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pcolormesh.set_array(None) not longer works? #2171

julietbravo opened this issue Apr 24, 2023 · 2 comments · Fixed by #2166

pcolormesh.set_array(None) not longer works? #2171

julietbravo opened this issue Apr 24, 2023 · 2 comments · Fixed by #2166


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The code from this question: (but also my minimal example below) no longer works. More specifically, the line pcol.set_array(None) gives an error AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ndim'. The .set_array(None) works fine in my environment on a normal pcolormesh, when I'm not using Cartopy.

Code to reproduce

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import cartopy
import as ccrs

bbox = [3.5, 6.5, 51.45, 52.65]
lon = np.linspace(3.5, 6.5, 100)
lat = np.linspace(51.45, 52.65, 100)

r, g = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,255,100),np.linspace(0,255,100))

rgb = np.array([r,g,b]).T
color_tuple = rgb.transpose((1,0,2)).reshape((rgb.shape[0]*rgb.shape[1],rgb.shape[2]))/255.0

proj = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=4.9, central_latitude=51.967)

ax = pl.subplot(111, projection=proj)
ax.set_extent(bbox, ccrs.PlateCarree())

m = pl.pcolormesh(lon, lat, r, color=color_tuple, linewidth=0, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())


In [13]: run
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~/tmp/
     35 ax.set_extent(bbox, ccrs.PlateCarree())
     37 m = pl.pcolormesh(lon, lat, r, color=color_tuple, linewidth=0, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
---> 38 m.set_array(None)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cartopy/mpl/, in GeoQuadMesh.set_array(self, A)
     27 def set_array(self, A):
     28     # raise right away if A is 2-dimensional.
---> 29     if A.ndim > 1:
     30         raise ValueError('Collections can only map rank 1 arrays. '
     31                          'You likely want to call with a flattened array '
     32                          'using collection.set_array(A.ravel()) instead.')
     34     # Only use the mask attribute if it is there.

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ndim'
Full environment definition

Operating system

Ubuntu 20.04

Cartopy version


pip list

bart@eddy:~/tmp$ pip list
Package                 Version
----------------------- --------------
affine                  2.4.0
apturl                  0.5.2
asttokens               2.2.1
attrs                   22.2.0
backcall                0.2.0
bcrypt                  3.1.7
blinker                 1.4
Brlapi                  0.7.0
Brotli                  1.0.7
Cartopy                 0.21.1
certifi                 2019.11.28
cftime                  1.6.2
chardet                 3.0.4
chrome-gnome-shell      0.0.0
Click                   7.0
click-plugins           1.1.1
cligj                   0.7.2
cloudpickle             2.2.1
colorama                0.4.3
command-not-found       0.3
contourpy               1.0.7
cryptography            2.8
cupshelpers             1.0
cycler                  0.11.0
dask                    2023.3.0
dbus-python             1.2.16
decorator               5.1.1
defer                   1.0.6
distro                  1.4.0
distro-info             0.23ubuntu1
dnspython               1.16.0
entrypoints             0.3
executing               1.2.0
fonttools               4.38.0
fsspec                  2023.3.0
GDAL                    3.0.4
gpg                     1.13.1-unknown
greenlet                0.4.15
gssapi                  1.6.1
httplib2                0.14.0
idna                    2.8
ifaddr                  0.1.6
importlib-metadata      6.0.0
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ipython                 8.10.0
jedi                    0.18.2
keyring                 18.0.1
kiwisolver              1.4.4
language-selector       0.1
launchpadlib            1.10.13
lazr.restfulclient      0.14.2
lazr.uri                1.0.3
llvmlite                0.39.1
locket                  1.0.0
louis                   3.12.0
lz4                     3.0.2+dfsg
macaroonbakery          1.3.1
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matplotlib              3.7.0
matplotlib-inline       0.1.6
meld                    3.20.2
msgpack                 0.6.2
netCDF4                 1.6.2
netifaces               0.10.4
nose                    1.3.7
numba                   0.56.4
numpy                   1.23.5
oauthlib                3.1.0
olefile                 0.46
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pandas                  1.5.3
paramiko                2.6.0
parso                   0.8.3
partd                   1.3.0
pexpect                 4.6.0
pickleshare             0.7.5
Pillow                  7.0.0
pip                     23.0.1
progress                1.6
prompt-toolkit          3.0.37
protobuf                3.6.1
pure-eval               0.2.2
py-cpuinfo              5.0.0
py3dns                  3.2.1
pycairo                 1.16.2
pycrypto                2.6.1
pycups                  1.9.73
Pygments                2.14.0
PyGObject               3.36.0
PyJWT                   1.7.1
pykerberos              1.1.14
pymacaroons             0.13.0
PyNaCl                  1.3.0
pynvim                  0.4.1
PyOpenGL                3.1.0
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pyproj                  3.4.1
PyQt5                   5.15.9
PyQt5-Qt5               5.15.2
PyQt5-sip               12.11.1
PyQt6                   6.4.2
PyQt6-Qt6               6.4.2
PyQt6-sip               13.4.1
pyRFC3339               1.1
pyshp                   2.3.1
python-apt              2.0.1
python-dateutil         2.8.2
python-debian           0.1.36ubuntu1
python-lzo              1.12
pytz                    2022.7.1
pyxdg                   0.26
PyYAML                  5.3.1
rasterio                1.3.6
rencode                 1.0.6
reportlab               3.5.34
requests                2.22.0
requests-unixsocket     0.2.0
rioxarray               0.13.4
scipy                   1.10.1
screen-resolution-extra 0.0.0
SecretStorage           2.3.1
setproctitle            1.1.10
setuptools              45.2.0
shapely                 2.0.1
simplejson              3.16.0
six                     1.16.0
snuggs                  1.4.7
ssh-import-id           5.10
stack-data              0.6.2
systemd-python          234
toolz                   0.12.0
traitlets               5.9.0
ubuntu-advantage-tools  8001
ubuntu-drivers-common   0.0.0
ufw                     0.36
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xarray                  2023.1.0
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xpra                    3.0.6
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zipp                    3.15.0

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rcomer commented Apr 24, 2023

This has also been requested at #2045. I guess it stopped working at 0.19, as that was when the GeoQuadMesh was introduced. #1496.

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