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346 lines (242 loc) · 13.1 KB

File metadata and controls

346 lines (242 loc) · 13.1 KB

Twitter-Followers Analyzer

In this project, you are given a comma separated file to represent some twitter users and the users they follow. The file name is “twitter.csv”. Each row represents a certain user’s id and the id of another user he/she follows.

Project features

  • Reading and sorting CSV files, as well as removing any duplicate data

  • Counting how many accounts are available

  • Get any amount of top-influencers, even if you wish to include all accounts.

  • Get the number of followers of a particular person by his ID

  • Get the number of followees of a particular person by his ID

  • Get recommendations for individuals to follow.

Here's a virtual representation for the project so you don't get lost

The various methods and the complexity analysis

So, we can evaluate the complexity of each project function.

First, there's the function that reads the CSV file and stores the data after sorting and removing any duplicate data in a Tree Set.

We have a complexity equals O(E)

​ Where E equals no. of Edges (no. of rows in the CSV file).

public static Set<Followees_Set> followeesReader(String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException {
        int previous = 0;
        int preFollower;
        Set<Followees_Set> data = new TreeSet<>();					// A huge buffer for the whole data.
        Set<Buffer_Set> buffer = new TreeSet<>();					// A small buffer for a segment of data.
        // The buffer for storing sorted and distinct data.
    	Set<Followees_Set> followeesSet = new TreeSet<>();

        String line;
        try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath))) {
            // Complexity -> O(E).
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {            // Reading the file line by line.

                String[] row = line.split(",");               		// Divide the line into two elements
                // Storing every line in "data" TreeSet
                data.add(new Followees_Set(Integer.parseInt(row[0]), Integer.parseInt(row[1])));

        } catch (Exception e) {

        // Complexity -> O(1).
        for (Followees_Set acc : data) {
            previous = acc.followee;			// Initializing previous with the first followee.
        // Complexity -> T(E) = 2*E = O(E).
        for (Followees_Set acc : data) {
            if (acc.followee == previous) {
                // Storing all rows related to the same followee into "buffer" TreeSet.
                buffer.add(new Buffer_Set(acc.follower, acc.followee));
            } else {
                previous = acc.followee;
                preFollower = 0;
                for (Buffer_Set following : buffer){
                    if(following.follower != preFollower) {
                        // Storing only distinct data into "followeeSet" TreeSet.
                        followeesSet.add(new Followees_Set(following.follower, following.followee));
                        preFollower = following.follower;
                buffer.clear();					// Clear "buffer" TreeSet for a new followee data.
                buffer.add(new Buffer_Set(acc.follower, acc.followee));
        for (Buffer_Set following : buffer){
            followeesSet.add(new Followees_Set(following.follower, following.followee));

        File csvFile = new File("Sorted_Followees.csv");   // Storing the sorted data into CSV file.
        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(csvFile);
        // Complexity -> T(E) = E - Duplicated data = O(E).
        for (Followees_Set acc : followeesSet) {
            out.println(acc.follower + ", " + acc.followee);

        return followeesSet;

The second function is one that counts the number of accounts we have.

​ with a complexity equals O(E)

​ Where E equals no. of Edges (no. of rows in the CSV file).

public static int nFollowees(Set<Followees_Set> followeesSet) {
    int nFollowees = 0;                                   // Counter.
    int preID = -1;                                       // Previous ID.
    // Complexity -> O(E).
    for (Followees_Set acc : followeesSet) {
        if (acc.followee != preID) {                      // If the read followee is not the previous one.
            nFollowees++;                                 // Increment the counter.
            preID = acc.followee;                         // Make previous pointing to the current followee.
    return nFollowees;

The third function is one that inserts all data into adjacency list.

So, we will have an array of lists to contain each account and its followers.

​ We iterate on the hole set so we have a complexity equals O(E).

public static Followee[] insertFollowees(Set<Followees_Set> followeesSet, int nFollowees) {
        Followee[] followees = new Followee[nFollowees];            // Declare an array of Followees.
        int i = 0;

        // Complexity -> O(E).
        for (Followees_Set account : followeesSet) {
            Follower newFollower = new Follower(account.follower);  // Create a new follower.

            if (followees[0] == null) {                             // If the array is empty.

                followees[0] = new Followee(account.followee, newFollower);
			// If the read follower belongs to the same followee.
            } else if (account.followee == followees[i].id) {       

                newFollower.nextFollower = followees[i].follower;   // Change references.
                followees[i].follower = newFollower;
                // Increment number of followers for the current followee.

            // If the read follower doesn't belong to the same followee.
            } else if (followees[i].id != account.followee) {       
                followees[i] = new Followee(account.followee, newFollower);
        return followees;

The forth function is one that gets the index of a specific account ID in out array.

We applied what we learned about the Divide & Conquer Algorithm.

So, with a complexity of O(log(V)), we've completed our index search.

​ Where V equals no. of accounts

public static int getFolloweeIndex(Followee[] followees, int id, int low, int high) {
    // Using D&C Algorithm (Binary Search).
    int mid = (low + high) / 2;

    if (low > high) {
        System.out.println("Sorry, not found!");
        return -1;
    if (followees[mid].id == id) {                              // The followee is found.
        return mid;
    } else if (followees[mid].id < id) {
        return getFolloweeIndex(followees, id, mid + 1, high);
    } else {
        return getFolloweeIndex(followees, id, low, mid - 1);

The fifth function is one that gets any amount of top-influencers, even if you wish to include all accounts.

​ with a complexity equals O(V^2)

public static void topInfluencers(Followee[] followees, int nFollowees, int num) {

    // Complexity -> O(V).
    for (int j = 0; j < nFollowees; j++) {                      // Remove all marks from followees.
        if (followees[j].mark)
            followees[j].mark = false;

    // Complexity -> O(V^2).
    for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
        Followee topInfluencer = new Followee(0, null);

        // Complexity -> O(V).
        for (int j = 0; j < nFollowees; j++) {
            // If the current followee has followers greater than top-influencer & not marked.
            if ((followees[j].nFollowers >= topInfluencer.nFollowers) && (!followees[j].mark)) {
                topInfluencer = followees[j];
        topInfluencer.mark = true;                              // Mark the top-influencer
        System.out.println(i + ") " + + " with " + topInfluencer.nFollowers + " followers");

The sixth one gets recommendations for individuals to follow with complexity equals O(v^2).

public static List<Integer> suggestFriends(Follower_NewFriend[] followers, int	 nFollowers, int id, int thresholdNum){
        Set<ComFriends> allFollowees = new TreeSet<>();    // A buffer contains followees of both followers.
        List<Integer> sugFriends = new ArrayList<>();      // Array List contains the suggested friends.

        // Get the index of the entered ID.
        int index = getFollowerIndex(followers, id, 0, nFollowers);

        // Complexity -> O(v^2).
        for (int i = 0 ; i < nFollowers; i++) {            // Iterate on all accounts.

            if (followers[i].id != id) {

                // Adding the (id)'s followees into allFollowees
                Followee_NewFriend current = followers[index].followee;
                // Complexity -> O(v).
                for (int j = 0; j < followers[index].nFollowees; j++){
                    allFollowees.add(new ComFriends(id,;
                    current = current.nextFollowee;

                // Adding the (i)'s followees into allFollowees
                current = followers[i].followee;
                // Complexity -> O(v).
                for (int k = 0; k < followers[i].nFollowees; k++) {
                    allFollowees.add(new ComFriends(followers[i].id,;
                    current = current.nextFollowee;

                // If the mutual followees >= Threshold number, add the current id to the Suggestion List.
                if (isRecommended(allFollowees, followers[i].id, thresholdNum)){

                // Clear the buffer for a new possible suggested friend.
        return sugFriends;

The output simulation

First, the intro is presented, which allows you to select one of our project's amazing features.

  1. If you select the first option to display the number of available accounts, the function will be instantly called and the right number will be presented.

  2. If you select the second option to see the number of followers for a specific account, you will be prompted to input its ID, after which the accurate number of followers will be displayed.

  3. For the third feature to display the Top-Influencers, you will enter the number you want and we will do the rest.

  4. The forth feature is about getting the number of followees of a specific ID, you will be prompted to input its ID, after which the accurate number of followers will be displayed.

  5. The fifth and final function allows you to receive a list of near people to follow; all you have to do is provide us your ID and we'll take care of the rest.

  6. Only use the last option if you wish to exit the application as well as after every function completion.

    Note that: We ask you if you want to continue using the app or leave it when each function is completed.

Team Members

This Project was created due to the efforts of all the team members and their indescribable hard work.

Ramzi Muhammed

Abd El-Rahman Atef

Doha Khaled