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File metadata and controls

67 lines (54 loc) · 2.55 KB


This is the web application. It is concerned with display data to the visitator of the web site.


A Web Application in MVC and Razor core 3.1

Running Application

Set your Connection string in the projects

Set your dbtype and connection string in files appsettings.json (or better in appsettings.Development.json) - replace DB_TYPE and YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING with your connection string
Possible dbtype:

  • "MsSQL" (default)
  • "MySQL"
  "DatabaseType": "DB_TYPE"
  "ConnectionStrings": {

From Visual Studio

  1. Setup your Database (in Folder DBScript you find the instruction)
  2. Set Project as Start Project
  3. Press F5 to start DEBUG or you press debug button

From Visual Studio Code

  1. Open project folder (%your_path%\my-blog-sample\Magicianred.LearnByDoing.MyBlog.Web)
  2. Open New Terminal (if it's not open)
  3. Run the command:
dotnet run 

Show application

When you have Running the application, you can open your browser and go to address https://localhost:5001 (you have to accept the certificate)

Enjoy your code!

Technical description


Controllers are the main component of the MVC pattern, it handles the communication with the model and the view.

  • HomeController the main (and now unique) controller with these actions:
    • Index shows a page with all posts
    • Post({id}) show a page with the post by id
    • About show a page with some information of the project
    • Contact us show a page with addesses to retrieve info and contact the author of the project


Models are the class that keep data. It's different of the Models with the Domain and BL projects, these are presentation models and are specifically designed for the Views.

  • ErrorViewModel is concerned to keep error data to show them at the final users.


Views transforms data in HTML markup language so that it's render to the browsers. We use Razor language to make this activity.

  • Index shows all posts
  • Post shows post details
  • About shows project informations
  • Contact shows a list of links

Shared Views

These are views used to all (or almost all) views to shared some code or logics.

  • _Layout is the base layout, the template of the site
  • _ValidationScriptsPartial keeps links to external scripts to make validations
  • Error is the view that show errors to the final users