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Meeting Minutes

hpar461 edited this page Mar 19, 2022 · 2 revisions

Meeting minutes are continuously appended in this page.

Please use the nav bar on the right side of the page to navigate through a specific day or a meeting minute.

11/03/2022 | Full Team

Present: Christopher, Trinh, Adam, Dave, Kimsong, Yu Chen, Minxing, Miller, Xiaoqi, Hyung




  • We are building a student forum
  • Frontend and backend teams have been established
  • A few issues have been made in github for the team to review


  • Assign a team lead
  • Assign frontend and backend
  • Assign a meeting minutes person
  • Plan the features of our student forum
  • Plan the frontend technologies we want to use

Meeting Minutes

  • Team lead - Christopher
  • Backend lead - Adam, Frontend lead - Christopher
  • Meeting minutes person on rotation
  • Reddit kind of format - account creation, landing page for topics/posts, comments/discussions and upvote and downvote kind of system for comments, search functionality/filter, preset categories(eg. Clubs, compsys…), keyword queries, profile page.
  • Core features - posting, commenting, account creation, searching, up/down vote
  • React for frontend - semantic UI library
  • Use axios npm

Action Points

  • Review contribution pull request
  • Wireframing meeting 12/03, 7-8pm

12/03/2022 | Frontend

Present: Trinh, Xiaoqi, Chris, Hyung

Apologies: Yu Chen



  • Yu Chen has created a base


  • Wireframing
  • Decide on who implements which page and etc.
  • Decide on a colour scheme
  • Find an icon to be replaced in the design.

Meeting Minutes

  • Xiaoqi(yumi) - log in & user registration
  • Hyung - Thread page for communities (i.e. forum)
  • Trinh - nav bar (make it more aesthetically pleasing
  • Chris - General layout and colour scheme
  • Decided to follow University’s colour scheme as much as possible
    • #19467B (Yale Blue)
    • #E4E4E4 (Platinum)
    • #45256F (Spanish Violet)
  • Adding a “Posted time” on post elements in the main screen was suggested
    • Applied changes in the design.
  • Everyone started designing their prototypes.

Action Points

14/03/2022 | Full Team

Present: Chris, Dave, Hyung, Kimsong, Minxing, Quzhi, Adam, Trinh, Xiaoqi, Yuchen, Ethan


Absent: Miller


  • The team should be finalised now so we shouldn’t see anymore changes (12 members)
  • Frontend has started on some drafts
  • Backend will be using express JS and NoSQL MongoDB (still open for discussion)


  • Picking a team name
  • Picking a color scheme
  • Making sure everyone has been added to the Github org and discord
  • Everyone review code of conduct and contributions documentation PRs (make sure to approve it afterwards, unless you have changes you want made)

Meeting Minutes

  • Project name proposals: UniForum
  • Adding enhancement labels
  • Removing push force capability for repos
  • Color scheme picked
  • Project name decided: UniForum

Action Points

  • Breakaway into frontend and backend meetings to start development work after this meeting

18/03/2022 | Full Team

Present: Chris, Dave, Hyung, Kimsong, Miller, Minxing, Adam, Xiaoqi, Yu Chen, Trinh, Adam


Absent: Ethan, Qunzhi



  • stand up style meeting initially
  • state of backend
  • state of frontend
  • Has everyone done a code contribution and a code review?

Meeting Minutes

  1. Everyone state updates
  • Dave is on implementing the creating comments request for the backend part
  • Hyung: pattern, frontend wiki, fix ui bugs..
  • Millor: do research related to his mission
  • Minxing: user/post search, review issues,
  • Adam: http request for user details, ci workflow bug, database configuration, backend server setup
  • Kimsong: Implemented DB schema for forum users and forum post, implemented the http request for user creation.
  • Trinh: issues, post-preview, posts page
  • Xiaoqi: completed login/register pages, new community creation page, research on forgot password part
  • Yuchen: completed home page layout and new post layout, working on the communities page
  1. Current state of the backend
  • Authentication completed most part
  • User/post/comments
  • To do: Adam: wiki
  1. Current state of the frontend
  • All pages just runs on local
  • To do: Hyung: wiki, add meeting minutes to wiki
  1. Has everyone done a code contribution and a code review?
  • Most people have done
  1. Discussed the final A1 submission docs
  2. Dave is on the meeting minutes for the next meeting

Action Points

  • Add TAs to group github repo