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Modbus Map.xls

TonyM1958 edited this page Aug 13, 2023 · 15 revisions

Spread sheet with the known Fox ESS Inverter modbus mappings and fault codes:

Changes log (reverse chronological order):

13/08/2023: Update to H3 registers after testing with Cosmico89 (thanks)
11/07/2023: added HV BMS v1 decode info
21/06/2023: align unique id with foxess_modbus
02/06/2023: updated with AIO-H1-2023 registers - tbc
28/05/2023: changed sensors for grid charge from binary to int16
24/05/2023: add info from KH modbus, including BMS and battery serial nos
22/05/2023: updated after full review of KH register scan
21/05/2023: tentative changes from KH register scan

19/05/2023: fix migration problem by renaming InvBatPower back to Battery Discharge Power
15/05/2023: add more holding register addresses, tag addresses available on LAN, RS485 or BOTH
14/05/2023: tidy up names and coded sensors, added decoded sensor names
13/05/2023: updated after test code with new input registers run to validate against H1
12/05/2023: updated with addresses from PDF and fault code bit field mapping
11/05/2023: started updating with info from PDF - Work In Progress, some partial changes.

08/05/2023: added Code tab with info on values for Work Mode, Inverter State and Fault Codes
05/05/2023: confirmed Inverter State Code at 31027
04/05/2023: added column to identify registers that are only available via RS485, not available via LAN on H1

30/04/2023: added input registers for inverter date/time, max charge & discharge current and export limit settings

24/04/2023: updated H3 sensors, clean up temperature sensor names
23/04/2023: first draft addition of H3 tab to spread sheet and sync between H1 and H3, work in progress
22/04/2023: updated string lengths for model and serial number, sorted by holding register number
21/04/2023: added Load Energy Total and Load Energy Today
21/04/2023: added LAN addresses for Solar Enery Total ... Input Energy Today
21/04/2023: added Inverter model and firmware versions address 10000/30000 - 10023 / 30023
21/04/2023: corrected addresses for InvTemp and AmbTemp
20/04/2023: updated 'Bat Volt' and 'Bat Current' to 'BatVolt' and 'BatCurrent' to match current running code