From e997d43e32df63210c2c4a372debdd37b670c129 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: yuliu2016 <> Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 22:09:06 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] update matches for DCMP --- app/build.gradle.kts | 2 +- .../scouting/v5/boardfile/Boardfiles.kt | 39 +- .../scouting/v5/boardfile/Schedules.kt | 464 +++--------------- 3 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 422 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/build.gradle.kts b/app/build.gradle.kts index 1a0c513..39cc234 100644 --- a/app/build.gradle.kts +++ b/app/build.gradle.kts @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ android { minSdkVersion(21) targetSdkVersion(28) versionCode = 1 - versionName = "v2019.1.0-humber" + versionName = "v2019.1.0-oncmp1" resConfigs("en", "hdpi") } buildTypes { diff --git a/app/src/main/java/ca/warp7/android/scouting/v5/boardfile/Boardfiles.kt b/app/src/main/java/ca/warp7/android/scouting/v5/boardfile/Boardfiles.kt index 1ee367e..62d22d8 100644 --- a/app/src/main/java/ca/warp7/android/scouting/v5/boardfile/Boardfiles.kt +++ b/app/src/main/java/ca/warp7/android/scouting/v5/boardfile/Boardfiles.kt @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ fun File.toBoardfile(): Boardfile { } val exampleBoardfile = Boardfile( - eventName = "Humber College", - eventKey = "2019onto3", + eventName = "ONT Science Division", + eventKey = "2019oncmp1", matchSchedule = MatchSchedule(exampleMatchSchedule), robotScoutTemplate = ScoutTemplate( listOf( @@ -90,39 +90,4 @@ val exampleBoardfile = Boardfile( ), listOf() ), superScoutTemplate = ScoutTemplate(listOf(), listOf()) -) - -val exampleTeams = mutableListOf( - 746, - 771, - 854, - 865, - 907, - 1114, - 1310, - 1374, - 2198, - 2405, - 2935, - 3683, - 4039, - 4308, - 4343, - 4939, - 5031, - 5834, - 5870, - 6009, - 6141, - 6513, - 6977, - 6978, - 7013, - 7480, - 7509, - 7558, - 7603, - 7623, - 7723, - 7902 ) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/main/java/ca/warp7/android/scouting/v5/boardfile/Schedules.kt b/app/src/main/java/ca/warp7/android/scouting/v5/boardfile/Schedules.kt index 057a0dd..dbe3764 100644 --- a/app/src/main/java/ca/warp7/android/scouting/v5/boardfile/Schedules.kt +++ b/app/src/main/java/ca/warp7/android/scouting/v5/boardfile/Schedules.kt @@ -1,388 +1,84 @@ package val exampleMatchSchedule = listOf( - 7480, - 7902, - 6513, - 7509, - 7558, - 2198, - 6141, - 907, - 5870, - 7623, - 2935, - 4039, - 865, - 5834, - 1374, - 4939, - 6009, - 6977, - 5031, - 1114, - 6978, - 1310, - 4308, - 854, - 7723, - 4343, - 2405, - 746, - 3683, - 771, - 6977, - 7013, - 7480, - 7603, - 6009, - 6978, - 865, - 7902, - 1310, - 6141, - 5031, - 6513, - 7558, - 746, - 2935, - 2405, - 5870, - 3683, - 4343, - 7603, - 7623, - 907, - 4308, - 7509, - 4039, - 771, - 7013, - 5834, - 854, - 4939, - 2198, - 6141, - 1114, - 7723, - 1374, - 6513, - 7902, - 7603, - 4939, - 907, - 5031, - 6977, - 2198, - 746, - 1310, - 5870, - 7509, - 1374, - 6009, - 3683, - 2935, - 4039, - 1114, - 4343, - 771, - 7623, - 7013, - 2405, - 7558, - 4308, - 6978, - 7480, - 865, - 854, - 7723, - 5834, - 4343, - 5870, - 6009, - 2405, - 746, - 907, - 1114, - 1310, - 771, - 6513, - 7013, - 7509, - 7558, - 6977, - 4039, - 7603, - 4308, - 865, - 7623, - 1374, - 6141, - 3683, - 7902, - 854, - 5031, - 2198, - 7723, - 6978, - 2935, - 4939, - 5834, - 7623, - 907, - 1114, - 7480, - 7558, - 5870, - 854, - 7603, - 7723, - 4939, - 7013, - 2935, - 2198, - 4308, - 7480, - 6141, - 6009, - 6977, - 865, - 3683, - 746, - 6513, - 5834, - 1310, - 6978, - 7509, - 771, - 4343, - 5031, - 1374, - 4039, - 4939, - 7902, - 2405, - 2935, - 7558, - 7723, - 6009, - 6141, - 3683, - 1114, - 2405, - 854, - 7480, - 7013, - 1310, - 907, - 4308, - 746, - 5031, - 7623, - 865, - 2198, - 1374, - 4343, - 7902, - 4039, - 7603, - 5834, - 771, - 7509, - 6977, - 6513, - 6978, - 5870, - 865, - 4343, - 7013, - 7623, - 6009, - 1374, - 6978, - 7558, - 3683, - 7902, - 6141, - 746, - 6977, - 1114, - 5870, - 2198, - 4939, - 2405, - 907, - 2935, - 7723, - 7509, - 4308, - 5031, - 1310, - 6513, - 4039, - 7480, - 5834, - 771, - 854, - 2198, - 4343, - 7603, - 865, - 7558, - 5834, - 2405, - 6978, - 7902, - 7509, - 7623, - 6009, - 6513, - 4308, - 3683, - 4039, - 7723, - 5870, - 7013, - 746, - 1310, - 5031, - 7480, - 2935, - 7603, - 1114, - 771, - 907, - 1374, - 4939, - 6141, - 4343, - 854, - 6977, - 7623, - 1114, - 5834, - 4308, - 7902, - 5870, - 771, - 7509, - 5031, - 4039, - 7013, - 7558, - 6141, - 7480, - 4939, - 746, - 6978, - 907, - 854, - 865, - 6009, - 2405, - 7603, - 1310, - 7723, - 3683, - 6513, - 2198, - 2935, - 1374, - 6977, - 6009, - 7509, - 5834, - 4308, - 771, - 6141, - 1374, - 1310, - 3683, - 4939, - 5870, - 7558, - 2935, - 7013, - 854, - 4039, - 865, - 7902, - 2198, - 7480, - 7603, - 4343, - 6978, - 746, - 5031, - 2405, - 7623, - 6513, - 6977, - 1114, - 7723, - 6978, - 7902, - 907, - 4039, - 6009, - 854, - 5031, - 7558, - 5870, - 7623, - 2935, - 6141, - 2405, - 1310, - 746, - 6977, - 7603, - 7509, - 7723, - 865, - 4308, - 7480, - 4343, - 4939, - 771, - 907, - 1374, - 2198, - 1114, - 6513, - 5834, - 6141, - 7013, - 3683, - 6978, - 4308, - 4039, - 5870, - 1114, - 1374, - 2405, - 6009, - 771, - 7603, - 3683, - 7623, - 7480, - 7013, - 7902, - 5031, - 6977, - 7723, - 2198, - 7558, - 907, - 6513, - 4343, - 4939, - 865, - 746, - 854, - 7509, - 5834, - 2935, - 1310 + 7022, 1114, 5834, 2994, 854, 4152, // + 1305, 7722, 865, 7136, 5483, 4976, // + 4946, 2935, 1075, 4783, 907, 6135, // + 7520, 771, 1325, 6461, 7664, 5024, // + 1241, 5036, 772, 4936, 3739, 5672, // + 4932, 6378, 188, 4519, 1310, 2198, // + 7558, 4939, 907, 7022, 4476, 4525, // + 3739, 854, 771, 4976, 4783, 7722, // + 1305, 5834, 1241, 865, 4932, 4936, // + 4152, 5024, 7136, 1310, 772, 4476, // + 6378, 4946, 4939, 188, 6135, 7664, // + 2994, 2198, 5672, 7520, 4525, 1075, // + 1114, 1325, 4519, 5036, 2935, 7558, // + 5834, 6461, 1310, 7022, 5483, 188, // + 7722, 4946, 5672, 4936, 1305, 6378, // + 1241, 4939, 7136, 5036, 771, 907, // + 854, 4976, 4476, 4525, 2994, 2935, // + 1075, 865, 4152, 7558, 1325, 4932, // + 6461, 3739, 4519, 6135, 5024, 7520, // + 772, 7664, 2198, 4783, 1114, 5483, // + 5672, 907, 1305, 188, 7558, 4152, // + 1075, 7722, 5036, 1241, 4932, 7022, // + 3739, 7136, 4525, 2935, 7664, 5483, // + 6378, 865, 7520, 1114, 771, 772, // + 4939, 1310, 4783, 4976, 1325, 2994, // + 5024, 4946, 4476, 2198, 6461, 4936, // + 854, 5834, 907, 865, 4519, 6135, // + 4152, 5672, 4525, 772, 7022, 6378, // + 2994, 5024, 7722, 1114, 188, 4946, // + 7558, 5483, 1310, 4936, 7520, 2935, // + 3739, 4976, 6135, 7136, 1325, 6461, // + 1305, 4783, 771, 1241, 4519, 4476, // + 5036, 5834, 4932, 1075, 2198, 854, // + 7664, 7558, 865, 4939, 2994, 3739, // + 6135, 4476, 1305, 1325, 4525, 772, // + 6378, 7722, 1114, 907, 2935, 5024, // + 4936, 5036, 4783, 4946, 4152, 5834, // + 7664, 4519, 854, 5672, 1310, 1241, // + 7520, 5483, 4932, 4939, 4976, 7022, // + 7136, 2198, 188, 771, 1075, 6461, // + 4525, 1310, 4946, 865, 772, 5834, // + 4932, 6135, 2994, 3739, 6378, 5036, // + 771, 7022, 5672, 1325, 4783, 5024, // + 2935, 854, 1114, 6461, 1241, 188, // + 4519, 1075, 4976, 4939, 1305, 7664, // + 4476, 4936, 7558, 7722, 2198, 5483, // + 7520, 4152, 1241, 907, 7136, 1310, // + 772, 2935, 4783, 854, 4939, 5036, // + 188, 4936, 1325, 4525, 6135, 6378, // + 7664, 5672, 4932, 4476, 6461, 1114, // + 2198, 5024, 1305, 7022, 907, 3739, // + 4152, 4519, 5483, 771, 4976, 4946, // + 5834, 2994, 7136, 7558, 7520, 7722, // + 1075, 188, 4783, 865, 3739, 1114, // + 5483, 4476, 4939, 4519, 5672, 6378, // + 1325, 2198, 6135, 1310, 7722, 771, // + 907, 6461, 772, 5036, 2994, 1305, // + 7022, 4936, 1075, 854, 7136, 865, // + 5024, 1241, 4976, 5834, 7558, 4525, // + 4946, 7520, 7664, 4932, 4152, 2935, // + 5672, 1114, 4939, 6135, 771, 7136, // + 4525, 5036, 4976, 5483, 1075, 5024, // + 772, 7520, 854, 4946, 1241, 1325, // + 6461, 4152, 7022, 7722, 4936, 4519, // + 4476, 188, 907, 5834, 7664, 3739, // + 2994, 4783, 7558, 4932, 1305, 1310, // + 2935, 865, 1241, 2198, 6378, 4152, // + 7722, 7022, 854, 4476, 1075, 7664, // + 5024, 4525, 4936, 771, 4932, 4939, // + 1310, 188, 2994, 4519, 7520, 5036, // + 7136, 7558, 6378, 4783, 4946, 6461, // + 1114, 907, 2198, 4976, 772, 1305, // + 1325, 3739, 2935, 5483, 5672, 5834, // + 6135, 5036, 6461, 4783, 4525, 865, // + 5024, 4932, 4519, 7664, 1114, 7136, // + 4152, 772, 7722, 5834, 4939, 1075, // + 2935, 6378, 771, 1305, 854, 7558, // + 5483, 6135, 4936, 907, 1241, 2994, // + 188, 865, 4976, 5672, 4476, 7520, // + 1310, 7022, 1325, 2198, 3739, 4946 ) \ No newline at end of file