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MDP, Markov Decision Process

Classical planning

  • deterministic action -> non-deterministic (but with probability)
  • static environment
    • Environments change only as the result of an action
  • perfect knowledge (full observability)
    • omniscience
  • single actor
    • omnipotence

Markov Decision Process (MDP)

The most common formulation of MDPs is a Discounted-Reward Markov Decision Process. Optimal solutions maximise the expected discounted accumulated reward from the initial state s_0.

  • transition probability
  • policy, π
    • mapping from states to actions
    • 不像 classical 里面返回 action sequence, policy 对于每一个 state 都返回一个 action
      • 因为 non-deterministic
      • classical 算 heuristic 的话,不用全 states 都算,MDP 要全算但算好了就有所有 states 的
    • a plan is actually a policy
      • it is just that it is defined only for the states along which the plan is derived. E.g. given the plan "s --a--> s' --b--> s'' --c --> s''', it can be represented as the policy:
        s -> a
        s' -> b
        s'' -> c
  • reward r(s, a, s_0)
    • There are no action costs. These are modelled as negative rewards.
    • There are no goals. Each action receives a reward when applied. The value of the reward is dependent on the state in which it is applied.
  • a discount factor (can be iteratively defined)
    • 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1
  • how to solve MDP
    • two common ways
      • both based on dynamic programming
        • value iteration
        • policy iteration

Value Iteration

  • V(s)
    • Bellman equation
      max(a in actions)
          (sum(all states)
    • = max(a in actions)(Q(s, a))
      • Q-value: Q(s, a)
        • .
          sum(all states)
        • 针对不同的 action
        • 一个 action 可能去到不同的 state
          • P, reward 都要针对 state+action 才行
          • 所以 sum(all states)
      • converges exponentially fast to the optimal policy
        • proven
        • can be easily parallelised
          • the values of states at step t+1 are dependent only on the value of other states at step t.
    • policy extraction
      • argmax

Policy Iteration

  • need to calculates the value of each state of the MDP given that policy
    • policy evaluation
  • easier to compute than value iteration
    • the set of actions to consider is fixed by the policy that we have so far
  • V^{π}(s)
    • expected discounted accumulated reward/cost of following the policy π from s to goal
    • weighted avg of cost of the possible state sequences
  • Q^{π}(s,a)
  • finite number of iterations
    • unlike value iteration
    • because the number of policies is finite
      • O(|A|^|S|)

polynomial state space size

  • but exponential number of variables if using PDDL-like language
    • Solving MDPs with (admissible) Heuristic Search
      • why think of it
        • A* and IDA* manage to optimally solve problems with more than 10^20 states
        • Often the set of states reachable from s_0 using the optimal policy is much small that the set of total states
      • using the value function V as the heuristic if it is admissible
      • work only from the known initial state s_0 or any state reachable from s_0
      • Value/Policy Iteration vs Heuristic Search
        • iteration.vs.heuristic
        • value/policy iteration
          • solve exhaustively once
            • more expensive
            • can use the resulting policy many times for all states
        • heuristic search
          • solve online each time we encounter a new state (not considered before)

Partially-observable MDPs, POMDPs

  • MDPs assume that the agent always knows exactly what state it is in
    • not valid for many tasks
      • an unmanned aerial vehicle searching in a earthquake zone for survivors
      • a card-player agent will not know the cards its opponent holds
  • Partially-observable MDPs (POMDPs) relax the assumption of full-observability
    • initial belief state b_0
    • a sensor model given by probabilities P_a(o|s), o ∈ Obs
  • how to solve
    • same techs/algos as MDPs, but over a larger search space
      • case the POMDP problem as a standard MDP problem with a new state space
        • each state is a probability distribution over the set S. Thus, each state of the POMDP is a belief state, which defined the probability of being in each state S.