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154 lines (119 loc) · 8.04 KB

File metadata and controls

154 lines (119 loc) · 8.04 KB

Topcoder Connect App

Topcoder Connect is client facing application of Topcoder. Customers use Topcoder Connect to input requirements of their projects, then managers and copilots take it from there.


  • Node.js 8+
  • Npm 5+

Run locally for development

  • $ npm install - Installs all dependencies.
  • $ npm start - Run application in development mode against Topcoder development environment using dev config. In this case the frontend is build in memory by webpack server and uses dev tools like redux-logger.

Open browser with URL http://localhost:3000.

NPM commands

  • $ npm start - Run application in development mode against Topcoder development environment. In this case the frontend is build in memory by webpack server and uses dev tools like redux-logger.
  • $ npm build - Create build for production in /dest folder. In this case built app is configured to run against Topcoder production environment using prod config. Files are being minimized and gzipped.
  • $ npm run lint - Check js code linting.
  • $ npm run lint:fix - Check js code linting and trying to fix errors automatically.
  • $ npm run test - Performs tests running. Note we don't really have tests, so we only keep this command run successfully.
  • $ npm run test:watch - Performs tests on files changes.
  • $ generate:doc:permissions - Generate Permissions documentation from the constants
  • $ generate:doc:permissions:dev - same like above, but it regenerates the document on every file change and is handy during development

TC Deployment Notes

[TC Deployment Notes should always be kept up to date on the default branch. Update these notes when changes to this information occur]

General Deployment: This software is deployed to AWS S3 by CircleCI. It's ultimately delivered through AWS Cloudfront, which is fed from the S3 bucket. There are no EC2 systems involved in the delivery (althought Connect is fed from various micro-services).


  • Any commits to dev will will trigger a build and deploy to the dev AWS environment
  • Any commits to feature/deep-links will will trigger a build and deploy to the dev AWS environment
  • Any commits to master will trigger a build and deploy to the prod AWS environment

Development Flow: This repo uses typical Gitflow (feature/[feature name], hotfix/[fix name], ...etc). Generally changes to prod should be merged from dev to master. Hotfixes should be merged to master and dev at the same time.

Additional Notes:

  • The circle.yml file controls the build - see this file if you need to confirm if your commit will deploy anything
  • Circle-ci builds can be easily cancelled - please do so if you accidentally trigger an undesired build


Pull Requests

To contribute to the repository, please create a feature branch off of the dev branch. Once you're finished working on the feature, make a pull request to merge it into dev. Please make sure that every pull request has passed the build checks, which appear just before the "Merge pull request" button in github.

Code Style

Checkout the code and comments in src/components/ExampleComponent for an example React component, .scss file, and tests.


  • Most components should be stateless and use the functional component pattern
  • If you need a stateful component, use ES6 classes
  • Always use PropTypes for all props
  • Use classnames for dynamic classes. See ExampleComponent for an example.


  • Make sure your variable names are easy to understand and descriptive. No acronyms, except for common ones like i or err.
  • Use lodash and functional JavaScript if it makes the code clearer.
  • Please use ES2015 syntax whenever possible
  • Specific rules are enforced via .eslintrc.json
  • Run npm run lint to check your code against the linter

SCSS Files

  • This repository uses flexbox for arranging content
  • The use of any extra CSS libraries should be discussed with the team
  • Use SCSS syntax, but do not overly nest
  • Use 2 spaces for indentation
  • Use variables, mixins, and classes as much as possible from our style guide
  • To include variables from the style guide mentioned above, place @import 'topcoder/tc-includes;' at the top of your .scss file. Locally, you can look in ./node_modules/appirio-styles/styles/topcoder/_tc-colors.scss to find many colors already defined (e.g. #A3A3AE => $accent-gray)
  • When adding media queries, nest them inside the element, rather than creating a new section
@import 'topcoder/tc-includes;'

$my-local-var: 50px;

.box {
  height: $my-local-var;
  width: 50px;
  color: $medium-gray;
  @media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    height: 100px;
    width: 100px;
    color: $dark-gray;

  .inside-box {
    font-size: 14px;
    @media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
      font-size: 18px;

SVG Icons
- This repository uses plugin babel-plugin-inline-react-svg
- The plugin is used to inline-embed svg icons inside the markup

Steps to adding new icons
- Insert the svg file in the ~/src/assets/images/ directory
- Add a new icon component file in directory ~/src/components/Icons/Icon-Name.jsx and reference it on the global
  icon component in the ~/src/components/icons/ directory
- Wrap the svg icon inside an object for caching to optimize on perfomance.

Writing Tests

  • npm test will run the current tests
  • npm run test:watch will rerun tests when files change
  • Place your test files in the same directory as the component it's testing
  • Test files should be named ComponentName.spec.js
  • Checkout the ExampleComponent directory in /src/components

Recommended Developer Tools

Syntax highlighting for ES6 and React JSX

  • Install babel via the package manager in Sublime Text
    • Note: Sublime Text 3 is required for this plugin
  • Set the plugin as the default syntax for a particular extension
    • Open a file with the .js extension
    • Select View from the menu
    • Then Syntax -> Open all with current extension as...
    • Then Babel -> JavaScript (Babel)
    • Repeat for any other extensions, e.g. .jsx

Recommended Theme

  • Install Oceanic Next Color Theme via the Sublime Text package manager.
  • Add the following to Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings-User (⌘ + , on Mac)
  "color_scheme": "Packages/Oceanic Next Color Scheme/Oceanic Next.tmTheme",
  "theme": "Oceanic Next.sublime-theme"

Automatic JavaScript linting in Sublime Text

  • Install SublimeLinter following the instructions under "Installing via Package Control"
  • Install SublimeLinter-eslint with the package manager. The package is called SublimeLinter-contrib-eslint

Code expander

  • Examples:
    • becomes <div className="cool-class"></div>
    • a becomes <a href=""></a>
  • Install Emmet via Sublime Text package manager
  • Configure Emmet to work with React, e.g. classes expand to className instead of class
  • Follow the instructions under Get Emmet working
    • Note: Add the last snippet of code to reg_replace.sublime-settings by navigating to Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> Reg Replace -> Settings-User

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