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Coverage of ReLAPACK

This file lists all LAPACK compute routines that are covered by recursive algorithms in ReLAPACK, it also lists all of LAPACK's blocked algorithms which are not (yet) part of ReLAPACK.

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List of covered LAPACK routines


Multiplication of a triangular matrix with its (complex conjugate) transpose, resulting in a symmetric (Hermitian) matrix.

Routines: slauum, dlauum, clauum, zlauum


  • A = L^T L
  • A = U U^T


Simultaneous two-sided multiplication of a symmetric matrix with a triangular matrix and its transpose

Routines: ssygst, dsygst, chegst, zhegst


  • A = inv(L) A inv(L^T)
  • A = inv(U^T) A inv(U)
  • A = L^T A L
  • A = U A U^T


Inversion of a triangular matrix

Routines: strtri, dtrtri, ctrtri, ztrtri


  • L = inv(L)
  • U = inv(U)


Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric (Hermitian) positive definite matrix

Routines: spotrf, dpotrf, cpotrf, zpotrf


  • L L^T = A
  • U^T U = A


Cholesky decomposition of a banded symmetric (Hermitian) positive definite matrix

Routines: spbtrf, dpbtrf, cpbtrf, zpbtrf


  • L L^T = A
  • U^T U = A


LDL decomposition of a symmetric (or Hermitian) matrix


  • ssytrf, dsytrf, csytrf, chetrf, zsytrf, zhetrf,
  • ssytrf_rook, dsytrf_rook, csytrf_rook, chetrf_rook, zsytrf_rook, zhetrf_rook


  • L D L^T = A
  • U^T D U = A


LU decomposition of a general matrix with pivoting

Routines: sgetrf, dgetrf, cgetrf, zgetrf

Operation: P L U = A


LU decomposition of a general banded matrix with pivoting

Routines: sgbtrf, dgbtrf, cgbtrf, zgbtrf

Operation: L U = A


Solution of the quasi-triangular Sylvester equation

Routines: strsyl, dtrsyl, ctrsyl, ztrsyl


  • A X + B Y = C -> X
  • A^T X + B Y = C -> X
  • A X + B^T Y = C -> X
  • A^T X + B^T Y = C -> X
  • A X - B Y = C -> X
  • A^T X - B Y = C -> X
  • A X - B^T Y = C -> X
  • A^T X - B^T Y = C -> X


Solution of the generalized Sylvester equations

Routines: stgsyl, dtgsyl, ctgsyl, ztgsyl


  • A R - L B = C, D R - L E = F -> L, R
  • A^T R + D^T L = C, R B^T - L E^T = -F -> L, R

Covered BLAS extension


Matrix-matrix product updating only a triangular part of the result

Routines: sgemmt, dgemmt, cgemmt, zgemmt


  • C = alpha A B + beta C
  • C = alpha A B^T + beta C
  • C = alpha A^T B + beta C
  • C = alpha A^T B^T + beta C

Not covered yet

The following operation is implemented as a blocked algorithm in LAPACK but currently not yet covered in ReLAPACK as a recursive algorithm


Cholesky decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix with complete pivoting.

Routines: spstrf, dpstrf, cpstrf, zpstrf


  • P L L^T P^T = A
  • P U^T U P^T = A

Not covered: extra FLOPs

The following routines are not covered because recursive variants would require considerably more FLOPs or operate on banded matrices.

QR decomposition (and related)


  • sgeqrf, dgeqrf, cgeqrf, zgeqrf
  • sgerqf, dgerqf, cgerqf, zgerqf
  • sgeqlf, dgeqlf, cgeqlf, zgeqlf
  • sgelqf, dgelqf, cgelqf, zgelqf
  • stzrzf, dtzrzf, ctzrzf, ztzrzf

Operations: Q R = A, R Q = A, Q L = A, L Q = A, R Z = A

Routines for multiplication with Q:

  • sormqr, dormqr, cunmqr, zunmqr
  • sormrq, dormrq, cunmrq, zunmrq
  • sormql, dormql, cunmql, zunmql
  • sormlq, dormlq, cunmlq, zunmlq
  • sormrz, dormrz, cunmrz, zunmrz

Operations: C = Q C, C = C Q, C = Q^T C, C = C Q^T

Routines for construction of Q:

  • sorgqr, dorgqr, cungqr, zungqr
  • sorgrq, dorgrq, cungrq, zungrq
  • sorgql, dorgql, cungql, zungql
  • sorglq, dorglq, cunglq, zunglq

Symmetric reduction to tridiagonal

Routines: ssytrd, dsytrd, csytrd, zsytrd

Operation: Q T Q^T = A

Symmetric reduction to bidiagonal

Routines: ssybrd, dsybrd, csybrd, zsybrd

Operation: Q T P^T = A

Reduction to upper Hessenberg

Routines: sgehrd, dgehrd, cgehrd, zgehrd

Operation: Q H Q^T = A