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GodotUniversalIntentPlugin for Godot 3.2.2 - 4.1

Android plugin for Godot 3.2.2 to 4.1.

Proof of concept project. You can create your own android intents and get the result.

As of this time this plugin can only create the most basic intents.

Godot example included:

  • QR code reader
  • Web search
  • Dial phone number
  • Open GPS location

Example scenes

See GodotExample for more info (Godot 4.0.3).

NOTE The user must have the corresponding application installed to handle each intent. E.g. For QR request, a QR code reader is required.
If the user does not have any application(Activity) that can't handle the intent, this error is emitted:
android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent {your intent}


I accept donation in form of your code examples or your time to expand this plugin.


Follow these instructions for android custom build, official documentation.

  1. If exists, unzip the precompiled release zip in the release folder to your android plugin folder: release/godotuniversalintentplugin_for_godot_[your Godot version].zip to [your godot project]/android/plugins/

  2. Activate plugin in Godot by enable "Project" -> "Export" -> "Options", "Use Custom Build" and "Godot Universal Intent" plugin

Generate plugin .aar file

If there is no GodotUniversalIntentPlugin release for your Godot version, you need to generate new plugin .aar file.
Follow these instruction: official documentation.

In short follow these steps:

  1. Download AAR library for Android plugins.

  2. Copy .aar file to GodotUniversalIntentPlugin/godot-lib.release/ and rename it to godot-lib.release.aar

  3. Compile the project:

    Open command window and cd into GodotUniversalIntentPlugin and run command below

    • Windows:

      gradlew.bat assembleRelease

    • Linux:

      ./gradlew assembleRelease

  4. Copy the newly created .aar file to your plugin directory:

/GodotUniversalIntentPlugin/godotuniversalintent/build/outputs/aar/GodotUniversalIntent.release.aar to [your godot project]/android/plugins/

(don't forget to also copy GodotUniversalIntent.gdap from any release zip to [your godot project]/android/plugins/)

Plugin API


intent(intent as string)
Create the intent

putExtra(extra_option as string, value as string)
Add additional option to the intent.

addFlag(flag as string)
Add additional flag to the intent.

addCategory(category as string)

setType(type as string) Set an explicit MIME data type.

setData(data as string)

Emitted signals

Returns a Dictionary with some of the intent data

Returns any error as string

Example code

Open coordinates in google map:

extends Control

var plugin
var plugin_name = "GodotUniversalIntent"

# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
	if Engine.has_singleton(plugin_name):
		plugin = Engine.get_singleton(plugin_name)
		print("Could not load plugin: ", plugin_name)

	if plugin:
		plugin.connect("on_main_activity_result", self, "_on_main_activity_result")
		plugin.connect("error", self, "_on_error")

func _on_main_activity_result(result):
	print("RESULT:", result)
func _on_error(e):
	""" Plugin has returned som error """

func _on_ButtonShowGPSPosition_pressed():
	if plugin:
		# Create a new intent
		plugin.intent("android.intent.action.VIEW") # Same as Intent.ACTION_VIEW
		# This Android code snippet will open up a dialog which allow you to pick a map app to show the address you passed in the intent.
		#var uri = "geo:0,0?q=replace+this+with+an+address"
		# This Android code snippet will launch the google map with direction to the address you passed in.
		#var uri = "google.navigation:q=replace+this+with+an+address"
		# Passing in the latitude,longitude to the map app.
		var uri = "geo:-21.805149,-49.089977"
		# It's now time to start the activity, when finished "on_main_activity_result" signal is emited
		# "android.intent.action.VIEW" does not return any data and on_main_activity_result will not be called
		print(plugin_name, " plugin not loaded!")