diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/es.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/es.json index 41658de792cd..b327a89361bd 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/es.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/es.json @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ "348951052": "Su cajero está actualmente bloqueado", "349047911": "Sobre", "351744408": "Comprueba si una cadena de texto dada está vacía", - "352363702": "You may see links to websites with a fake Deriv login page where you’ll get scammed for your money.", + "352363702": "Es posible que vea enlaces a sitios web con una página Deriv de inicio de sesión falsa en la que le estafarán su dinero.", "353731490": "Trabajo hecho", "354945172": "Enviar documento", "357477280": "Rostro no encontrado", @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ "797500286": "negativo", "800228448": "Esta política de quejas, que puede cambiar de vez en cuando, se aplica a su(s) cuenta(s) registrada(s) con {{legal_entity_name_svg}} y {{legal_entity_name_fx}}.", "800521289": "Sus datos personales están incompletos", - "801430087": "A link can contain the word \"Deriv\" and still be fake.", + "801430087": "Un enlace puede contener la palabra \"Deriv\" y seguir siendo falso.", "802436811": "Ver detalles de la transacción", "802438383": "Se necesita una nueva prueba de dirección", "802556390": "segundos", @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ "1753226544": "eliminar", "1753975551": "Subir la página de la foto del pasaporte", "1756678453": "salir", - "1758386013": "Do not get lured to fake \"Deriv\" pages!", + "1758386013": "¡No se deje llevar por páginas \"Deriv\" falsas!", "1761038852": "Continuemos proporcionando comprobantes de domicilio e identidad.", "1761762171": "Reinicie la última operación con error (el bot ignora la operación fallida): {{ checkbox }}", "1762707297": "Número de teléfono", @@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ "-2017825013": "Entendido", "-505449293": "Ingrese una nueva contraseña para su cuenta Deriv.", "-703818088": "Inicie sesión en su cuenta solo a través de este enlace seguro, nunca en ningún otro lugar.", - "-1235799308": "Fake links often contain the word that looks like \"Deriv\" but look out for these differences.", + "-1235799308": "Los enlaces falsos suelen contener una palabra que se parece a \"Deriv\", pero tenga cuidado con estas diferencias.", "-2102997229": "Ejemplos", "-82488190": "He leído lo anterior detenidamente.", "-97775019": "No se fíe y no revele sus credenciales en sitios web, anuncios o correos electrónicos falsos.", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/fr.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/fr.json index 7b61e274f8c1..bded7871120f 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/fr.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/fr.json @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ "348951052": "Votre caisse est actuellement verrouillée", "349047911": "Supérieur", "351744408": "Teste si une chaîne de texte donnée est vide", - "352363702": "You may see links to websites with a fake Deriv login page where you’ll get scammed for your money.", + "352363702": "Vous pouvez voir des liens vers des sites web avec une fausse page de connexion Deriv où vous serez victime d'une arnaque pour votre argent.", "353731490": "Travail accompli", "354945172": "Soumettre le document", "357477280": "Aucun visage trouvé", @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ "797500286": "négatif", "800228448": "Cette politique de réclamation, qui peut changer de temps en temps, s'applique à votre (vos) compte(s) enregistré(s) auprès {{legal_entity_name_svg}} et {{legal_entity_name_fx}}.", "800521289": "Vos informations personnelles sont incomplètes", - "801430087": "A link can contain the word \"Deriv\" and still be fake.", + "801430087": "Un lien peut contenir le mot « Deriv » tout en étant faux.", "802436811": "Voir le détail de la transaction", "802438383": "Une nouvelle preuve d'adresse est nécessaire", "802556390": "secondes", @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ "1753226544": "supprimer", "1753975551": "Télécharger la photo de votre passeport", "1756678453": "sortir", - "1758386013": "Do not get lured to fake \"Deriv\" pages!", + "1758386013": "Ne vous laissez pas attirer par de fausses pages « Deriv » !", "1761038852": "Continuons à fournir des preuves d’adresse et d’identité.", "1761762171": "Redémarrez la dernière transaction en cas d'erreur (le bot ignore la transaction infructueuse): {{ checkbox }}", "1762707297": "Numéro de téléphone", @@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ "-2017825013": "C'est compris", "-505449293": "Rentrez un nouveau mot de passe pour votre compte Deriv.", "-703818088": "Connectez-vous à votre compte uniquement via ce lien sécurisé, jamais ailleurs.", - "-1235799308": "Fake links often contain the word that looks like \"Deriv\" but look out for these differences.", + "-1235799308": "Les faux liens contiennent souvent le mot qui ressemble à « Deriv », mais attention à ces différences.", "-2102997229": "Exemples", "-82488190": "J'ai lu attentivement ce qui précède.", "-97775019": "Ne faites pas confiance à de faux sites Web, publicités ou e-mails et ne divulguez pas vos informations d'identification.", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/id.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/id.json index a6a993cc40cc..e8ef45146e17 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/id.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/id.json @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ "348951052": "Kasir Anda sedang terkunci", "349047911": "Over", "351744408": "Uji jika string teks tertentu kosong", - "352363702": "You may see links to websites with a fake Deriv login page where you’ll get scammed for your money.", + "352363702": "Anda mungkin melihat tautan ke situs web dengan halaman login Deriv palsu di mana Anda mungkin akan terkena penipuan.", "353731490": "Pekerjaan selasai", "354945172": "Kirimkan dokumen", "357477280": "Wajah tidak ditemukan", @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ "797500286": "negatif", "800228448": "Kebijakan keluhan ini dapat berubah dari waktu ke waktu, berlaku untuk akun Anda yang terdaftar pada {{legal_entity_name_svg}} dan {{legal_entity_name_fx}}.", "800521289": "Data pribadi Anda tidak lengkap", - "801430087": "A link can contain the word \"Deriv\" and still be fake.", + "801430087": "Tautan dapat berisi kata “Deriv” namun masih dapat dipalsukan.", "802436811": "Lihat detail transaksi", "802438383": "Bukti alamat baru diperlukan", "802556390": "detik", @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ "1753226544": "hapus", "1753975551": "Unggah halaman foto paspor", "1756678453": "keluar", - "1758386013": "Do not get lured to fake \"Deriv\" pages!", + "1758386013": "Jangan tergoda untuk mengakses halaman “Deriv” palsu!", "1761038852": "Mari kita lanjutkan dengan memberikan bukti alamat dan identitas.", "1761762171": "Restart trade terakhir yang mengalami error (bot mengabaikan trading gagal): {{ checkbox }}", "1762707297": "Nomor telepon", @@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ "-2017825013": "Mengerti", "-505449293": "Masukkan kata sandi baru untuk akun Deriv Anda.", "-703818088": "Hanya masuk ke akun Anda di tautan aman ini, jangan pernah mengakses di tempat lain.", - "-1235799308": "Fake links often contain the word that looks like \"Deriv\" but look out for these differences.", + "-1235799308": "Tautan palsu sering berisi kata yang terlihat seperti “Deriv” tetapi perhatikan perbedaan ini.", "-2102997229": "Contoh", "-82488190": "Saya telah membaca informasi di atas dengan seksama.", "-97775019": "Jangan cepat percaya atau memberi informasi data pribadi Anda pada situs web, iklan, atau email palsu.", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/it.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/it.json index 5833ce9f0e94..9e6c9f8760d5 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/it.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/it.json @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ "348951052": "La cassa è momentaneamente bloccata", "349047911": "Sopra", "351744408": "Verifica se una determinata stringa è vuota", - "352363702": "You may see links to websites with a fake Deriv login page where you’ll get scammed for your money.", + "352363702": "Potresti vedere link a siti web con una falsa pagina di accesso a Deriv in cui verrai truffato per i tuoi soldi.", "353731490": "Lavoro concluso", "354945172": "Invia documento", "357477280": "Nessun volto rilevato", @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ "797500286": "negativo", "800228448": "La presente politica sui reclami potrebbe cambiare nel tempo, e si applica ai conti registrati con {{legal_entity_name_svg}} e {{legal_entity_name_fx}}.", "800521289": "I dati personali sono incompleti", - "801430087": "A link can contain the word \"Deriv\" and still be fake.", + "801430087": "Un link può contenere la parola «Deriv» ed essere comunque falso.", "802436811": "Visualizza dettagli della operazione", "802438383": "È necessaria una nuova prova a verifica dell'indirizzo", "802556390": "secondi", @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ "1753226544": "rimuovi", "1753975551": "Carica la pagina del passaporto con foto", "1756678453": "breakout", - "1758386013": "Do not get lured to fake \"Deriv\" pages!", + "1758386013": "Non farti attirare da false pagine «Deriv»!", "1761038852": "Proseguiamo fornendo documenti a verifica dell'identità e dell'indirizzo.", "1761762171": "Riavvia l'ultimo trade con errore (il bot ignora i trade non andati a buon fine): {{ checkbox }}", "1762707297": "Numero di telefono", @@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ "-2017825013": "Capito", "-505449293": "Inserisci una nuova password per il conto Deriv.", "-703818088": "Accedi al tuo conto solo tramite questo link sicuro, mai altrove.", - "-1235799308": "Fake links often contain the word that looks like \"Deriv\" but look out for these differences.", + "-1235799308": "I link falsi contengono spesso una parola che assomiglia a «Deriv», ma fai attenzione a queste differenze.", "-2102997229": "Esempi", "-82488190": "Ho letto attentamente quanto sopra.", "-97775019": "Non fidarti e fornire le tue credenziali su siti Web, annunci o e-mail falsi.", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/ko.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/ko.json index 1f23cbb36874..7591cb1f4c83 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/ko.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/ko.json @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ "348951052": "귀하의 캐셔는 현재 잠겨져 있습니다", "349047911": "오버", "351744408": "주어진 문자열이 비어 있는 지를 검사합니다", - "352363702": "You may see links to websites with a fake Deriv login page where you’ll get scammed for your money.", + "352363702": "가짜 Deriv 로그인 페이지가 있는 웹사이트로 연결되는 링크가 보일 수 있으며, 여기에서 돈으로 사기를 당할 수 있습니다.", "353731490": "작업 완료", "354945172": "문서 제출하기", "357477280": "얼굴이 발견되지 않았습니다", @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ "797500286": "음수", "800228448": "때때로 변경될 수 있는 이 불만사항 정책은 {{legal_entity_name_svg}} 및 {{legal_entity_name_fx}} 을 통해 등록되어 있는 귀하의 계좌(들) 에 적용됩니다.", "800521289": "귀하의 세부인적사항이 완료되지 않았습니다", - "801430087": "A link can contain the word \"Deriv\" and still be fake.", + "801430087": "링크에는 “Deriv”라는 단어가 포함될 수 있지만 여전히 가짜일 수 있습니다.", "802436811": "거래 세부내역 보기", "802438383": "새로운 주소증명이 필요합니다", "802556390": "초", @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ "1753226544": "제거하기", "1753975551": "여권 사진 페이지를 업로드하세요", "1756678453": "이탈하기", - "1758386013": "Do not get lured to fake \"Deriv\" pages!", + "1758386013": "가짜 “Deriv”페이지로 유인되지 마십시오!", "1761038852": "주소증명 및 신분증명 제공과 함께 시작합시다.", "1761762171": "에러가 있는 경우 지난 거래 재시작하기 (봇은 성공적이지 않은 거래를 무시합니다): {{ checkbox }}", "1762707297": "전화번호", @@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ "-2017825013": "알겠습니다", "-505449293": "귀하의 Deriv 계좌에 대해 새로운 비밀번호를 입력하세요.", "-703818088": "이 보안 링크를 통해서만 계정에 로그인하세요, 다른 곳에서는 하지 마십시오.", - "-1235799308": "Fake links often contain the word that looks like \"Deriv\" but look out for these differences.", + "-1235799308": "가짜 링크에는 'Deriv'처럼 보이는 단어가 포함되는 경우가 많지만 이러한 차이점을 주의하세요.", "-2102997229": "예시", "-82488190": "상기 내용을 주의깊게 읽었습니다,", "-97775019": "가짜 웹사이트, 광고 또는 또는 이메일로 귀하의 자격증명을 제공하시거나 신뢰하지 말아주세요.", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/pl.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/pl.json index 71ce05e4cd01..1caf101d36cc 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/pl.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/pl.json @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ "348951052": "Twój kasjer jest obecnie zablokowany", "349047911": "Powyżej", "351744408": "Sprawdza, czy określony ciąg tekstu jest pusty", - "352363702": "You may see links to websites with a fake Deriv login page where you’ll get scammed for your money.", + "352363702": "Możesz zobaczyć linki do stron internetowych z fałszywą stroną logowania Deriv, na której zostaniesz oszukany za swoje pieniądze.", "353731490": "Gotowe", "354945172": "Prześlij dokument", "357477280": "Nie rozpoznano twarzy", @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ "797500286": "ujemna", "800228448": "Polityka składania skarg, która może ulegać zmianom co jakiś czas, ma zastosowanie w odniesieniu do Twoich kont zarejestrowanych przez {{legal_entity_name_svg}} i {{legal_entity_name_fx}}.", "800521289": "Twoje dane osobowe są niepełne", - "801430087": "A link can contain the word \"Deriv\" and still be fake.", + "801430087": "Link może zawierać słowo „Deriv” i nadal być fałszywy.", "802436811": "Zobacz szczegóły transakcji", "802438383": "Potrzebny jest nowy dokument potwierdzający adres", "802556390": "sekundy", @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ "1753226544": "usuń", "1753975551": "Załaduj zdjęcie strony paszportu ze zdjęciem", "1756678453": "przerwij", - "1758386013": "Do not get lured to fake \"Deriv\" pages!", + "1758386013": "Nie daj się zwabić na fałszywe strony „Deriv”!", "1761038852": "Prześlij potwierdzenie adresu i tożsamości.", "1761762171": "Restartuj ostatni zakład w przypadku błędu (bot ignoruje zakłady, które się nie powiodły): {{ checkbox }}", "1762707297": "Numer telefonu", @@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ "-2017825013": "Rozumiem", "-505449293": "Wprowadź nowe hasło do konta Deriv.", "-703818088": "Zaloguj się na swoje konto tylko pod tym bezpiecznym linkiem, nigdy gdzie indziej.", - "-1235799308": "Fake links often contain the word that looks like \"Deriv\" but look out for these differences.", + "-1235799308": "Fałszywe linki często zawierają słowo, które wygląda jak „Deriv”, ale zwracaj uwagę na te różnice.", "-2102997229": "Przykłady", "-82488190": "Uważnie przeczytałem powyższe.", "-97775019": "Nie ufaj i nie zdradzaj swoich danych logowania na fałszywych stronach internetowych, reklamy lub e-maile.", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/pt.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/pt.json index 239d3c519cf2..9904b53f8693 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/pt.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/pt.json @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ "348951052": "Seu caixa está atualmente bloqueado", "349047911": "Acima", "351744408": "Testa se uma determinada sequência de texto está vazia", - "352363702": "You may see links to websites with a fake Deriv login page where you’ll get scammed for your money.", + "352363702": "Cuidado com sites falsos da Deriv e páginas de login falsas, você perderá todo seu dinheiro caso insira seus detalhes de login.", "353731490": "Trabalho feito", "354945172": "\nEnviar documento", "357477280": "Nenhum rosto encontrado", @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ "797500286": "negativo", "800228448": "Esta política de reclamações, que pode mudar de tempos em tempos, se aplica às suas contas registradas com {{legal_entity_name_svg}} e {{legal_entity_name_fx}}.", "800521289": "Seus dados pessoais estão incompletos", - "801430087": "A link can contain the word \"Deriv\" and still be fake.", + "801430087": "Um link pode conter a palavra “Deriv” e mesmo assim ser falso.", "802436811": "Ver detalhes da transação", "802438383": "Novo Comprovante de Endereço é necessário", "802556390": "segundos", @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ "1753226544": "remover", "1753975551": "Carregar foto da página do passaporte", "1756678453": "sair", - "1758386013": "Do not get lured to fake \"Deriv\" pages!", + "1758386013": "Não se deixe enganar por páginas “Deriv” falsas!", "1761038852": "Continue fornecendo os comprovantes de endereço e identidade.", "1761762171": "Reinicie a última negociação em caso de erro (o bot ignora a negociação malsucedida): {{ checkbox }}", "1762707297": "Número de telefone", @@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ "-2017825013": "Entendi", "-505449293": "Insira uma nova senha para sua conta Deriv.", "-703818088": "Faça login em sua conta apenas neste link seguro, nunca em outro lugar.", - "-1235799308": "Fake links often contain the word that looks like \"Deriv\" but look out for these differences.", + "-1235799308": "Links falsos geralmente contêm a palavra que parece com “Deriv”, mas fique atento a pequenas diferenças.", "-2102997229": "Exemplos", "-82488190": "Eu li o texto acima com atenção.", "-97775019": "Não insira seus detalhes de logins em outros sites, sites de anúncios ou emails falsos.", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/ru.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/ru.json index ebf79e4a3031..05ceffec0e12 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/ru.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/ru.json @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ "348951052": "Ваша касса заблокирована", "349047911": "Выше", "351744408": "Проверяет, является ли заданная строка текста пустой", - "352363702": "You may see links to websites with a fake Deriv login page where you’ll get scammed for your money.", + "352363702": "Вы можете встретить ссылки на сайты с ложной страницей входа на Deriv. Цель таких сайтов – украсть ваши данные и деньги.", "353731490": "Задание выполнено", "354945172": "Отправить документ", "357477280": "Лицо не найдено", @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ "797500286": "отрицательный", "800228448": "Данная политика рассмотрения жалоб, которая может время от времени меняться, применяется к вашему счету(-ам), открытому в {{legal_entity_name_svg}} и {{legal_entity_name_fx}}.", "800521289": "Отсутствуют некоторые личные данные", - "801430087": "A link can contain the word \"Deriv\" and still be fake.", + "801430087": "Ссылка может содержать слово \"Deriv\" и все равно быть ложной.", "802436811": "Смотреть детали транзакции", "802438383": "Необходимо новое подтверждение адреса", "802556390": "сек.", @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ "1753226544": "удалить", "1753975551": "Загрузите страницу паспорта с фотографией", "1756678453": "вырваться", - "1758386013": "Do not get lured to fake \"Deriv\" pages!", + "1758386013": "Не ведитесь на ложные страницы \"Deriv\"!", "1761038852": "Давайте перейдем к предоставлению подтверждения адреса и личности.", "1761762171": "Перезапустить последний контракт в случае ошибки (бот проигнорирует неудачный контракт): {{ checkbox }}", "1762707297": "Номер телефона", @@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ "-2017825013": "Понятно", "-505449293": "Введите новый пароль для вашего счета Deriv.", "-703818088": "Входите в систему только по этой защищенной ссылке, а не где-либо еще.", - "-1235799308": "Fake links often contain the word that looks like \"Deriv\" but look out for these differences.", + "-1235799308": "Ложные ссылки часто содержат слово, похожее на \"Deriv\". Нужно всегда обращать внимание на написание.", "-2102997229": "Примеры", "-82488190": "Я внимательно прочитал(а) вышеизложенное.", "-97775019": "Не доверяйте и не вводите свои учетные данные на ложных сайтах, в объявлениях или электронных письмах.", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/th.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/th.json index 972c415bb16e..be9f87aeae39 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/th.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/th.json @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ "348951052": "แคชเชียร์ของคุณถูกล็อคอยู่ในขณะนี้", "349047911": "สูงกว่า", "351744408": "ทดสอบว่า สตริงข้อความนั้นว่างเปล่าหรือไม่", - "352363702": "You may see links to websites with a fake Deriv login page where you’ll get scammed for your money.", + "352363702": "คุณอาจเห็นการเชื่อมโยงไปยังเว็บไซต์ที่มีหน้าเข้าสู่ระบบ Deriv ปลอมที่คุณจะได้รับ scammed สำหรับเงินของคุณ.", "353731490": "งานที่เสร็จแล้ว", "354945172": "ส่งเอกสาร", "357477280": "ตรวจไม่พบใบหน้า", @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ "797500286": "เชิงลบ", "800228448": "นโยบายการร้องเรียนนี้ ซึ่งอาจมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงเป็นครั้งคราว มีผลบังคับใช้กับบัญชี (ทั้งเดี่ยวหรือหลายบัญชี) ของคุณที่ลงทะเบียนกับ {{legal_entity_name_svg}} และ {{legal_entity_name_fx}}", "800521289": "รายละเอียดส่วนบุคคลของคุณไม่สมบูรณ์", - "801430087": "A link can contain the word \"Deriv\" and still be fake.", + "801430087": "การเชื่อมโยงสามารถมีคำว่า “Deriv” และยังคงเป็นของปลอม", "802436811": "ดูรายละเอียดธุรกรรม", "802438383": "ต้องการหลักฐานยืนยันที่อยู่ใหม่", "802556390": "วินาที", @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ "1753226544": "ลบ", "1753975551": "อัปโหลดหนังสือเดินทางหน้าที่มีรูปภาพ", "1756678453": "ทะลุออก", - "1758386013": "Do not get lured to fake \"Deriv\" pages!", + "1758386013": "ไม่ได้รับการล่อให้ปลอม “Deriv” หน้า!", "1761038852": "ดำเนินการต่อด้วยการให้หลักฐานยืนยันที่อยู่และหลักฐานยืนยันตัวตน", "1761762171": "เริ่มการซื้อขายใหม่ เนื่องจากเกิดข้อผิดพลาด (บอทละเว้นการซื้อขายที่ไม่สำเร็จ): {{ checkbox }}", "1762707297": "หมายเลขโทรศัพท์", @@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ "-2017825013": "รับทราบ", "-505449293": "ป้อนรหัสผ่านใหม่สําหรับบัญชี Deriv ของคุณ", "-703818088": "คุณต้องเข้าสู่ระบบบัญชีของคุณผ่านลิงก์ที่ปลอดภัยอันนี้เท่านั้น อย่าเข้ามาจากทางอื่น", - "-1235799308": "Fake links often contain the word that looks like \"Deriv\" but look out for these differences.", + "-1235799308": "ลิงก์ปลอมมักจะมีคำที่ดูเหมือนว่า “Deriv” แต่มองออกไปสำหรับความแตกต่างเหล่านี้", "-2102997229": "ตัวอย่าง", "-82488190": "ฉันได้อ่านข้อความข้างต้นอย่างระมัดระวังแล้ว", "-97775019": "อย่าไว้วางใจและอย่าให้ข้อมูลประจำตัวของคุณแก่เวบไซต์ปลอม โฆษณาปลอม หรืออีเมล์ปลอม", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/tr.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/tr.json index 311fac9ede06..9b9afd8d51a5 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/tr.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/tr.json @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ "348951052": "Kasiyeriniz şu anda kilitli", "349047911": "Üzerinde", "351744408": "Belirli bir metin dizesinin boş olup olmadığını test eder", - "352363702": "You may see links to websites with a fake Deriv login page where you’ll get scammed for your money.", + "352363702": "Paranız için dolandırıldığınız sahte Deriv giriş sayfasına sahip web sitelerine bağlantılar görebilirsiniz.", "353731490": "İş tamamlandı", "354945172": "Belgeyi gönderin", "357477280": "Yüz bulunamadı", @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ "797500286": "olumsuz", "800228448": "Zaman zaman değişebilen bu şikayet politikası, {{legal_entity_name_svg}} ve {{legal_entity_name_fx}} ile kayıtlı hesaplarınız için geçerlidir.", "800521289": "Kişisel bilgileriniz eksik", - "801430087": "A link can contain the word \"Deriv\" and still be fake.", + "801430087": "Bir bağlantı “Deriv” kelimesini içerebilir ve yine de sahte olabilir.", "802436811": "İşlem ayrıntılarını görüntüle", "802438383": "Yeni adres kanıtı gerekli", "802556390": "saniye", @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ "1753226544": "kaldırın", "1753975551": "Pasaport fotoğraf sayfası yükle", "1756678453": "ayrıl", - "1758386013": "Do not get lured to fake \"Deriv\" pages!", + "1758386013": "Sahte “Deriv” sayfalarına çekmeyin!", "1761038852": "Adres ve kimlik kanıtı sağlamaya devam edelim.", "1761762171": "Hata anında son işlemi yeniden başlat (bot başarısız alım satım işlemini yok sayar): {{ checkbox }}", "1762707297": "Telephone numarası", @@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ "-2017825013": "Anlaşıldı", "-505449293": "Deriv hesabınız için yeni bir parola girin.", "-703818088": "Hesabınıza yalnızca bu güvenli bağlantıdan giriş yapın, başka bir yerden asla.", - "-1235799308": "Fake links often contain the word that looks like \"Deriv\" but look out for these differences.", + "-1235799308": "Sahte bağlantılar genellikle “Deriv” gibi görünen kelimeyi içerir, ancak bu farklılıklara dikkat edin.", "-2102997229": "Örnekler", "-82488190": "Yukarıdakileri dikkatlice okudum.", "-97775019": "Sahte web siteleri, reklamlar veya e-postalara güvenmeyin ve kimlik bilgilerinizi vermeyin.", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/vi.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/vi.json index e6ea25d45c4b..10fa8dfebe11 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/vi.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/vi.json @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ "348951052": "Thu ngân của bạn đang bị khóa", "349047911": "Lớn hơn", "351744408": "Kiểm tra nếu một chuỗi văn bản cho sẵn còn trống", - "352363702": "You may see links to websites with a fake Deriv login page where you’ll get scammed for your money.", + "352363702": "Bạn có thể thấy các liên kết đến các trang web với một trang đăng nhập Deriv giả, nơi bạn sẽ nhận được lừa vì tiền của bạn.", "353731490": "Công việc hoàn thành", "354945172": "Nộp tài liệu", "357477280": "Không nhận diện được khuôn mặt", @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ "797500286": "âm", "800228448": "Chính sách khiếu nại này có thể thay đổi theo thời gian, áp dụng cho (các) tài khoản của bạn đã đăng ký với {{legal_entity_name_svg}} và {{legal_entity_name_fx}}.", "800521289": "Thông tin chi tiết cá nhân của bạn chưa hoàn thiện", - "801430087": "A link can contain the word \"Deriv\" and still be fake.", + "801430087": "Một liên kết có thể chứa từ “Deriv” và vẫn là giả mạo.", "802436811": "Xem chi tiết giao dịch", "802438383": "Cần xác nhận mới về địa chỉ", "802556390": "giây", @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ "1753226544": "gỡ", "1753975551": "Đăng ảnh trang hộ chiếu", "1756678453": "thoát ra", - "1758386013": "Do not get lured to fake \"Deriv\" pages!", + "1758386013": "Đừng bị thu hút để giả mạo “Deriv” trang!", "1761038852": "Hãy tiếp tục bằng cách cung cấp chứng minh địa chỉ và danh tính.", "1761762171": "Khởi động lại giao dịch cuối cùng do lỗi (bot bỏ qua giao dịch không thành công): {{ checkbox }}", "1762707297": "Số điện thoại", @@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ "-2017825013": "Đã hiểu", "-505449293": "Nhập một mật khẩu mới cho tài khoản Deriv của bạn.", "-703818088": "Chỉ đăng nhập vào tài khoản của bạn tại liên kết an toàn này, không bao giờ ở nơi khác.", - "-1235799308": "Fake links often contain the word that looks like \"Deriv\" but look out for these differences.", + "-1235799308": "Liên kết giả thường chứa từ trông giống như “Deriv” nhưng hãy chú ý đến những khác biệt này.", "-2102997229": "Ví dụ", "-82488190": "Tôi đã đọc cẩn thận ở trên.", "-97775019": "Không tin tưởng và cho đi thông tin đăng nhập của bạn trên các trang web, quảng cáo hoặc email giả mạo.", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_cn.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_cn.json index f75fb7e692c9..40caa768a181 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_cn.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_cn.json @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ "348951052": "您的收银台目前已锁定", "349047911": "大于", "351744408": "测试指定的文本字串是否为空", - "352363702": "You may see links to websites with a fake Deriv login page where you’ll get scammed for your money.", + "352363702": "您可能会看到带有虚假 Deriv 登录页面的网站链接,资金可能会通过这些链接被骗取。", "353731490": "完成工作", "354945172": "提交文件", "357477280": "未找到人脸", @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ "797500286": "负", "800228448": "此投诉政策可能会不时更改,适用于您在 {{legal_entity_name_svg}} 和 {{legal_entity_name_fx}} 注册的账户。", "800521289": "您的个人资料不完整", - "801430087": "A link can contain the word \"Deriv\" and still be fake.", + "801430087": "链接可能包含 “Deriv” 一词,但仍然是假的。", "802436811": "查看交易详情", "802438383": "需要新的地址证明", "802556390": "秒", @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ "1753226544": "移除", "1753975551": "上传含照片的护照页面", "1756678453": "分解", - "1758386013": "Do not get lured to fake \"Deriv\" pages!", + "1758386013": "不要被引诱前往虚假的 “Deriv” 页面!", "1761038852": "继续提供地址和身份证明。", "1761762171": "出现错误时重启上一个交易(机器人会忽略失败的交易):{{ checkbox }}", "1762707297": "电话号码", @@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ "-2017825013": "知道了", "-505449293": "输入Deriv账户的新密码。", "-703818088": "只能通过此安全链接登录账户,切勿在其他地方登录。", - "-1235799308": "Fake links often contain the word that looks like \"Deriv\" but look out for these differences.", + "-1235799308": "虚假链接通常包含类似 “Deriv” 的单词,但要注意这些区别。", "-2102997229": "例如", "-82488190": "我已经仔细阅读了以上内容。", "-97775019": "不要信任虚假网站、广告或电子邮件并泄露凭证。", diff --git a/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_tw.json b/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_tw.json index 3d420df21558..90c77268b0b2 100644 --- a/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_tw.json +++ b/packages/translations/src/translations/zh_tw.json @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ "348951052": "收銀台目前已鎖定。", "349047911": "大於", "351744408": "測試指定的文字字串是否為空", - "352363702": "You may see links to websites with a fake Deriv login page where you’ll get scammed for your money.", + "352363702": "您可能會看到帶有虛假 Deriv 登入頁面的網站連結,資金可能透過這些連結被騙。", "353731490": "完成工作", "354945172": "提交文件", "357477280": "未找到人臉", @@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ "797500286": "負", "800228448": "此投訴政策可能會不時更改,適用於您在 {{legal_entity_name_svg}} 和 {{legal_entity_name_fx}} 註冊的帳戶。", "800521289": "您的個人資料不完整", - "801430087": "A link can contain the word \"Deriv\" and still be fake.", + "801430087": "連結可能包含單詞「Deriv」,但仍然是假的。", "802436811": "檢視交易詳細資訊", "802438383": "需要新的地址證明", "802556390": "秒", @@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ "1753226544": "移除", "1753975551": "上傳含照片的護照頁面", "1756678453": "脫離", - "1758386013": "Do not get lured to fake \"Deriv\" pages!", + "1758386013": "不要被引誘前往偽造「Deriv」頁面!", "1761038852": "繼續提供地址和身份證明。", "1761762171": "出現錯誤時重啟上一個交易(機器人會忽略失敗的交易):{{ checkbox }}", "1762707297": "電話號碼", @@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ "-2017825013": "知道了", "-505449293": "輸入Deriv 帳戶的新密碼。", "-703818088": "僅通過此安全連結登入帳戶,而不是在其他地方。", - "-1235799308": "Fake links often contain the word that looks like \"Deriv\" but look out for these differences.", + "-1235799308": "假連結通常包含類似「Deriv」的單詞,但請注意這些差異。", "-2102997229": "例如", "-82488190": "我已經仔細閱讀了以上內容。", "-97775019": "請勿信任虛假網站、廣告或電子郵件並洩漏憑據。",