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A MUD game created using the Java RMI for CS3524 Distributed Systems and Security

Game Screen


  • Java 1.8
  • Java RMI
  • RmiRegistry


  1. make mud -B

  2. rmiregistry 50010

  3. java mud.MUDServerMainline 50010 50014

  4. java mud.MUDClient [your hostname] 50010



  • Implemented MUD game server, remote interface with implementation and a server mainline
  • User can move in a direction


  • User can move to all directions (North/East/South/West)
  • User can see other objects and players in the MUD
  • User can pick up things in the MUD


  • Three instances of MUDs are created on startup
  • User is shown all MUDs at startup and has the option of choosing which one to join


  • User can create new MUDs with custom names at runtime with 'createmud'
  • Number of total players, number of players per MUD and number of total MUDs is restricted

CGS A4-A1:

  • Amount of MUDs created can be changed by a constant in the server (i.e. user can create any number of MUDs)
  • User can drop items
  • User can see contents of his/her inventory
  • User can exit game, which drops his/her items on the ground
  • User can see a help menu which shows available commands

  • User can see which MUDs are available at any time
  • User can create a new MUD while playing the game
  • User can change MUD at any time
  • User can query total number of players, MUDs and number of players in current MUD during runtime

  • Server and client has a polling solution, which times out and exits clients that have quit
  • Users are notified when other users exit, are timed out or enter the game

  • User can change maximum limits of total players, players per MUD and MUDs at any time

Game Screen

Game Screen