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File metadata and controls

231 lines (130 loc) · 7.64 KB

Papyrus UWP

An ePub parser for the Universal Windows Platform (UWP). Also has some basic controls to demonstrate displaying ebooks.


This details basic usage of the core Papyrus parser, the Papyrus HTML parser and the Papyrus UI controls.

Papyrus - Parsing an ePub file

Extract your .epub file to a StorageFolder

var targetFolder = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFolderAsync("Dawn of Wonder - Jonathan Renshaw");

using (var stream = await ePubFile.OpenStreamForReadAsync())
  var archive = new ZipArchive(stream);

Create and initialize the Papyrus eBook

var eBook = new EBook(targetFolder);
await eBook.InitializeAsync();

Papyrus HTML Parser - Getting native content

This part is optional. At this point you can get HTML content from your eBook. Papyrus HTML Parser allows you to get a collection of Block elements which can be displayed in a RichTextBlock, representing the HTML. It makes for a much cleaner layout, but could potentially misrepresent the actual layout as displayed in HTML.

Getting the HTML content

The EBook.GetContentsAsync() method has three different signatures. It can take a NavPoint, a SpineItem or a ManifestItem. This demo will use a SpineItem.

var html = await eBook.GetContentsAsync(spineItem);

Parsing the HTML

Getting the CSS styles is optional, but will help to display the UI more closely to how it is displayed in HTML. You may use whatever method you wish to get the CSS content, now that you can parse the location of the stylesheets from the HTML. The EBook class does have an extension method which takes an absolute path to a file inside its folder and returns the file. E.g. Book.GetFileAsync("C:/Path/To/The/EBook/styles/styles.css"); I intend to build the CSS loading functionality right into Papyrus in the future. If you opt not to get the CSS, just pass an empty string to the parser.

var converter = new Converter();
converter.Convert(html, css);

You now have access to a collection of Block elements. (converter.ConvertedBlocks)

Papyrus UI - Displaying the Block elements

You're now ready to display your content. Papyrus has two controls to make this easier: TableOfContents and Parchment.

Using the TableOfContents


<papyrus:TableOfContents x:Name="TableOfContents"
                         Parchment="{x:Bind MainParchment, Mode=OneWay}"
                         Source={x:Bind MyEBook.TableOfContents, Mode=OneWay}">
          <TextBlock FontSize="16"
                     Text="Table of contents" />

We provided a Parchment to the Parchment property. This allows the TableOfContents to take care of loading the correct content into the Parchment for us. If you can't or don't want to do this, you can tap into the SelectionChanged event of the TableOfContents instead, and take care of loading it yourself.

Using the Parchment


<papyrus:Parchment x:Name="MainParchment"
                   Source="{x:Bind MyEBook, Mode=OneWay}" />

You're all set! you should now be able to display your eBook's content. For more advanced scenarios, check out the available properties and methods below.

Available properties and methods


Components in the Papyrus library.


Properties and methods in the EBook class.


ContentLocation (String): A relative path to the content.opf file.

Cover (ImageSource): An ImageSource object with the eBook cover.

Manifest (Dictionary<string, ManifestItem>): The Manifest object for this eBook.

Metadata (Metadata): The Metadata object for this eBook.

RootPath (String): An absolute path to the eBook's root folder.

Spine (Spine): The Spine object for this eBook.

TableOfContents (TableOfContents): The TableOfContents object for this eBook.


InitializeAsync(): Initializes the EBook, verifying the mimetype and loading the Metadata, Manifest, Spine, TableOfContents and Cover.

GetContentsAsync(ManifestItem|SpineItem|NavPoint, bool embedImages = true): An extension method which gets HTML content for a resource. If embedImages is true, images will be embedded with base64-encoded sources.

GetFileAsync(string path): An extension method which takes an absolute path to a file which is in the eBook's root folder and returns the file.

GetSpineItem(ManifestItem item): Gets a SpineItem which matches the ManifestItem.


Properties and methods in the ManifestItem class.


ContentLocation (string): A relative path to the content to which this ManifestItem points.

Id (string): The identifier for this ManifestItem.

MediaType (string): The type of media to which this ManifestItem points.


Properties and methods in the Metadata class.

AlternativeTitle (string): An alternative name for the resource.

Available (DateTime): Date that the resource became or will become available.

Audience (string): A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful.

Contributor (string): An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource.

Created (DateTime): Date of creation of the resource.

Creator (string): An entity primarily responsible for making the resource. This will be the author.

Date (DateTime): Publication date.

Description (string): A description of the eBook.

Language (string): A language code for the eBook.

Title (string): The title of the eBook.


Properties and methods in the NavPoint class.


ContentPath (string): A relative path to the content to which this NavPoint points.

Id (string): The identifier for this NavPoint.

Items (ObservableCollection<NavPoint>): Sub-items for this NavPoint.

Level (Int32): The nesting level of this NavPoint.

PlayOrder (Int32): The order in which this NavPoint should appear.

Text (string): The text to display for this NavPoint.


Properties and methods in the Spine class.


Toc (string): The Id of the ManifestItem which represents the table of contents for this Spine.


Next(SpineItem item): An extension method which gets the next item in the spine. (spine.Next(item))

Previous(SpineItem item): An extension method which gets the previous item in the spine. (spine.Previous(item))


Properties in the SpineItem class


IdRef (string): The Id of the ManifestItem to which this SpineItem points.


Properties in the TableOfContents class


FlatItems (IEnumerable<NavPoint>): A flattened list of the items in this TableOfContents.

Items (ObservableCollection<NavPoint>): The items in this TableOfContents.

Title (string): The title of this TableOfContents.