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File metadata and controls

91 lines (86 loc) · 6.5 KB



Name Type Description Notes
admin_allocation_settings UserAllocationSettingsSingle [optional]
admin_space Space [optional]
base_id int, none_type snapshot Tdvv Size [optional]
comment str, none_type Comments [optional]
compact_efficiency float, none_type Compact Efficiency [optional]
compression_efficiency float, none_type Compression Efficiency [optional]
compression_policy str, none_type compression policy [optional]
conversion_type str, none_type Conversion Type of Volume [optional]
copied_mb float, none_type Copied MB [optional]
copied_perc int, none_type Copied Perecentage [optional]
copy_of_id int, none_type Copy of ID [optional]
creation_time SnapshotsListCreationTime [optional]
customer_id str, none_type customerId [optional]
data_reduction str, none_type Data Reduction type [optional]
ddc_size float, none_type Note, will be updated at most once in an hour [optional]
dds_size float, none_type [optional]
dedup str, none_type [optional]
dedup_savings_size float, none_type Note, will be updated at most once in an hour [optional]
dedup_written_size float, none_type Note, will be updated at most once in an hour [optional]
dev_type str, none_type Device Type [optional]
displayname str, none_type Display name of the volume [optional]
domain str, none_type Domain of the volume [optional]
efficiency_update_time Calendar [optional]
expiration_time Calendar [optional]
fully_provisioned bool, none_type [optional]
generation int, none_type generation [optional]
heads_per_cylinder int, none_type Heads per Cylinder [optional]
health_state int, none_type Health status of the Volume. [optional]
hidden bool, none_type Flag to know if the Volume is hidden or not [optional]
host_written_mi_b float, none_type Host written data size in MiB. [optional]
host_written_to_virtual_percent float, none_type Host written to virtual percent [optional]
id str, none_type UID of the snapshot. `Filter` [optional]
initiators [PrimeraApplicationSetDetailsInitiatorsInner], none_type Initiator details [optional]
name str, none_type A user friendly name to identify the storage system volume (resourceName). [optional]
parent_id int, none_type Parent Id [optional]
phys_parent_id int, none_type physical Parent Id [optional]
physical_copy bool, none_type [optional]
policy Policy [optional]
prov_type str, none_type Provisioning type [optional]
raid str, none_type Raid [optional]
rcopy_status str, none_type RemoteCopy Status [optional]
read_only bool, none_type [optional]
retention_time Calendar [optional]
ro_child_id int, none_type RO child id [optional]
rw_child_id int, none_type [optional]
sectors_per_track int, none_type Sector per Track [optional]
shared_parent_id int, none_type Shared Parent Id [optional]
size_mi_b float, none_type Size in MiB [optional]
snapshot_alloc_limit int, none_type Snapshot alloc limit [optional]
snapshot_alloc_warning int, none_type Snapshot alloc Warning [optional]
snapshot_allocation_settings UserAllocationSettingsSingle [optional]
snapshot_cpg_id int, none_type Snapshot CPG Id [optional]
snapshot_cpg_name str, none_type Snapshot CPG name [optional]
snapshot_id int, none_type Numeric ID of the resource [optional]
snapshot_space Space [optional]
snapshot_tdvv_size SnapshotTdvvsize [optional]
snapshot_type str, none_type [optional]
snapshot_used_to_virtual_percent float, none_type Snapshot used to virtual percent [optional]
space_calculation_time Calendar [optional]
started bool, none_type [optional]
state STATE [optional]
system_id str, none_type SystemUid/serialNumber of the array. [optional]
thin_provisioned bool, none_type Thin provisioning details [optional]
total_raw_reserved_mi_b float, none_type Total Raw Reserved Space in MiB [optional]
total_reserved_mi_b float, none_type Description [optional]
total_space_mi_b float, none_type Total Space in MiB [optional]
type str, none_type type [optional]
unref_space_freed_time Calendar [optional]
used_capacity float, none_type Used volume capacity. [optional]
used_size_mi_b float, none_type Used Size in MiB [optional]
user_alloc_limit int, none_type User alloc limit [optional]
user_alloc_warning int, none_type User alloc space limit warning [optional]
user_allocation_settings UserAllocationSettingsSingle [optional]
user_cpg_id int, none_type User CPG Id [optional]
user_cpg_name str, none_type User CPG Name [optional]
user_reserved_to_virtual_percent float, none_type User reseved to virtual percent [optional]
user_space Space [optional]
user_used_to_virtual_percent float, none_type User used to virtual percent [optional]
vlun_sector_size int, none_type VLUN sector size [optional]
wwn str, none_type Volume wwn. [optional]
any string name bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type [optional]

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