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The assist_16.i65 file

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The assist_16.i65 file contains macros that assist CX16 programmers in handling 16 bit values in W65C02S assembly language. These macros are not intended to be a comprehensive set of 16-bit operations, but rather those operations most needed in the course of writing an 8-bit assembly language program.

The library is normally included in a source file with the following line of code:

.include "assist_16.i65"

Note that none of the code in this file has any dependency on any ROMs, entry points, or other software in the system. Thus, it can be used with any W65C02S system.

This table lists the operations provided by the assist_16 package.

Operation Macro Summary Flags
Add a step adj_16 var ← var + step
Compare cmp_16 var – value NVZC
Decrement dec_16 var ← var – 1
Equal eql_16 var = value Z
Greater or Equal gte_16 var ≥ value NVC
Increment inc_16 var ← var + 1
Initialize set_16 var ← value
Test tst_16 var – 0 NZ

The macros support these eight addressing modes:

Mode Syntax Description
zp zp zero page
zx {zp,x} zero page indexed with X
zy {zp,y} zero page indexed with Y
abs abs absolute
abx {abs,x} absolute indexed with X
aby {abs,y} absolute indexed with Y
zpi (zp) zero page indirect
zpy {(zp),y} zero page indirect indexed with Y

Note: Some addressing modes contain characters that can confuse the macro processor. To avoid this, these modes need to be enclosed in {braces} as shown in the table above.

Warning: With the zpy addressing mode, the caller is responsible for setting up the Y register. Further, a page wrap error will occur if the Y register is set to $FF. No error message will be generated, the code will just produce incorrect results.

Further details on the internals are contained in the deeper dive file. Also, an analysis of the cost of these macros in memory space and clock cycles is contained in the stats file.

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Adjust a 16 bit variable in memory by a literal value.


.macro adj_16 var,step


  • var - the 16 bit variable.
  • step - an integer constant to be added to var.


  • Optimized for special cases like a step of 0, 1..255, $100..$FF00


Mode Clobbers
zp, abs The A register and the C, V, Z, and N flags.
zpi The A and Y register, and the C, V, Z, and N flags.
zpy The A register and the C, V, Z, and N flags.
zx, abx The A register and the C, V, Z, and N flags.
zy, aby The A register and the C, V, Z, and N flags.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
root:   .res  2

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.
item_len = 10                      ; Each item in the array is 10 bytes long.

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 root, root_array          ; Set up the pointer to the base of the array.
  ; stuff omitted.
  adj_16 root, item_len            ; Step to the next item.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
pieces: .res  2                    ; Points to a chess piece

  ; stuff omitted.
  adj_16 (pieces), 10              ; Add 10 to the weight of this chess piece.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
root:   .res  2

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 root, root_array          ; Set up the pointer to the base of the array.
  ; stuff omitted.
  ldy #(21-1)*2
  adj_16 {(root),y},10             ; Adjust the twenty first element of the array by 10.

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Compare a 16 bit variable in memory with a literal value.


.macro cmp_16 var, value


  • var - a 16 bit variable.
  • value - an integer value to compare var with.


  • The N, V, Z, and C flags are set.


  • Unlike the native cmp instruction, the cmp_16 macro sets all the flags needed to work with both unsigned and signed arguments. This also means that the V flag needs to be considered for signed data. You can do this explicitly as shown in the example of you can use the signed composite branches found in the branches portion of this collection.
  • Optimized for special cases like values of $xx00.


Mode Clobbers
zp, abs The A register.
zpi The A and Y registers.
zpy The A register.
zx, abx The A register.
zy, aby The A register.


score: .res 2                     ; Zero page variables.

  ; stuff omitted.

  ; Level completed, check score
  cmp_16 score, 1000              ; == 1000 for a bonus
  bcc low_score                   ; If C is cleared score < 1000
  bne no_extra                    ; If Z is set score = 1000
  ; stuff omitted.                ; C is set and Z is not so score > 1000
  bra test_done

  ; stuff omitted.
  bra test_done

  ; stuff omitted.



.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
creature: .res 2                   ; A pointer to some creature data.

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 creature, root_array      ; Set up the pointer to the base of the array.
  ; stuff omitted.

  cmp_16 (creature), -400          ; Is the creature no longer resurrectable?

  bvs sign_flipped                 ; If overflow detected the N bit is flipped.
  bmi perma_dead                   ; If negative there's no coming back!
  bra still_alive
  bpl perma_dead                   ; The sign is flipped so positive is negative.

  ; stuff omitted.                 ; The creature health >= -400, handle it.

perma_dead:                        ; The creature health < -400.
  ; stuff omitted.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
creature: .res 2                   ; A pointer to some creature data.

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.
.import array_size                 ; and its size in words.

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 creature, root_array      ; Set up the pointer to the base of the array.
  ; stuff omitted.

  ldy #0

creature_loop:                     ; Loop through the creature array.
  cmp_16 {(creature),y}, -400      ; Test current creature for low health.

  bvs sign_flipped                 ; If overflow detected the N bit is flipped.
  bmi perma_dead                   ; If negative there's no coming back!
  bra still_alive
  bpl perma_dead                   ; The sign is flipped so positive is negative.

  ; stuff omitted.                 ; The creature health >= -400, handle it.
  bra next_creature

perma_dead:                        ; The creature health < -400.
  ; stuff omitted.

  iny                              ; Step Y by 2
  cpy #array_size*2                ; See if we are done.
  bne creature_loop

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Decrement a 16 bit variable in memory.


.macro dec_16 var


  • var - the name of a 16 bit variable.


Mode Clobbers
zp, abs The A register and the Z and N flags.
zpi The A and Y register, and the Z and N flags.
zpy The A register and the Z and N flags.
zx, abx The A register and the Z and N flags.
zy, aby The A register and the Z and N flags.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
my_var: .res  2

  ; stuff omitted.
  dec_16 my_var                    ; Step to the previous.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
root:   .res  2

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 root,root_array           ; Set up the pointer to the base of the array.
  ; stuff omitted.
  dec_16 (root)                    ; Decrement the first element of the array.


root:   .res  2                    ; Zero page variables.

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 root, root_array          ; Set up the pointer to the base of the array.
  ; stuff omitted.
  ldy #(21-1)*2
  dec_16 {(root),y}                ; Decrement the twenty first element of the array.

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Compare a 16 bit variable in memory with a literal value to see if they are equal.


.macro eql_16 var, value


  • var - a 16 bit variable.
  • value - an integer value to compare var with.


  • The Z flag is set if var equals value.


  • Optimized for special cases like values of 0, $00xx, $xx00.


Mode Clobbers
zp, abs The A register, C, V, and N flags.
zpi The A and Y registers, C, V, and N flags.
zpy The A register, C, V, and N flags.
zx, abx The A register, C, V, and N flags.
zy, aby The A register, C, V, and N flags.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
root:   .res  2

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.
item_count = 42                    ; There are 42 items.
item_len   = 10                    ; Each item in the array is 10 bytes long.
array_len  = item_count*item_len

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 root, root_array          ; Set up the pointer to the base of the array.
  ; stuff omitted.

  ; Do amazing (omitted) things with the current entry.

  adj_16 root, item_len            ; Step to the next item.
  eql_16 root, root_array+array_len ; Are we at the end?
  bne loop


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
pter: .res 2                       ; A pointer to some data.

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 pter, root_array          ; Set up the pointer to the base of the array.
  ; stuff omitted.

  eql_16 (pter), 42                ; Test current array element for the answer.
  bne no_answer
  ; stuff omitted.                 ; Found the answer. Process it,

  ; stuff omitted.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
pter: .res 2                       ; A pointer to some data.
cter: .res 1                       ; A loop counter

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.
.import root_size                  ; Import its size too.

  ; stuff omitted.

  ; Scour the array looking for answers!
  set_16 pter, root_array          ; Set up the pointer to the base of the array.
  ldy #0
  lda #root_size
  sta cter


  ; stuff omitted.

  eql_16 {(pter),y}, 42            ; Test current array element for the answer.
  bne no_answer

  ; stuff omitted.                 ; Found the answer. Process it.


  dec cter
  bne scour_loop

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Compare an unsigned 16 bit variable in memory with a literal value to see if it is greater or equal to that value.


.macro gte_16 var, value


  • var - a 16 bit variable.
  • value - an integer value to compare var with.


  • C is set if var >= value using unsigned comparison.
  • (N xor V) is cleared if var >= value using signed comparison.


  • Optimized for special cases like values of $xx00.


Mode Clobbers
zp, abs The A register, and Z flag.
zpi The A and Y registers, and Z flag.
zpy The A register, and Z flag.
zx, abx The A register, and Z flag.
zy, aby The A register, and Z flag.


score: .res 2                      ; Zero page variables.

  ; stuff omitted.

  ; Level completed, check for bonuses
  gte_16 score, 1000               ; >= 1000 for a bonus
  bcc no_bonus

  adj_16 score, -1000              ; Remove 1000 points
  ; do other bonus things

  bra bonus_loop



.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
creature: .res 2                   ; A pointer to some creature data.

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 creature, root_array      ; Set up the pointer to the base of the array.
  ; stuff omitted.

  gte_16 (creature), 400           ; Test current creature for low health.
  bcs health_ok
  ; stuff omitted.                 ; The creature health < 400, handle it.

health_ok:                         ; The creature health >= 400.
  ; stuff omitted.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
creature: .res 2                   ; A pointer to some creature data.

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.
.import array_size                 ; and its size in words.

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 creature, root_array      ; Set up the pointer to the base of the array.
  ; stuff omitted.

  ldy #0

creature_loop:                     ; Loop through the creature array.
  gte_16 {(creature),y}, 400       ; Test current creature for low health.
  bcs health_ok
  ; stuff omitted.                 ; The creature health < 400, handle it.
  bra next_creature

health_ok:                         ; The creature health >= 400.
  ; stuff omitted.

  iny                              ; Step Y by 2
  cpy #array_size*2                ; See if we are done.
  bne creature_loop

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A macro to increment a 16 bit variable in memory.


.macro inc_16 var


  • var - the 16 bit variable.


Mode Clobbers
zp, abs The Z and N flags.
zpi The A and Y register, Z and N flags.
zpy The A register and the Z and N flags.
zx, abx The Z and N flags.
zy, aby The Z and N flags.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
my_var: .res  2

  ; stuff omitted.
  inc_16 my_var                    ; Step to the next.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
root: .res  2

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 root, root_array          ; Set up the pointer to the base of the array.
  ; stuff omitted.
  inc_16 (root)                    ; Increment the first element of the array.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
root:   .res  2

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 root, root_array          ; Set up the pointer to the base of the array.
  ; stuff omitted.
  ldy #21*2
  inc_16 {(root),y}                ; Increment the twenty first element of the array.

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A macro to initialize a 16 bit variable in memory with a literal value.


.macro set_16 var,value


  • var - the 16 bit variable.
  • value - a value used to initialize var.


  • Some modes are optimized for special case values like 0, $00xx, and $xx00.


Mode Clobbers
zp, abs Unless value is 0, the A register, Z and N flags.
zpi The A and Y registers, Z and N flags.
zpy The A register, Z and N flags.
zx, abx Unless value is 0, the A register, Z and N flags.
zy, aby The A register, Z and N flags.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
my_var: .res  2

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 my_var, 0                 ; Clear my_var.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
root: .res  2

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 root, root_array          ; Root points to the start of root_array.
  set_16 (root), $FFFF             ; Set the first value of the array.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
root: .res  2

.import root_array:absolute        ; Import a reference to an array in another file.
.import rec_size                   ; and the size of its elements.

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 root, root_array          ; Set up the pointer to the start of the array.
  ; stuff omitted.
  ldy #rec_size
  set_16 {(root),y}, 0             ; Clear first word element of the array.

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Test a 16 bit variable in memory.


.macro tst_16 var


  • var - a 16 bit variable.


  • The test operation never has overflow conditions so the N flag is never inverted. Thus the V flag is not needed.


  • The N and Z flags are set according to the value tested.


Mode Clobbers
zp, abs The A register.
zpi The A and Y registers.
zpy The A register.
zx, abx The A register.
zy, aby The A register.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
counter: .res  2

  ; stuff omitted.
  set_16 counter, 1535             ; Set up the loop counter.

  ; Do really cool stuff (omitted).

  dec_16 counter                   ; Decrement the loop counter
  tst_16 counter                   ; Is is zero?
  bne loop                         ; If not, keep looping!


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
health: .res 2                     ; A pointer into the health array.

  ; stuff omitted.
  tst_16 (health)                  ; Which side of the grass?
  bmi morte                        ; Health negative, dead.
  beq morte                        ; Health zero, dead.
  ; still alive                    ; Health greater than zero, alive.
  ; stuff omitted.

  ; stuff omitted.


.zeropage                          ; Zero page variables.
health: .res 2                     ; A pointer into the health array.
count:  .res 1                     ; A loop counter.

.import creature_count            ; Import a reference to the number of creatures.

  ; stuff omitted.

  lda creature_count               ; Set up the creature count.
  sta count
  ldy #0                           ; Start from the start.

  ; stuff omitted.
  tst_16 {(health),y}              ; Which side of the grass?
  bmi morte                        ; Health negative, dead.
  beq morte                        ; Health zero, dead.
  ; still alive                    ; Health greater than zero, alive.
  ; stuff omitted.
  bra next_creature:

morte:                             ; The creature is dead.
; stuff omitted.

next_creature:                     ; Process the next creature.
  dec count
  bne health_loop
  ; stuff omitted.

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