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Push Notifications

Simon (darkside) Jackson edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 6 revisions

#Push Notifications#

Area Push Notifications Submitted 10/4/2010 Code Sample


This sample shows how to use push notifications within an XNA Framework application on Windows Phone 7. Includes a tool to send test messages.

Sample Overview

Push Notifications for Windows Phone 7 consist of two projects: a Windows Phone 7 client application and a Winforms sender application. When the client application is run, either in the emulator or on a device, it obtains and displays the unique URI for the application's notification channel. Copying this URI to the sender application allows test messages to be sent to the phone.

All content and source code downloaded from this page are bound to the Microsoft Permissive License (Ms-PL).

Download Size Description
PushNotificationsSample_4_0 0.08MB Source code and assets for Push Notifications Sample (XNA Game Studio 4.0).
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