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How To Package a Simple Kivy App on Windows (With Pictures)

  • Requirements: Latest Kivy installed and PyInstaller 3.1+ (pip install pyinstaller or pip install --upgrade pyinstaller) If you're having any issues with opening your app uninstall PyInstaller and install the developer version (pip uninstall pyinstaller then pip install

  • Step 1: Make a folder and call it whatever you want and put it anywhere except where your .py file is. I personally just called it exefolder and put it next to the folder where my .py file is

  • Step 2: Change the directory of your command line shell (for example I'm using vscode) to the folder you just made. For me, I would type in my shell: cd C:\Users\Tyler\PycharmProjects\exefolder

  • Step 3: Make a folder in the directory where your .py file is. I named mine kivyapp. Copy any files you used in your project into this folder. For me, I only have to copy my .py and .kv files

  • Step 4a: (If you would like to add an icon to your application, skip to Step 4b) Now in your shell, type: python -m PyInstaller --name YourAppName -w TheDirectoryToYour.pyFile and hit enter. For example mine would be: python -m PyInstaller --name EbayApp -w C:\Users\Tyler\PycharmProjects\Giraffe\kivyapp\ (If you want the command prompt to run with your exe then delete -w) Now proceed to Step 5

  • Step 4b: (Optional) To add an icon to your application, add a .ico file to the folder where the files you just copied are. (You can convert a picture into a .ico file at Then in your shell type: python -m PyInstaller --name YourAppName -w --icon TheDirectoryToYour.icoFile TheDirectoryToYour.pyFile and hit enter. For example mine would be: python -m PyInstaller --name EbayApp -w --icon C:\Users\Tyler\PycharmProjects\Giraffe\kivyapp\icon.ico C:\Users\Tyler\PycharmProjects\Giraffe\kivyapp\ (If you want the command prompt to run with your exe then delete -w)

  • Step 5: When that's done it should say completed successfully. Now go to the folder you made in step 1 and right click the .spec file and open it with notepad (or any other text editor)

  • Step 6: When you open your .spec file, it should look something like this: Now at the top in the empty space right above block_cipher = None add in: from kivy_deps import sdl2, glew

  • Step 7: Now find the coll = COLLECT(exe, line and add: Tree('ThePathToTheFolderYouMadeInStep3'), to it. Mine looks like: coll = COLLECT(exe, Tree('C:\\Users\\Tyler\\PycharmProjects\\Giraffe\\kivyapp\\'),

  • Step 8: Below that, look for the a.datas, line and below it add: *[Tree(p) for p in (sdl2.dep_bins + glew.dep_bins)], so that it's in between a.datas, and strip=False,

  • Step 9: Save the file and close out of it. Lastly, go back into your shell and type: python -m PyInstaller YourAppName.spec and hit enter. Mine looks like: python -m PyInstaller EbayApp.spec

  • Step 10: At some point it should say: WARNING: The output directory "YourDirectory" and ALL ITS CONTENTS will be REMOVED! Continue? (y/N) This is totally fine. Just press y then enter

  • Step 11: After it's done building, your .exe file will be in the folder you made in Step 1. Mine was in: C:\Users\Tyler\PycharmProjects\exefolder\dist\EbayApp

  • Step 12: Open it up and everything should be working fine!

    And that's it! Enjoy!
