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  • 2018-12-17
  • 2018-12-18
  • 2018-12-19
  • 2018-12-20
  • 2018-12-21




《DAC: Data-free Automatic Acceleration of Convolutional Networks》

WACV 2019


Deploying a deep learning model on mobile/IoT devices is a challenging task. The difficulty lies in the trade-off between computation speed and accuracy. A complex deep learning model with high accuracy runs slowly on resource-limited devices, while a light-weight model that runs much faster loses accuracy. In this paper, we propose a novel decomposition method, namely DAC, that is capable of factorizing an ordinary convolutional layer into two layers with much fewer parameters. DAC computes the corresponding weights for the newly generated layers directly from the weights of the original convolutional layer. Thus, no training (or fine-tuning) or any data is needed. The experimental results show that DAC reduces a large number of floating-point operations (FLOPs) while maintaining high accuracy of a pre-trained model. If 2% accuracy drop is acceptable, DAC saves 53% FLOPs of VGG16 image classification model on ImageNet dataset, 29% FLOPS of SSD300 object detection model on PASCAL VOC2007 dataset, and 46% FLOPS of a multi-person pose estimation model on Microsoft COCO dataset. Compared to other existing decomposition methods, DAC achieves better performance.


《RankGAN: A Maximum Margin Ranking GAN for Generating Faces》

ACCV 2018 Best Student Paper Award


We present a new stage-wise learning paradigm for training generative adversarial networks (GANs). The goal of our work is to progressively strengthen the discriminator and thus, the generators, with each subsequent stage without changing the network architecture. We call this proposed method the RankGAN. We first propose a margin-based loss for the GAN discriminator. We then extend it to a margin-based ranking loss to train the multiple stages of RankGAN. We focus on face images from the CelebA dataset in our work and show visual as well as quantitative improvements in face generation and completion tasks over other GAN approaches, including WGAN and LSGAN.

Pose Estimation




Realtime multi-person 2D pose estimation is a key component in enabling machines to have an understanding of people in images and videos. In this work, we present a realtime approach to detect the 2D pose of multiple people in an image. The proposed method uses a nonparametric representation, which we refer to as Part Affinity Fields (PAFs), to learn to associate body parts with individuals in the image. This bottom-up system achieves high accuracy and realtime performance, regardless of the number of people in the image. In previous work, PAFs and body part location estimation were refined simultaneously across training stages. We demonstrate that a PAF-only refinement rather than both PAF and body part location refinement results in a substantial increase in both runtime performance and accuracy. We also present the first combined body and foot keypoint detector, based on an internal annotated foot dataset that we have publicly released. We show that the combined detector not only reduces the inference time compared to running them sequentially, but also maintains the accuracy of each component individually. This work has culminated in the release of OpenPose, the first open-source realtime system for multi-person 2D pose detection, including body, foot, hand, and facial keypoints.

Image Caption

《Nocaps: novel object captioning at scale》



Image captioning models have achieved impressive results on datasets containing limited visual concepts and large amounts of paired image-caption training data. However, if these models are to ever function in the wild, a much larger variety of visual concepts must be learned, ideally from less supervision. To encourage the development of image captioning models that can learn visual concepts from alternative data sources, such as object detection datasets, we present the first large-scale benchmark for this task. Dubbed 'nocaps', for novel object captioning at scale, our benchmark consists of 166,100 human-generated captions describing 15,100 images from the Open Images validation and test sets. The associated training data consists of COCO image-caption pairs, plus Open Images image-level labels and object bounding boxes. Since Open Images contains many more classes than COCO, more than 500 object classes seen in test images have no training captions (hence, nocaps). We evaluate several existing approaches to novel object captioning on our challenging benchmark. In automatic evaluations these approaches show modest improvements over a strong baseline trained only on image-caption data. However, even when using ground-truth object detections, the results are significantly weaker than our human baseline - indicating substantial room for improvement.

Medical Image Analysis

《Unconstrained Iris Segmentation using Convolutional Neural Networks》


The extraction of consistent and identifiable features from an image of the human iris is known as iris recognition. Identifying which pixels belong to the iris, known as segmentation, is the first stage of iris recognition. Errors in segmentation propagate to later stages. Current segmentation approaches are tuned to specific environments. We propose using a convolution neural network for iris segmentation. Our algorithm is accurate when trained in a single environment and tested in multiple environments. Our network builds on the Mask R-CNN framework (He et al., ICCV 2017). Our approach segments faster than previous approaches including the Mask R-CNN network. Our network is accurate when trained on a single environment and tested with a different sensors (either visible light or near-infrared). Its accuracy degrades when trained with a visible light sensor and tested with a near-infrared sensor (and vice versa). A small amount of retraining of the visible light model (using a few samples from a near-infrared dataset) yields a tuned network accurate in both settings. For training and testing, this work uses the Casia v4 Interval, Notre Dame 0405, Ubiris v2, and IITD datasets.


《Unsupervised Meta-learning of Figure-Ground Segmentation via Imitating Visual Effects》


This paper presents a "learning to learn" approach to figure-ground image segmentation. By exploring webly-abundant images of specific visual effects, our method can effectively learn the visual-effect internal representations in an unsupervised manner and uses this knowledge to differentiate the figure from the ground in an image. Specifically, we formulate the meta-learning process as a compositional image editing task that learns to imitate a certain visual effect and derive the corresponding internal representation. Such a generative process can help instantiate the underlying figure-ground notion and enables the system to accomplish the intended image segmentation. Whereas existing generative methods are mostly tailored to image synthesis or style transfer, our approach offers a flexible learning mechanism to model a general concept of figure-ground segmentation from unorganized images that have no explicit pixel-level annotations. We validate our approach via extensive experiments on six datasets to demonstrate that the proposed model can be end-to-end trained without ground-truth pixel labeling yet outperforms the existing methods of unsupervised segmentation tasks.


《Explanatory Graphs for CNNs》


This paper introduces a graphical model, namely an explanatory graph, which reveals the knowledge hierarchy hidden inside conv-layers of a pre-trained CNN. Each filter in a conv-layer of a CNN for object classification usually represents a mixture of object parts. We develop a simple yet effective method to disentangle object-part pattern components from each filter. We construct an explanatory graph to organize the mined part patterns, where a node represents a part pattern, and each edge encodes co-activation relationships and spatial relationships between patterns. More crucially, given a pre-trained CNN, the explanatory graph is learned without a need of annotating object parts. Experiments show that each graph node consistently represented the same object part through different images, which boosted the transferability of CNN features. We transferred part patterns in the explanatory graph to the task of part localization, and our method significantly outperformed other approaches.

《Deep Paper Gestalt》



Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in the number of paper submissions to computer vision conferences. The sheer volume of paper submissions and the insufficient number of competent reviewers cause a considerable burden for the current peer review system. In this paper, we learn a classifier to predict whether a paper should be accepted or rejected based solely on the visual appearance of the paper (i.e., the gestalt of a paper). Experimental results show that our classifier can safely reject 50% of the bad papers while wrongly reject only 0.4% of the good papers, and thus dramatically reduce the workload of the reviewers. We also provide tools for providing suggestions to authors so that they can improve the gestalt of their papers.

《One-Class Feature Learning Using Intra-Class Splitting》


This paper proposes a novel generic one-class feature learning method which is based on intra-class splitting. In one-class classification, feature learning is challenging, because only samples of one class are available during training. Hence, state-of-the-art methods require reference multi-class datasets to pretrain feature extractors. In contrast, the proposed method realizes feature learning by splitting the given normal class into typical and atypical normal samples. By introducing closeness loss and dispersion loss, an intra-class joint training procedure between the two subsets after splitting enables the extraction of valuable features for one-class classification. Various experiments on three well-known image classification datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method which outperformed other baseline models in 25 of 30 experiments.