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Volumio Buster Installation

Maschine2501 edited this page Mar 27, 2022 · 3 revisions

1st step:

Install Volumio to an sd card

  • download Volumio Image:

*download "Win32Diskimager":
->run it to install the software
  • Insert the SD card into your SD card reader -> Note the drive letter assigned to the SD card. (You can see the drive letter in the left hand column of Windows Explorer, for example G:)
  • Run Win32DiskImager utility.
  • Select the downloaded Volumio image file
  • In the device box, select the drive letter of the SD card. (Be careful to select the correct drive: if you choose the wrong drive you could destroy the data on your computer's hard disk!)
  • Click 'Write' and wait for the write to complete.
  • Exit the imager and do NOT eject the SD card.

2nd step:

Prepare the /boot partition:

2 a)

  • Open your File-Explorer/File-Browser and open the SD-Card Folder, which is labled as "boot"
  • Check if there is a .txt file called "userconfig.txt" -> if not, make one (empty)

2 b) ssh File:

  • In the SD-Card Folder "boot", create a new textfile without any letters in it.
  • rename the textfile to "ssh" ("newtextfile.txt -> rename -> ssh)

3rd step:

Boot the Raspberry Pi up and get PuTTy / KiTTy ready

  • put sd-card in the raspberry, (connet it to a network) and let it boot
  • download either PuTTy or KiTTy (ssh clients)
  • research on how to connect to a Raspberry using ssh search
  • log in to the Pi with ssh, standard user=volumio, standard pw=volumio

4th step:

log in to the Web-UI and finish the "first start setup"

if you want to use a HDMI (Touch-) Display, please install The Touch-Display Plugin, in Volumio-Plugin-Menu, first, then:

git clone

bash NR1-UI/


If you have activated CAVA/Spectrum during Setup:

go to WebUI (volumio.local) -> settings -> playback -> change to another device, save and switch back to your desired playback device and save aggain.

Now just do a reboot:


Here you are, all installed ;)

If something is wrong:

check the journal!

For NR1UI:

sudo journalctl -fu nr1uibuster.service

For Cava1:

sudo journalctl -fu cava1.service

For Cava2:

sudo journalctl -fu cava2.service

Stop the service (the program):

sudo systemctl stop nr1uibuster.service
sudo systemctl stop cava1.service
sudo systemctl stop cava2.service

Start the service (the program):

sudo systemctl start nr1uibuster.service
sudo systemctl start cava1.service
sudo systemctl start cava2.service