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Getting Started / My First Workflow

In this section, we're going to step you through getting started, creating a Type and Data, Creating a Workflow and working with a task.

We're going to start with a customer service example. We're going to configure World of Workflows with a system to manage sales leads. We'll be able to categorize these leads and create a system for follow-up and closing them.

In addition, we'll create several views so you can allow your users to easily navigate the data.

Follow the steps below to complete this exercise.

  1. Creating a data structure - In this section, we create the structure for the data we are going to use. We commonly create solutions by working with data first.
  2. Adding data - In this section we add data for lead status and add our first lead.
  3. Create Workflow - In this section, we create a workflow to follow up a lead with a task.
  4. Try it out - Try out the workflow and see the tasks you created

Creating a data structure

We're going to create two types:

  • Lead contains information on the lead
  • LeadStatus contains the status of the lead.

Note: we use singular names by convention when creating types.

Creating Types

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Types Types
  2. Click + to create a New Type New Lead
  3. Enter the Name as Lead and the Description as A Lead. Click Save.
  4. Click + to create another new Type
  5. Enter the Name as LeadStatus and the Description as Status of a Lead
  6. Types should look like the screenshot below. If not, use the delete or edit buttons to make the relevant amendments. Created Types

Creating Columns

  1. Click the Edit Type Columns button next to the Lead Type.
  2. As you can see, we have an existing column, the Title Column. Title columns are important but you can change their name, display name, description, display order and whether they are visible. Initial Columns
  3. Click + to add a new Column Add Column
  4. Enter details as follows:
    1. Column Name: FullName
    2. Display Name: Full Name
    3. Description: The Full name of the lead
    4. DataType: String
    5. Display Order: Leave Blank
    6. Visible: Checked
    7. Indexed: Not Checked
  5. Click Save & Add Another
  6. Enter Details as follows:
    1. Column Name: Email
    2. Display Name: Email
    3. Description: The Email address of the lead
    4. DataType: String
    5. Display Order: Leave Blank
    6. Visible: Checked
    7. Indexed: Not Checked
  7. Click Save & Add Another
  8. Enter Details as follows:
    1. Column Name: Description
    2. Display Name: Description
    3. Description: The Description of the lead
    4. DataType: String
    5. Display Order: Leave Blank
    6. Visible: Checked
    7. Indexed: Not Checked
  9. Click Save & Add Another
  10. Enter Details as follows:
    1. Column Name: Status
    2. Display Name: Status
    3. Description: The status of the lead
    4. DataType: Reference
    5. Object Type: LeadStatus
    6. Display Order: Leave Blank
    7. Visible: Checked
    8. Indexed: Not Checked
  11. Click Save
  12. Your Lead Columns should look like the screenshot below. If not, use the edit and delete buttons to fix it. Lead Columns

You have successfully created the data structure so can go to step 2, adding data

Adding Data


In this section, we are going to add some lead statuses, and our first couple of leads.

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Types -> LeadStatus LeadStatusClear
  2. Click + to add a new Lead Status Add Lead Status
  3. Add details as follows:
    1. Title: New
  4. Click Save & Add Another
  5. Add details as follows:
    1. Title: Qualified
  6. Click Save & Add Another
  7. Add details as follows:
    1. Title: Closed
  8. Click Save
  9. LeadStatus will look like the screen shot below. Click on the Id of items to change or delete them. Lead Statuses


  1. Navigate to Admin -> Types -> Lead LeadsClear
  2. Click + to add a new Lead Add New Lead
  3. Add details as follows:
    1. Title: World of Workflows
    2. Full Name: Nick Beaugeard
    3. Email:
    4. Description: opportunity to sell our product to World of Workflows
    5. Status: New
  4. Click Save
  5. The list of leads should look like the screen shot below. Note in this case I modified a mistake, so the modified date is greater than the created date. Created Lead

You have successfully created the data so can go to step 3, create workflow

Create Workflow

  1. Navigate to Admin --> Workflows Workflow Dashboard
  2. Click Create Workflow Workflow Canvas
  3. Click the Cog icon in the top right Workflow Settings
  4. Make the name Review Lead and click Save
  5. Click Add Activity
  6. On the left, choose Data Activity Picker
  7. Scroll down and choose Object Instance Trigger Object Instance Trigger
  8. Drag the new activity to a position on the left Dragged Activity
  9. Right Click the Object Instance Trigger and click Edit OIT Properties
  10. Select Lead under Object Type Id and Choose the Common Tab.
  11. Change the Name to LeadTrigger and the Display Name to Review Lead Common Settings
  12. Click Save
  13. Click Add Activity
  14. On the left, choose Tasks and choose Task Create
  15. Drag the Task Create activity to the right of the Review Lead Activity Two Activities
  16. Now using the blue dot to the right of the Review Lead activity, connect it to the blue circle on the Task Create Activity. It should look like the below: Connected Activities
  17. Right Click the Task Create activity and choose Edit Task Editor
  18. To the right of the Title, click Elipsis and choose Liquid
  19. In the Title Type Review Lead #{%raw%}{{Activities.LeadTrigger.InstanceId}}{%endraw%}
  20. In the description, type # Review Lead It is time to review this lead. Please review it
  21. Leave the Severity, Priority and Due. Task Editor
  22. In the related ObjectId, click Elipsis and choose Liquid
  23. Enter {%raw%}{Activities.LeadTrigger.ObjectId}}{%endraw%} in the Related Object Id
  24. In the Data Questions Add Status for Name and Status for Value
  25. In Branches, add the text "Done" and click Enter. Task Editor 2
  26. Click Save
  27. Click Publish

Congratulations. You have created your first workflow. When you click the option on a lead it should create a task to update the lead. You can now Try it out.

Note: The Liquid system is a way of reading and writing data between activities. In World of Workflows, we support Liquid and JavaScript for this.

Try it Out

  1. Navigate to Admin --> Types --> Lead Leads
  2. Click the Id for the Lead (In this case 4) Lead Details
  3. Click the Workflows Tab Workflows Tab
  4. Click Review Lead
  5. Navigate to Tasks Tasks
  6. Click Pick next to the task. This moves the task from the available queue into your queue. Picked Task
  7. Click the Task in the My Tasks queue. Review Task
  8. Here you can change the status of the lead, click Done and Submit to save. You can also Unassign the lead if you wish.

Congratulations. You have now completed our first getting started guide. You have created a lead management system that allows for task-based reviews of leads.