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Kilvoctu edited this page Feb 11, 2023 · 16 revisions

On first launch of AIYA, she will generate a config.toml into the resources folder. Currently, these are the configuration settings that are available.
For any text values, keep them within quotation marks ""

  • url - Allows you to set a custom URL, including port. The default is ""
  • user - Your username if you are using --share and --gradio-auth.
  • pass - Your password if you are using --share and --gradio-auth.
  • apiuser - Your username if you are using --api-auth
  • apipass - Your password if you are using --api-auth
  • save_outputs - Whether or not to save outputs to disk. Set to "True" or "False".
  • dir - Allows you to set a custom folder to save images. The default is "outputs".
  • queue_limit - The limit of tasks a user can have waiting in queue. Keep this at least 1.
  • max_size - The maximum value allowed for width/height. The default is 1024. Keep this as a multiple of 64.

If you need to set some of the configuration prior to launching AIYA for the first time, these are the supported optional arguments you can set in your .env file. They will be ported over to the config.toml when AIYA is launched.

  • URL =
  • DIR =
  • USER =
  • PASS =

Please note that after the config.toml is generated, the only value that is read from the .env file is the bot token.

Note, if your AIYA and Web UI are on different machines in a local network, you may need to add --listen to your Web UI commandline args.

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