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Ted Curran edited this page Feb 26, 2018 · 12 revisions

#Page Level Progress

Page Level Progress is an extension bundled with the Adapt framework.

Progress bar clicked and drawer opening, showing completion status of components

Progress bar on menu item showing percentage of components completed This extension displays the learner's progress through a page via a progress bar displayed in the top navigation bar. Progress is calculated as the percentage of child components that have been completed. Clicking on the progress bar opens the drawer to reveal completion status of individual components. Page progress may also be displayed on menu items representing the page.

Visit the page dedicated to Usage and Tips.


As one of Adapt's core extensions, Page Level Progress is included with the installation of the Adapt framework and the installation of the Adapt authoring tool.

  • If Page Level Progress has been uninstalled from the Adapt framework, it may be reinstalled. With the Adapt CLI installed, run the following from the command line:
    adapt install adapt-contrib-pageLevelProgress

  • If Page Level Progress has been uninstalled from the Adapt authoring tool, it may be reinstalled using the Plug-in Manager.


The settings listed below are the properties that may be configured within the authoring tool. Listed first is the name of the property as it is presented in the authoring tool. It is followed in parentheses by the property as it is used in the Page Level Progress source code. Finally, an explanation is provided to help the course author better utilize the property.

The relationship between Page Level Progress's properties and the way they are presented in the authoring tool’s interface is governed by properties.schema.

Is Enabled (_isEnabled): Turns on and off Page Level Progress. Acceptable values are true and false. This true/false switch is available in course configuration, pages/sections, and components.

Is Optional (_isOptional): This true/false switch is available on individual menus, pages, articles, blocks, and components. If set on an element that has "child" elements (e.g., blocks that contain components), all the "children" will inherit the setting from their parent element. Is Optional is a property that is utilized by several extensions. To Page Level Progress it signifies that the course element does not need to be included when calculating the percent of components that have been completed. Because this property is read by other extensions, the choices made for Page Level Progress will affect Spoor. [Provide an example of how these interact.]


No known limitations.


In the setting dialog below (found on the Page level settings in the authoring tool), the following text appears to need clarification:

Show page completion: [] Controls whether the progress calculations for this page are based on all components - or only those that are set to be displayed in Page Level Progress.

Please reword so it's clearer what clicking the box DOES -- does TRUE mean it will calculate completion for all components or just selected ones?