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Julia Tutorial

Note that some terminologies may be slightly different from those from the Julia Documentation. It depends on my understanding and my opinions about what is a better mnemonic.


Julia is a fast dynamic programming language for technical computing. With modern language design and compiler techniques, Julia aims to create an unprecedented combination of easy-to-use, power, and efficiency in a single language, providing ease and expressiveness in the same way as languages such as R and Python, and also good performance like C.


More specific details can be found at Julia Downloads and Platform Specific Instructions for Installing Julia.

On Ubuntu

Unfortunately, there is no Julia PPA for you to sudo apt install, though there was a Julia PPA (Personal Package Archives).

Now you need to download the "64-bit Generic Linux Binaries for x86" like julia-1.0.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz, untar it, then make a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin/ to bin/julia in the untared folder like julia-1.0.1. (Note: In this tutorial, we use "$" like below as the prompt for shell script.)

$ wget
$ tar xf julia-1.0.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ sudo ln -s ./julia-1.0.1/bin/julia /usr/local/bin/julia

If you want to use an IDE for programming with Julia, see Juno, A flexible IDE for the 21st century for more details.

On Mac

Download the .dmg file such as julia-1.0.1-mac64.dmg on Julia Downloads and install it.

On Windows

Download the .exe file such as julia-1.0.1-win64.exe on Julia Downloads and install it.

A quick tour of Julia

Enter and quit Julia interactive session

Open a terminal and type:

$ julia

to get into the interactive session of Julia, within which you type: (Note: In this tutorial, we use "julia>" like below as the prompt for Julia)

julia> exit()

or Ctrl-d to quit back to shell.

Something special to the REPL

  1. Once you have typed a complete expression, pressing Enter will get the expression be evaluated and the value will be printed out. A trailing semicolon ; will suppress the output for the evaluated value.

    julia> 1+2
    julia> 1+2;
  2. However, you can use the variable ans, which is only available in REPL, to get the value of the last evaluated expression, no matter if it is suppressed or not.

    julia> 1+2;
    julia> ans
  3. You can type julia -q to suppress the display of startup banner (like below) when lauching the REPL.

       _       _ _(_)_     |  A fresh approach to technical computing
      (_)     | (_) (_)    |  Documentation:
       _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "help()" to help.
      | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
      | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.3.5 (2015-01-08 22:33 UTC)
     _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
    |__/                   |  x86_64-linux-gnu
  4. For more about command julia itself, just type:

    $ julia --help

Get help in REPL

With the help() function, one can query the documentation for a specific function, macro, or variable. For example,

julia> help(println)

Alternatively, we can use ? as a short hand for the help() function:

julia> ?println

If you are not sure how to use help(), just type:

julia> ?help

for more details.

apropos() is a more flexible function that can be used to search documentation for functions related to a specific string. For example, if one want to find out what functions there are to do with "string", one can type:

julia> apropos("string")

And the blog Julia Helps gives a good summary about getting help from Julia itself.

Play with Julia script file and command line

A Julia script file has .jl as its extension.

  1. To execute the code in a Julia script file within a Julia interactive session, we use function include(). For example, if we have a script named hello.jl with the following contents:

    # hello.jl
    println("Hello, world!")

    then in a Julia session, type:

    julia> include("hello.jl")
    Hello, world!
  2. To execute a Julia script in shell, for example, previous hello.jl, type:

    $ julia hello.jl
  3. To execute a short code within shell command line, we could use the option -e for command julia:

    $ julia -e 'println("Hello, world!")'
  4. To execute a Julia script in shell with one or more command line arguments, Julia provides ARGS for holding the arguments passed from command line. For example, we have a script named hello2.jl:

    # hello2.jl
    println("Hello, ", ARGS[1], "!")

    then in shell, type:

    $ julia hello2.jl Simon
    Hello, Simon!
  5. Or one can also provide command line arguments for short code expressions:

    $ julia -e 'println("Hello, ", ARGS[1], "!")' Simon
    Hello, Simon!

    which has the same output as above.

Run shell command in Julia

A shell command should be wrapped in backticks "****", and we can use function run()` to run the command within them. For example,

julia> run(`echo Hello`)

However, the output will automatically be dumped to the screen. We can assign the output to a variable by function readall():

julia> a = readall(`echo Hello`)

julia> a

Comment code

  1. In a single Julia script line, everything behind a # is considered as comment.

  2. #= and =# are used for multi-line comments.


Like other languages, variable names in Julia must also begin with a letter in English alphabet, underscore, or a subset of Unicode code points greater than 00A0.

As a dynamic programming language, there is no restriction for a variable in Julia to be of a fixed type after introduced in a scope. In other words, a variable can be assigned to a value of different type from its previous one, except that in a local scope we can add a type annotation to a variable to restrain it from being assigned to a value of a different type.

Note: When in the REPL, we are in a global scope, and a variable defined in a function is in a local scope.


x = 1            # introduce a varialbe named x
x += 1           # now x equals to 2
x = "Hello"      # x is re-assigned to a string "Hello"

function foo()
  x::Int32 = 10  # prevent x from being assigned to values of non-Int32

For expressiveness, one can use Unicode names (in UTF-8 encoding) as variable names, which, I think, is good for math symbols. One can enter these math symbols by typing the backslash LaTeX symbol name followed by Tab. For example, δ can be entered by typing "\delta" and followed by Tab key.

julia> δ = 0.125

julia> δ

Some special internal variables

Variable Description Example
WORD_SIZE Indicate whether the target system is 32-bit or 64-bit

Built-in numeric primitives

For basic arithmetic, Julia provides a series of built-in numeric types, with explicit names telling how many bits they use to represent a number:

# Unsigned integers can be represented by 0x followed by hexadecimal
# digits, or 0b followed by binary digits, or 0o followed by octal
# digits, such as 26 can be represented as 0x1a, 0b11010, or 0o32.
Int8        Uint8
Int16       Uint16
Int32       Uint32
Int64       Uint64
Int128      Uint128

Bool  # false or true with 8 bits

Char # Unicode characters with 32 bits, denoted by enclosing printable
     # characters in single quotes, such as 'x', or escaped '\u' or
     # '\U' hexadecimal input forms, such as '\u78', which is the
     # same as 'x'.

# There is no type named Double as in other programming languages
Float64  # Floating-point numbers are by default of type Float64, such as 25, 2.5e1
Float32  # numbers of type Float32 can be represented by writing an 'f' in place of 'e', such as 2.5f1

A few useful functions that can work with these basic built-in types:

Function Description Example
typeof(x) The exact concrete type of x typeof(10.04) returns Float64
typemin(x) The lowest value representable by the given numeric type typemin(Int32) returns -2147483648
typemax(x) The highest value representable by the given numeric type typemax(Int32) returns 2147483647
bits(x) A string giving the literal bit representation of a number bits(0x7) returns "00000111"
num2hex(x) A hexadecimal string of the binary representation of a floating point number num2hex(1.0) returns "3ff0000000000000"
bin Convert an integer to a binary string bin(10) returns "1010"
oct Convert an integer to an octal string oct(10) returns "12"
hex Convert an integer to a hexadecimal string hex(10) returns "a"
dec Convert an integer to a decimal string dec(0xa) returns "10"
eps(x) The distance between x and the next larger representable floating-point value of the same type as x eps(Float32) returns 1.1920929f-7

And there are a same number of functions with the same names but in lower case for converting a value to corresponding numeric types. For example, uint64(x) converts x to Uint64 data type, char(120) converts the integer value 120 to a Char, which turns out to be 'x'.

In addition, a set of special floating-point values is provided, such as Inf, -Inf, NaN. More details can be found at Julia Manual - Integers and Floating-Point Numbers


An array in Julia is indexed from 1, not 0. And the last element can be accessed by using index end. Range indexing can be done by using :, such as 1:5 (range [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) or 2:2:10 (range [2, 4, 6, 8, 10])

Note the difference between arrays constructed with and without comma:

julia> x = [1, 2, 3]
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> x = [1 2 3]
1x3 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  2  3


String literals are denoted by being enclosed in double quotes, or triple double quotes when a string contains double quotes, since escape the quotes with \ would be less readable:

julia> a = "Hello";

julia> b = """Escape the quotes with "\\" would be less readable""";

julia> c = "Escape the quotes with \"\\\" would be less readable";

julia> b == c

Strings can be constructed by function string or string interpolation with $:

julia> "1 + 2 = $(1+2)"
"1 + 2 = 3"

julia> string("1 + 2 = ", 1+2)
"1 + 2 = 3"

Here $ can be followed by any expressions enclosed in parentheses.

Indexing a specific character in a string is like in an array, the first character is also at index 1.

julia> a = "Hello"

julia> a[1]

julia> a[1:3]

However, when the characters in a string aren't in ASCII, the default encoding of Julia --- UTF-8 --- allows those characters represented with multiple bytes, so that indexing a string may not get a valid character.

julia> a = "∀x ∃y"
"∀x ∃y"

julia> s = "\u2200x \u2203y"
"∀x ∃y"

julia> a == s

julia> s[1]

julia> s[2]
ERROR: invalid UTF-8 character index
 in getindex at utf8.jl:63

julia> s[3]
ERROR: invalid UTF-8 character index
 in getindex at utf8.jl:63

julia> s[4]

So the common and effective way to iterate through the characters in a string is:

julia> for c in s


Here are a few useful function related to strings (We can also find more by typing apropos("string") in REPL):

Function Description Example
length(s) The number of characters in string s length("∀x ∃y") returns 5
sizeof(s) The number of bytes in string s sizeof("∀x ∃y") returns 9
endof(s) The index of the last character of s endof("∀x ∃") returns 6
chr2ind(s, i) The index of the i-th character of s chr2ind("∀x ∃y", 4) returns 6
nextind(s, i) The next valid string index after i of the string s nextind("∀x ∃y", 1) returns 4 for the very index of character x
prevind(s, i) The previous valid string index before i of the string s prevind("∀x ∃y", 3) returns 1
lowercase(s) A string of lowercase of s lowercase("Hello") returns "hello"
uppercase(s) A string of uppercase of s uppercase("Hello") returns "HELLO"
strip(s) A string of s but with any leading and trailing whitespace removed strip(" Hello ") returns "Hello"
searchindex(s, sub) The start index at which the substring sub is found in s searchindex("Hello", "e") returns 2
beginswith(s, prefix) Whether string s begins with prefix beginswith("music001", "music") returns true
join(s, d) Join an array of strings s into a single string, inserting the given delimiter d between adjacent strings join(["Hello", "world"], ", ") returns "Hello, world"
repeat(s, i) Construct a string of i-times repeated concatenation of s repeat("@#", 3) returns "@#@#@#"

Regular Expressions

Julia's regular expression is Perl-compatible. We can construct a pattern by prefixing a pattern string with r. We will give a short example to explain its usage (which is from Julia manual - Strings):

julia> m = match(r"(a|b)(c)?(d)", "ad")
RegexMatch("ad", 1="a", 2=nothing, 3="d")

julia> m.match

julia> m.captures
3-element Array{Union(Nothing,SubString{UTF8String}),1}:

julia> m.offset

julia> m.offsets
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> first, second = m.captures; first

Elementary mathematical operations and functions

The basic arthmetic and bitwise operations are similar to other programming languages, such as C:

+ - */
\ # inverse divide, e.g., x\y is equivalent to y/x
^ # power, e.g., 2^3 equals to 8
% # remainder, e.g., 3%2 equals to 1

! # negation

~ & | $ # bitwise not, and, or, xor

>>> # logical shift right
>>  # arithmetic shift right
<<  # logical/arithmetic shift left

# corresponding updating operators
+=  -=  *=  /= %=  ^=  &=  |=  $=  >>>=  >>=  <<=

# comparisons
<=   # Can be entered by typing "\le" followed by Tab
>=   # Can be entered by typing "\ge" followed by Tab
!=   # Can be entered by typing "\ne" followed by Tab

Special note should be taken when comparing Inf, NaN, see Julia Manual - Mathematical Operations and Elementary Functions

Julia allows chained comparisons, which can be re-written by &&:

1 < 2 <= 3 > 0 # equals to: 1 < 2 && 2 <= 3 && 3 > 0

A list of useful functions frequently used in mathematics can be found at Julia Manual - Mathematical Operations and Elementary Functions

Support for complex and rational numbers

Complex and rational number are pre-defined types in Julia.

-1 + 2im  # a complex number, "im" denotes imaginary part
3//4      # a rational number equals to 0.75

Corresponding arithmetic operations are also defined for complex and rational numbers.

(-1 + 2im)*(-1 - 2im) # 5 + 0im
3//4 * 1//3           # 1//4

Control flow


Conditional evaluation can be obtained by the if-elseif-else-end construct. For example,

x = 1
if x > 0
  y = x * 2
elseif x < 0
  y = -x * 2
  y = 1

Note that elseif and else are optional, and the conditions must be expressions that can be evaluated to be boolean values such as true and false.

while and for loops

while...end loops are like:

i = 1
while i <= 5
  i += 1

And the for...end loop do the same thing is like:

for i = 1:5

which is equivalent to

for i in 1:5

break and continue are also the same in Julia as the other programming languages such as C.

The special usage of for loops below:

for i = 1:3, j in 1:5
  println(i, ", " , j)

is a syntactic sugar of:

for i = 1:3
  for j = 1:5
    println(i, ", " , j)

However, a break will terminate the entire loop that use the concise nested form.

Compound expressions

In Julia, we can use begin...end or (;) chains to form a single compound expression out of several sub-expressions. In other words, it can be considered as a small one-time-use function with the value of the last sub-expression as its return value.

The four ways we can write a compound expression are (The examples below are borrowed from Julia manual - Compound Expressions.):

  1. begin...end in a single line:

    z = begin x = 1; y = 2; x + y end
  2. begin...end cross multiple lines:

    z = begin
      x = 1
      y = 2
      x + y
  3. (;) in a single line:

    z = (x = 1; y = 2; x + y)
  4. (;) cross multiple lines:

    z = (
      x = 1;
      y = 2;
      x + y

Note that when in multiple lines, ";" should be kept in (;) chains, while in begin...end, it can be droped. (? I am not sure whether there is other usage of (;), but here it seems there is no big difference between begin...end and (;), except that (;) saves typing.)


Functions are defined with function...end:

function greaterThan(x, y)
  return x > y

Here we define a function which we can refer it by the name greaterThan. And the return in the function is optional, which means it can be written as:

function greaterThan(x, y)
  x > y

This is because that in Julia, the value of the last evaluated expression in the body of a function will be considered as the return value of that function by default, unless some other value is explictly indicated as return value by return somewhere before the last expression.

In Julia, function is treated the same as any other object. That is, they can be assigned to variables, used as arguments to other functions, and returned as values, besides called as functions with the parenthesis form. All we need is something we can refer to it, such as a name.

We can call a function with its name followed by the actual arugment enclosed in parentheses, or by the apply function:

a = 1
b = 2
if greaterThan(a, b)
  println("a > b")
  println("a <= b")

which is equivalent to:

a = 1
b = 2
if apply(greaterThan, a, b)
  println("a > b")
  println("a <= b")

The apply function takes another function as its first argument, and then apply that function to the remain arguments of itself.

If the body of a function consists of only one single expression, the function can also be defined like:

greaterThan(x, y) = return x > y

or equivalently:

greaterThan(x, y) = x > y

or even:

greaterThan = (x, y) -> x > y

which is defined by assigning an anonymous function to the variable greaterThan.

We can also pass an anonymous function to another function that take functions as its arguments, for example with the previous apply function:

apply((x, y) -> begin
        if x > y
		  println(x, " > ", y)
		  println(x, " <= ", y)

which can be written in a more compact way as:

apply(1, 2) do x, y
  if x > y
    println(x, " > ", y)
    println(x, " <= ", y)

The do...end is another syntactic sugar that creates an anonymous function with arguments afterwards (here are x and y), to be passed as the first argument to the function before it (here is the apply function), where the rest arguments will be the second, the third one and so on.

Return multiple values

In Julia, multiple values are returned by being wrapped in a tuple (A tuple is an ordered list of values grouped by parentheses with each value seperated from eath other by comma, ). However, a syntactic sugar is provided to allow tuples being created and destructured without needing parentheses:

julia> foo(a, b) = (a+b, a*b);
julia> foo(2, 3)

julia> foo(a, b) = a+b, a*b;
julia> foo(2, 3)

julia> x, y = foo(2, 3)

julia> x

julia> y

Optional positional and keyword arguments

Optional arguments are arguments with default values, so that functions with optional arguments can be invoked without given explicit values for those optional arguments if the default values are appropriate enough.

Optional posisional arguments are optional arguments. The word "positional" means that in a call, they should be passed in the same order specified in the function definition.

julia> foo(x, y=1, z=1) = x + y + z
foo (generic function with 3 methods)

julia> methods(foo)
# 3 methods for generic function "foo":
foo(x) at none:1
foo(x,y) at none:1
foo(x,y,z) at none:1

julia> foo(1)

julia> foo(1, 2)

julia> foo(1, 2, 3)

julia> foo(1, , 3)
ERROR: syntax: unexpected ,

The last results above tells if one specifies a value for a optional positional argument in a call, the values of all prior optinal positional arguments must also be explicitly specified.

Therefore, keyword arguments come to rescue. Keyword arguments are optional arguments too. Different from positional arguments, keyword arguments can be referred by the label (keyword) attached to them. Thus, in a call, they can be placed in any order, but must be with explicitly reference by the labels, no matter what order they are in. Keyword arguments sequences are defined and seperated from other type of arguments by using a semicolon in the signature of the function.

julia> foo(x, y=1, z=2; u=3, v=4) = x  - (y + z) + u * v;
julia> foo(1;)

julia> foo(1)

julia> foo(1, 2, 3; u=5, v=6)

julia> foo(1, 2, 3, u=5, v=6)

julia> foo(u=5, 1, v=6, 2, 3)

The last results above tells keyword arguments can be mixed with other arguments in a call.

Both optional positional and keyword arguments (which are collectively called optional arguments) should have default values. Subsequent optional arguments may refer to prior arguments in defining their default values. And all non-optional arguments should be put before optional arguments in the function definition.

julia> foo(x, y=1, z=2; u, v=4) = x  - (y + z) + u * v;
ERROR: syntax: invalid keyword argument u

julia> foo(x, y=1, z=2; u=3, v=u+1) = x  - (y + z) + u * v;
julia> foo(1)

julia> foo(x, y=1, z=2, u; v=4) = x  - (y + z) + u * v;
ERROR: syntax: optional positional arguments must occur at end

julia> foo(x, u, y=1, z=2; v=4) = x  - (y + z) + u * v;
julia> foo(1, 3)

Special ellipsis "..." symbol

Ellipsis "..." has special meaning when used with iterable objects and functions.

  1. Iterable objects followed by an ellipsis "..." as an argument to a function call.

    julia> add(x, y) = x + y;
    julia> a = (1, 2); b = [3, 4];
    julia> add(a)
    ERROR: no method add((Int64,Int64),)
    julia> add(a...)
    julia> add(b...)

    Here the "..." in the function call tells Julia that the argument a should be treated as a collection of arguments. In other words, each element in a should be considered as an individual argument to the function add.

  2. An argument followed by an ellipsis "..." as the last argument in a function definition.

    julia> bar(a,b,x...) = (a,b,x);
    julia> bar(1,2)
    julia> bar(1,2,3)
    julia> bar(1,2,3,4)

    In this case, the "..." tells Julia that the function bar takes two or more arguments, the first as a, the second as b, and the remains as x if any.

Variable scope

In Julia, for loops, try and catch blocks, function bodies, all of these constructs will introduce a new scope for the variable used within them, where new local variables can be defined and visible, without worrying about naming conflicts of the same name variables inside and outside the scope. However, attention should be paid to begin...end blocks, since they won't introduce any new scope:

julia> for i = 1
         local x = 1
         for j = 1
           local x = 2

julia> begin
         local x = 1
           local x = 2
ERROR: syntax: local x declared twice


let...end is often used for introducing a new scope for local variables without extra side effects like for...end where the code within it may loop multiple times. The template for let...end is:

let var1 = value1, var2, var3 = value3

where the first line is used for defining local variables that can be referred to within the "code" part.

julia> x = 1; y = 2;

julia> let x = 2
         y = 3x

julia> y

julia> x

julia> let x = x, y, z = 2
         y = x + z

julia> y

Note that in the first line of the last let...end, the first x is the new defined variable within let...end, while the second x is the one defined previously.

One can also leave the first line blank.

julia> let
         x = 2
         y = 3x

julia> y

julia> x

Special note

An easily misleading thing I found in the Julia Manual about Scope of Variables is:

Fs = cell(2)
for i = 1:2
    Fs[i] = ()->i

julia> Fs[1]()

julia> Fs[2]()

Actually, when there already exists the varialbe i before for loop:

julia> i = 1;

julia> for i = 1:2
         Fs[i] = () -> i

julia> Fs[1]()

julia> Fs[2]()

the effect is the same as while loop:

Fs = cell(2)
i = 1
while i <= 2
  Fs[i] = ()->i
    i += 1

julia> Fs[1]()

julia> Fs[2]()

unless one introduces a new scope by let...end:

Fs = cell(2)
i = 1
while i <= 2
  let i = i
      Fs[i] = ()->i
		  i += 1

julia> Fs[1]()

julia> Fs[2]()


Special note for logical operators

The last entry (and only it) in a conditional chain formed by the logical operators && and || can be a type of non-boolean expression, so that the value of the whole chain expression will be either a boolean value (false for &&, and true for ||) or the value of the last entry, depending on whether the last entry got evaluated or not, which is determined by the short-circuit property of logical operators. For example,

a = (false || (x = "Hello"))  # a will be "Hello"
a = (true || (x = "Hello"))   # a will be true

which can be re-written with one-line if statements as:

a = (if !false x = "Hello" end)
a = (if false x = "Hello" else true end)

And I think no real code would be written this way. It is only for illustration. And the pratical usage of this behaviour of logical operators are well demonstrated by the factorial routine in the Julia manual - Short-Circuit Evaluation

As mnemonic, one can think:

(a || b)


if !a


(a && b)


if a


Though Julia is dynamic programming language, it doesn't mean type is not important. It is just the so powerful type system in Julia that make it expressive, clear and intuitive.

Type declaration

Usually, one doesn't need to specify a type for a value in Julia. However, there is some time that it is clearer and more useful to explicitly declare (or annotate) a type for a value. Type declaration (or annotation) is done by following an expression or a variable the operator :: and the desired type:

julia> (1+1)::Int

julia> (1.0 + 1.0)::Int
ERROR: type: typeassert: expected Int64, got Float64

julia> add(x::Int, y::Int) = x + y
add (generic function with 1 method)

julia> add(1, 2)

julia> add(1.0, 2.0)
ERROR: no method add(Float64,Float64)

Note that type annotation cannot be used in global scope, such as the REPL.

julia> x::Int8
ERROR: x not defined

julia> x::Int8 = 10
ERROR: x not defined

Abstract types

Abstract types are the backbone of Julia type system and form the conceptual hierachy of it. They make a piece of code can be applied to a range of types not just a specific concrete type. In the whole type hierarchy of Julia, there are two predefined abstract types Any and None, which are at the top and the bottom respectively. In other words, all objects are instances of Any, and Any is also the supertype of all types. On the opposite, no object is an instance of None, and None is the subtype of all types.

An abstract type can be defined by abstract:

abstract Number

A hierarchical relationship between two abstract types is defined by <::

abstract Real <: Number

where Real is below Number in the type hierarchy, in other words, Real is a subtype of Number and Number is a supertype of Real.

<: can also be used as an operator (or a function) to find out whether one type is a subtype of the other type:

julia> Int <: Number
Type unions

A type union is a special abstract type, much like union in C, that can be constructed by the Union function:

julia> IntOrString = Union(Int,String)

julia> 1 :: IntOrString

julia> "Hello!" :: IntOrString

julia> 1.0 :: IntOrString
ERROR: type: typeassert: expected Union(String,Int64), got Float64

Concrete types

Unlike abstract types, concrete types are used to refer to specific types that can have instances.

Composite types

Most commonly-used user-defined concrete types are composite types. Concrete typs is a collection of name fields, more like struct in C, but less like class in C++. They are defined by type...end with field names and optionally annotated types:

julia> type Foo

Instances of type Foo are created by applying the Foo type object like a function to values of compatible types with the fields:

julia> foo = Foo("Hello, world.", 23, 1.5)
Foo("Hello, world.",23,1.5)

julia> foo = Foo("Hello, world.", 23.0, 1.5)
ERROR: no method Foo(ASCIIString,Float64,Float64)

The list of field names of a composite type can be obtained by the names function:

julia> names(Foo)
3-element Array{Any,1}:

julia> names(foo)
3-element Array{Any,1}:

The value of a specific field can be accessed by following an instance with a . and the field name:

julia> foo = Foo("Hello, world.", 23, 1.5)
Foo("Hello, world.",23,1.5)

"Hello, world."

julia> = 1


Parametric types

Parametric types are types that parameterized in terms of other types. In other words, a parametric type is a collection of types where each specific concrete type is derived from other corresponding specific types in replace of type paramenters (such as the T in curly braces below of Point) of that parametric type, much like a function, however, it is types here being the substitutes, not values. Therefore, a parametric type is also an abstract type.

One can define a parametric type by following the type name with a curly-braces-surrounded list of type paramenters:

julia> type Point{T}

julia> abstract Pointy{T}

julia> type Pointz{A,B}

julia> Point{Int} <: Point

julia> Pointy{Int} <: Pointy

julia> Point{Int} <: Point{Number}

julia> Pointy{Int} <: Pointy{Number}

Since a parametric type is an abstract type, instances can only be created for a specific concrete type derived from that parametric type. Except that we need to specify concrete types for the type paramenters, all are the same as other non-parametric types:

julia> Point{Float64}(1.0,2.0)

julia> Pointz(1, "a")

Just as a plain type can have a supertype, so the type parameter can also have a supertype serves as a range constraint:

julia> abstract Pointy{T <: Real}

julia> Pointy{Int64}

julia> Pointy{String}
ERROR: type: Pointy: in T, expected Real, got Type{String}

Type aliases

Like typedef in C, typealias is used to give a new name for an type.

julia> typealias IntPt Point{Int64}
Point{Int64} (constructor with 1 method)

julia> IntPt(1, 2)

Useful functions related to types

Function Description Example
T1 <: T2 Subtype operator, determine whether T1 is a subtype of T2. Int64 <: Number returns true
isa(x, type) Determine whether x is of the given type. isa(1, Float64) returns false
typeof(x) Get the concrete type of x. typeof(1) returns Int64 (in 64-bit system)
super(type) Return the supertype of DataType type super(Int64), super(Signed), super(Integer), super(Real) return Signed, Integer, Real, Number, respectively


In Julia, a function can have different behaviors for different combinations of argument types and numbers. Such definition of one possible behavior for a fucntion is called a method, and it is just a new definition of the same function but with different arguments. Such mechanism of choosing which method to execute when a function is applied in Julia is known as multiple dispatch.

A new method for a specific function can be introduced anywhere at anytime, as long as it has the same name and different argument types or numbers. Argument types can be specified by :: operator (see also Type declaration), thus, the method can only be applied to arguments of the specific types:

julia> f(x::Int64, y::Int64) = x + y
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> f(3, 4)

julia> f(3.3, 4.4)
ERROR: no method f(Float64,Float64)

julia> f(x::Float64, y::Float64) = round(x + y)
f (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> f(3.3, 4.4)

Like parametric types, methods can also be parametric. Type parameters should be declared within curly brackets after the method name and before the argument tuple:

julia> same_type_number{T}(x::T, y::T) = T <: Number;

julia> same_type_number(x, y) = false
same_type_number (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> same_type_number(1, 2.0)

julia> same_type_number(1, 2)

The second method for same_type_number above is used as a catch-all method when the two arguments aren't the same type.

Useful functions operates on methods

Function Description Example
methods(f) Show all methods of f with their argument types.


Constructors are used for creating new objects of a type. By default, type objects serve as constructor functions, which means that a new object of a type can be created by following the type name by a tuple of field values at the same order of the fields (see Composite types).

There are two ways that a constructor can be defined.

  • One way is defining a constructor after the definition of the type. These kind of constructors are called outer constructors. It is much like defining a new method for a function, except that it must use one of the already existed constructors for creating a new object. And generally, the type name followed by a tuple of the field names is the automatically provided default one.

  • And the other is defining a constructor inside the definition of the type. These kind of constructors are called inner constructors. Once a inner constructor is defined, the automatically provided default constructors mentioned above will not provided.

julia> type OrderedPair

         # a inner constructor that makes sure the first argument
		 # is less than or equal to the second argument
         OrderedPair(a,b,c) = a > b ? error("out of order") : new(a+c,b+c)

julia> a = OrderedPair(1, 2, 3)

julia> a.x = 10  # But one can make x greater than y

julia> a

julia> b = OrderedPair(1, 2)  # no default constructor if a inner one exists
ERROR: no method OrderedPair(Int64,Int64)

julia> OrderedPair(a) = OrderedPair(a, a, 2a) # outer constructor
OrderedPair (constructor with 2 methods)

julia> c = OrderedPair(1)


Exception handling

Write your own package

Some interesting facts

The number of available packages

Julia is still young. The number of available packages is small compared to R. However, they grow rapidly. Here we list the number of available packages in the table. One may have different interpretations, but the purpose here is for studying the trend of these two counterparts only by tracking the number of packages newly comming out.

Date Julia R
2014-06-19 279 5323
2014-07-21 377 5413
2014-08-21 401 5516
2014-09-21 435 5633
2014-11-21 477 5775
2015-01-21 536 5954
2015-05-21 629 6308
2015-08-21 702 6644
2015-09-21 742 6772
2015-10-21 782 6881
2015-12-21 797 7099
2016-01-21 861 7207
2016-02-21 899 7332
2016-03-21 937 7455

We can get the number of available packages of Julia and R, respectively by the following Linux shell scripts.

# Get the number of available packages of Julia from ``Metadata for registered Julia packages''
expr $(git clone; ls METADATA.jl | wc -l) - 1; \
rm -rf METADATA.jl

# Or from Julia Package Listing.  This may not be the same as that from Metadata
curl -s | grep "<p>" | head -1 | cut -d'<' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f3
# Get the number of available packages of R from CRAN package list
curl -s | \
grep -F "<tr>" | wc -l

# Or from METACRAN
curl -s | grep "active packages" | awk '{print $1}' | \
awk 'BEGIN { FS=","} {print $1$2}'

There is also a Searchable listing of all registered packages for Julia, where you can search for specific package of Julia.

Useful resources