initial/log.html with a web browser to view it.

Our good snapshot was saved as file ./good_snapshot; we are now ready for a disaster to happen!

Step 6 - With Genie Robot - ...all is good

Oh No

oh No!


In the previous step we've taken a snapshot of our network when it was performing as expected. We will now take a new snapshot and compare it with the previous good snapshot.

With an editor open the script below, and examine its content:


This is the 2nd RobotFramework based script which, upon running, will:

  • Load Genie Library
  • Connect to the two devices
  • Learn BGP, interface, platform, OSPF and the device configuration, and save it to files
  • And compare the new snapshot with the original one!

Let's start the script.

# run robot script
robot --outputdir robot_compare robot_compare_snapshot.robot

And again, open the robot_compare/log.html with a web browser to view the log.

Similar to typical Linux diff:

  • - means this key is now missing or has been modified and this was the old value
  • + means this key has been added or been modified and this is the current value

You should see the following in your log:

Comparison between ./good_snapshot and ./new_snapshot is different for feature 'interface' for device:

+  duplex_mode: auto
-  duplex_mode: full
+  enabled: False
-  enabled: True
+  oper_status: down
-  oper_status: up

And this should allow us to arrive at the same conclusion easily, as with using pyATS CLI.

Step 7 - Bonus

pyATS CLI and Genie RobotFramework library have tons of extra functionality, let's try a few of them.

Parse CLI command with pyATS CLI

Devices output can be parsed into structure data with pyATS CLI.

cd ..
pyats parse "show version" --testbed-file working-tb.yaml --device nx-osv-1 --output initial_output
pyats parse "show version" "show ip ospf interface vrf all" --testbed-file working-tb.yaml --device nx-osv-1 --output initial_output

Visit our website to see all available parsers.

Then you can take a snapshot of the same command at a different time and compare them.

pyats parse "show version" "show ip ospf interface vrf all" --testbed-file working-tb.yaml --device nx-osv-1 --output current_output

And to compare them:

pyats diff initial_output current_output --output parser_diff

All others possibilities and arguments are discussed on our pyATS CLI documentation!

Genie Robot Library

So far we've created a very useful comparison script with our Robot keywords.

Genie robot library contains many keywords that you can use for writing your script.

The script : robot_bonus.robot does the following:

  • Load Genie Library
  • Connect to the two devices
  • Verify the number of BGP neighbors
  • Verify the number of BGP routes
  • Verify the number of OSPF neighbor
  • Verify the number of up Interfaces
cd bonus_robot
UNICON_REPLAY=`pwd`/mocked_devices/bonus_recording robot --outputdir bonus robot_bonus.robot

This style of testing is great to run periodically and make sure of the state of your devices.


This concludes the workshop, we hope this session was inspirational and opened possibilities for your own Automation and NetDevOps.

To iterate a few points about pyATS and Genie:

  • pyATS and Genie is developed and used as the de-facto testing library and solution in Cisco
  • Genie is THE Python library to use and automate your network!
  • It is free to use and all the libraries are open source
  • The Cisco internal and customer external version of pyATS/Genie is exactly the same
  • New libraries and innovation are being released as we speak!
  • Genie libraries can be used in many ways:

This workshop is an excellent starting point to automate your network. Genie CLI is easy to use and very powerful, and requires no previous knowledge. RobotFramework is a great step towards automation, but without focusing too much on the language syntax. And for more advanced users, you can dig straight into the documentation and the code and get started!