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Develop single sign on experience in Teams

wenyt edited this page Feb 17, 2023 · 28 revisions

Enable single sign-on for tab applications

Microsoft Teams provides a mechanism by which an application can obtain the signed-in Teams user token to access Microsoft Graph (and other APIs). Teams Toolkit facilitates this interaction by abstracting some of the Azure Active Directory flows and integrations behind some simple, high level APIs. This enables you to add single sign-on (SSO) features easily to your Teams application.

Basically you will need take care these configurations:

  • In the Azure AD app manifest file, you need to specify URIs such as the URI to identify the Azure AD authentication app and the redirect URI for returning token.
  • In the Teams manifest file, add the SSO application to link it with Teams application.
  • In the Teams Toolkit configuration files and Infra files, you need to add necessary configurations to make SSO works for your Teams app.
  • Add SSO application information in Teams Toolkit configuration files in order to make sure the authentication app can be registered on backend service and started by Teams Toolkit when you debugging or previewing Teams application.

In this tutorial you will learn:

Teams Tab app

Azure AD app manifest

Note: You can find detail info about Azure AD app manifest here.

Download Azure AD app manifest template here to ./aad.manifest.json. The AAD manifest allows you to customize various aspects of your application registration. You can update the manifest as needed.

Teams app manifest

Note: You can find detail info about Teams app manifest here.

You can find your original Teams app manifest template in ./appPackages/manifest.json, and you need to add webApplicationInfo in the manifest.

webApplicationInfo provides your Azure Active Directory App ID and Microsoft Graph information to help users seamlessly sign into your app.

Example: You can add following object into your Teams app manifest for your Tab project.

"webApplicationInfo": {
  "id": "${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}}",
  "resource": "api://${{TAB_DOMAIN}}/${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}}"

Note: You can use ${{ENV_NAME}} to reference variables in teamsfx/.env.{TEAMSFX_ENV}.

Teams Toolkit configuration files

You can find your Teams Toolkit configuration files ./.yml. AAD related changes and configs needs to be added into your configuration files:

  • add aadApp/create under 'registerApp':
    • For creating new AAD apps used for SSO.
    • You can find more info here
  • add aadApp/update under 'configureApp'
    • For updating your AAD app with AAD app manifest in step 1.
    • You can find more info here
  • update npm/command under deploy:
    • For adding following environment variables when local debug:
      • REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID: AAD app client id
      • REACT_APP_START_LOGIN_PAGE_URL: AAD app client secret
  • update file/updateEnv
    • For adding following environment variables when local debug:
      • REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID: AAD app client id
      • REACT_APP_START_LOGIN_PAGE_URL: Login start page for authentication

You can set following values if you are using TeamsFx Tab template.


Add following lines in registerApp in app.yml and app.local.yml:

- uses: aadApp/create
    name: "YOUR_AAD_APP_NAME"
    generateClientSecret: true

Note: Replace the value of "name" with your expected AAD app name.


Add following lines in configureApp in app.yml and app.local.yml:

- uses: aadApp/update
    manifestPath: "./aad.manifest.json"
    outputFilePath : ./build/aad.manifest.${{TEAMSFX_ENV}}.json

Note: Replace the value of "manifestPath" with the relative path of AAD app manifest template (aad.manifest.json) if you have modify the path of this file.

Note: For local you need to place aad/update after file/updateEnv action since aad/update will consume output of file/updateEnv.


Find npm/command action for build in app.yml and add following env:



Find file/updateEnv action for deploy in app.local.yml and add following env:


Update Source Code

With all changes above, your environment is ready and can update your code to add SSO to your Teams app.

You can find and download sample code for TeamsFx Tab below to ./auth:

You can follow the following steps to update your source code:

  1. Move auth-start.html and auth-end.html in auth/public folder to public/.
  • These two HTML files are used for auth redirects.
  1. Move sso folder under auth/ to src/sso/.
  • InitTeamsFx: This file implements a function that initialize TeamsFx SDK and will open GetUserProfile component after SDK is initialized.
  • GetUserProfile: This file implements a function that calls Microsoft Graph API to get user info.
  1. Import and add InitTeamsFx in Welcome.*.

You can also find sample for SSO enabled Tab here.

Teams Bot/Messaging Extension app

Azure AD app manifest

Note: You can find detail info about Azure AD app manifest here.

Download Azure AD app manifest template here to ./aad.manifest.json. The AAD manifest allows you to customize various aspects of your application registration. You can update the manifest as needed.

Teams app manifest

Note: You can find detail info about Teams app manifest here.

You can find your original Teams app manifest template in ./appPackages/manifest.json.

Add webApplicationInfo

webApplicationInfo provides your Azure Active Directory App ID and Microsoft Graph information to help users seamlessly sign into your app.

Example: You can add following object into your Teams app manifest for your Tab project.

"webApplicationInfo": {
  "id": "${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}}",
  "resource": "api://botid-${{BOT_ID}}"

Note: You can use ${{ENV_NAME}} to reference variables in teamsfx/.env.{TEAMSFX_ENV}.

Register command in commandLists

commandLists contains commands that your bot can recommend to users.

You can set following values if you are using TeamsFx Bot template.

  "title": "profile",
  "description": "Show user profile using Single Sign On feature"

Valid Domains

validDomains contains valid domains for websites the app expects to load within the Teams client.

You can set following values if you are using TeamsFx Bot template.

"validDomains": [

Teams Toolkit configuration files

You can find your Teams Toolkit configuration files ./.yml. AAD related changes and configs needs to be added into your configuration files:

  • add aadApp/create under 'registerApp':
    • For creating new AAD apps used for SSO.
    • You can find more info here
  • add aadApp/update under 'configureApp'
    • For updating your AAD app with AAD app manifest in step 1.
    • You can find more info here
  • update script.js
    • For adding following environment variables when local debug:
      • M365_CLIENT_ID: AAD app client id
      • M365_CLIENT_SECRET: AAD app client secret
      • M365_TENANT_ID: Tenant id of AAD app
      • INITIATE_LOGIN_ENDPOINT: Login start page for authentication
      • M365_AUTHORITY_HOST: AAD app oauth authority host
      • M365_APPLICATION_ID_URI: IdentifierUri for AAD app

You can set following values if you are using TeamsFx Tab/Bot template.


Add following lines in registerApp in app.yml and app.local.yml:

- uses: aadApp/create
    name: "YOUR_AAD_APP_NAME"
    generateClientSecret: true

Note: Replace the value of "name" with your expected AAD app name.


Add following lines in configureApp in app.yml and app.local.yml:

- uses: aadApp/update
    manifestPath: "./aad.manifest.json"
    outputFilePath : ./build/aad.manifest.${{TEAMSFX_ENV}}.json

Note: Replace the value of "manifestPath" with the relative path of AAD app manifest template (aad.manifest.json) if you have modify the path of this file.


Find file/updateEnv action in app.local.yml and add following env:

  M365_APPLICATION_ID_URI: api://botid-${{BOT_ID}}

Update Infra

AAD related configs needs to be configured in your remote service. Following example shows the configs on Azure Webapp.

  • M365_CLIENT_ID: AAD app client id
  • M365_CLIENT_SECRET: AAD app client secret
  • M365_TENANT_ID: Tenant id of AAD app
  • INITIATE_LOGIN_ENDPOINT: Login start page for authentication
  • M365_AUTHORITY_HOST: AAD app oauth authority host
  • M365_APPLICATION_ID_URI: IdentifierUri for AAD app

You can set follow the steps below if you are using TeamsFx Tab/Bot template.

  1. Open infra/azure.parameter.json and add following lines into parameters:
"m365ClientId": {
  "value": "${{AAD_APP_CLIENT_ID}}"
"m365ClientSecret": {
"m365TenantId": {
  "value": "${{AAD_APP_TENANT_ID}}"
"m365OauthAuthorityHost": {
  1. Open infra/azure.bicep find follow line:
param location string = resourceGroup().location

and add following lines:

param m365ClientId string
param m365TenantId string
param m365OauthAuthorityHost string
param m365ApplicationIdUri string = 'api://botid-${botAadAppClientId}'
param m365ClientSecret string
  1. Add following lines before output
resource webAppSettings 'Microsoft.Web/sites/config@2021-02-01' = {
  name: '${webAppName}/appsettings'
  properties: {
    M365_CLIENT_ID: m365ClientId
    M365_CLIENT_SECRET: m365ClientSecret
    INITIATE_LOGIN_ENDPOINT: uri('https://${}', 'auth-start.html')
    M365_AUTHORITY_HOST: m365OauthAuthorityHost
    M365_TENANT_ID: m365TenantId
    M365_APPLICATION_ID_URI: m365ApplicationIdUri
    BOT_ID: botAadAppClientId
    BOT_PASSWORD: botAadAppClientSecret

Note: If you want add additional configs to your Azure Webapp, please add the configs in the webAppSettings.

Note: You may also need to specify default node version by adding the following config:


Update Source Code

You can find and download sample code for TeamsFx Tab below to ./auth:

For Bot

  1. Move files under auth/sso folder to src. ProfileSsoCommandHandler class is a sso command handler to get user info with SSO token. You can follow this method and create your own sso command handler.
  2. Move auth/public folder to src/public. This folder contains HTML pages that the bot application hosts. When single sign-on flows are initiated with AAD, AAD will redirect the user to these pages.
  3. Execute the following commands under ./ folder: npm install isomorphic-fetch --save
  4. (For ts only) Execute the following commands under ./ folder: npm install copyfiles --save-dev and replace following line in package.json:
    "build": "tsc --build && shx cp -r ./src/adaptiveCards ./lib/src",
    "build": "tsc --build && shx cp -r ./src/adaptiveCards ./lib/src && copyfiles src/public/*.html lib/",

By doing this, the HTML pages used for auth redirect will be copied when building this bot project.

  1. In src/index file, you need to add following line to import isomorphic-fetch:

and add following lines to add redirect to auth pages:

      directory: path.join(__dirname, "public"),

and update commandApp.requestHandler to make auth works:

await commandApp.requestHandler(req, res).catch((err) => {
  // Error message including "412" means it is waiting for user's consent, which is a normal process of SSO, sholdn't throw this error.
  if (!err.message.includes("412")) {
    throw err;
  1. Add ssoConfig and ssoCommands in ConversationBot in src/internal/initialize:
import { ProfileSsoCommandHandler } from "../profileSsoCommandHandler";

export const commandBot = new ConversationBot({
  // To learn more about ssoConfig, please refer teamsfx sdk document:
  ssoConfig: {
    aad :{
  command: {
    enabled: true,
    commands: [new HelloWorldCommandHandler() ],
    ssoCommands: [new ProfileSsoCommandHandler()],

For Messaging Extension

The sample business logic provides a handler TeamsBot extends TeamsActivityHandler and override handleTeamsMessagingExtensionQuery. You can update the query logic in the handleMessageExtensionQueryWithSSO with token which is obtained by using the logged-in Teams user token.

To make this work in your application:

  1. Move the auth/public folder to src/public. This folder contains HTML pages that the bot application hosts. When single sign-on flows are initiated with AAD, AAD will redirect the user to these pages.
  2. Modify your src/index to add the appropriate restify routes to these pages.
const path = require("path");

// Listen for incoming requests."/api/messages", async (req, res) => {
  await adapter.processActivity(req, res, async (context) => {
  }).catch((err) => {
    // Error message including "412" means it is waiting for user's consent, which is a normal process of SSO, sholdn't throw this error.
    if(!err.message.includes("412")) {
        throw err;

    directory: path.join(__dirname, "public"),
  1. Override handleTeamsMessagingExtensionQuery interface under src/teamsBot. You can follow the sample code in the handleMessageExtensionQueryWithSSO to do your own query logic.
  2. Install @microsoft/teamsfx in your project.
  3. Install isomorphic-fetch in your project.
  4. (For ts only) Install copyfiles npm packages in your bot project, add or update the build script in src/package.json as following
"build": "tsc --build && copyfiles ./public/*.html lib/",

By doing this, the HTML pages used for auth redirect will be copied when building this bot project.

  1. Update templates/appPackage/aad.template.json your scopes which used in handleMessageExtensionQueryWithSSO.
  "requiredResourceAccess": [
          "resourceAppId": "Microsoft Graph",
          "resourceAccess": [
                  "id": "User.Read",
                  "type": "Scope"

Debug your application

You can debug your application by pressing F5.

Teams Toolkit will use the AAD manifest file to register a AAD application registered for SSO.

To learn more about Teams Toolkit local debug functionalities, refer to this document.

Customize AAD applications

The AAD manifest allows you to customize various aspects of your application registration. You can update the manifest as needed.

Follow this document if you need to include additional API permissions to access your desired APIs.

Follow this document to view your AAD application in Azure Portal.

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