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517 lines (506 loc) · 60.3 KB


Version: 0.36.1 Type: application AppVersion: 4.25.0-20240922

A Helm chart for creating a Selenium Grid Server in Kubernetes


Name Email Url

Source Code


Repository Name Version jaeger 3.3.1 keda 2.15.1 ingress-nginx 4.11.2 kube-prometheus-stack 62.7.0


Key Type Default Description
global.K8S_PUBLIC_IP string "" Public IP of the host running Kubernetes cluster. This is used to access the Selenium Grid from outside the cluster when ingress is disabled or enabled without a hostname is set. This is part of constructing SE_NODE_GRID_URL and rewrite URL of se:vnc, se:cdp in the capabilities when ingress.hostname is unset
global.seleniumGrid.imageRegistry string "selenium" Image registry for all selenium components
global.seleniumGrid.imageTag string "4.25.0-20240922" Image tag for all selenium components
global.seleniumGrid.nodesImageTag string "4.25.0-20240922" Image tag for browser's nodes
global.seleniumGrid.videoImageTag string "ffmpeg-7.0.2-20240922" Image tag for browser's video recorder
global.seleniumGrid.kubectlImage string "bitnami/kubectl:latest" kubectl image is used to execute kubectl commands in utility jobs
global.seleniumGrid.imagePullSecret string "" Pull secret for all components, can be overridden individually
global.seleniumGrid.logLevel string "INFO" Log level for all components. Possible values describe here:
global.seleniumGrid.defaultNodeStartupProbe string "exec" Set default startup probe method for all nodes (supplied values: httpGet, exec). If not set, the default is httpGet
global.seleniumGrid.defaultNodeLivenessProbe string "exec" Set default readiness probe method for all nodes (supplied values: httpGet, exec). If not set, the default is httpGet
global.seleniumGrid.defaultComponentLivenessProbe string "exec" Set default liveness probe method for all nodes (supplied values: httpGet, exec). If not set, the default is httpGet
global.seleniumGrid.stdoutProbeLog bool false Probe logs output can be retrieved using kubectl logs. Noted: this will not work if shareProcessNamespace is enabled
global.seleniumGrid.revisionHistoryLimit int 10 Specify how many old ReplicaSets for this Deployment you want to retain. The rest will be garbage-collected in the background.
global.seleniumGrid.structuredLogs bool false Whether to enable structured logging
global.seleniumGrid.httpLogs bool false Enable http logging. Tracing should be enabled to log http logs.
global.seleniumGrid.updateStrategy.type string "Recreate" Specify update strategy for all components, can be overridden individually
global.seleniumGrid.updateStrategy.rollingUpdate object {"maxSurge":1,"maxUnavailable":0} Specify for strategy RollingUpdate
global.seleniumGrid.affinity object {} Specify affinity for all components, can be overridden individually
global.seleniumGrid.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Specify topologySpreadConstraints for all components, can be overridden individually
global.seleniumGrid.nodeMaxSessions int 1 Specify number of max sessions per node. Can be overridden by individual component (this is also set to scaler trigger parameter nodeMaxSessions if autoscaling is enabled)
tls.create bool true Create a Secret resource for TLS certificate and key. If using an external secret set to false and provide its name in nameOverride below
tls.nameOverride string nil Name of external secret containing the TLS certificate and key
tls.enabled bool false Enable or disable TLS for the server components (and ingress proxy)
tls.ingress.enabled bool false Enable or disable TLS for the ingress proxy only
tls.ingress.generateTLS bool false Use the certificate and key are generated with below settings
tls.ingress.defaultName string "SeleniumHQ"
tls.ingress.defaultDays int 3650
tls.ingress.defaultCN string ""
tls.ingress.defaultSANList list []
tls.ingress.defaultIPList list []
tls.secretFilesImportFrom string "certs/**" Cert files will be imported from chart directory if not specified
tls.secretFiles object {"server.jks":"","server.pass":"","tls.crt":"","tls.key":""} File names for the TLS certificate and key to import
tls.certVolumeMountPath string "/opt/selenium/secrets" All files for TLS will be mounted to the server components under directory
tls.certificateFile string "tls.crt" Cert file will be mounted to server components as a volume
tls.privateKeyFile string "tls.key" Key file will be mounted to server components as a volume
tls.trustStoreFile string "server.jks" Trust store file will be mounted to server components as a volume
tls.trustStorePasswordFile string "server.pass" Trust store password file will be mounted to server components as a volume
tls.trustStorePassword string "" Recommend to get from trustStorePasswordFile instead of plain text via env variable
tls.disableHostnameVerification bool true Disable verification the hostname included in the server's TLS/SSL certificates matches the hostnames provided
registrationSecret.enabled bool false Enable feature node registration secret to make sure that the node is one you control and not a rouge node
registrationSecret.value string "HappyTesting" The secret value to be used for node registration
basicAuth.create bool true Create a secret resource for basic auth. If using an external secret, set to false and provide its name in nameOverride below
basicAuth.nameOverride string nil External secret containing the basic auth username and password for reference
basicAuth.enabled bool false Enable or disable basic auth for the Hub/Router
basicAuth.username string "admin" Username for basic auth
basicAuth.password string "admin" Password for basic auth
basicAuth.embeddedUrl bool false Embed the basic auth "username:password@" in few URLs e.g. SE_NODE_GRID_URL
basicAuth.annotations object {} Annotations for basic auth secret resource
isolateComponents bool false Deploy Router, Distributor, EventBus, SessionMap and Nodes separately
serviceAccount.create bool true Create a service account for all components. If using an external service account, set to false and provide its name in nameOverride below
serviceAccount.nameOverride string nil Override to use an external service account
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations for the service account
rbacRole object {"annotations":{},"create":true,"nameOverride":null,"rules":[{"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["scaledjobs"],"verbs":["get","list","patch","update","delete"]},{"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["scaledobjects"],"verbs":["get","list","patch","update","delete"]},{"apiGroups":["autoscaling"],"resources":["horizontalpodautoscalers"],"verbs":["get","list","patch","update","delete"]}]} RBAC settings for patching finalizers KEDA scaled resources
rbacRole.create bool true Enable to create RBAC role to access few KEDA resources. If using an external role, set to false and provide its name in nameOverride below
rbacRole.nameOverride string nil Override resource name or provide an external role name
rbacRoleBinding object {"annotations":{},"create":true,"nameOverride":null,"roleRef":{"apiGroup":"","kind":"Role"},"subjects":[{"kind":"ServiceAccount"}]} RBAC role binding settings for patching finalizers KEDA scaled resources
rbacRoleBinding.create bool true Enable to create RBAC role binding to a service account. If using an external role binding, set to false and provide its name in nameOverride below
rbacRoleBinding.nameOverride string nil Override resource name or provide an external role binding name
ingress.enabled bool true Enable to create ingress resource
ingress.enableWithController bool false Enable ingress resource with automatically installing Ingress NGINX Controller
ingress.className string "" Name of ingress class to select which controller will implement ingress resource
ingress.nginx.websocket bool true Enable corresponding annotations for NGINX Ingress Controller
ingress.nginx.proxyTimeout int 3600 Set timeout to corresponding annotations for NGINX Ingress Controller
ingress.nginx.proxyBuffer.size string "512M" Set buffer size to corresponding annotations for NGINX Ingress Controller
ingress.nginx.proxyBuffer.number int 4 Set buffer number to corresponding annotations for NGINX Ingress Controller
ingress.nginx.sslPassthrough bool true Enable corresponding annotations for NGINX Ingress Controller
ingress.nginx.sslSecret string "" Specify a Secret with the certificate tls.crt, key tls.key, the name in the form "namespace/secretName" for NGINX Ingress Controller
ingress.nginx.useHttp2 bool true Enables or disables HTTP/2 support in secure connections via annotations for NGINX Ingress Controller
ingress.nginx.upstreamKeepalive object {"connections":10000,"requests":10000,"time":"1h"} Apply upstream keepalive settings once HTTP/2 is enabled
ingress.nginx.upstreamKeepalive.connections int 10000 Set keepalive connections to corresponding annotations for NGINX Ingress Controller
ingress.nginx.upstreamKeepalive.time string "1h" Set keepalive timeout to corresponding annotations for NGINX Ingress Controller
ingress.nginx.upstreamKeepalive.requests int 10000 Set keepalive requests to corresponding annotations for NGINX Ingress Controller
ingress.ports.http int 80 Specify HTTP port is exposed by ingress controller
ingress.ports.https int 443 Specify HTTPS port is exposed by ingress controller
ingress.annotations object {} Custom annotations for ingress resource
ingress.hostname string "" Default host for the ingress resource
ingress.path string "/" Default host path for the ingress resource
ingress.pathType string "Prefix" Default path type for the ingress resource
ingress.paths list [] List of paths for the ingress resource. This will override the default path
ingress.tls list [] TLS backend configuration for ingress resource
busConfigMap.nameOverride string nil Override the name of the bus configMap
busConfigMap.annotations object {} Custom annotations for configmap
distributorConfigMap.nameOverride string nil Override the name of the distributor configMap
distributorConfigMap.defaultMode int 493 Default mode for ConfigMap is mounted as file
distributorConfigMap.extraScriptsImportFrom string "configs/distributor/**" Directory where the extra scripts are imported to ConfigMap by default (if given a relative path, it should be in chart's directory)
distributorConfigMap.extraScriptsDirectory string "/opt/bin" Directory where the extra scripts are mounted to
distributorConfigMap.extraScripts."" string ""
distributorConfigMap.scriptVolumeMountName string nil Name of volume mount is used to mount scripts in the ConfigMap. Default is same as this configMap name
distributorConfigMap.annotations object {} Custom annotations for configmap
routerConfigMap.nameOverride string nil Override the name of the router configMap
routerConfigMap.defaultMode int 493 Default mode for ConfigMap is mounted as file
routerConfigMap.extraScriptsImportFrom string "configs/router/**" Directory where the extra scripts are imported to ConfigMap by default (if given a relative path, it should be in chart's directory)
routerConfigMap.extraScriptsDirectory string "/opt/bin" Directory where the extra scripts are mounted to
routerConfigMap.extraScripts."" string ""
routerConfigMap.extraScripts."" string ""
routerConfigMap.scriptVolumeMountName string nil Name of volume mount is used to mount scripts in the ConfigMap
routerConfigMap.annotations object {} Custom annotations for configmap
nodeConfigMap.nameOverride string nil Override the name of the node configMap
nodeConfigMap.defaultMode int 493 Default mode for ConfigMap is mounted as file
nodeConfigMap.extraScriptsImportFrom string "configs/node/**" Directory where the extra scripts are imported to ConfigMap by default (if given a relative path, it should be in chart's directory)
nodeConfigMap.extraScriptsDirectory string "/opt/bin" Directory where the extra scripts are mounted to
nodeConfigMap.extraScripts."" string ""
nodeConfigMap.extraScripts."" string ""
nodeConfigMap.extraScripts."" string ""
nodeConfigMap.scriptVolumeMountName string nil Name of volume mount is used to mount scripts in the ConfigMap
nodeConfigMap.leftoversCleanup.enabled bool false Enable feature automatic browser leftovers cleanup stuck browser processes, tmp files
nodeConfigMap.leftoversCleanup.jobIntervalInSecs int 3600 Interval in seconds to run the cleanup job
nodeConfigMap.leftoversCleanup.browserElapsedTimeInSecs int 7200 Browser process elapsed time in seconds to consider as leftovers
nodeConfigMap.leftoversCleanup.tmpFilesAfterDays int 1 Tmp files elapsed time in days to consider as leftovers
nodeConfigMap.annotations object {} Custom annotations for configmap
recorderConfigMap.nameOverride string nil Override the name of the recorder configMap
recorderConfigMap.defaultMode int 493 Default mode for ConfigMap is mounted as file
recorderConfigMap.extraScriptsImportFrom string "configs/recorder/**" Directory where the extra scripts are imported to ConfigMap by default (if given a relative path, it should be in chart's directory)
recorderConfigMap.extraScriptsDirectory string "/opt/bin" Directory where the extra scripts are mounted to
recorderConfigMap.extraScripts string nil List of extra scripts to be mounted to the container. Format as filename: content
recorderConfigMap.scriptVolumeMountName string nil Name of volume mount is used to mount scripts in the ConfigMap
recorderConfigMap.videoVolumeMountName string "videos" Directory in container where the videos are stored
recorderConfigMap.annotations object {} Custom annotations for configmap
uploaderConfigMap.nameOverride string nil Override the name of the uploader configMap
uploaderConfigMap.defaultMode int 493 Default mode for ConfigMap is mounted as file
uploaderConfigMap.extraScriptsImportFrom string "configs/uploader/**" Directory where the extra scripts are imported to ConfigMap by default (if given a relative path, it should be in chart's directory)
uploaderConfigMap.extraScriptsDirectory string "/opt/bin" Directory where the extra scripts are mounted to
uploaderConfigMap.extraScripts object {"":""} List of extra scripts to be mounted to the container. Format as filename: content
uploaderConfigMap.secretFiles object {"upload.conf":"[sample]"} Extra files stored in Secret to be mounted to the container.
uploaderConfigMap.scriptVolumeMountName string nil Name of volume mount is used to mount scripts in the ConfigMap
uploaderConfigMap.secretVolumeMountName string nil Name of Secret is used to store the secretFiles
uploaderConfigMap.annotations object {} Custom annotations for configmap
loggingConfigMap object {"annotations":{},"nameOverride":null} ConfigMap that contains common environment variables for Logging (
loggingConfigMap.nameOverride string nil Override the name of the logging configMap
loggingConfigMap.annotations object {} Custom annotations for configmap
serverConfigMap.nameOverride string nil Override the name of the server configMap
serverConfigMap.env object {"SE_JAVA_OPTS":"-Djdk.httpclient.keepalive.timeout=300 -Djdk.httpclient.maxstreams=10000 -XX:+UseZGC","SE_SUPERVISORD_LOG_LEVEL":"info"} Extra common environment variables for Server ( to server configMap
serverConfigMap.annotations object {} Custom annotations for configmap
secrets.create bool true Create the default secret for all components. If using an external secret, set to false and provide its name in nameOverride below
secrets.nameOverride string nil Override to use an external secret
secrets.env object {"SE_VNC_PASSWORD":"secret"} Extra environment variables set to the secret
secrets.annotations object {} Custom annotations for secret
components.router.imageRegistry string nil Registry to pull the image (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageRegistry parameter)
components.router.imageName string "router" Router image name
components.router.imageTag string nil Router image tag (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageTag parameter)
components.router.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy (see
components.router.imagePullSecret string "" Image pull secret (see
components.router.disableUI bool false Disable the Grid UI
components.router.affinity object {} Specify affinity for router pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.affinity parameter
components.router.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Specify topologySpreadConstraints for router pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.topologySpreadConstraints parameter
components.router.annotations object {} Custom annotations for router pods
components.router.port int 4444 Router container port
components.router.nodePort int 30444 Router expose NodePort
components.router.startupProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":5,"path":"/readyz","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":10} Startup probe settings
components.router.readinessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":12,"path":"/readyz","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":10} Readiness probe settings
components.router.livenessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":10,"path":"/readyz","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":10} Liveness probe settings
components.router.resources object {} Resources for router container
components.router.securityContext object {} SecurityContext for router container
components.router.serviceType string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes service type (see
components.router.loadBalancerIP string "" Set specific loadBalancerIP when serviceType is LoadBalancer (see
components.router.serviceAnnotations object {} Custom annotations for router service
components.router.tolerations list [] Tolerations for router pods
components.router.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for router pods
components.router.priorityClassName string "" Priority class name for router pods
components.distributor.imageRegistry string nil Registry to pull the image (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageRegistry parameter)
components.distributor.imageName string "distributor" Distributor image name
components.distributor.imageTag string nil Distributor image tag (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageTag parameter)
components.distributor.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy (see
components.distributor.imagePullSecret string "" Image pull secret (see
components.distributor.newSessionThreadPoolSize string nil Configure fixed-sized thread pool for the Distributor to create new sessions as it consumes new session requests from the queue
components.distributor.affinity object {} Specify affinity for distributor pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.affinity parameter
components.distributor.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Specify topologySpreadConstraints for Distributor pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.topologySpreadConstraints parameter
components.distributor.annotations object {} Custom annotations for Distributor pods
components.distributor.port int 5553 Distributor container port
components.distributor.nodePort int 30553 Distributor expose NodePort
components.distributor.startupProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":5,"path":"/readyz","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":10} Startup probe settings
components.distributor.readinessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":12,"path":"/readyz","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":10} Readiness probe settings
components.distributor.livenessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":10,"path":"/readyz","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":10} Liveness probe settings
components.distributor.resources object {} Resources for Distributor container
components.distributor.securityContext object {} SecurityContext for Distributor container
components.distributor.serviceType string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes service type (see
components.distributor.serviceAnnotations object {} Custom annotations for Distributor service
components.distributor.tolerations list [] Tolerations for Distributor pods
components.distributor.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for Distributor pods
components.distributor.priorityClassName string "" Priority class name for Distributor pods
components.eventBus.imageRegistry string nil Registry to pull the image (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageRegistry parameter)
components.eventBus.imageName string "event-bus" Event Bus image name
components.eventBus.imageTag string nil Event Bus image tag (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageTag parameter)
components.eventBus.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy (see
components.eventBus.imagePullSecret string "" Image pull secret (see
components.eventBus.affinity object {} Specify affinity for Event Bus pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.affinity parameter
components.eventBus.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Specify topologySpreadConstraints for Event Bus pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.topologySpreadConstraints parameter
components.eventBus.annotations object {} Custom annotations for Event Bus pods
components.eventBus.port int 5557 Event Bus container port
components.eventBus.nodePort int 30557 Event Bus expose NodePort
components.eventBus.publishPort int 4442 Container port where events are published
components.eventBus.publishNodePort int 30442 NodePort exposed where events are published
components.eventBus.subscribePort int 4443 Container port where to subscribe for events
components.eventBus.subscribeNodePort int 30443 NodePort exposed where to subscribe for events
components.eventBus.resources object {} Resources for event-bus container
components.eventBus.securityContext object {} SecurityContext for event-bus container
components.eventBus.serviceType string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes service type (see
components.eventBus.serviceAnnotations object {} Custom annotations for Event Bus service
components.eventBus.tolerations list [] Tolerations for Event Bus pods
components.eventBus.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for Event Bus pods
components.eventBus.priorityClassName string "" Priority class name for Event Bus pods
components.sessionMap.imageRegistry string nil Registry to pull the image (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageRegistry parameter)
components.sessionMap.imageName string "sessions" Session Map image name
components.sessionMap.imageTag string nil Session Map image tag (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageTag parameter)
components.sessionMap.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy (see
components.sessionMap.imagePullSecret string "" Image pull secret (see
components.sessionMap.affinity object {} Specify affinity for Session Map pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.affinity parameter
components.sessionMap.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Specify topologySpreadConstraints for Session Map pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.topologySpreadConstraints parameter
components.sessionMap.annotations object {} Custom annotations for Session Map pods
components.sessionMap.port int 5556 Session Map container port
components.sessionMap.resources object {} Resources for Session Map container
components.sessionMap.securityContext object {} SecurityContext for Session Map container
components.sessionMap.serviceType string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes service type (see
components.sessionMap.serviceAnnotations object {} Custom annotations for Session Map service
components.sessionMap.tolerations list [] Tolerations for Session Map pods
components.sessionMap.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for Session Map pods
components.sessionMap.priorityClassName string "" Priority class name for Session Map pods
components.sessionQueue.imageRegistry string nil Registry to pull the image (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageRegistry parameter)
components.sessionQueue.imageName string "session-queue" Session Queue image name
components.sessionQueue.imageTag string nil Session Queue image tag (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageTag parameter)
components.sessionQueue.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy (see
components.sessionQueue.imagePullSecret string "" Image pull secret (see
components.sessionQueue.affinity object {} Specify affinity for Session Queue pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.affinity parameter
components.sessionQueue.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Specify topologySpreadConstraints for Session Queue pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.topologySpreadConstraints parameter
components.sessionQueue.annotations object {} Custom annotations for Session Queue pods
components.sessionQueue.port int 5559 Session Queue container port
components.sessionQueue.nodePort int 30559 Session Queue expose NodePort
components.sessionQueue.resources object {} Resources for Session Queue container
components.sessionQueue.securityContext object {} SecurityContext for Session Queue container
components.sessionQueue.serviceType string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes service type (see
components.sessionQueue.serviceAnnotations object {} Custom annotations for Session Queue service
components.sessionQueue.tolerations list [] Tolerations for Session Queue pods
components.sessionQueue.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for Session Queue pods
components.sessionQueue.priorityClassName string "" Priority class name for Session Queue pods
components.subPath string "" Custom sub path for all components
components.extraEnvironmentVariables string nil Custom environment variables for all components
components.extraEnvFrom string nil Custom environment variables by sourcing entire configMap, Secret, etc. for all components
hub.imageRegistry string nil Registry to pull the image (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageRegistry parameter)
hub.imageName string "hub" Selenium Hub image name
hub.imageTag string nil Selenium Hub image tag (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageTag parameter)
hub.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy (see
hub.imagePullSecret string "" Image pull secret (see
hub.affinity object {} Specify affinity for Selenium Hub pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.affinity parameter
hub.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Specify topologySpreadConstraints for Hub pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.topologySpreadConstraints parameter
hub.annotations object {} Custom annotations for Selenium Hub pods
hub.labels object {} Custom labels for Selenium Hub pods
hub.disableUI bool false Disable the Grid UI
hub.newSessionThreadPoolSize string nil Configure fixed-sized thread pool for the Distributor to create new sessions as it consumes new session requests from the queue
hub.publishPort int 4442 Port where events are published
hub.publishNodePort int 31442 NodePort exposed where events are published
hub.subscribePort int 4443 Port where to subscribe for events
hub.subscribeNodePort int 31443 NodePort exposed where to subscribe for events
hub.port int 4444 Selenium Hub port
hub.nodePort int 31444 Selenium Hub expose NodePort
hub.startupProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":5,"path":"/readyz","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":10} Startup probe settings
hub.readinessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":12,"path":"/readyz","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":10} Readiness probe settings
hub.livenessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":10,"path":"/readyz","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":10} Liveness probe settings
hub.subPath string "" Custom sub path for the hub deployment
hub.extraEnvironmentVariables string nil Custom environment variables for selenium-hub
hub.extraEnvFrom string nil Custom environment variables by sourcing entire configMap, Secret, etc. for selenium-hub
hub.extraVolumeMounts list [] Extra volume mounts for selenium-hub container
hub.extraVolumes list [] Extra volumes for selenium-hub pod
hub.resources object {} Resources for selenium-hub container
hub.securityContext object {} SecurityContext for selenium-hub container
hub.serviceType string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes service type (see
hub.loadBalancerIP string "" Set specific loadBalancerIP when serviceType is LoadBalancer (see
hub.serviceAnnotations object {} Custom annotations for Selenium Hub service
hub.tolerations list [] Tolerations for selenium-hub pods
hub.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for selenium-hub pods
hub.priorityClassName string "" Priority class name for selenium-hub pods
tracing.enabled bool false Enable tracing. Implies installing Jaeger
tracing.enabledWithExistingEndpoint bool false Enable tracing without automatically installing Jaeger
tracing.exporter string "otlp" Exporter type for tracing. Recommended otlp for wide compatibility with observability backends (e.g. Jaeger, Elastic, etc.)
tracing.exporterEndpoint string "http://{{ .Release.Name }}-jaeger-collector.{{ .Release.Namespace }}:4317" Exporter endpoint for pushing trace data
tracing.globalAutoConfigure bool true Enable global auto-configuration for tracing
tracing.ingress.enabled bool true Enable ingress resource to access the Jaeger
tracing.ingress.annotations string nil Annotations for Jaeger ingress resource
tracing.ingress.paths list [{"backend":{"service":{"name":"{{ .Release.Name }}-jaeger-query","port":{"number":16686}}},"path":"/jaeger","pathType":"Prefix"}] Configure paths for Jaeger ingress resource
monitoring.enabled bool false
monitoring.enabledWithExistingAgent bool false
autoscaling.enabled bool false Enable autoscaling. Implies installing KEDA
autoscaling.enableWithExistingKEDA bool false Enable autoscaling without automatically installing KEDA
autoscaling.scalingType string "job" Which type of KEDA scaling to use: job or deployment
autoscaling.authenticationRef object {"annotations":{"":"post-install,post-upgrade,post-rollback","":"-2"},"name":""} Specify an external KEDA TriggerAuthentication resource is used for scaler triggers config. Apply for all browser nodes
autoscaling.annotations object {"":"post-install,post-upgrade,post-rollback","":"1"} Annotations for KEDA resources: ScaledObject and ScaledJob
autoscaling.patchObjectFinalizers.nameOverride string nil Override the name of the patch job
autoscaling.patchObjectFinalizers.enabled bool true Enable patching finalizers for KEDA scaled resources. Workaround for Hook post-upgrade selenium-grid/templates/x-node-hpa.yaml failed: object is being deleted: "x" already exists
autoscaling.patchObjectFinalizers.activeDeadlineSeconds int 120 Deadline (in seconds) for patch job to complete
autoscaling.patchObjectFinalizers.annotations object {"":"post-install,post-upgrade,post-rollback,pre-delete","":"hook-succeeded,before-hook-creation","":"-1"} Annotations for patch job
autoscaling.patchObjectFinalizers.serviceAccount string "" Define an external service account name contains permissions to patch KEDA scaled resources
autoscaling.patchObjectFinalizers.imagePullSecret string "" Custom pull secret for container in patch job
autoscaling.patchObjectFinalizers.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"50m","memory":"50Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"10m","memory":"10Mi"}} Define resources for container in patch job
autoscaling.scaledOptions object {"maxReplicaCount":8,"minReplicaCount":0,"pollingInterval":10} Options for KEDA scaled resources (keep only common options used for both ScaledJob and ScaledObject)
autoscaling.scaledOptions.minReplicaCount int 0 Minimum number of replicas
autoscaling.scaledOptions.maxReplicaCount int 8 Maximum number of replicas
autoscaling.scaledOptions.pollingInterval int 10 Polling interval in seconds
autoscaling.scaledJobOptions.scalingStrategy.strategy string "default" Scaling strategy for KEDA ScaledJob
autoscaling.scaledJobOptions.successfulJobsHistoryLimit int 0 Number of Completed jobs should be kept
autoscaling.scaledJobOptions.failedJobsHistoryLimit int 0 Number of Failed jobs should be kept (for troubleshooting purposes)
autoscaling.scaledJobOptions.jobTargetRef object {"backoffLimit":0,"completions":1,"parallelism":1} Specify job target ref for KEDA ScaledJob
autoscaling.scaledObjectOptions.scaleTargetRef.kind string "Deployment" Target reference for KEDA ScaledObject
autoscaling.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 3600 Define terminationGracePeriodSeconds for scalingType "deployment". Period for deregisterLifecycle to gracefully shut down the node before force terminating it
autoscaling.deregisterLifecycle string nil Define preStop command to shut down the node gracefully when scalingType is set to "deployment"
chromeNode.enabled bool true Enable chrome nodes
chromeNode.deploymentEnabled bool true NOTE: Only used when autoscaling.enabled is false Enable creation of Deployment true (default) - if you want long-living pods false - for provisioning your own custom type such as Jobs
chromeNode.updateStrategy object {"type":"RollingUpdate"} Global update strategy will be overwritten by individual component
chromeNode.replicas int 1 Number of chrome nodes
chromeNode.imageRegistry string nil Registry to pull the image (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageRegistry parameter)
chromeNode.imageName string "node-chrome" Image of chrome nodes
chromeNode.imageTag string nil Image of chrome nodes (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.nodesImageTag)
chromeNode.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy (see
chromeNode.imagePullSecret string "" Image pull secret (see
chromeNode.ports list [] Extra ports list to enable on the node container (e.g. SSH, VNC, NoVNC, etc.)
chromeNode.port int 5555 Node component port
chromeNode.nodePort string nil Node component expose NodePort
chromeNode.affinity object {} Specify affinity for chrome-node pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.affinity parameter
chromeNode.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Specify topologySpreadConstraints for chrome-node pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.topologySpreadConstraints parameter
chromeNode.annotations object {} Annotations for chrome-node pods
chromeNode.labels object {} Labels for chrome-node pods
chromeNode.shareProcessNamespace bool true Shared process namespace for chrome-node pods
chromeNode.resources.requests object {"cpu":"1","memory":"1Gi"} Request resources for chrome-node pods
chromeNode.resources.limits object {"cpu":"1","memory":"2Gi"} Limit resources for chrome-node pods
chromeNode.securityContext object {} SecurityContext for chrome-node container
chromeNode.tolerations list [] Tolerations for chrome-node pods
chromeNode.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for chrome-node pods
chromeNode.hostAliases string nil Custom host aliases for chrome nodes
chromeNode.extraEnvironmentVariables string nil Custom environment variables for chrome nodes
chromeNode.extraEnvFrom string nil Custom environment variables by sourcing entire configMap, Secret, etc. for chrome nodes
chromeNode.service.enabled bool true Create a service for node
chromeNode.service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type
chromeNode.service.loadBalancerIP string "" Set specific loadBalancerIP when serviceType is LoadBalancer (see
chromeNode.service.ports string nil Extra ports exposed in node service
chromeNode.service.annotations object {} Custom annotations for service
chromeNode.dshmVolumeSizeLimit string "" Size limit for DSH volume mounted in container (if not set, default is disabled, e.g "1Gi")
chromeNode.priorityClassName string "" Priority class name for chrome-node pods
chromeNode.startupProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":12,"initialDelaySeconds":0,"path":"/status","periodSeconds":5,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":60} Startup probe settings
chromeNode.readinessProbe object {"enabled":false,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":10,"path":"/status","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":10} Readiness probe settings
chromeNode.livenessProbe object {"enabled":false,"failureThreshold":6,"initialDelaySeconds":30,"path":"/status","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":60} Liveness probe settings
chromeNode.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 Time to wait for pod termination
chromeNode.deregisterLifecycle string nil Define preStop command to shut down the chrome node gracefully. This overwrites autoscaling.deregisterLifecycle
chromeNode.lifecycle object {} Define postStart and preStop events. This overwrites the defined preStop in deregisterLifecycle if any
chromeNode.extraVolumeMounts list [] Extra volume mounts for chrome-node container
chromeNode.extraVolumes list [] Extra volumes for chrome-node pod
chromeNode.nodeMaxSessions string nil Override the number of max sessions per node
chromeNode.scaledOptions string nil Override the scaled options for chrome nodes
chromeNode.scaledJobOptions string nil Override the scaledJobOptions for chrome nodes
chromeNode.scaledObjectOptions string nil Override the scaledObjectOptions for chrome nodes
chromeNode.hpa.browserName string "chrome" browserName from the capability
chromeNode.hpa.sessionBrowserName string "chrome" sessionBrowserName if the browserName is different from the sessionBrowserName
chromeNode.hpa.platformName string "linux" platformName from the capability
chromeNode.hpa.unsafeSsl string "{{ template \"seleniumGrid.graphqlURL.unsafeSsl\" . }}" Skip check SSL when connecting to the Graphql endpoint
chromeNode.initContainers list [] It is used to add initContainers in the same pod of the browser node. It should be set using the --set-json option
chromeNode.sidecars list [] It is used to add sidecars proxy in the same pod of the browser node. It means it will add a new container to the deployment itself. It should be set using the --set-json option
firefoxNode.enabled bool true Enable firefox nodes
firefoxNode.deploymentEnabled bool true NOTE: Only used when autoscaling.enabled is false Enable creation of Deployment true (default) - if you want long living pods false - for provisioning your own custom type such as Jobs
firefoxNode.updateStrategy object {"type":"RollingUpdate"} Global update strategy will be overwritten by individual component
firefoxNode.replicas int 1 Number of firefox nodes
firefoxNode.imageRegistry string nil Registry to pull the image (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageRegistry parameter)
firefoxNode.imageName string "node-firefox" Image of firefox nodes
firefoxNode.imageTag string nil Image of firefox nodes (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.nodesImageTag)
firefoxNode.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy (see
firefoxNode.imagePullSecret string "" Image pull secret (see
firefoxNode.ports list [] Extra ports list to enable on the node container (e.g. SSH, VNC, NoVNC, etc.)
firefoxNode.port int 5555 Node component port
firefoxNode.nodePort string nil Node component expose NodePort
firefoxNode.affinity object {} Specify affinity for firefox-node pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.affinity parameter
firefoxNode.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Specify topologySpreadConstraints for firefox-node pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.topologySpreadConstraints parameter
firefoxNode.annotations object {} Annotations for firefox-node pods
firefoxNode.labels object {} Labels for firefox-node pods
firefoxNode.tolerations list [] Tolerations for firefox-node pods
firefoxNode.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for firefox-node pods
firefoxNode.shareProcessNamespace bool true Shared process namespace for firefox-node pods
firefoxNode.resources.requests object {"cpu":"1","memory":"1Gi"} Request resources for firefox-node pods
firefoxNode.resources.limits object {"cpu":"1","memory":"2Gi"} Limit resources for firefox-node pods
firefoxNode.securityContext object {} SecurityContext for firefox-node container
firefoxNode.hostAliases string nil Custom host aliases for firefox nodes
firefoxNode.extraEnvironmentVariables string nil Custom environment variables for firefox nodes
firefoxNode.extraEnvFrom string nil Custom environment variables by sourcing entire configMap, Secret, etc. for firefox nodes
firefoxNode.service.enabled bool true Create a service for node
firefoxNode.service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type
firefoxNode.service.loadBalancerIP string "" Set specific loadBalancerIP when serviceType is LoadBalancer (see
firefoxNode.service.ports string nil Extra ports exposed in node service
firefoxNode.service.annotations object {} Custom annotations for service
firefoxNode.dshmVolumeSizeLimit string "2Gi" Size limit for DSH volume mounted in container (if not set, default is disabled, e.g "1Gi")
firefoxNode.priorityClassName string "" Priority class name for firefox-node pods
firefoxNode.startupProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":12,"initialDelaySeconds":0,"path":"/status","periodSeconds":5,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":60} Startup probe settings
firefoxNode.readinessProbe object {"enabled":false,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":10,"path":"/status","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":10} Readiness probe settings
firefoxNode.livenessProbe object {"enabled":false,"failureThreshold":6,"initialDelaySeconds":30,"path":"/status","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":60} Liveness probe settings
firefoxNode.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 Time to wait for pod termination
firefoxNode.deregisterLifecycle string nil Define preStop command to shuts down the chrome node gracefully. This overwrites autoscaling.deregisterLifecycle
firefoxNode.lifecycle object {} Define postStart and preStop events. This overwrites the defined preStop in deregisterLifecycle if any
firefoxNode.extraVolumeMounts list [] Extra volume mounts for firefox-node container
firefoxNode.extraVolumes list [] Extra volumes for firefox-node pod
firefoxNode.nodeMaxSessions string nil Override the number of max sessions per node
firefoxNode.scaledOptions string nil Override the scaled options for firefox nodes
firefoxNode.scaledJobOptions string nil Override the scaledJobOptions for firefox nodes
firefoxNode.scaledObjectOptions string nil Override the scaledObjectOptions for firefox nodes
firefoxNode.hpa.browserName string "firefox" browserName from the capability
firefoxNode.hpa.sessionBrowserName string "firefox" sessionBrowserName if the browserName is different from the sessionBrowserName
firefoxNode.hpa.platformName string "linux" platformName from the capability
firefoxNode.hpa.unsafeSsl string "{{ template \"seleniumGrid.graphqlURL.unsafeSsl\" . }}" Skip check SSL when connecting to the Graphql endpoint
firefoxNode.initContainers list [] It is used to add initContainers in the same pod of the browser node. It should be set using the --set-json option
firefoxNode.sidecars list [] It is used to add sidecars proxy in the same pod of the browser node. It means it will add a new container to the deployment itself. It should be set using the --set-json option
edgeNode.enabled bool true Enable edge nodes
edgeNode.deploymentEnabled bool true NOTE: Only used when autoscaling.enabled is false Enable creation of Deployment true (default) - if you want long living pods false - for provisioning your own custom type such as Jobs
edgeNode.updateStrategy object {"type":"RollingUpdate"} Global update strategy will be overwritten by individual component
edgeNode.replicas int 1 Number of edge nodes
edgeNode.imageRegistry string nil Registry to pull the image (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageRegistry parameter)
edgeNode.imageName string "node-edge" Image of edge nodes
edgeNode.imageTag string nil Image of edge nodes (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.nodesImageTag)
edgeNode.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy (see
edgeNode.imagePullSecret string "" Image pull secret (see
edgeNode.ports list [] Extra ports list to enable on the node container (e.g. SSH, VNC, NoVNC, etc.)
edgeNode.port int 5555 Node component port
edgeNode.nodePort string nil Node component expose NodePort
edgeNode.affinity object {} Specify affinity for edge-node pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.affinity parameter
edgeNode.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Specify topologySpreadConstraints for edge-node pods, this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.topologySpreadConstraints parameter
edgeNode.annotations object {} Annotations for edge-node pods
edgeNode.labels object {} Labels for edge-node pods
edgeNode.tolerations list [] Tolerations for edge-node pods
edgeNode.nodeSelector object {} Node selector for edge-node pods
edgeNode.shareProcessNamespace bool true Shared process namespace for edge-node pods
edgeNode.resources.requests object {"cpu":"1","memory":"1Gi"} Request resources for edge-node pods
edgeNode.resources.limits object {"cpu":"1","memory":"2Gi"} Limit resources for edge-node pods
edgeNode.securityContext object {} SecurityContext for edge-node container
edgeNode.hostAliases string nil Custom host aliases for edge nodes
edgeNode.extraEnvironmentVariables string nil Custom environment variables for edge nodes
edgeNode.extraEnvFrom string nil Custom environment variables by sourcing entire configMap, Secret, etc. for edge nodes
edgeNode.service.enabled bool true Create a service for node
edgeNode.service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type
edgeNode.service.loadBalancerIP string "" Set specific loadBalancerIP when serviceType is LoadBalancer (see
edgeNode.service.ports string nil Extra ports exposed in node service
edgeNode.service.annotations object {} Custom annotations for service
edgeNode.dshmVolumeSizeLimit string "" Size limit for DSH volume mounted in container (if not set, default is disabled, e.g "1Gi")
edgeNode.priorityClassName string "" Priority class name for edge-node pods
edgeNode.startupProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":12,"initialDelaySeconds":0,"path":"/status","periodSeconds":5,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":60} Startup probe settings
edgeNode.readinessProbe object {"enabled":false,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":10,"path":"/status","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":10} Readiness probe settings
edgeNode.livenessProbe object {"enabled":false,"failureThreshold":6,"initialDelaySeconds":30,"path":"/status","periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":60} Liveness probe settings
edgeNode.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 Time to wait for pod termination
edgeNode.deregisterLifecycle string nil Define preStop command to shuts down the chrome node gracefully. This overwrites autoscaling.deregisterLifecycle
edgeNode.lifecycle object {} Define postStart and preStop events. This overwrites the defined preStop in deregisterLifecycle if any
edgeNode.extraVolumeMounts list [] Extra volume mounts for edge-node container
edgeNode.extraVolumes list [] Extra volumes for edge-node pod
edgeNode.nodeMaxSessions string nil Override the number of max sessions per node
edgeNode.scaledOptions string nil Override the scaled options for edge nodes
edgeNode.scaledJobOptions string nil Override the scaledJobOptions for edge nodes
edgeNode.scaledObjectOptions string nil Override the scaledObjectOptions for edge nodes
edgeNode.hpa.browserName string "MicrosoftEdge" browserName from the capability
edgeNode.hpa.sessionBrowserName string "msedge" sessionBrowserName if the browserName is different from the sessionBrowserName
edgeNode.hpa.platformName string "linux" platformName from the capability
edgeNode.hpa.unsafeSsl string "{{ template \"seleniumGrid.graphqlURL.unsafeSsl\" . }}" Skip check SSL when connecting to the Graphql endpoint
edgeNode.initContainers list [] It is used to add initContainers in the same pod of the browser node. It should be set using the --set-json option
edgeNode.sidecars list [] It is used to add sidecars proxy in the same pod of the browser node. It means it will add a new container to the deployment itself. It should be set using the --set-json option
videoRecorder.enabled bool false Enable video recording in all browser nodes string "video" Container name is set to resource specs
videoRecorder.imageRegistry string nil Registry to pull the image (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.imageRegistry parameter)
videoRecorder.imageName string "video" Image of video recorder
videoRecorder.imageTag string nil Image of video recorder (this overwrites global.seleniumGrid.videoImageTag)
videoRecorder.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy (see
videoRecorder.targetFolder string "/videos" Directory to store video files in the container
videoRecorder.uploader.enabled bool false Enable video uploader
videoRecorder.uploader.destinationPrefix string nil Where to upload the video file e.g. remoteName://bucketName/path. Refer to destination syntax of rclone string nil What uploader to use (default is empty, internal upload in video container). See .videRecorder.s3 for how to create a new external sidecar container.
videoRecorder.uploader.configFileName string "upload.conf" Uploader config file name
videoRecorder.uploader.entryPointFileName string "" Uploader entry point file name
videoRecorder.uploader.secrets string nil For environment variables used in uploader which contains sensitive information, store in secret and refer envFrom Set config for rclone via ENV var with format: RCLONE_CONFIG_ + name of remote + _ + name of config file option (make it all uppercase)
videoRecorder.ports list [9000] Video recording container port
videoRecorder.resources.requests object {"cpu":"1","memory":"1Gi"} Request resources for video recorder pods
videoRecorder.resources.limits object {"cpu":"1","memory":"1Gi"} Limit resources for video recorder pods
videoRecorder.securityContext string nil SecurityContext for recorder container
videoRecorder.extraEnvironmentVariables string nil Extra environment variables for video recorder
videoRecorder.extraEnvFrom string nil Custom environment variables by sourcing entire configMap, Secret, etc. for video recorder.
videoRecorder.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 30 Terminating grace period for video recorder
videoRecorder.startupProbe object {} Startup probe settings
videoRecorder.livenessProbe object {} Liveness probe settings
videoRecorder.lifecycle object {} Define lifecycle events for video recorder
videoRecorder.extraVolumeMounts list [] Custom video recorder back-end scripts (,, etc.) further by ConfigMap. NOTE: For the mount point with the name "video", or "video-scripts", it will override the default. For other names, it will be appended.
videoRecorder.extraVolumes list [] Extra volumes for video recorder pod
videoRecorder.s3 object {"args":[],"command":[],"extraEnvironmentVariables":null,"imageName":"aws-cli","imagePullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","imageRegistry":"bitnami","imageTag":"latest","securityContext":{"runAsUser":0}} Container spec for the uploader if above it is defined as " s3"
customLabels object {} Custom labels for k8s resources
keda.image object {"keda":{"registry":"selenium","repository":"keda","tag":"2.15.1-selenium-grid-20240922"},"metricsApiServer":{"registry":"selenium","repository":"keda-metrics-apiserver","tag":"2.15.1-selenium-grid-20240922"},"webhooks":{"registry":"selenium","repository":"keda-admission-webhooks","tag":"2.15.1-selenium-grid-20240922"}} Specify image for KEDA components
keda.additionalAnnotations string nil Annotations for KEDA resources
keda.http.timeout int 60000
keda.webhooks object {"enabled":false} Enable KEDA admission webhooks component
ingress-nginx object {"controller":{"admissionWebhooks":{"enabled":false}}} Configuration for dependency chart ingress-nginx
kube-prometheus-stack object {"cleanPrometheusOperatorObjectNames":true} Configuration for dependency chart kube-prometheus-stack
jaeger object {"agent":{"enabled":false},"allInOne":{"enabled":true,"extraEnv":[{"name":"QUERY_BASE_PATH","value":"/jaeger"}]},"collector":{"enabled":false},"provisionDataStore":{"cassandra":false},"query":{"enabled":false},"storage":{"type":"badger"}} Configuration for dependency chart jaeger