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Junit 5 & Mockito Learnings

It’s only human to make mistakes

Why Unit Testing?

  • Compile time errors handled by Compiler
  • Maximum exceptions handled by Coder.
  • But there can still be various scopes of logical errors and missing out on handling exceptions and n-number of reasons always.
  • Application might run in production but might not pass business logic of Unit Testing written earlier


Year Version
2002 JUnit
2006 JUnit4
2017 JUnit5

Why JUnit5?

  1. More than 10 years old
  2. Latest features(Functional Programming-Lambda,etc) not supported
  3. Bugs & features got pilled up
  4. Older versions supported monolithic architecture
  5. Various new Test Design Patterns commonly used nowadays were not supported

JUnit5 Architecture

  1. Helps in Running JUnit
Test Engine/Platform/Runner/Core : junit-jupiter-engine
  1. APIs for writing Unit Tests
JUnit API : junit-jupiter-api
Vintage API(Junit4 API & older ones supported) : junit-vintage-engine
3rd Party API : Support for 3rd Party APIs(Needs to implement interfaces of junit-jupiter-api

Annotations for Test Lifecycle Hooks

  • @BeforeAll— Before beginning of class
  • @BeforeEach— Before each Test cases
  • @Test — Test Instance(Lifecycle:PER_METHOD is default. Class instance created each time for Test)
  • @AfterEach— After each Test
  • @AfterAll — After everything in Class runs

Dependency across Tests isn’t a good practice. But if required then Order annotation can be used

Best Practices for Unit Testing

  1. Maintain Code Readability
  2. Follow Assert Convention(expected, actual)
  3. Ensure 100% code coverage as far as possible(Eg.Tools-EclEmma in IDE & Generate Jacoco reports)
  4. Give Proper Name of methods or use Display Annotation
  5. Mock single class
  6. Use Assert & Verify for all Tests. Check for Exceptions wherever applicable.
  7. Follow Test Driven Development(TDD)
  8. Have sections for Given, When & Then
  9. Use FIRST Principle(Fast, Independent, Repeatable, Self Validating, Timely)
  10. Follow Test Design Patterns
  11. Always test arguments for Null, Empty String, Special Character, As per expectaton and exceptions
  12. Always check IDs for Null, Duplicate & Valid
  13. Best practise for Unit Testing is to use @Mock. And for Integration testing, @MockBean is used which integrated in Spring Application Context
  14. @MockBean is used when we loaded Beans in Spring IOC Container for one class. But need bean of another layer not loaded. Then of Spring Test, we can use @MockBean to load the same

Types of Mocking Framework

  1. Proxy based Eg - EasyMock, JMock, Mockito)
  2. Byte code Manipulation/Classloader remapping Eg : jMockit, PowerMock)

Mockito Framework Annotations

  • @Mock : Mocks the dependency classes
  • @InjectMocks : Mocks the Class Under Test(CUT)/System Under Test(SUT)
  • @Captor : Allows to capture argument passed to methods for inspection
  • @RunWith : Multiple Runners not allowed. So, Rules annotation can be used instead to include multiple runners.
  • @Spy : Creates spies on real objects and helps in overriding too

JUnit Evolution over the Years in Depth

1. Stubbing Classes

  • Create Class Instance(Object)
  • Requires change each time, class is changed. Not a good practice.
class SubtractOperationTest{
    void testSubtractOperation(){
      SubtractOperation testClass = new SubtractOperation();
      int expected = 7;
      int actual = testClass.subtract(14,7);
      assertEquals(expected,actual,"Subtract Operation Testing");

2. Mocking Classes

  • Dependency : mockito-junit-jupiter
  • MockitoExtension replaces ancient MockitoAnnotation.init()
  • SpringExtension loads the entire Spring Context
class SubtractOperationMockTest{
    SubtractOperation testClass
    CheckNumber mockCheckNumber;
    void testSubtractOperation(){
      int expected = 7;
      int actual = testClass.subtract(14,7);
      assertEquals(expected,actual,"Subtract Operation Testing");

3. Controller Testing with WebMvcTest annotation

  • Loads only controller components of application(Controller,RestController,JsonComponent)
  • Auto-configure Spring MVC, Jackson, Gson, Message converters, etc.
  • Configures MockMVC — Doesn’t need to start the application completely as in Integration Testing
  • Used with MockBean for adding mocks for dependencies in Spring Application Context
  • Use MockMvc to mock different Request Mappings.
class ProductControllerTest{
    private MockMvc mockMvc;
    private ProductService mockProductService;
    void testGetProduct(){
      RequestBuilder request = MockMvcRequestBuilders.get("/products");
      MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(request).andExpect(status().isOk()).andReturn();
      assertEquals(200,result.getResponse().getContentAsString(),"Check Get Product");

4. Service Layer Testing

  • @InjectMocks : Creates objects and inject mocked dependencies. But tests actual object method.
  • @Mock : Creates mock objects for the Autowired dependencies
  • @MockitoJUnitRunner : In JUnit4, MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this) is called to initialize mock and inject in Test. So called before Test.
  • @MockitoExtension : Initializes mocking in only specific test. JUnit Jupiter equivalent of JUnit4 MockitoJUnitRunner. Here MockBean doesn’t work
  • @SpringExtension — Implements a lot more extensions than MockitoExtensions. Integrates the Spring TestContext Framework into JUnit 5’s Jupiter programming model. Hence, MockBean works with this.
class ProductServiceTest{
    private ProductService mockProductService;
    private ProductRepository mockProductRepository;
    void testGetProduct(){
      List<Product> products = new ArrayList<Products>(){
        new Product(1,"Fruits");
        new Product(2,"Vegetables");
      List<Product> resultProducts = mockProductService.getAllProducts();
      assertEquals(2,resultProducts.size(),"Check Count of Products");

5. Respository Layer Testing with DataJpaTest Annotation

  • Configures in-memory embedded database
  • Transactional & rolls back at end of @Test
  • Scans @Entity classes & configures Spring Data JPA Repository annotated with @Repository
class ProductRepositoryTest{
    private ProductRepository mockProductRepository;
    void testGetProduct(){
      List<Product> products = new ArrayList<Products>(){
        new Product(1,"Fruits");
        new Product(2,"Vegetables");
      List<Product> resultProducts = mockProductRepository.findAll();
      assertEquals(2,resultProducts.size(),"Check Count of Products");

6. Spying

  • Almost creates a class
  • Also can override a class
  • Only used for dependencies like @Mock. But not for SUT as @InjectMocks does
  • Below is one famous usecase where we need to write to List. But the CustomObject change isn't rquired. So in those times, Spy is used
List<CustomObject> cusList;
CustomObject c1;
CustomObject c2;
List<CustomObject> spyList;

CustomObject c1;

CustomObject c2;

class SubtractOperationSpyTest{
    SubtractOperation testClass
    CheckNumber spyCheckNumber;
    void testSubtractOperation(){
      int expected = 7;
      int actual = testClass.subtract(14,7);
      assertEquals(expected,actual,"Subtract Operation Testing");

Miscellaneous Points

  1. @RunWith : Loads Spring Application Context and relevant beans. In JUnit5, all annotations have this by default. So not required.
  2. JUnit5 supports JUnit4 as vintage engine.
  3. Include all static imports to IDE Preference>Editor>Favourites
  4. Surefire Plugin : Currently for JUnit compatibility needs Surefire provider & JUnit Jupiter Engine in plugin. By default checks *Test files. Change configuration if required for other name pattern check. Surefire reports are generated class basis.
  5. Jacoco Reports generated for the Unit tests in test phase for report goal

PowerMock Framework & its Need

  • Mockito doesn’t allow mocking private, final & static method.[Good OOPs design]
  • But there is a need time & again, so this framework can be used for such cases.
  • Dependencies(Engine-powermock-api-mockito, API — powermock-module-junit4) Integration Testing with SpringBootTest Annotation
  • Scans for SpringBootApplication annotation & loads entire application context from there.

Integration Testing

Option 1 : SpringBootTest Annotation with RestTemplate

  • Scans for SpringBootApplication annotation & loads entire application context from there.
  • This is from Spring Starter Test dependency usage

Option 2 : RestAssured Option

  • Since RestAssured internally uses Groovy. It would be good to follow the same pattern
  • RestAssured framework offers fluent BDD style interface than Spring Boot Test

My Sample Project link

Will come up with a detailed separate post on Powermock Framework & Integration Testing. Stay tuned in. 😃 🙏
