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 User Stories
 ***-- As a user when I visit the home page, I see 3 options Login, Create Account, View Drawing
 ***-- When I click create account I redirect to /users/create with create account form
 ***-- When I create account I am redirected to the login page
 ***-- When I visit the login page, I see the login form
 -- When I log in I can see the drawings Ive saved and options to either create a new drawing or  view a existing drawing

 -- When I click on a link, I can see the drawing
 -- From my homepage, I can either start a drawing or pick a chat room
 ***-- As a user, when I click edit/update, I am redirect to an edit/update form
 ***-- As a user, when I click submit edit/update button my information reflects changes
 ***-- As a user, when I click delete account button, my account is deleted
 -- As a non-logged in user, I can still view drawings, but cannot contribute to drawing or chat

 -- As a user I can choose a color
 -- As a user I can choose line thickness
 -- As a user I can erase
 -- As a user I can save current drawing
 -- As a user I can clear the canvas
 -- As a user when I click delete, the drawing gets deleted

 -- As a user I can submit a message

 -- As a user I can delete users
 -- As a user I can delete messages
 -- As a user I can edit user names


No description, website, or topics provided.






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Contributors 4
