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Jawbone Cordova oAuth

This is a Jawbone up tutorial for authenticate with oAuth and get first data


  • Cordova
  • Plugin: org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser

1. Create Cordova App with the inappbrowserplugin

2. Register an Application at Jawbone Developer API

After Registration you must register a Redirect URL on Jawbone, like fitnessmonitor://oauth_callback.

Then you get a Client_id and a Client_secret.


Copy them to the Javascript Variables "client_id" and "client_secret".

var client_id = ''; // Your Client id here
var client_secret = ''; // Your Secret here

3. Register URL Type in xCode info.plist


The Code

oAuth Authentication

This show an inappbrowser with the oAuth URL of Jawbone. Also set in scope, what data you will read or write from Jawbone

var browser;


function login() {
    //see for this 3. Register URL Type in xCode info.plist
    var redirect_uri = 'fitnessmonitor://oauth_callback';
    //Authentication to read or write Data, see jawbone API
    var scope = 'extended_read+basic_read+move_read+sleep_read';
    //Generate URL
    var url = '' + client_id +
        '&redirect_uri=' + redirect_uri +
        '&scope=' + scope;
    browser =, '_blank', 'location=yes');


oAuth Callback

After the Authentication was successful the Browser redirect to "redirect_uri", this is handled in handleOpenURL Method. Here the Code for this:

function handleOpenURL(url) {
    setTimeout(function() {
        url = url.split('?')[1];
        url = url.replace('code=', '');
        // now in url is the code. 

    }, 100);

oAuth get Access Token

The Code has a life Time of 10 Minutes. So you must request now the access Token for the user, by doing this:

function login_Redirect(code) {
    var url = '';
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', url);
    xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
    //This will return an error or the token
    xhr.onload = function() {
        if(this.status === 200) {
            var data = JSON.parse(this.response);
            //write expire time in Datetime
            data.expires_in = new Date(new Date().getTime() + data.expires_in*1000);
            //save Token in localStorage
            localStorage.oAuth2 = JSON.stringify(data);
        } else {
            alert('ERROR ON RESPONSE');
            // TODO: Handle Error
    //Send client_id, client_secret and code for authentication
    xhr.send('client_id=' + client_id + '&' +
        'client_secret=' + client_secret + '&' +
        'grant_type=authorization_code' + '&' +
        'code=' + code);

Now you can see in the Data the access_token and the update_token. The access_token has a life Time of one Year. This is also in attribute expires_in (in seconds).