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🔀 Async Explainer

This explainer describes a feature that is part of the forthcoming "Preview 3" release of the Component Model. The relevant parts of the AST explainer, binary format and Canonical ABI explainer are gated by the 🔀 emoji.

This explainer provides a high-level summary of the native async support in the Component Model. For a detailed presentation of the runtime semantics, see the Canonical ABI explainer. See also the Wasm I/O 2024 presentation for a summary of the motivation and animated sketch of the design in action.


Given only synchronous functions with values and resources, when a component needs to do concurrent (i.e., overlapping, interleaved, streaming) I/O, the resulting WIT interfaces and implementations end up being complex, hard to compose, and less efficient. By extending the Component Model with built-in asynchronous support, these pain points can be addressed.

The Component Model's goals and intended use cases suggest the following additional goals and requirements for native async support:

  • Be independent-of but complementary-to the Core WebAssembly stack-switching proposal; don't depend on this proposal being fully standard or implemented (just like JSPI).
  • Be independent-of but complementary-to the Core WebAssembly shared-everything-threads proposal; don't depend on this proposal being fully standard or implemented and ensure that components can achieve a high degree of concurrency using only one.
  • Avoid partitioning interfaces and components into separate strata; don't give functions (or components) a color.
  • Enable tight integration (e.g., automatic bindings generation) with a wide variety of source languages' built-in concurrency features.
  • Maintain meaningful cross-language call stacks (for the benefit of debugging, logging and tracing).
  • Provide mechanisms for applying and observing backpressure.

High-level Approach

Based on the above goals, the Component Model's approach to native async starts by allowing components to import and export "async" functions which abstract over and can literally be implemented in terms of:

  • async functions in languages like C#, JS, Python, Rust and Swift
  • stackful coroutines in languages like Kotlin, Perl, PHP and (recently) C++
  • green threads as-if running on a single OS thread in languages like Go and (initially and recently again) Java

The Component Model supports this wide variety of language features by specifying a common low-level "async" ABI which the different languages' compilers and runtimes can bind their different language-level concurrency features to. This is similar to how a native OS exposes APIs for concurrency (such as epoll, io_uring, kqueue or Overlapped I/O) to which most of these languages' concurrency features are already bound (making the Component Model "just another OS" from the language toolchains' perspective).

Moreover, this async ABI does not require components to use preemptive multi-threading (thread.spawn) in order to achieve concurrency. Instead, concurrency can be achieved by cooperatively switching between different logical tasks running on a single thread. This switching may require the use of fibers or a CPS transform, but may also be avoided entirely when a component's producer toolchain is engineered to always return to an event loop.

To avoid partitioning the world along sync/async lines as mentioned in the Goals section, the Component Model allows every component-level function type to be both implemented and called in either a synchronous or asynchronous manner. Thus, function types do not dictate synchrony or asynchrony and all 4 combinations of {sync, async} x {caller, callee} are supported and given a well-defined behavior. Specifically, the caller and callee can independently specify async as an immediate flags on the lift and lower definitions used to define their imports and exports.

To propagate backpressure, it's necessary for a component to be able to say "there are too many async export calls already in progress, don't start any more until I let some of them complete". Thus, the low-level async ABI provides a way to apply and release backpressure.

With this backpressure protocol in place, there is a natural way for sync and async code to interoperate:

  1. If an async component calls a sync component and the sync component blocks, execution is immediately returned to the async component, effectively suspending the sync component.
  2. If anyone tries to reenter the now-suspended sync component, the Component Model automatically signals backpressure on the suspended component's behalf.

Thus, backpressure combined with the partitioning of low-level state provided by the Component Model enables sync and async code to interoperate while preserving the expectations of both.

TODO: future and stream types that can be used in function signatures will be added next.


The following concepts are defined as part of the Component Model's native async support.

Sync and Async Functions

The distinction between sync and async functions does not appear in the component-level function type (nor in WIT). Rather, an "async" function is a component-level function that has been lifted from Core WebAssembly with the async option set. Symmetrically, a "sync" function is a component-level function that does not have the async option set (which is the default and only option prior to Preview 3). Thus, the sync/async distinction appears only independently in how a component-level function is implemented or called.


Every time a lifted function is called (e.g., when a component's export is called by the outside world), a new task is created that logically contains all the transitive control-flow state of the export call and will be destroyed when the export call finishes. When all of a component's exports are lifted synchronously, there will be at most one task alive at any one time. However, when a component exports asynchronously-lifted functions, there can be multiple tasks alive at once.

In the Canonical ABI explainer, a "task" is represented with the Python Task class, which is created by each call to canon_lift and has SyncTask and AsyncTask subclasses to factor out state and behavior only needed for sync- or async-lifted functions, resp.

Current Task

At any point in time when executing in Core WebAssembly code, there is a single, unambiguous current task. Thus, whenever a canonical built-in is called by Core WebAssembly code, it is meaningful for the built-in to work in terms "the current task".

The "current task" is modelled in the Canonical ABI's Python code by implicitly threading the Task object created by canon_lift through all the async def Python functions transitively called by canon_lift. Thus, although there can be multiple live Task objects in a component instance, "the current one" is always clear: it's the one passed to the current function as a parameter.

Subtask and Supertask

Each component-to-component call necessarily creates a new task in the callee. The callee task is a subtask of the calling task (and, conversely, the calling task is a supertask of the callee task. This sub/super relationship is immutable and doesn't change over time (until the callee task completes and is destroyed).

The Canonical ABI's Python code represents the subtask relationship between a caller Task and a callee Task via the Python Subtask class. Whereas a Task object is created by each call to canon_lift, a Subtask object is created by each call to canon_lower. This allows Subtasks to store the state that enforces the caller side of the Canonical ABI rules.

Structured concurrency

To realize the above goals of always having a well-defined cross-component async callstack, the Component Model's Canonical ABI enforces Structured Concurrency by dynamically requiring that a task waits for all its subtasks to finish before the task itself is allowed to finish. This means that a subtask cannot be orphaned and there will always be an async callstack rooted at an invocation of an export by the host. Moreover, at any one point in time, the set of tasks active in a linked component graph form a forest of async call trees which e.g., can be visualized using a traditional flamegraph.

The Canonical ABI's Python code enforces Structured Concurrency by maintaining a simple per-Task num_async_subtasks counter that traps if not zero when the Task finishes.


When a component asynchronously lowers an import, it is explicitly requesting that, if the import blocks, control flow be returned back to the calling task so that it can do something else. Eventually though a task may run out of other things to do and will need to wait for progress on one of the task's subtasks. While a task is waiting, the runtime can switch to other running tasks or start new tasks by invoking exports.

The Canonical ABI provides two ways for a task to wait:

  • The task can call the task.wait built-in to synchronously wait for progress. This is specified in the Canonical ABI by the canon_task_wait function.
  • The task can specify a callback function (in the canon lift definition) and return to the event loop to wait for notification of progress by a call to the callback function. This is specified in the Canonical ABI by the opts.callback case in canon_lift.

While the two approaches have significant runtime implementation differences (the former requires fibers or a CPS transform while the latter only requires storing a small i32 "context" in the task), semantically they do the same thing which, in the Canonical ABI Python code, is factored out into Task's wait method. Thus, the difference between callback and non-callback is mostly one of optimization, not expressivity.


Once a component exports asynchronously-lifted functions, multiple concurrent export calls can start piling up, each consuming some of the component's finite private resources (like linear memory), requiring the component to be able to exert backpressure to allow some tasks to finish (and release private resources) before admitting new async export calls. To do this, a component may call the task.backpressure built-in to set a "backpressure" flag that causes subsequent export calls to immediately return in the "starting" state without calling the component's Core WebAssembly code.

Once task enables backpressure, it can wait for existing tasks to finish and release their associated resources. Thus, a task can choose to wait with or without backpressure enabled, depending on whether it wants to accept new accept new export calls while waiting or not.

See the canon_task_backpressure function and Task.enter method in the Canonical ABI explainer for the setting and implementation of backpressure.

Once a task is allowed to start according to these backpressure rules, its arguments are lowered into the callee's linear memory and the task is in the "started" state.


The way an async Core WebAssembly function returns its value is by calling task.return, passing the core values that are to be lifted.

The main reason to have task.return is so that a task can continue execution after returning its value. This is useful for various finalization tasks (such as logging, billing or metrics) that don't need to be on the critical path of returning a value to the caller.

A task may not call task.return unless it is in the "started" state. Once task.return is called, the task is in the "returned" state. A task can only finish once it is in the "returned" state. See the canon_task_return function in the Canonical ABI explainer for more details.


With that background, we can sketch the shape of an async component that lifts and lowers its imports and exports with async. The meat of this component is replaced with ... to focus on the overall flow of function calls.

  (import "fetch" (func $fetch (param "url" string) (result (list u8))))
  (core module $Main
    (import "" "fetch" (func $fetch (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
    (import "" "task.return" (func $task_return (param i32)))
    (import "" "task.wait" (func $wait (param i32) (result i32)))
    (func (export "summarize") (param i32 i32)
        call $fetch      ;; pass a pointer-to-string and pointer-to-list-of-bytes outparam
        ...              ;; ... and receive the index of a new async subtask
      loop               ;; loop as long as there are any subtasks
        call $task_wait  ;; wait for a subtask to make progress
      call $task_return  ;; return the string result
  (canon lower $fetch async (core func $fetch'))
  (canon task.return (core func $task_return))
  (canon task.wait (core func $task_wait))
  (core instance $main (instantiate $Main (with "" (instance
    (export "fetch" (func $fetch'))
    (export "task.return" (func $task_return))
    (export "task.wait" (func $task_wait))
  (canon lift (core func $main "summarize") async
    (func $summarize (param "urls" (list string)) (result string)))
  (export "summarize" (func $summarize))

Because the imported fetch function is canon lowered with async, its core function type (shown in the first import of $Main) takes pointers to the parameter and results (which are asynchronously read-from and written-to) and returns the index of a new subtask. summarize calls task.wait repeatedly until all fetch subtasks have finished, noting that task.wait can return intermediate progress (as subtasks transition from "starting" to "started" to "returned" to "done") which tell the surrounding core wasm code that it can reclaim the memory passed arguments or use the results that have now been written to the outparam memory.

Because the summarize function is canon lifted with async, its core function type has no results, since results are passed out via task.return. It also means that multiple summarize calls can be active at once: once the first call to task.wait blocks, the runtime will suspend its callstack (fiber) and start a new stack for the new call to summarize. Thus, summarize must be careful to allocate a separate linear-memory stack in its entry point, if one is needed, and to save and restore this before and after calling task.wait.

(Note that, for brevity this example ignores the memory and realloc immediates required by canon lift and canon lower to allocate the list param and string result, resp.)

This same example can be re-written to use the callback immediate (thereby avoiding the need for fibers) as follows. Note that the internal structure of this component is almost the same as the previous one (other than that summarize is now lifted from two core wasm functions instead of one) and the public signature of this component is the exact same. Thus, the difference is just about whether the stack is cleared by the core wasm code between events, not externally-visible behavior.

  (import "fetch" (func $fetch (param "url" string) (result (list u8))))
  (core module $Main
    (import "" "fetch" (func $fetch (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
    (import "" "task.return" (func $task_return (param i32)))
    (import "" "task.wait" (func $wait (param i32) (result i32)))
    (func (export "summarize") (param i32 i32) (result i32)
        call $fetch           ;; pass a pointer-to-string and pointer-to-list-of-bytes outparam
        ...                   ;; ... and receive the index of a new async subtask
      ...                     ;; return a non-zero "cx" value passed to the next call to "cb"
    (func (export "cb") (param $cx i32) (param $event i32) (param $payload i32)
      if ... subtasks remain ...
        get_local $cx
        return                ;; wait for another subtask to make progress
      call $task_return       ;; return the string result
      i32.const 0             ;; return zero to signal that this task is done
  (canon lower $fetch async (core func $fetch'))
  (canon task.return (core func $task_return))
  (canon task.wait (core func $task_wait))
  (core instance $main (instantiate $Main (with "" (instance
    (export "fetch" (func $fetch'))
    (export "task.return" (func $task_return))
    (export "task.wait" (func $task_wait))
  (canon lift (core func $main "summarize") async (callback (core func $main "cb"))
    (func $summarize (param "urls" (list string)) (result string)))
  (export "summarize" (func $summarize))

While this example spawns all the subtasks in the initial call to summarize, subtasks can also be spawned from cb (even after the call to task.return). It's also possible for summarize to call task.return called eagerly in the initial core summarize call.

The $event and $payload parameters passed to cb are the same as the return values from task.wait in the previous example. The precise meaning of these values is defined by the Canonical ABI.

Interaction with multi-threading

For now, the integration between multi-threading (via thread.spawn) and native async is limited. In particular, because all lift and lower definitions produce non-shared functions, any threads spawned by a component via thread.spawn will not be able to directly call imports (synchronously or asynchronously) and will thus have to use Core WebAssembly atomics.* instructions to switch back to a non-shared function running on the "main" thread (i.e., whichever thread was used to call the component's exports).

However, a future addition to this proposal (in the TODOs below) would be to allow lifting and lowering with async + shared. What's exciting about this approach is that a non-shared component-level function could be safely lowered with async shared. In the case that the lifted function being lowered was also async shared, the entire call could happen on the non-main thread without a context switch. But if the lifting side was non-shared, then the Component Model could automatically handle the synchronization of enqueing a call to the export (as in the backpressure case mentioned above), returning a subtask for the async caller to wait on as usual. Thus, the sync+async composition story described above could naturally be extended to a sync+async+shared composition story, continuing to avoid the "what color is your function" problem (where shared is the color).

Even without any use of, native async provides an opportunity to achieve some automatic parallelism "for free". In particular, due to the shared-nothing nature of components, each component instance could be given a separate thread on which to interleave all tasks executing in that instance. Thus, in a cross-component call from C1 to C2, C2's task can run in a separate thread that is automatically synchronized with C1 by the runtime. This is analogous to how traditional OS processes can run in separate threads, except that the component model is allowing, but not requiring the separate threads. While it's unclear how much parallelism this would unlock in practice, it does present interesting opportunities to experiment with optimizations over time as applications are built with more components.

Interaction with the start function

Since component-level start functions can be any component-level function (with type [] -> []), async functions can be start functions. This raises some interesting questions concerning how much concurrency during instantiation (of a whole component DAG) is allowed and how parent components can control this. For now, this remains a TODO and validation will reject async-lifted start functions.


Native async support is being proposed in progressive chunks. The following features will be added in future chunks to complete "async" in Preview 3:

  • future/stream/error: add for use in function types for finer-grained concurrency
  • subtask.cancel: allow a supertask to signal to a subtask that its result is no longer wanted and to please wrap it up promptly
  • allow "tail-calling" a subtask so that the current wasm instance can be torn down eagerly
  • task.index+task.wake: allow tasks in the same instance to wait on and wake each other (async condvar-style)
  • nonblocking function type attribute: allow a function to declare in its type that it will not transitively do anything blocking
  • recursive function type attribute: allow a function to be reentered recursively (instead of trapping)
  • enable async start functions
  • integrate with shared: define how to lift and lower functions async and shared