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File metadata and controls

345 lines (259 loc) · 11.9 KB

CSPro2Sql New release

CsPro2Sql is a Java application to migrate questionnaires from CsPro 7.0 to a MySQL database.

The MySQL database will contain the microdata ie. a column per each variable (Item) defined in the CsPro-Dictionary.



  • Java 1.7+
  • MySQL 5.7+



CsPro2Sql is simple to install: all you need is to download and unzip the Depending on your system execute from the command line CsPro2Sql.bat or

Database configuration New release

This new release of the software solves loader engine performance issues. To get the best performances from your InnoDB you should set the following properties in your my.ini (or my.cnf):


The first setting will strongly impact the performance on the loaded engine!

In the db folder there are two example files for Mysql 5.7 and Mysql 8.0


CsPro2Sql is composed of several engines (run CsPro2Sql to get usage info):

CsPro2Sql -e generate   -p SURVEY_NAME [-hh HOUSEHOLD_QUEST] [-l LISTING_QUEST] [-ea EA_QUEST]
CsPro2Sql -e scan       -p PROPERTIES_FILE
CsPro2Sql -e schema     -p PROPERTIES_FILE [-fk] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
CsPro2Sql -e loader     -p PROPERTIES_FILE [-a] [-cc] [-co] [-f|-r] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
CsPro2Sql -e monitor    -p PROPERTIES_FILE [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
CsPro2Sql -e update     -p PROPERTIES_FILE
CsPro2Sql -e status     -p PROPERTIES_FILE
CsPro2Sql -e territory  -p PROPERTIES_FILE
CsPro2Sql -e LU         -p PROPERTIES_FILE
CsPro2Sql -e connection -p PROPERTIES_FILE

Engines description:

  • generate: generates a cspro2sql project (files and folders needed to execute cspro2sql engines)
  • scan: check input data, metadata, territory structure and database connections
  • schema: to create the microdata MySQL script
  • loader: to transfer data from the CsPro 7.0 database to the microdata MySQL database
  • monitor: to create the dashboard MySQL script
  • update: to update the dashboard report data
  • status: to check the loader engine status
  • territory: generates the territory table and uploads data from territory.csv file
  • LU: load & update (invoked the loader & update engines)
  • connection: tests source/destination database connection


 -a,--all                  transfer all the questionnaires
 -cc,--check-constraints   perform constraints check
 -co,--check-only          perform only constraints check (no data transfer)
 -e,--engine <arg>         select engine: [loader|schema|monitor|update|status]
 -ea,--enum area <arg>     name of enumeration area dictionary file
 -f,--force                skip check of loader multiple running instances
 -fk,--foreign-keys        create foreign keys to value sets
 -h,--help                 display this help
 -hh,--household <arg>     name of household dictionary file (dafault value is 'household')
 -l,--listing <arg>        name of listing dictionary file
 -o,--output <arg>         name of the output file
 -p,--properties <arg>     properties file
 -r,--recovery             recover a broken session of the loader
 -v,--version              print the version of the programm

Execution steps

new engine Engine generate

Suppose that you are using CSPro to manage data collection process in your pilot survey and that you have two dictionaries (household.dcf, listing.dcf). In order to setup a cspro2sql project to manage your pilot survey data, execute the following command:

> cspro2sql -e generate -s pilot -hh household -l listing

Cspro2sql will generate a set of files and folders to support the configuration activities. The output of the command will be:

Starting generation of project pilot
Created folder pilot
Created folder pilot/dictionary
Created folder pilot/territory
Created file pilot/
Created file pilot/README.txt
Created file pilot/dictionary/household_template.dcf
Created file pilot/dictionary/listing_template.dcf
Created file pilot/dictionary/README.txt
Created file pilot/territory/territory_template.csv
Created file pilot/territory/README.txt
Project pilot successfully created.
Now you are ready to start processing your data!

Please open the file pilot/README.txt

The README.txt file in the root folder of the project, provides a step by step guide.

The files Household_template.dcf and Listing_template.dcf, in the dictionary folder, provide examples on cspro2sql metadata (a detailed description in provided in section Metadata).

The file territory_template.dcf, in the territory folder, provides examples on the territory data (a detailed description in provided in section Territory).

new engine Engine scan

At the end of the [PRELIMINARY STEPS] described in the README.txt, execute the scan engine:

> cspro2sql -e scan -p test/

If you have set everything according to the step-by-step guide, you should get the following output:

Starting property file scan...
- File popstandashboard/dictionary/household.dcf  OK
- File popstandashboard/dictionary/listing.dcf    OK
- File popstandashboard/dictionary/carto.dcf      OK

Tag #household               OK (HOUSEHOLD)
Tag #listing                 OK (LISTING)
Tag #expected                OK (CARTOGRAPHY)
Tag #individual              OK (HOUSEHOLD)
Tag #age                     OK (HOUSEHOLD)
Tag #sex                     OK (HOUSEHOLD)
Tag #religion                MISSING
Tag #expectedQuestionnaires  OK (GEOCODES_DICT)
Tag #lat                     OK (LISTING)
Tag #lon                     OK (LISTING)
Tag #territory               OK (HOUSEHOLD, LISTING, CARTOGRAPHY)

- File popstandashboard/territory/territory.csv:  OK
Parsing territory structure...
PROVINCE[Province] -> DISTRICT[District] -> EA[EA]
#Territory file
Province -> Province_NAME -> District -> District_NAME -> EA -> EA_NAME
Territory file matches metadata. It is possible to generate the territory table!
Connecting to jdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/csweb
Connection successful!
Connecting to jdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/dashboard
Connection successful!
...scanning completed!

Engine schema & loader

Now you are ready to generate the microdata database and store CSPro data.

> cspro2sql -e schema -p –o microdata.sql
> mysql -u dstUsername -p < microdata.sql
> cspro2sql -e loader -p –cc

Engine territory

Generate and populate the territory table.

> cspro2sql -e territory -p test/

Engine monitor & update

Generate report tables and calculate reports.

> cspro2sql -e monitor -p test/ -o test/dashboard_report.sql
> mysql -u dstUsername -p < test/dashboard_report.sql
> cspro2sql -e update -p test/

To monitor the loader activity run:

> CsPro2Sql -e status -p


In order to generate dashboard reports it is necessary to add metadata to CSPro dictionaries. Metadata are classified in:

  • dictionary: these metadata are used to mark dictionaries (household, listing, ea) and to mark individual record
  • variable: these metadata are used to mark variables (i.e. sex, age, latitude, longitude, etc.)
  • territory: these metadata are used to mark the territory structure

The list of metadata is provided below:

Dictionary metadata

  • household: use this tag to mark the household dictionary [MANDATORY]
  • individual: use this tag to mark the individual table [MANDATORY]
  • listing: use this tag to mark the listing dictionary
  • expected: use this tag to mark the EA code dictionary

Variable metadata

  • age: use this tag to mark the age variable. It is also necessary to specify the range of variable [MANDATORY]
  • sex: use this tag to mark the sex variable. It is also necessary to mark in the valueset the Male/Female values [MANDATORY]
  • religion: use this tag to mark the religion variable
  • expectedQuestionnaires: use this tag to mark the expected households from cartograhpy
  • lat: use this tag to mark the latitude of the household
  • lon: use this tag to mark the longitude of the household

Territory metadata

The territory metadata allow to specify the territorial hierarchy. Suppose that your hierarchy is the following:

Region -> Province -> Commune -> EA

Further let us suppose that in your Household dictionary the variables related to your territory structure are:

ID101 -> Region
ID102 -> Province
ID103 -> Commune
ID104 -> EA

In order to bind variables and territorial hiedarchy it is necessary to add the following notes (check the Household_template.dcf file):

Label=101 Region

Label=102 Province
Note=#territory[Province, ID101]

Label=103 Commune
Note=#territory[Commune, ID102]

Label=104 EA
Note=#territory[EA, ID103]

The territory.csv file should have the following columns:

Region; Region_NAME; Province; Province_NAME; Commune; Commune_NAME; EA; EA_NAME


In order to run CsPro2Sql engines it is necessary to configure a properties file. Such file must contain the following properties:

#[CSPro] List of CSPro dictionaries (household, freshlist, EA)

#[Dashboard] Table prefixes in Dashboard database (household, freshlist, EA)

#[Territory] File containing territory data (codes, values)

#[CSPro] Specify CSWEB database connection parameters

#[Dashboard] Specify Dashboard database connection parameters

Optional properties are:

  • multiple.response: list of items to be considered as a multiple answer (comma separated)
  • ignore.items: list of items to be ignored (comma separated)

Note: the source CsPro 7.0 database and the microdata MySQL could be the same

Example of properties file (eg.

#[CSPro] List of CSPro dictionaries (household, freshlist, EA)
dictionary=survey/dictionary/household.dcf, survey/dictionary/listing.dcf

#[Dashboard] Table prefixes in Dashboard database (household, freshlist, EA)

#[Territory] File containing territory data (codes, values)

#[CSPro] Specify CSWEB database connection parameters

#[Dashboard] Specify Dashboard database connection parameters


  • The CsPro tag [Relation] is ignored
  • A ValueSet with more than 1000 elements is ignored (the threshold will be parameterized in future realesed)


The team responsible of Census and Survey Processing System (CSPro).

The first release of cspro2sql has been developed in the framework of the Capacity building project in Ethiopia (fourth Population and Housing Census), funded by AICS


CSPro2Sql is EUPL-licensed