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365 lines (290 loc) · 9.34 KB

File metadata and controls

365 lines (290 loc) · 9.34 KB



A REST framework for building backend applications in Node. It is lightweight, easy to learn.

Built on express and type-chef-di



  "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
  "experimentalDecorators": true

table of contents

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc

npm install bonfire-rest

Example of usage

  1. controller class
import { Controller, Param, Body, Get, Post, Put, Delete } from 'bonfire-rest';

export class UserController {
  getAll() {
    return 'This action returns all users';

  getOne(@Param('id') id: number) {
    return 'This action returns user #' + id;

  post(@Body() user: any) {
    return 'Saving user...';

  put(@Param('id') id: number, @Body() user: any) {
    return 'Updating a user...';

  remove(@Param('id') id: number) {
    return 'Removing user...';

This class will register routes specified in method decorators.

  1. Create a file app.ts
import { ServerBuilder } from "bonfire-rest";

async function main() {
  const port = Env.asNumber("PORT", 3000); // "Env" converts environment variables to differetnt types (envName, defaultValue)

  const app = express()
  const server = await{ // setup and retun an express server
    controllers: [UserController],
    globalPipes: [ValidationPipe], // ValidationPipe will validate the request Body
    server: app, // optional, if no server provided it will create one
    globalMiddlewares: [LogMiddleware], // use thies middlewares before all actions
    openapi: { // openapi documentation, swagger ui
      spec: {info: {title: "test project", version: "1", description: "this is the test project decription"}, openapi: "3.0.0"}, // additional general informations
      swaggerUi: "/", // specify swagger ui route
      apiDocs: "docs" // specify openapi raw json route
    assetFolders: [{root: "/assets", path: path.join(__dirname, "static")}] // static serve folders

  server.listen(port, () => {
    console.log(`⚡️[server]: Server is running at http://localhost:${port}`);


Prefix routes:

  • Prefix all controllers routes: If you want to prefix all your routes, e.g. /api you can use globalPrefix: "api" option

  • Prefix controller with base route: You can prefix all specific controller's actions with base route:

export class UserController {
  // ...

Inject endpoint parameters

Inject route parameters

You can use @Param("...") decorator to inject parameters in your controller actions:

getOne(@Param("id") id: string) { 

If you want to inject all parameters use @Params().

Inject query parameters

To inject all query parameters, use @Query() decorator

To inject specific query parameter, use @QueryParam("...") decorator:

getUsers(@QueryParam("limit") limit: number, @Query() allQueryParam: any) {

Inject request body

To inject request body, use @Body decorator:

saveUser(@Body() user: User) {

To inject request body param, use @BodyParam("...") decorator

saveUser(@Body() user: User, @BodyParam("name") name: string) {

Inject request header parameters

To inject request header parameter, use @Header("...") decorator. To inject all request header parameter, use @Headers() decorator.

saveUser(@Header("authorization") token: string) {
saveUser(@Headers() allHeader: any) {

Inject request

saveUser(@Req() req: Request) {

Inject response

saveUser(@Res() res: Response) {


Pipes can modify the value e.g. @Param, @Header, @Query.. You can chain them.

export class UpperCasePipe implements IPipe<string> {
  pipe(value: string): any {
    return value?.toUpperCase();

@Controller( "ddd")
export class UserController {
    constructor(private readonly foo: FooService) {}

    async getUsers(
      @Req() req: Request,
      @Res() res: Response,
      @QueryParam('name', [UpperCasePipe]) query: any,
    ) {
       return query // if query name got John_Wick the pipe will transformed to JOHN_WICK


you can specify action middlewares with @BeforeMiddleware and @AfterMiddleware

  • @BeforeMiddleware runs before action
  • @AfterMiddleware runs after action
export class LogMiddleware1 implements IMiddleware {
  constructor(private readonly stringFactory: StringFactory) { // you can use the DI
  handle(req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: Function) {
    console.log(`${} : before middleware`)

export class LogMiddleware2 implements IMiddleware {
  constructor(private readonly stringFactory: StringFactory) { // you can use the DI
  handle(req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: Function) {
    console.log(`${} : after middleware`)

// ...
    @AfterMiddleware(LogMiddleware2, LogMiddleware2) // use as many you want, can be new instance
        return {user: "test"}


for the request validation you can use class-validator

import {IsEmail, IsString} from "bonfire-rest";
import {IUser} from "../interfaces/user.interface";

export class UserCreateDto implements IUser {
  username: string

  password: string

  email: string;


export class UsersController {
  constructor(private readonly userService: UserService) {

    return UserModel.find({})

  create(@Body() user: UserCreateDto) {
    if (user.password !== user.password2){
      throw new Error("Password is not the same.")
    return this.userService.create(user);


If the request body does not match with the class validation class it will throw back an error with the problematic fields


Openapi doc and swagger is built in

    const server = await{
        controllers: [UsersController],
        openapi: {
            swaggerUi: "api-docs", // swager ui route
            apiDocs: "docs", // raw json doc route
            spec: {info: {title: "test project", version: "1", description: "this is the test project decription"}, openapi: "3.0.0"}, // additional general informations

it will automatically add the routes, return types, request body etc. based on class validator classes.

  create(@Body() user: UserCreateDto): UserCreteResultDto {

you can directly specify the result with a class validator claas:

    resultType: UserDto,
    summary: "custom summary",
    description: "this is my description",
    tags: ["user"]
  }) // and more..
  create(@Body() user: any): any {

Environment variables

An easy to use helper for process.env variables

Env.asString(name, defaultValue) // string
Env.asNumber(name, defaultValue) // number
Env.asFloat(name, defaultValue) // number
Env.asArray(name, defaultValue) // string[]
Env.asArrayOfString(name, defaultValue) // string[] 
Env.asArrayOfNumber(name, defaultValue) // number[] 
Env.asArrayOfFloat(name, defaultValue) // number[] 

Error handling

We provide a helper class for creating http errors: HttpError you can throw built in http errors like BadRequestError, UnauthorizedError, ForbiddenError, InternalServerError, NotImplementedError

    getTest() {
        throw new HttpError(404, "my message", {some: "details"})
        throw new NotImplementedError('my message') // provide proper status code, and status code description.
        throw new BadRequestError('my message') // provide proper status code, and status code description.

Or create your own, just extend the HttpError class

DI container

This framework is built on type-chef-di. Visit the repo and learn more about it.