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Non-deterministic planning

actions with uncertain outcomes where we don’t have probabilities


  • Classical Planning
    • Deterministic events
    • Environments change only as the result of an action
    • Perfect knowledge (omniscience, the state of knowing everything)
    • Single actor (omnipotence, the quality of having unlimited or very great power)
  • MDPs
    • Drop deterministism
  • FOND, Fully-Observable Non-Deterministic Planning
    • Drop probabilities further , assume nothing about the probabilities between these multiple outcomes
      • why
        • don’t have enough data to learn them using reinforcement learning
        • probabilities non-stationary
          • change by the time we learn them
            • games, wars
              • opponent can exploit figures out probability distributions
        • a new environment
        • Actions outcomes are not random
          • but don’t know which will occur
      • examples
        • Asking someone to make you a coffee
          • the environment could be entirely deterministic, but we just do not know what outcome will occur, so our model of the environment must be non-deterministic.
        • Sending a drone out to scout over a hill for enemy combatans
        • Sending a query to a web-server for a page
        • The Triangle Tireworld
          • a canonical example of non-deterministic (non-probabilistic) planning
          • when the car moves, it can get a flat tire
          • some locations have a spare tire, others do not
  • Classical vs MDP vs FOND
    • classical-vs-mdp-vs-fond


  • Definition
  • Non-deterministic PDDL
    • (:requirements :typing :non-deterministic)
  • Solutions
    • produce a policy, rather than a plan
      • like MDPs
      • a policy, π : S → A, is a mapping from states to actions
        • specifies which action to choose in every possible state
    • types
      • Weak plan
        • achieves the goal for at least one possible execution
      • Strong cyclic plan
        • achieves the goal for all possible executions, possibly revisiting states
      • Strong acyclic plan
        • achieves the goal and never visits a state more than once
    • fairness
      • Not all problems have strong solutions.
      • Some problems have strong cyclic solutions but not strong acyclic solutions.
        • relies on the assumption of fairness
          • If we revisit apply the same action in the same state an infinite amount of times, we will encounter each non-deterministic effect an infinite amount of times.
      • Some problems are inherently unfair
        • e.g. if the non-determinism is caused by an adversary trying to stop you reaching your goal

Solving FOND Problems

  • current state-of-the-art approaches
    • use heuristic search to enumerate weak plans until a strong plan results
  • All-outcomes Determinisation of a FOND problem
    • a deterministic version of the FOND problem
      • new set of actions
        • by creating a unique action for each possible outcome of a non-deterministic action
    • weak plans
      • solve the all-outcomes determinisation using classical search
    • strong plans
      • iterate over many search problems to find a set of solutions that form a strong plan if one exists, or a stronger plan (compared to a weak plan) if a strong plan does not exist.
      • deadends
        • classical search algorithm close a deadend state and never re-visit it
        • FOND algorithm re-starts classical search many times
          • could re-visit a deadend state
            • mark it and never expand the deadend states during the classical search
      • improvements
        • Using the policy
          • use the previous policy for the previous weaker plan
        • Planning locally
          • search from unexpected states towards the expected states
            • expected states
              • states on a weak plan
            • unexpected states
              • states resulting from the other non-deterministic outcomes
          • effectively the same as Using-the-policy
            • but explicitly search for a state that in the policy
              • search the expected states as the goal
          • not working for tireworld
        • Using relevance
        • etc.
  • interesting points
    • the use of classical search
      • state-of-the-art FOND can make use of state-of-the-art classical search planner
    • use classical search to find weak plans, iteratively build up strong plans (if possible), and can solve a non-deterministic problem,


    • Definition
      • Decision problems for which there exists a deterministic Turing machine that runs in space exponential in the size of its input
        • runs in exponential time as well
    • why
      • Some of the complexity comes from the all-outcomes determinisation
        • N actions, averaged k outcomes -> N^{k} actions for all-outcomes determinisation