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Demo 09 - Putting it all together

We have used Terraform to stand up a typical collection of systems and Ansible to configure them. What we haven't done is tied those two together into a single step. Because showing this has some additional requirements and permissions, I am going to run this as a demonstration from my laptop.

To make our system more realistic, I'll put a load balancer in place in front of the web servers. Other than that, I'll just repeat the previous lesson, but add in the pieces to run Terraform and Ansible together.

I have prepared a video of these steps to accompany the descriptions below if you want to see them in action. I regularly update the demonstration, so the video might be for an older version and it may not match exactly.

Preparing my laptop

I've installed Ansible locally. I'll also need to install the Ansible roles and collections locally as well, since they were only on our control node before.

$ ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.nginx
- geerlingguy.nginx (3.1.4) was installed successfully

$ ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.php
- geerlingguy.php (5.0.0) was installed successfully

$ ansible-galaxy collection install community.mongodb
Process install dependency map
Starting collection install process
Installing 'community.mongodb:1.6.0' to '/home/ggotimer/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community/mongodb'
Installing 'ansible.posix:1.5.4' to '/home/ggotimer/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/posix'
Installing 'community.general:7.0.1' to '/home/ggotimer/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community/general'

Since Ansible will need to ssh from the local system to the systems in AWS, I'll configure the SSH key I was using on the control node to be my default key.

$ eval $(ssh-agent)
Agent pid 7953

$ ssh-add /home/ggotimer/.ssh/gene-test-us-east-2.pem
Identity added: /home/ggotimer/.ssh/gene-test-us-east-2.pem (/home/ggotimer/.ssh/gene-test-us-east-2.pem)

$ ssh-add -l
2048 SHA256:BdmxwBiUP11ZL1X1Qw6M3st8k7nWVGWkNCIpj3vhkmc /home/ggotimer/.ssh/gene-test-us-east-2.pem (RSA)

Terraform was always running locally, so there isn't anything extra to prepare for this demo.

Run it all

This demonstration will take about 10 minutes to complete, so I'll kick it off first and then describe the important changes.

$ terraform init

$ terraform apply
Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value: yes

That's it. And it is actually vital that is all we need to do. A prime benefit of using these tools and infrastructure-as-code in general is making our jobs automated and therefore repeatable and reliable. And they can't very well meet those expectations if there are a bunch of manual steps.

Major changes

There are a few changes in this lesson that should be explained.

SSH access from laptop

In Lesson 04, we set up SSH access from the internet to the control node for us and then from the control node to the target web servers and database for Ansible. If I am running Ansible from my laptop, I'll need to open SSH access to all the target systems.

Opening SSH from the internet in general to these systems is more open than I am comfortable with. So in, I use the http provisioner in Terraform to get my current public IP address from When I set up the security groups for SSH, each only allows access from my current address. And if I move to a new IP address I can just terraform apply again to modify the security group to allow access only from my new address.

Load balancer

We set up two web servers in the previous Ansible lessons. There isn't much real world value in that unless we had a load balancer in front of them to distribute the load between them.

Setting up a load balancer is a little tedious, setting up:

  • the application load balancer (ALB) instance in multiple availability zones
  • security groups into the ALB
  • security groups from the ALB to the target systems
  • the group of target systems (target group)
  • the ALB listener for the port to a target group

The example code in takes some significant shortcuts, but it is a good starting point. The HTTP listeners should redirect to HTTPS and host all traffic there. There should be a web application firewall (WAF) protecting the ALB from attack. The ALB is available in multiple availability zones (AZs), but there should be web servers and databases in those AZs as well for true resiliency. The ALB should have logging and deletion protection turned on.

Feel free to use it as a starting point, but remember it is just a starting point.


We tagged all our instances and most resources earlier, but it was just for reference before. Now, it will take on some strong purpose.

  tags = {
    Name        = "planet-mongodb"
    Project     = "planets"
    Environment = "demo"
    Role        = "database"
    Owner       = var.owner_email

If we look at the database tags, we see the Name and Owner as before. Those are good practice. But we've hard-coded the Project (it was a variable before), and added Environment and Role. The names and values are up to us, but almost everyone will need something along these lines.

We are going to generate our Ansible inventory based on the Project and Environment, using the Role tag to name the groups for Ansible.

Dynamic inventory

Here is where the changes start getting really interesting.

Our old inventory looked like:






Particularly important to Ansible were the webserver and database groups. For each of the playbooks we used, nginx-playbook.yml and mongodb-playbook.yml, we ran them against our entire system and let the playbook pattern (i.e., the hosts line) determine what systems to target.

For example, mongodb-playbook.yml starts with:

- hosts: database

so it targeted That's convenient, since we can point our playbooks at all of our servers and just let each playbook sort out which servers to run against.

Our problem is that the IP addresses were determined when Terraform ran. So we needed to look at the output, set up our inventory file, and then run Ansible.

With the tagging we've added and a dynamic inventory plugin we can let Ansible query our AWS account using the same credentials we set up for Terraform. Since it queries our entire AWS account, not limited to the systems that Terraform just stood up, we will filter out only the systems in the Project and Environment we are applying Ansible to. And then we will use the Role tag as the key for our groups.

I created inventory-aws_ec2.yml with those filters and grouping instructions. (The file name was up to me, as long as it ended with aws_ec2.yml or aws_ec2.yaml.)

plugin: aws_ec2

  - us-east-2

  - ip-address

  tag:Project: planets
  tag:Environment: demo

  - key: tags.Role
    separator: ''
  - key: tags.Environment
    prefix: env

Since I am using this from my laptop, the IP addresses will be the public addresses rather than the private ones. Also, we can't just look at a file to see the results since this is truly dynamic. No file is written out- the plugin determines the inventory at runtime. Instead, I can run a command to see a representation of the current inventory.

$ ansible-inventory -i inventory-aws_ec2.yml --graph
  |  |--
  |  |--
  |  |--
  |  |--
  |  |--
  |  |--
  |  |--
  |  |--
  |  |--

The @ symbols are just part of the graph representation, not part of the group names.

For my use, this generates the same group names (database and webserver) as we used in the previous lesson. As such I can use the playbooks exactly as they were.

The aws_ec2 inventory plugin has many options. Also, the playbook patterns can be more than just a single group. With a well-planned tagging strategy, a single inventory plugin configuration could take care of your entire AWS ecosystem, making it easy to target the right servers for any project in any environment. For exmaple, env_demo:&webserver for web servers in the demo environment. Or database:!env_prod for databases not in the prod enviroment, if we had such an environment and had not filtered it out.


Now that we've handled the inventory using automation, we just need to call Ansible once Terraform is finished. We could just wrap the Terraform and Ansible commands in a shell script, but there is a more flexible and elegant way.

At the end of, I added a resource with a call to the local-exec provider.

resource "null_resource" "ansible" {
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=false ansible-playbook --inventory inventory-aws_ec2.yml --user ubuntu site.yml"

  triggers = {
    always_run = timestamp()

  depends_on = [

The null_resource is handled by Terraform like any other resource, except it has no action until we give it one. The local-exec runs locally on my laptop, as opposed to a remote-exec which runs on the resource. We used the remote-exec to bootstrap Ansible on our control node in Lesson 04.

The triggers argument tells Terraform when this resource needs to run or not. In this case, as long as the time changes the provisioner will run. That might seem anti-idempotent, but as long as our Ansible code is idempotent itself, calling it each time is cleaner than jumping through hoops to determine if one of the resources and/or playbooks changed. Plus, if someone or something makes a change on one of the systems, Ansible will figure out that it needs to reapply the configuration.

The depends_on argument tells Terraform that I need those resources built before this resource is applied. Most of the time Terraform figures that out on its own, but with the null_resource we need to explicitly spell it out. Ansible needs the webserver and database EC2 instances, so I'll call them out as dependencies.

The Ansible command line looks a little more involved than we used before, but it is really just putting the options from the ansible.cfg directly into the command. That way I don't have to rely on a local configuration file.

The last change is the site.yml playbook.

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
  become: true

  - name: Wait 600 seconds for targets to become reachable/usable
  - name: Update repositories caches
      update_cache: yes

- import_playbook: nginx-playbook.yml
- import_playbook: mongodb-playbook.yml

It imports the two playbooks we used before so that I can call them from one place. But before it invokes them, it waits until the target systems are responding until it kicks them off. That way the Ansible commands don't start running until the system is ready. Internally, wait_for_connection relies on the ping module we used earlier. By default, it will wait for up to 10 minutes (600 seconds) until it times out. This playbook also forces an update to the package repository cache on each system, to make sure the following playbooks can find any packages they need.


The result of my single terraform apply is that all three systems plus a load balancer was stood up and Ansible configured the web servers and the database.

$ terraform apply

planets_url = ""
webserver_private_ips = [
webserver_public_ips = [

When I point a browser to that long, unwieldy URL, I see the same planets demo as before, with the addition of Pluto just so I can see a difference.

Hello, Gene!

If I hit this URL from multiple locations, we could see the private IP address for the webserver change between the two web servers, thanks to the load balancer.

Shortcuts taken

As mentioned earlier, there are some shortcuts in this demo. Before using it as an example for a production system, remember that this was a demonstration.

An easy way to see some of the IaC shortcuts is to look at the warnings that were suppressed from Checkov:

$ checkov -d .
Check: CKV_AWS_91: "Ensure the ELBv2 (Application/Network) has access logging enabled"
        SKIPPED for resource: aws_lb.webserver_alb
        Suppress comment: No logging since it is a demo- not good for production
        File: /
Check: CKV_AWS_150: "Ensure that Load Balancer has deletion protection enabled"
        SKIPPED for resource: aws_lb.webserver_alb
        Suppress comment: Allow deletion since it is a demo- not good for production
        File: /
Check: CKV_AWS_2: "Ensure ALB protocol is HTTPS"
        SKIPPED for resource: aws_alb_listener.webservers_http
        Suppress comment: HTTP only for demo- not good for production
        File: /
Check: CKV_AWS_103: "Ensure that load balancer is using TLS 1.2"
        SKIPPED for resource: aws_alb_listener.webservers_http
        Suppress comment: HTTP only for demo- not good for production
        File: /
Check: CKV_AWS_88: "EC2 instance should not have public IP."
        SKIPPED for resource: aws_instance.webserver
        Suppress comment: Allowing public access for Ansible
        File: /
Check: CKV_AWS_88: "EC2 instance should not have public IP."
        SKIPPED for resource: aws_instance.mongodb
        Suppress comment: Allowing public access for Ansible
        File: /
Check: CKV2_AWS_11: "Ensure VPC flow logging is enabled in all VPCs"
        SKIPPED for resource: aws_vpc.sandbox_vpc
        Suppress comment: Skipping logging to make permissions easier- not a generally good idea
        File: /
Check: CKV2_AWS_20: "Ensure that ALB redirects HTTP requests into HTTPS ones"
        SKIPPED for resource: aws_lb.webserver_alb
        Suppress comment: HTTP only for demo- not good for production
        File: /
Check: CKV2_AWS_28: "Ensure public facing ALB are protected by WAF"
        SKIPPED for resource: aws_lb.webserver_alb
        Suppress comment: No WAF since it is a demo- not good for production
        File: /

In many cases, the Bridgecrew documentation will describe how to fix the issue if you just search for the Checkov finding ID. But often those fixes will introduce new issues that need to be resolved. It isn't endless, but making sure you have covered all the recommended practices can be tedious, which is why we use tools to check our code and ensure we haven't missed anything.

Clean up

When we are done, we can clean up the environment as usual. From our laptop:

$ terraform destroy

End of Demo 09

This is the final lesson, at least for now.

Terraform documentation


Name Version
terraform >= 1.8.3
aws ~> 5.49.0
http ~> 3.3.0
null ~> 3.2.1


Name Version
aws ~> 5.49.0
http ~> 3.3.0
null ~> 3.2.1


No modules.


Name Type
aws_alb_listener.webservers_http resource
aws_default_security_group.default resource
aws_instance.mongodb resource
aws_instance.webserver resource
aws_internet_gateway.sandbox_gateway resource
aws_lb.webserver_alb resource
aws_lb_target_group.webservers resource
aws_lb_target_group_attachment.webserver resource
aws_route_table.rtb_public resource
aws_route_table_association.rta_subnet_public resource
aws_security_group.alb_sg resource
aws_security_group.mongodb_sg resource
aws_security_group.webserver_sg resource
aws_security_group_rule.alb_sg_allow_http resource
aws_security_group_rule.alb_sg_allow_http_to_webservers resource
aws_security_group_rule.alb_sg_allow_https resource
aws_security_group_rule.alb_sg_allow_https_to_webservers resource
aws_security_group_rule.mongodb_sg_allow_all_outgoing resource
aws_security_group_rule.mongodb_sg_allow_ansible_ssh resource
aws_security_group_rule.mongodb_sg_allow_webserver_mongodb resource
aws_security_group_rule.webserver_sg_allow_all_outgoing resource
aws_security_group_rule.webserver_sg_allow_ansible_ssh resource
aws_security_group_rule.webserver_sg_allow_http resource
aws_security_group_rule.webserver_sg_allow_https resource
aws_subnet.public_subnet resource
aws_vpc.sandbox_vpc resource
null_resource.ansible resource
aws_ami.ubuntu_focal data source
aws_availability_zone.all data source
aws_availability_zones.available data source
http_http.ifconfig_co_ip data source


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_profile Local AWS profile to use for AWS credentials string "default" no
aws_region AWS region to build in string n/a yes
az_number n/a map
"a": 1,
"b": 2,
"c": 3,
"d": 4,
"e": 5,
"f": 6
key_name Name of an already-installed AWS keypair string n/a yes
owner_email Email address to tag resources with string n/a yes
planet_az Availability zone to run the demo in string "us-east-2a" no


Name Description
planets_url URL for the planets demo
webserver_private_ips Private IP addresses of the NGINX webservers
webserver_public_ips Public IP addresses of the NGINX webservers