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File metadata and controls

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Mongod HackTheBox

Short Bio

Super cool room on MongoDB and how to access it via CLI. You will learn:

  • MongoDB
  • MongoDB commands
  • Structures of DB

Nmap Time:

nmap -v -A -sV --privileged -T4 -p- -O -sC


22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.5 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
27017/tcp open mongodb MongoDB 3.6.8

The Nmap result is really big for this page, so I've create a seperate doc for it here We have Mongo DB and SSH open. Cool.

Accessing MongoDB

MongoDB has it's own support for cli access which is mongo.

# To install:
apt install mongodb-clients -y

# To connect with out pass/ user:
mongo "mongodb://"

Wait a moment, don't make mistake by thinking that this is a normal shell. It's not, you need special commands specific for mongo db.

Well how do you know that? easy, just type help. You will get all the commands you need.

Getting Flag

  • First we will check all the available DBs. Command ::: show dbs
  • we have bunch of dbs and all of them are interesting. But we know which one to check (sensitive_information)
  • to use this type: use sensitive_information
  • Now we need to see whats inside. Type: show collections and we can see a collection called flag. Now we need to get the contents of the flag.
  • Befor viewing the contents we need to know what command to use. for that, type:
  • we get a command like this:
db.flag.find([query],[fields]) - query is an optional query filter. fields is optional set of fields to 

e.g. db.flag.find( {x:77} , {name:1, x:1} )

so, lets try: db.flag.find() and we got:

> db.flag.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("630e3dbcb82540ebbd1748c5"), "flag" : "1b6e6fb359e7c40241b6d431427ba6ea" }
