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Alexander Dobin edited this page Jun 16, 2020 · 5 revisions

SAM tags

Read group

Variation and WASP

Variation and WASP

Q: What is the meaning of vW:i:N tags for WASP filtering?

The WASP tags vW are described in the manual, Chapter 11 "WASP filtering of allele specific alignments."

Read group

Q: Picard is complaining about missing read group tags.

Read groups do not have to be present in the SAM/BAM file, and STAR does not add them by default. Picard requires them by default, which causes the error you see. I believe you can suppress Picard errors with IGNORE={MISSING_READ_GROUP,RECORD_MISSING_READ_GROUP} - please check the Picard manual for more options:
If you want to include read groups in STAR BAMs, you can use --outSAMattrRGline ID:my-read-group option.
You can also add RG tags to existing BAM with samtools addreplacerg

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