diff --git a/doc/rst/source/proj-codes.rst_ b/doc/rst/source/proj-codes.rst_ index cfd4ab4a2dd..d97e1ff20df 100644 --- a/doc/rst/source/proj-codes.rst_ +++ b/doc/rst/source/proj-codes.rst_ @@ -8,141 +8,108 @@ .. |latp| replace:: lat\ :sub:`p` .. list-table:: - :widths: 40 10 10 40 + :widths: 40 10 40 :header-rows: 2 * - Projection - GMT CODES - - PROJ CODES - Parameters * - - **-J** (*scale*\|\ *WIDTH*); - - **-J** (*scale*) - * - :ref:`Lambert azimuthal equal area <-Ja>` - **-Ja**\|\ **A** - - **-Jlaea/** - |lon0|/|lat0|\ [/\ *horizon*]/\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Albers conic equal area <-Jb>` - **-Jb**\|\ **B** - - **-Jaea/** - |lon0|/|lat0|/|lat1|/|lat2|/\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Cassini cylindrical <-Jc>` - **-Jc**\|\ **C** - - **-Jcass/** - |lon0|/|lat0|/\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Cylindrical stereographic <-Jcyl_stere>` - **-Jcyl_stere**\|\ **Cyc_stere** - - **-Jcyl_stere/** - [|lon0|\ [/|lat0|]/]\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Equidistant conic <-Jd>` - **-Jd**\|\ **D** - - **-Jeqdc/** - |lon0|/|lat0|/|lat1|/|lat2|/\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Azimuthal equidistant <-Je>` - **-Je**\|\ **E** - - **-Jaeqd/** - |lon0|/|lat0|\ [/\ *horizon*]/\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Azimuthal gnomonic <-Jf>` - **-Jf**\|\ **F** - - **-Jgnom/** - |lon0|/|lat0|\ [/\ *horizon*]/\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Azimuthal orthographic <-Jg>` - **-Jg**\|\ **G** - - **-Jortho/** - |lon0|/|lat0|\ [/\ *horizon*]/\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`General perspective <-Jg_pers>` - **-Jg**\|\ **G** - - **-Jnsper/** - |lon0|/|lat0|\ */*\ *scale*\|\ *width*\ [**+a**\ *azimuth*][**+t**\ *tilt*][**+v**\ *vwidth/vheight*][**+w**\ *twist*][**+z**\ *altitude*\ [**r**\|\ **R**]\|\ **g**] * - :ref:`Hammer equal area <-Jh>` - **-Jh**\|\ **H** - - **-Jhammer/** - [|lon0|/]\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Sinusoidal equal area <-Ji>` - **-Ji**\|\ **I** - - **-Jsinu/** - [|lon0|/]\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Miller cylindrical <-Jj>` - **-Jj**\|\ **J** - - **-Jmill/** - [|lon0|/]\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Eckert IV equal area <-Jk>` - **-Jkf**\|\ **Kf** - - **-Jeck4/** - [|lon0|/]\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Eckert VI equal area <-Jk>` - **-Jks**\|\ **Ks** - - **-Jeck6/** - [|lon0|/]\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Lambert conic conformal <-Jl>` - **-Jl**\|\ **L** - - **-Jlcc/** - |lon0|/|lat0|/|lat1|/|lat2|/\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Mercator cylindrical <-Jm>` - **-Jm**\|\ **M** - - **-Jmerc/** - [|lon0|/\ [|lat0|/]]\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Robinson <-Jn>` - **-Jn**\|\ **N** - - **-Jrobin/** - [|lon0|/]\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Oblique Mercator, 1: origin and azim <-Jo>` - **-Jo**\|\ **O**\ **a**\|\ **A** - - **-Jomerc/** - |lon0|/|lat0|/\ *azim*/*scale*\|\ *width*\ [**+v**] * - :ref:`Oblique Mercator, 2: two points <-Jo>` - **-Jo**\|\ **O**\ **b**\|\ **B** - - **-Jomerc/** - |lon0|/|lat0|/|lon1|/|lat1|/\ *scale*\|\ *width*\ [**+v**] * - :ref:`Oblique Mercator, 3: origin and pole <-Jo>` - **-Jo**\|\ **O**\ **c**\|\ **C** - - **-Jomercp/** - |lon0|/|lat0|/|lonp|/|latp|/\ *scale*\|\ *width*\ [**+v**] * - :ref:`Polar [azimuthal] <-Jp>` (:math:`\theta, r`) (or cylindrical) - **-Jp**\|\ **P** - - **-Jpolar/** - *scale*\|\ *width*\ [**+a**]\ [**+f**\ [**e**\|\ **p**\|\ *radius*]]\ [**+k**\ *kind*]\ [**+r**\ *offset*][**+t**\ *origin*][**+z**\ [**p**\|\ *radius*]] * - :ref:`(American) polyconic <-Jpoly>` - **-Jpoly**\|\ **Poly** - - **-Jpoly/** - [|lon0|/\ [|lat0|/]]\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Equidistant cylindrical <-Jq>` - **-Jq**\|\ **Q** - - **-Jeqc/** - [|lon0|/\ [|lat0|/]]\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Winkel Tripel <-Jr>` - **-Jr**\|\ **R** - - **-Jwintri/** - [|lon0|/]\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`General stereographic <-Js>` - **-Js**\|\ **S** - - **-Jstere/** - |lon0|/|lat0|\ [/\ *horizon*]/\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Transverse Mercator <-Jt>` - **-Jt**\|\ **T** - - **-Jtmerc/** - [|lon0|/\ [|lat0|/]]\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) <-Ju>` - **-Ju**\|\ **U** - - **-Jutm/** - *zone*/*scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Van der Grinten <-Jv>` - **-Jv**\|\ **V** - - **-Jvandg/** - [|lon0|/]\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Mollweide <-Jw>` - **-Jw**\|\ **W** - - **-Jmoll/** - [|lon0|/]\ *scale*\|\ *width* * - :ref:`Linear <-Jx_linear>`, :ref:`logarithmic <-Jx_log>`, :ref:`power <-Jx_power>`, and :ref:`time <-Jx_time>` - **-Jx**\|\ **X** - - **-Jxy** - *xscale*\|\ *width*\ [**l**\|\ **p**\ *power*\|\ **T**\|\ **t**]\ [/\ *yscale*\|\ *height*\ [**l**\|\ **p**\ *power*\|\ **T**\|\ **t**]][**d**] * - :ref:`Cylindrical equal area <-Jy>` - **-Jy**\|\ **Y** - - **-Jcea/** - |lon0|/|lat0|/\ *scale*\|\ *width*