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File metadata and controls

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DevOps course, practices with Google Cloud Platform.

1.1) Project has scripts for manual setup:

  • install Ruby
  • install MongoDB
  • deploy application 'reddit' from Artemmkin scripts/

1.2) Project has scripts to make automatic setup at the time startup new instance:

  • startup script scripts/
  • inner script scripts/ with main tasks

Homework 6, 7

1.1) Use gcloud command to build reddit-app instance in GCE:

  • use default image from GCE
  • use startup script to make prepare installations
$ gcloud compute instances create
 --boot-disk-size=10GB \
 --image=ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20170815a \
 --image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \
 --machine-type=g1-small \
 --tags puma-server \
 --zone=europe-west1-b \
 --metadata-from-file startup-script=./

1.2) Use command gcloud to build reddit-app instance in GCE:

  • use HashiCorp Packer to build image with prepared installations
  • use a custom bake-image
$ packer build \
 -var 'machine_type=f1-micro' \
 -var 'project_id=practice-devops-gcp-1' \
 -var 'source_image=ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20170815a' \

$ gcloud compute instances create \
 --image=reddit-base-2-1505095462 \
 --image-project=practice-devops-gcp-1 \
 --machine-type=g1-small \
 --tags puma-server \
 --restart-on-failure \
 --zone=europe-west1-b \

Homework 8, 9

1.1) Use HashiCorp Terraform to build reddit-app and reddit-db instances in GCE:

~$ packer build \
 -var 'machine_type=f1-micro' \
 -var 'project_id=infra-179717' \
 -var 'source_image=ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20170815a' \

~$ packer build \
 -var 'machine_type=f1-micro' \
 -var 'project_id=infra-179717' \
 -var 'source_image=ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20170815a' \
  • use required file for each module and each environment with definition of needed variables
  • create an internal file terraform.tfvars with custom values of variables
project = "infra-179717"
public_key_path = "~/.ssh/"
private_key_path = "~/.ssh/otus_devops_appuser"
db_disk_image = "reddit-db-1505646807"
app_disk_image = "reddit-app-1505646464"
disk_image = "reddit-base-1505269146"
  • build instances
~/terraform/{prod | stage}$ terraform init
~/terraform/{prod | stage}$ terraform plan
~/terraform/{prod | stage}$ terraform apply

1.2) Use Google Cloud Storage to store a terraform state file

  • create file next to
terraform {
  backend "gcs" {
    bucket  = "infra-179717-bucket"
    path    = "infra/terraform.tfstate"
    project = "infra-179717"
    region  = "europe-west1"
  • create storage bucket
~$ gsutil mb -c regional -l europe-west1 -p infra-179717 gs://infra-179717-bucket
Creating gs://infra-179717-bucket/...

~$ gsutil ls
  • build instances
~/terraform/{prod | stage}$ terraform init
~/terraform/{prod | stage}$ terraform plan
~/terraform/{prod | stage}$ terraform apply

Do not forget delete resources

~/terraform/{prod | stage}$ terraform destroy

~$ gsutil rm -r gs://infra-179717-bucket/
Removing gs://infra-179717-bucket/infra/terraform.tfstate#1505901677420946...
/ [1 objects]
Operation completed over 1 objects.
Removing gs://infra-179717-bucket/...

Homework 10

Use HashiCorp Packer and Red Hat Ansible to build reddit-app and reddit-db images in GCE:

  • install Ansible and required dependencies
~$ pip install -r ./ansible/requirements.txt
~$ ansible --version
  • check firewall-rules:
~$ gcloud compute firewall-rules list
NAME                    NETWORK  DIRECTION  PRIORITY  ALLOW                         DENY
default-allow-icmp      default  INGRESS    65534     icmp
default-allow-internal  default  INGRESS    65534     tcp:0-65535,udp:0-65535,icmp
default-allow-rdp       default  INGRESS    65534     tcp:3389
default-allow-ssh       default  INGRESS    65534     tcp:22
  • create default-allow-ssh if you do not have this one
~$ gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-ssh \
 --allow tcp:22 --priority=65534 \
 --description="Allow SSH connections" \
~$packer build \
 -var 'machine_type=f1-micro' \
 -var 'project_id=infra-179717' \
 -var 'source_image=ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20170919' \

~$packer build \
 -var 'machine_type=f1-micro' \
 -var 'project_id=infra-179717' \
 -var 'source_image=ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20170919' \

Homework 11, 12

1.1) Configure reddit-app and reddit-db instances in GCE

  • make an inventory file for with custom IP's
$ cat hosts
appserver ansible_ssh_host=
dbserver ansible_ssh_host=
~$ cat ansible.cfg
inventory = hosts
remote_user = appuser
private_key_file = ~/.ssh/otus_devops_appuser
host_key_checking = False

~$ ansible all -m ping
dbserver | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
appserver | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"

1.2) Apply Red Hat Ansible playbooks

  • use 1 file and 1 playbook; need to choose host (app | db) and concreate tag (db-tag | app-tag | deploy-tag)
~/ansible$ ansible-playbook -i environments/stage/hosts reddit_app_db_one_playbook.yml --limit db --tags db-tag
~/ansible$ ansible-playbook -i environments/stage/hosts reddit_app_db_one_playbook.yml --limit app --tags app-tag
~/ansible$ ansible-playbook -i environments/stage/hosts reddit_app_db_one_playbook.yml --limit app --tags deploy-tag
  • or use 1 file and multiple playbooks; need to choose concreate tag (db-tag | app-tag | deploy-tag)
~/ansible$ ansible-playbook reddit_app_db_multiple_playbooks.yml --tags db-tag --check
~/ansible$ ansible-playbook reddit_app_db_multiple_playbooks.yml --tags db-tag
~/ansible$ ansible-playbook reddit_app_db_multiple_playbooks.yml --tags app-tag --check
~/ansible$ ansible-playbook reddit_app_db_multiple_playbooks.yml --tags app-tag
~/ansible$ ansible-playbook reddit_app_db_multiple_playbooks.yml --tags deploy-tag --check
~/ansible$ ansible-playbook reddit_app_db_multiple_playbooks.yml --tags deploy-tag
  • or use multiple files and multiple playbooks; nothing to choose, invoke one file only with ansible roles and environments
~/ansible$ ansible-playbook site.yml --check
~/ansible$ ansible-playbook site.yml

Homework 13

HashiCorp Vagrant like as HashiCorp Terraform is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments but in a single workflow. HashiCorp Terraform saves local files in .terraform and HashiCorp Vagrant saves in .vagrant.

1.1) Use HashiCorp Vagrant and Oracle VirtualBox (or MWare, Amazon EC2, LXC и libvirt) to create 2 virtual machines with declarative definitions: dbserver and appserver

  • don't do this but if you want to create new Vagrantfile or read more about configurations:
~/vagrant$ vagrant init 
  • create vm and show status information
~/vagrant$ vagrant up
~/vagrant$ vagrant status
~/vagrant$ vagrant box list
  • connect to each vm by ssh
~/vagrant$ vagrant ssh appserver
~/vagrant$ vagrant ssh dbserver
~/vagrant$ pip install -r ./ansible/requirements.txt
~/vagrant$ molecule --version
molecule, version 2.1.0
~/vagrant$ ansible --version
~/vagrant$ cat .vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory
~/vagrant$ vagrant destroy -f
==> appserver: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> appserver: Destroying VM and associated drives...
==> dbserver: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> dbserver: Destroying VM and associated drives...

1.2) Use Testinfra to write unit tests in Python and Metacloud Molecule to test actual state of virtual instances configured by Red Hat Ansible

  • initialize scenario for role db
~/vagrant/roles/db$ molecule init scenario --scenario-name default -r db -d vagrant
~vagrant/roles/db$ molecule create
~vagrant/roles/db$ molecule list
~vagrant/roles/db$ molecule login -h instance
  • apply inner molecule playbook and run tests
~vagrant/roles/db$ molecule converge
~vagrant/roles/db$ molecule verify
--> Test matrix

└── default
   └── verify
--> Scenario: 'default'
--> Action: 'verify'
--> Executing Testinfra tests found in /Users/dima/programming/git/otus/infra/vagrant/roles/db/molecule/default/tests/...
   ============================= test session starts ==============================
   platform darwin -- Python 2.7.14, pytest-3.2.3, py-1.4.34, pluggy-0.4.0
   rootdir: /Users/dima/programming/git/otus/infra/vagrant/roles/db/molecule/default, inifile:
   plugins: testinfra-1.6.3
collected 3 items
Verifier completed successfully.